参数 | +选项 | +说明 | +
ds | +数据集 | +要从中获取数据元素的一个或多个数据集标识符。 | +
德 | +数据元素 | +一个或多个数据元素标识符。 | +
pe | +ISO 周期 | +一个或多个句点 ISO 标识符。 | +
或 | +组织单位 | +一个或多个组织单位标识符。 | +
审计类型 | +更新 |删除 | +按审计类型过滤。 | +
跳过分页 | +假 |真 | +打开/关闭分页 | +
页面 | +1(默认) | +如果启用分页,此参数决定显示哪个页面 | +
参数 | +选项 | +说明 | +
德 | +数据元素 | +一个或多个数据元素标识符。 | +
ps | +程序阶段实体 | +一个或多个程序阶段实例标识符。 | +
审计类型 | +更新 |删除 | +按审计类型过滤。 | +
跳过分页 | +假 |真 | +打开/关闭分页 | +
页面 | +1(默认) | +如果启用分页,此参数决定显示哪个页面 | +
参数 | +选项 | +说明 | +
茶 | +跟踪的实体属性 | +一个或多个跟踪的实体属性标识符。 | +
te | +跟踪的实体实例 | +一个或多个跟踪的实体实例标识符。 | +
审核类型 | +更新|删除 | +按审核类型过滤。 | +
skipPaging | + 否|假|真 | +打开/关闭分页 | +
页面 | +1(默认) | +如果启用了分页,则此参数决定显示哪个页面 | +
参数 | +选项 | +说明 | +
tei | +跟踪实体实例 | +一个或多个被跟踪实体实例标识符 | +
用户 | +用户 | +一个或多个用户标识符 | +
审计类型 | +搜索 |阅读 | +审核类型以筛选 | +
开始日期 | +开始日期 | +yyyy-mm-dd 格式的审计过滤的开始日期。 | +
结束日期 | +结束日期 | +yyyy-mm-dd 格式的审计过滤的结束日期。 | +
跳过分页 | +假 |真 | +打开/关闭分页。 | +
页面 | +1(默认) | +要请求的特定页面。 | +
页面大小 | +50(默认) | +页面大小。 | +
参数 | +选项 | +说明 | +
zh | +注册 | +一个或多个被跟踪实体实例标识符 | +
用户 | +用户 | +一个或多个用户标识符 | +
开始日期 | +开始日期 | +yyyy-mm-dd 格式的审计过滤的开始日期。 | +
结束日期 | +结束日期 | +yyyy-mm-dd 格式的审计过滤的结束日期。 | +
跳过分页 | +假 |真 | +打开/关闭分页。 | +
页面 | +1(默认) | +要请求的特定页面。 | +
页面大小 | +50(默认) | +页面大小。 | +
参数 | +选项 | +说明 | +
dal | +数据批准级别 | +一个或多个数据批准级别标识符。 | +
wf | +工作流程 | +一个或多个数据审批工作流标识符。 | +
或 | +组织单位 | +一个或多个组织单位标识符。 | +
aoc | +属性选项组合 | +一个或多个属性选项组合标识符。 | +
开始日期 | +开始日期 | +yyyy-mm-dd 格式的批准开始日期。 | +
结束日期 | +结束日期 | +批准的结束日期,格式为 yyyy-mm-dd。 | +
跳过分页 | +假 |真 | +打开/关闭分页 | +
页面 | +1(默认) | + 如果启用分页,此参数决定显示哪个页面。 |
+ +![](resources/images/offline_data_entry/image4.jpg) + | ++ | +
+ +![](resources/images/image9.jpg) + | ++ +![](resources/images/image7.jpg) + | +
+ +![](resources/images/offline_data_entry/image4.jpg) + | ++ | +
+ +![](resources/images/offline_data_entry/image9.jpg) + | ++ +![](resources/images/offline_data_entry/image7.jpg) + | +
分子 + | +
示例:IPTp 1 + | +IPT 1st 在 PHU 给予的剂量 + | +主动降噪 + | +
DPT 1(五角 1) + | ++ | ++ | +
DPT 3(Penta 3) + | ++ | ++ | +
ANC 1 + | ++ | ++ | +
总疟疾快速诊断检测(阳性 + 阴性) + | +提示:需要两个现有数据元素。它们尚未位于任何数据元素组中。因此需要配置一个新的指标,并将该指标分配到一个指标组中。 + | ++ | +
分子 + | +
示例:IPTp 1 + | +IPT 1st 在 PHU 给予的剂量 + | +主动降噪 + | +
DPT 1(五角 1) + | ++ | ++ | +
DPT 3(Penta 3) + | ++ | ++ | +
ANC 1 + | ++ | ++ | +
总疟疾快速诊断检测(阳性 + 阴性) + | +提示:需要两个现有数据元素。它们尚未位于任何数据元素组中。因此需要配置一个新的指标,并将该指标分配到一个指标组中。 + | ++ | +
项目类型 |
+ 说明 |
+ 使用示例 |
事件项目 |
+ 不带注册项目(匿名项目或SEWoR)的单个事件 +匿名,通过卫生系统跟踪各个事件。这些个人交易没有任何人或实体。 +只有一个程序阶段。 |
+ 记录运行状况,而无需在系统中注册任何信息。 +记录调查数据或监视行列表。 |
跟踪程序 |
+ 单个事件与注册程序(SEWR) +使用卫生系统通过每个单独的交易来跟踪实体(人,商品等) +只有一个程序阶段。 +跟踪实体实例(TEI)只能注册一次该程序。 |
+ 记录出生证明和死亡证明。 |
+ | 多事件与注册程序(MEWR) +使用卫生系统通过每个单独的交易来跟踪实体(人,商品等) +具有多个程序阶段。 |
+ 母亲健康计划,分阶段包括ANC访问(2-4 +),分娩,PNC访问。 |
对象类型 |
+ 说明 | + 可用功能 |
事件程序 |
+ 一个无需注册即可记录单个事件的程序 |
+ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
跟踪程序 |
++ 一个无需注册即可记录单个事件的程序 |
++ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序指示器 |
+ 一个基于跟踪实体的数据元素和属性的表达式,您可以使用该表达式基于公式来计算值。 |
+ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序规则 |
+ 允许您在跟踪器捕获和事件捕获应用程序中创建和控制用户界面的动态行为。 |
+ 创建,编辑,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序规则变量 |
+ 用于创建程序规则表达式的变量。 |
+ 创建,编辑,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
+ 定义被跟踪实体A和被跟踪实体B(例如母子)之间的关系。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
跟踪的实体类型 |
+ 可以通过系统跟踪的实体类型。可以是从人到商品的任何东西,例如药物或人。 +一个程序必须具有一个跟踪的实体。要将跟踪的实体实例注册到程序中,实体的跟踪实体和程序的跟踪实体必须相同。 ++ 注意 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
跟踪实体属性 |
+ 用于注册跟踪实体的其他信息。 +可以在程序之间共享。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序 |
+ 一个程序由多个程序阶段组成。 |
+ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,分配给组织单位,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序阶段 |
+ 程序阶段定义应在每个阶段执行哪些操作。 |
+ 创建,编辑,更改排序顺序,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序指示器组 |
+ 一组程序指示器 |
+ 创建,编辑,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
验证规则 |
+ 验证规则基于定义数据元素值之间关系的表达式。 |
+ 创建,编辑和删除 |
程序通知 |
+ 自动消息提醒 +设置在计划的约会之前和错过的访问之后自动将提醒发送给已注册的跟踪实体实例的提醒。 |
+ 创建,编辑和删除 |
程序阶段通知 |
+ 自动消息提醒 +设置提醒,使其在程序阶段完成时或到期日之前或之后自动发送。 |
+ 创建,编辑和删除 |
+ | 说明 |
基本 |
+ 列出属于程序的所有数据元素。您可以更改数据元素的顺序。 |
部分 |
+ 部分将数据元素分组。然后,您可以排列各部分的顺序以创建所需的数据输入表单布局。 |
自定义 |
+ 将数据输入表单定义为HTML页面。 |
字段 |
+ 说明 |
名称 |
+ 程序的名称。 |
颜色 |
+ 在数据捕获应用程序中用于此程序的颜色。 |
图标 |
+ 在数据捕获应用程序中用于此程序的图标。 |
短名称 |
+ 程序的简称。在分析应用程序中,短名称用作默认图表或表标题。 |
说明 |
+ 程序的详细说明。 |
版本 |
+ 程序的版本。例如,当人们在Android实现中离线收集数据时,将使用此功能。当他们上网并同步其元数据时,他们应该获得该程序的最新版本。 |
类别组合 |
+ 您要使用的类别组合。默认设置为无。 |
数据审批工作流程 |
+ 您要使用的数据批准工作流。默认设置为无值。 |
已完成的事件到期日期 |
+ 定义您可以编辑已完成事件的天数。这意味着,当事件完成且指定的到期天数已过时,该事件将被锁定。 +如果将"完成事件设置为"到10",则事件在完成日期后十天被锁定。在此日期之后,您将无法再编辑事件。 |
有效期类型 +有效期 |
+ 到期天数定义了上一个周期结束后可以编辑事件的天数。期限类型由到期期限类型定义。这意味着自上一个期间的结束日期起经过指定的到期天数后,该期间的事件将被锁定。 +如果将到期类型设置为"Monthly",将到期日设置为"10",则月份为10月,那么您无法在11月10日之后向10月添加或编辑事件。 |
+ 完成该程序的事件后,选中复选框以阻止输入表单。 | + 这意味着在将状态重置为不完整之前,无法更改输入表单中的数据。 |
