A command line tool to generate Org Unit hierarchies for DHIS2 testing. The generated org units are sent directly to the metadata endpoint for import in batches.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
display usage info-u
DHIS2 instance user (default=admin
DHIS2 instance password (default=district
Levels in Org Unit hierarchy (default=6, max=7)-k
Number of child OUs (kids) as each level (default=10, max=26)-c
Rectangle defining the outer Org Unit boundary (default= 10 10 10 10) --coords X Y DX DY, where- X=latitude offset in degrees
- Y=Longitude offest in degrees
- DX=width along longitude in degrees
- DY=height along latitude in degrees
Batch size for POSTs to the importer (default=1000)-e
Just display estimated number of OUs and exit.
DHIS2 instance url
# generate OUs seven levels deep, with three sub-units per level
python3 orgenerator.py -s https://test.performance32.dhis2.org/phil -l 7 -k 3
# generate OUs five layers deep, with 26 sub-units per level
# POST in batches of 500
# with outer boundary rectangle starting at 20deg long., 15deg lat., and extending 10deg East, 5 North.
python3 orgenerator.py -s https://test.performance32.dhis2.org/phil -l 5 -b 500 --coords 20 15 10 5
The amount of org units is calculated as: kids^^(levels-1) + kids^^(levels-2) + ... + kids^0
to your command to get the number of OUs without generating them