功能类型 | + 设置程序是否要捕获地理特征类型。 +- **没有** + 什么也没捕获。 +- **多边形** + 捕获区域。对于单个事件程序,该区域将是代表正在捕获的事件的区域。对于跟踪程序,该区域将代表注册区域。 +- **点** + 捕获点/坐标。对于单个事件程序,该点将代表正在捕获的事件。对于跟踪程序,该点将表示注册人数。 + |
验证策略 | +设置服务器和客户端验证要求。 +>无论验证策略如何,总是执行数据类型验证。例如,从不存储包含文本的整数字段。 +- **完成** + 此选项将在完成事件时强制修复必填字段和错误消息,但是可以将事件保存到服务器而无需通过这些验证要求。 + - 出于遗留原因,这始终是跟踪器程序的验证策略,在该策略中,事件中的每个数据值在获取数据时都会存储到服务器。 +- **关于更新和插入** + 将事件保存到服务器时,无论完成状态如何,此选项都将强制执行必需的字段验证。使用此选项时,如果不通过验证,则无法存储任何事件。 + | +
预先生成的事件UID | +选中复选框以预先生成唯一的事件ID号。 | +
报告日期的描述 | + 键入报告日期的描述。 +此描述以案例输入表单显示。 |
Setting |
+ Description |
Compulsory |
+ The value of this data element must be filled into data entry form before you can complete the event. |
Allow provided elsewhere |
+ Specify if the value of this data element comes from other facility, not in the facility where this data is entered. |
Display in reports |
+ Displays the value of this data element into the single event without registration data entry function. |
Date in future |
+ Will allow user to select a date in future for date data elements. |
Mobile render type |
+ Can be used to select different render types for mobile devices. Available options vary depending on the data element's value type. For example, for a numerical value you may select "Default", "Value", "Slider", "Linear scale", and "Spinner". |
Desktop render type |
+ WARNING: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. +Can be used to select different render types for desktop (i.e. the web interface). Available options vary depending on the data element's value type. For example, for a numerical value you may select "Default", "Value", "Slider", "Linear scale", and "Spinner". |
Notification trigger |
+ Description |
Program stage completion |
+ The program stage notification is sent when the program stage is completed |
Days scheduled (due date) |
+ The program stage notification is sent XX number of days before or after the due date +You need to enter the number of days before or after the scheduled date that the notification will be send. |
Notification recipient |
+ Description |
Tracked entity instance |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. +To receive a program notification, the recipient must have an e-mail address or a phone number attribute. |
Organisation unit contact |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. +To receive a program notification, the receiving organisation unit must have a registered contact person with e-mail address and phone number. |
Users at organisation unit |
+ All users registered to the selected organisation unit receive program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system. |
User group |
+ All members of the selected user group receive the program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system |
Program |
+ TBA |
Notification type |
+Variable name |
+Variable code |
Program |
+Current date |
+ | Days since enrollment date |
+ | Enrollment date |
+ | Incident date |
+ | Organisation unit name |
+ | Program name |
Program stage |
+Current date |
+ | Days since due date |
+ | Days until due date |
+ | Due date |
+ | Organisation unit name |
+ | Program name |
+ | Program stage name |
Program rule component |
+Description |
Aggregation type |
+The aggregation type determines how the program indicator will be aggregated. The following aggregation types are available: +
Analytics type |
+The available analytics types are event and enrollment. +The analytics type defines whether the program indicator is calculated based on events or program enrollments. This has an impact on what type of calculations can be made. +
Analytics period boundaries |
+Defines the boundaries for the program indicator calculation. The boundaries determine which events or enrollments gets included in aggregations, always relative to the aggregate reporting period start and end. When creating the program indicator, the default boundaries will get preselected based on analytics type. +
It is possible to change the upper and lower boundaries to include a longer or shorter period relative to the reporting period, or delete one of the boundaries - in effect returning all data before or after a certain period. It is also possible to add more constraints, for example to make an enrollment program indicator only include event data up to a given point in time. +
Expression |
+The expression defines how the indicator is being calculated. The expression can contain references to various entities which will be substituted with a related values when the indicator is calculated: +
The expression is a mathematical expression and can also contain operators. +For single event programs and tracker programs with analytics type event, the expression will be evaluated per event, then aggregated according to its aggregation type. +For tracker programs with analytics type enrollment, the expression will be evaluated per enrollment, then aggregated according to its aggregation type. |
Filter |
+The filter is applied to events and filters the data source used for the calculation of the indicator. I.e. the filter is applied to the set of events before the indicator expression is being evaluated. The filter must evaluate to either true or false. It filter is applied to each individual event. If the filter evaluates to true then the event is included later in the expression evaluation, if not it is ignored. The filter can, in a similar way as expressions, contain references to data elements, attributes and constants. +The program indicator filter can in addition use logical operators. These operators can be used to form logical expressions which ultimately evaluate to either true or false. For example you can assert that multiple data elements must be a specific value, or that specific attributes must have numerical values less or greater than a constant. |
对象类型 |
+ 可用功能 |
程序指示器 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序指示器组 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
值类型 | +语法示例 | +
整数 +负整数 +正整数或零整数 +正整数 +数字 +百分比 |
+数字字段,可作为表达式用于聚合,或在过滤器中使用: +
是/否 +仅限 |
+布尔字段。 Yes 转换为数字 1,No 转换为数字 0。可作为表达式用于聚合,或在过滤器中使用: +
文本 +长文本 +电话号码 +电子邮件 |
+文本字段。可以检查过滤器中的相等性: +
日期 +年龄 |
+日期字段。与 d2:daysBetween 函数结合使用时最有用,该函数生成一个可以聚合为表达式或在过滤器中使用的数字: +
+也可以直接检查过滤器中的相等性: +
日期 +年龄 |
+日期字段。与 d2:daysBetween 函数结合使用时最有用,该函数生成一个可以聚合为表达式或在过滤器中使用的数字: +
+也可以直接检查过滤器中的相等性: +
功能 |
+ 参数 |
+ 说明 |
d2:hasValue |
+ (对象) |
+ 如果数据元素/属性具有值,则返回true。可以在过滤器中使用,以区分数字0和无值,以及区分显式"No"和“是/否”字段的无选择。 |
d2:minutes之间 |
+ (日期时间,日期时间) |
+ 产生两个数据元素/类型为"date和time"的分钟数。静态日期时间格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:days之间的 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的天数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:周之间 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的完整周数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:months之间 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的完整月份数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:years之间的 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的完整年数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:条件 |
+ (布尔表达式,true表达式,false表达式) |
+ 计算布尔表达式,如果为true,则返回true表达式值;如果为false,则返回false表达式值。条件表达式必须用引号引起来。 true-expr和false-expr参数必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
d2:zing |
+ (表达式) |
+ 如果表达式为负,则返回零,否则返回表达式值。该表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
d2:oizp |
+ (表达式) |
+ 如果表达式为零或正数,则返回1,否则返回零。该表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
d2:zpvc |
+ (object,[,object ...]) |
+ 返回给定对象参数中的数字零和正值的数量。可以提供任意数量的参数。 |
d2:relationshipCount |
+ ([relationshipTypeUid]) |
+ 产生连接到注册或事件的给定类型的关系数。如果未指定任何类型,则将计算所有类型。 |
d2:计数 |
+ (dataElement) |
+ 仅用于注册程序指示器。计算在注册过程中为给定程序阶段和数据元素收集的数据值的数量。参数数据元素带有#{programStage.dataElement}语法。 |
d2:countIfValue |
+ (dataElement,值) |
+ 仅用于注册程序指示器。计算在注册过程中与给定程序阶段和数据元素的给定文字值匹配的数据值的数量。参数数据元素带有#{programStage.dataElement}语法。该值可以是硬编码的文本或数字,例如,如果仅应计算包含该文本的值,则可以是“ No_anemia”。 |
d2:countIfCondition |
+ (数据元素,条件) |
+ 仅用于注册程序指示器。在注册过程中,对与给定程序阶段和数据元素的给定条件标准相匹配的数据值进行计数。参数数据元素带有#{programStage.dataElement}语法。如果仅应计算小于10的值,则该条件将以表达式形式提供在单引号中,例如'<10'。 |
+ | (布尔表达式,true表达式,false表达式) |
+ 计算布尔表达式,如果为true,则返回true表达式值;如果为false,则返回false表达式值。这与d2:condition函数相同,除了不引用boolean-expr。 |
isNull |
+ (对象) |
+ 如果对象值丢失(空),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
isNotNull |
+ (对象) |
+ 如果对象值不丢失(不为null),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
firstNonNull |
+ (object [,object ...]) |
+ 返回不丢失的第一个对象的值(不为null)。可以提供任意数量的参数。任何参数也可以是数字或字符串文字,如果所有先前的对象都缺少值,则将返回该参数。 |
最大 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最大(最高)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。每个表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
至少 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最小(最小)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。每个表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
Variable |
+Description |
event_date |
+The date of when the event or the last event in the enrollment took place. |
creation_date |
+The date of when an event or enrollment was created in the system. |
due_date |
+The date of when an event is due. |
sync_date |
+The date of when the event or enrollment was last syncronized with the Android app. |
incident_date |
+The date of the incidence of the event. |
enrollment_date |
+The date of when the tracked entity instance was enrolled in the program. |
enrollment_status |
+Can be used to include or exclude enrollments in certain statuses. +When calculating the haemoglobin improvement/deterioration throughout a pregnancy, it might make sense to only consider completed enrollments. If non-completed enrollments is not filtered out, these will represent half-finished ANC followups, where the final improvement/deterioration is not yet established. |
current_date |
+The current date. |
value_count |
+The number of non-null values in the expression part of the event. |
zero_pos_value_count |
+The number of numeric positive values in the expression part of the event. |
event_count |
+The count of events (useful in combination with filters). |
enrollment_count |
+The count of enrollments (useful in combination with filters). Aggregation type for the program indicator must be COUNT. |
tei_count |
+The count of tracked entity instances (useful in combination with filters). Aggregation type for the program indicator must be COUNT. |
org_unit_count |
+The count of organisation units (useful in combination with filters). Aggregation type for the program indicator must be COUNT. |
program_stage_name |
+Can be used in filters for including only certain program stages in a filter for tracker programs. Uses the name of the program stage: +
program_stage_id |
+Can be used in filters for including only certain program stages in a filter for tracker programs. Uses the unique identifier of the program stage: +
analytics_period_start |
+Can be used in filters or expressions for comparing any date to the first date in each reporting period. +
analytics_period_end |
+Can be used in filters or expressions for comparing any date to the last inclusive date in each reporting period. |
运算符 |
+ 说明 |
和 |
+ 逻辑与 |
或 |
+ 逻辑或 |
== |
+ 等于 |
!= |
+ 不等于 |
< |
+ 小于 |
< = |
+ 小于或等于 |
> |
+ 大于 |
> = |
+ 大于或等于 |
Program rule component |
+Description |
Program rule action |
+Each program rule contains one or multiple actions. These are the behaviours that are triggered in the user interface when the expression is true. Actions will be applied at once if the expression is true, and will be reverted if the expression is no longer true. There are several types of actions and you can have several actions in one program rule. |
Program rule expression |
+Each program rule has a single expression that determines whether the program rule actions should be triggered, if the expression evaluates to true. If the expression is true the program rule is in effect and the actions will be executed. If the expression is false, the program rule is no longer in effect and the actions will no longer be applied. +You create the expression with standard mathematical operators, custom functions, user-defined static values and program rule variables. The program rule variables represent attribute and data element values which will be evaluated as part of the expression. |
Program rule variable |
+Program rule variables lets you include data values and attribute values in program rule expressions. Typically, you'll have to create one or several program rule variables before creating a program rule. This is because program rules expressions usually contain at least one data element or attribute value to be meaningful. +The program rule variables are shared between all rules in your program. When you create multiple program rules for the same program, these rules will share the same library of program rule variables. |
对象类型 |
+ 可用功能 |
程序规则 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序规则变量 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
Source type |
+ Description |
Data element from the newest event for a program stage |
+ This source type works the same way as Data element from the newest event in the current program, except that it only evaluates values from one program stage. +This source type can be useful in program rules where the same data element is used in several program stages, and a rule needs to evaluate the newest data value from within one specific stage. |
Data element from the newest event in the current program |
+ This source type is used when a program rule variable needs to reflect the newest known value of a data element, regardless of what event the user currently has open. +This source type is populated slightly differently in Tracker Capture and Event Capture apps: +Tracker Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value collected for the given data element within the enrollment. +Event Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value found within the 10 newest events in the same organisation unit. +The newest data value is determined with event date. |
Data element in current event |
+ Program rule variables with this source type will contain the data value from the same event that the user currently has open. +This is the most commonly used source type, especially for skip logic (hide actions) and warning/error rules. |
Data element from previous event |
+ Program rule variables with this source type will contain the value from a specified data element from a previous event. Only older events is evaluated, not including the event that the user currently has open. +This source type is commonly used when a data element only should be collected once during an enrollment, and should be hidden in subsequent events. +Another use case is making rules for validating input where there is an expected progression from one event to the next - a rule can evaluate whether the previous value is higher/lower and give a warning if an unexpected value is entered. +This source type is populated slightly differently in Tracker Capture and Event Capture apps: +Tracker Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value collected for the given data element within the enrollment - but only evaluating the events that comes before the current event date. +Event Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value collected within the 10 events preceding the current event date - not including the current event. +The newest data value is determined with event date. |
Calculated value |
+ Program rule variable with this source type is not connected directly to any form data - but will be populated as a result of some other program rules ASSIGN action. +This variable will be used for making preliminary calculations, having a ASSIGN program rule action and assigning a value, this value can be used by other program rules - potentially making the expressions simpler and more maintanable. +These variables will not be persisted and will stay in memory only during the exectution of the set of program rules. Any program rule that assigns a data value to a preliminary calculated value would normally also have a priority assigned - to make sure that the preliminary caculation is done before the rule that consumes the calculated value. + |
Tracked entity attribute |
+ Populates the program rule variable with a specified tracked entity attribute for the current enrollment. +Use this is the source type to create program rules that evaluate data values entered during registration. +This source type is also useful when you create program rules that compare data in events to data entered during registration. +This source type is only used for tracker programs (programs with registration). |
Action type |
+ Required settings |
+ Description |
+ | + | + |
Assign value |
+ Data element to assign value to +Program rule variable to assign value to +Expression to evaluate and assign |
+ Used to help the user calculate and fill out fields in the data entry form. The idea is that the user shouldn’t have to fill in values that the system can calculate, for example BMI. +When a field is assigned a value, the user sees the value but the user can't edit it. +Example from Immunization stock card i Zambia: The data element for vaccine stock outgoing balance is calculated based on the data element for incoming stock balance minus the data elements for consumption and wastage. +Advanced use: configure an 'assign value' to do a part of a calculation and then assign the result of the calculation to a program rule variable. This is the purpose with the "Calculated value" program rule variable. |
Display text |
+ Display widget +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used to display information that is not an error or a warning, for example feedback to the user. You can also use this action to display important information, for example the patient's allergies, to the user. |
Display key/value pair |
+ Display widget +Key label +Expression to evaluate and display as value |
+ Used to display information that is not an error or a warning. +Example: calculate number of weeks and days in a pregnancy and display it in the format the clinician is used to see it in. The calculation is based on previous recorded data. |
Error on complete |
+ Data element to display error next to +Tracked entity attribute to display error next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used whenever you've cross-consistencies in the form that must be strictly adhered to. This action prevents the user from continuing until the error is resolved. +This action differs from the regular Show error since the error is not shown until the user tries to actually complete the form. +If you don't select a data element or a tracked entity attribute to display the error next to, make sure you write a comprehensive error message that helps the user to fix the error. |
Hide field |
+ Data element to hide +Tracked entity attribute to hide +Custom message for blanked field |
+ Used when you want to hide a field from the user. +Custom message for blanked field allows you to define a custom message displayed to the user in case the program rule hides and blanks out the field after the user typed in or selected a value. +If a hide field action hides a field that contains a value, the field will always removed. If no message is defined, a standard message will be displayed to alert the user. |
Hide section |
+ Program stage section to hide |
+ TBA |
Hide program stage |
+ Program stage to hide |
+ Used when you want to hide a program stage section from the user. |
Make field mandatory |
+ Data element to make mandatory +Tracked entity attribute to make mandatory |
+ TBA |
Show error |
+ Data element to display error next to +Tracked entity attribute to display error next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used whenever there are rules which must strictly be adhered to. The show error action prevents the user from continuing until the error is resolved. +Such a strict validation should only be used when it's certain that the evaluated expression is never true unless the user has made a mistake in data entry. +It's mandatory to define a message that is shown to the user when the expression is true and the action is triggered. +You can select which data element or tracked entity attribute to link the error to. This will help the user to fix the error. +In case several data elements or attributes are involved, select the one that is most likely that the user would need to change. |
Show warning |
+ Data element to display warning next to +Tracked entity attribute to display warning next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used to give the user a warning about the entered data, but at the same time to allow the user to save and continue. +You can use warnings to help the user avoid errors in the entered data, while at the same time allow the user to consciously disregard the warnings and save a value that is outside preset expectations. +Static text defines the message shown to the user when the expression is true and the action is triggered. +You can select which data element or tracked entity attribute to link the error to. This will help the user to fix the error. +In case several data elements or attributes are involved, select the one that is most likely that the user would need to change. |
Warning on complete |
+ Data element to display warning next to +Tracked entity attribute to display warning next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used to give the user a warning if he/she tries to complete inconsistent data, but at the same time to allow the user to continue. The warning is shown in a dialog when the user completes the form. +Static text defines the message shown to the user when the expression is true and the action is triggered. This field is mandatory. +You can select which data element or tracked entity attribute to link the error to. This will help the user to fix the error. +If you don't select a data element or a tracked entity attribute to display the error next to, make sure you write a comprehensive error message that helps the user to fix the error. |
Send Message |
+ Message template to send |
+ Send Message triggers a notification based on provided message template. This action will be taken when ever there is a change in data value. However this behaviour can be controlled by providing event/enrollment status in program rule expression for example. +
+ Message template will be parsed and variables will be substituted with actual values. |
Schedule Message |
+ Message template to send +Data field which contains expression to evaluate the date which notification should be sent at. |
+ Schedule Message will schedule notification at date provided by Expression in the data field. Sample expression is given below +
+ Message template will be parsed and variables will be substituted with actual values. |
Hide option |
+ Data element to hide option for +Tracked entity attribute to hide option for +Option that should be hidden |
+ Used to selectively hide a single option for an option set in a given data element/tracked entity attribute. +When combined with show option group the hide option takes presedence. |
Hide option group |
+ Data element to hide option group for +Tracked entity attribute to hide option group for +Option group that should be hidden |
+ Used to hide all options in a given option group and data element/tracked entity attribute. +When combined with show option group the hide option group takes precedence. |
Show option group |
+ Data element to show option group for +Tracked entity attribute to show option group for +Option group that should be shown |
+ Used to show only options from a given option group in a given data element/tracked entity attribute. To show an option group implicitly hides all options that is not part of the group(s) that is shown. |
运算符 | +说明 | +
+ |
+ 相加数字 |
- |
+ 彼此相减的编号 |
* |
+ 乘以两个数字 |
/ |
+ 除以两个数字 |
% |
+ 两个数的模数 |
&& |
+ 逻辑与。仅当左侧和右侧的表达式为true时为true。左侧和右侧可以是“是/否”,“仅是”或括号中的子表达式。 |
|| |
+ 逻辑或。当左侧的表达式或右侧的表达式为true时为True。左侧和右侧可以是“是/否”,“仅是”或括号中的子表达式。 |
> |
+ 左数大于右数 |
> = |
+ 左数大于或等于右数 |
< |
+ 左数小于右数 |
< = |
+ 左数小于或等于右数。 |
== |
+ 左侧等于右侧。支持数字,文本,是/否和仅是。 |
!= |
+ 左侧不等于右侧。支持数字,文本,是/否和仅是。 |
! |
+ 取反以下值。可以用于是/否,仅是或括号中的子表达式。 |
() |
+ 括号用于对子表达式进行分组。 |
功能 | +参数 | +说明 | +
d2:ceil | +(数字) | +将输入参数向上舍入 到最接近的整数。
+ 示例:d2:ceil(# ) +
d2:floor | +(数字) | +将输入参数向下舍入 到最接近的整数。
+ 举例说明妇女怀孕的周数。请注意,子表达式 #{gestationalAgeDays}/7 在 floor 函数执行之前已经求值: +
d2:round | +(number) | +将输入参数舍入为最接近的整数。 | +
d2:modulus | +(number,number) | +将第一个参数除以第二个参数,得出模数。
+ 举例说明该妇女当前孕周的天数: +
d2:zing | +数值 | +如果数值为负值,则将数值类型的参数值化为零,否则化为数值本身。 | +
d2:oizp | +数值 | +如果数值为零或正值,则将数字类型的参数赋值为 1,否则赋值为 0。 | +
d2:concatenate | +(对象, [,object, object,...]) | +根据输入参数生成连接字符串。支持任意数量的参数。主要用于未来的操作类型,例如使用 d2:concatenate('weeks','+','gestationalageDays')显示胎龄。 | +
d2:daysBetween | +(日期)。 | +计算第一个参数和第二个参数之间的天数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负天数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。
+ 示例:根据末次月经日期和当前事件日期计算妇女的胎龄(天数): +
d2:weeksBetween | +(日期)。 | +返回第一个参数和第二个参数之间的整周数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负周数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。 | +
d2:monthsBetween | +(日期)。 | +返回第一个参数和第二个参数之间的整月数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负月数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。 | +
d2:yearsBetween | +(日期)。 | +返回第一个参数和第二个参数之间的年数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负年数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。 | +
d2:addDays | +(日期,数字) | +根据第一个参数日期生成一个日期,并加上第二个参数的天数。
+ 根据末次月经计算怀孕预产期的示例: +
d2:count | +(源字段) | +计算参数中源字段输入值的个数。源字段参数是程序中已定义的源字段的名称 - 参见示例
+ 使用示例 #{previousPregnancyOutcome} 是可重复程序阶段"上一次怀孕" 中的一个源字段: +
d2:countIfValue | +(源字段,文本) | +计算为第一个参数中的源字段输入的匹配值的个数。只计算与第二个参数匹配的出现次数。源字段参数是程序中定义的一个源字段的名称--见示例。
+ 使用示例 其中 #{previousPregnancyOutcome} 是可重复程序阶段"上一次怀孕" 中的一个源字段。下面的函数将生成以流产告终的前次怀孕次数: +
d2:countIfZeroPos | +(来源字段) | +计算参数中源字段输入的零值或正值的个数。源字段参数是程序中定义的一个源字段的名称--见示例。
+ 示例用法 #{fundalHeightDiscrepancy} 是程序中的一个源字段,可以是正值或负值。下面的函数将产生正数出现的次数: +
d2:hasValue | +(源字段) | +如果参数源字段包含值,则返回值为 true;如果没有输入值,则返回值为 false。
+ 使用示例:查找源字段 #{currentPregnancyOutcome} 是否已填写: +
d2:zpvc | +(对象,[,对象,对象,...]) | +返回给定对象参数中零值和正值数值的个数。可提供任意数量的参数。 | +
d2:validatePattern | +(文本,regex-pattern) | +如果输入文本与提供的正则表达式模式完全匹配,则返回值为 true。正则表达式需要转义。
+ 示例表达式,当数字不在模式 9999/99/9 中时触发操作: +
+示例表达式,如果地址不是由字母或空格组成,则触发操作,然后是一个空格,然后是一个数字: +
+示例:如果名称中包含任何数字,则触发操作: +
+示例表达式,当手机号码包含非法数字序列 555 时触发操作: +
d2:left | +(文本,数字字符串) | +计算文本的左侧部分,从第一个字符开始计算。
+ 文本可以使用引号,也可以通过变量求值: +
d2:right | +(文本,字符数) | +计算文本的右侧部分,从最后一个字符开始计算。
+ 文本可以使用引号,也可以通过变量求值: +
d2:substring | +(文本,起始字符数,终止字符数) | +计算字符串中由起始字符数和终止字符数指定的部分。
+ 表达式示例: +
+如果上述示例中的 #{variableWithText} 是 "ABCD",那么计算结果就是 "BC"。 |
d2:split | +(文本,分隔符,元素序号) | +按分隔符分割文本,并保留第 n 个元素(0 为第一个)。
+ 文本可以使用引号,也可以通过变量求值,分隔符必须使用引号: +
+注意:不支持逗号分隔符(,)。 |
d2:length | +文本 | +查找字符串的长度。
+ 示例:d2:length(# ) +
d2:inOrgUnitGroup | +文本 | +评估当前组织单位是否在参数组中。参数可以用 ID 或组织单位组代码定义。在事件中触发规则时,当前组织单位将是事件组织单位;在 TEI 注册表中触发规则时,当前组织单位将是注册组织单位。
+ 示例表达式: +
d2:hasUserRole | +(用户角色) | +如果当前用户具有此角色,则返回 true,否则返回 false
+ 示例表达式: +
d2:zScoreWFA | +年龄体重指标 Z 值 | +函数根据世界卫生组织年龄体重指标提供的数据计算 Z 值。其值在-3.5 至 3.5 之间变化,取决于体重值。
+ 示例表达式: +
变量 | +类型 | +说明 | +
V{current_date} | +(日期) | +包含执行规则时的当前日期。
+ 表达式示例: +
V{event_date} | +(日期) | +包含当前事件执行的事件日期。作为注册表的一部分执行规则时,不会有任何值。 | +
V{event_status} | +(字符串) | +包含当前活动或注册的状态。
+ 检查状态的示例表达式为: +
V{due_date} | +(日期) | +此变量将包含执行规则时的当前日期。注意:这意味着即使没有其他任何更改,该规则也可能在不同时间产生不同的结果。 | +
V{event_count} | +(数字) | +包含注册中的事件总数。 | +
V{enrollment_date} | +(日期) | +包含当前注册的注册日期。对于单项活动计划没有价值。 | +
V{incident_date} | +(日期) | +包含当前注册的事件日期。对于单项活动计划没有价值。 | +
V{enrollment_id} | +(字符串) | +当前注册的通用标识符字符串 (UID)。对于单项活动计划没有价值。 | +
V{event_id} | +(字符串) | +当前事件上下文的通用标识符字符串 (UID)。作为注册表的一部分执行规则时,不会有任何值。 | +
V{orgunit_code} | +(字符串) | +包含链接到当前注册的组织单位的代码。对于单个事件程序,将使用当前事件组织单元中的代码。
+ 用于检查组织单位代码是否以 WB_ 开头的示例表达式: +
V{环境} | +(字符串) | +包含代表规则当前运行时环境的代码。可能的值为 "WebClient"、"AndroidClient" 和"服务器"。当程序规则仅应在一种或多种客户端类型中运行时可以使用。 | +
V{program_stage_id} | +(字符串) | +包含触发规则的当前程序阶段的 ID。这可用于在特定程序阶段运行规则,或避免在某些阶段执行。在 TEI 注册表单上下文中执行规则时,变量将为空。 | +
V{program_stage_name} | +(字符串) | +包含触发规则的当前程序阶段的名称。这可用于在特定程序阶段运行规则,或避免在某些阶段执行。在 TEI 注册表单上下文中执行规则时,该变量将为空。 | +
Value type |
+ Description |
Age |
+ - |
Coordinate |
+ A point coordinate specified as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. All coordinate should be specified in the format "-19.23 , 56.42" with a comma separating the longitude and latitude. |
Date |
+ Dates render as calendar widget in data entry. |
Date & time |
+ - |
- |
+ |
File |
+ A file resource where you can store external files, for example documents and photos. |
Image | +Similar to File, but restricted to images. | +
Integer |
+ Any whole number (positive and negative), including zero. |
Letter |
+ - |
Long text |
+ Textual value. Renders as text area in forms. |
Negative integer |
+ Any whole number less than (but not including) zero. |
Number |
+ Any real numeric value with a single decimal point. Thousands separators and scientific notation is not supported. |
Percentage |
+ Whole numbers inclusive between 0 and 100. |
Phone number |
+ + |
Positive integer |
+ Any whole number greater than (but not including) zero. |
Positive of zero integer |
+ Any positive whole number, including zero. |
Organisation unit |
+ - |
Unit interval |
+ Any real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. |
Text |
+ Textual value. The maximum number of allowed characters per value is 50,000. |
Time |
+ Time is stored in HH:mm format. +HH is a number between 0 and 23 +mm is a number between 00 and 59 |
Tracker associate |
+ - |
Username |
+ This will be populated with the username of the user which performs data entry automatically during the data entry process. |
Yes/No |
+ Boolean values, renders as drop-down lists in data entry. |
Yes only |
+ True values, renders as check-boxes in data entry. |
Aggregation operator |
+ Description |
Average |
+ Average the values in both the period as and the organisation unit dimensions. |
Average (sum in organisation unit hierarchy) |
+ Average of data values in the period dimension, sum in the organisation unit dimensions. |
Count |
+ Count of data values. |
Min |
+ Minimum of data values. |
Max |
+ Maximum of data values. |
None |
+ No aggregation is performed in any dimension. |
Sum |
+ Sum of data values in the period and organisation unit dimension. |
Standard deviation |
+ Standard deviation (population-based) of data values. |
Variance |
+ Variance (population-based) of data values. |
设置 |
+说明 |
分析记录的最大数量 |
+增加该数字可提供更多分析记录。 +默认值为 50,000。 ++ |
SQL 视图记录的最大数量 |
+设置 SQL 视图中的最大记录数。 +默认值为无限。 + |
基础设施指标 |
+定义一个指标组,其中的成员指标应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施数据元素 |
+定义一个数据元素组,其中的成员数据元素应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +基础设施数据元素可以是人口、医生、床位、互联网连接和气候。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施周期类型 |
+设置采集基础设施数据元素组中数据元素的频率。 +一般为每年一次。查看基础设施数据时,您可以选择数据源的时间段。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施并单击显示信息 。 |
默认分析相对周期 |
+设置此值将决定在分析应用程序中选择哪个相对时段作为默认时段。 |
反馈收件人 |
+定义一个用户组,其成员将接收通过Dashboard 应用程序中的反馈功能发送的所有信息。 +这通常是超级用户团队的成员,他们能够支持和回答来自最终用户的问题。 |
最大离线组织单位级别 |
+定义在组织单位树 widget 中,组织单位层次结构中有多少级可以离线使用。 +在正常情况下,可以将其保留在默认设置的最低层级上。 +在组织单位数量较多(通常超过 30 000 个)的情况下,将其设置为较高的层级可缩短初始加载时间。 |
数据分析标准差因子 |
+设置在数据录入 应用程序中对采集的数据进行离群值分析时使用的标准差个数。 +默认值为 2。高值会比低值捕获更少的离群值。 |
电话号码区号 |
+您的部署所在地区的区号。 +用于发送和接收短信。通常是国家代码。 ++260 (赞比亚的国家区号) |
启用多组织单位表格 |
+启用支持在数据录入 应用程序中同时输入多个组织单位的数据表格。 +如果启用了此设置,您可以在Data Entry 应用程序中,单击要输入数据的子代的父代组织单位,数据集列表将包括分配给该父代的子代的数据集。 |
审批前需要接受 | +选择此设置后,在提交下一级审批之前,首先需要接受数据。 | +
设置 |
+ 说明 |
分析的默认相对周期 |
+ 定义的相对时间由默认的分析应用程序使用:数据可视化,事件报告,事件展台, GIS 和透视表应用。打开这些应用程序时,将自动选择相对时间段。 +推荐设置:用户中最常用的相对时间段。 |
隐藏每日时段 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每日时段 |
隐藏每周时段 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每周时段 |
隐藏每月期间 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏月度 |
隐藏每两个月的周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏双月周期 |
会计年度相对开始月份 | +定义分析应用程序中相对财务年度应从哪个月(4月,7月或10月)开始。 | +
可缓存性 |
+ 设置是否应为公共或私有可见性提供分析数据响应。 +私有:DHIS2服务器与最终用户之间具有缓存功能的任何节点或服务器都无法缓存网页。如果所提供的页面可以包含或确实包含敏感信息,这将很有用。这意味着,每次需要网页时,要么从DHIS2服务器获取一个新页面,要么DHIS2服务器缓存该页面。除DHIS2服务器外,没有其他服务器可以缓存页面。 +公共:DHIS2服务器与最终用户之间具有缓存能力的任何节点或服务器都可以缓存网页。这样可以重新传输到DHIS2服务器的流量,并有可能加快后续页面的加载速度。 |
缓存策略 |
+ 决定应将报告分析响应缓存多长时间。 +如果您使用计划的夜间分析更新,请选择缓存直到明天凌晨6点。这是因为报表中的数据当时会更改,因此您可以安全地缓存数据,直到更新分析表为止。 +如果要将数据连续加载到分析表中,请选择 No cache 。 |
在分析中隐藏未批准数据的最大年限 |
+ 设置时间分析是否应遵守数据的批准级别以及在多长时间内应遵守数据的批准级别。通常,默认情况下会认为已有数年历史的数据已被批准。为了加快分析请求的速度,您可以选择忽略历史数据的实际批准级别。 +永远不要检查批准:不会隐藏任何数据,无论其数据批准状态如何。 +检查所有数据的批准:将始终检查批准状态。 +其他选项,例如最近3年:将检查批准状态中是否存在3年以下的数据;较旧的数据将不会被检查。 |
分析数据缓存的阈值 |
+ 设置是否仅启用早于指定年限的缓存数据。 +这允许在不缓存的情况下直接返回最新数据,同时出于性能方面的考虑,为较早的数据提供缓存版本。 |
分析表导出中的尊重类别选项开始和结束日期 |
+ 此设置控制分析是否应过滤与具有开始和结束日期的类别选项相关联但与在类别选项有效期内的时间段无关的数据。 |
将分析置于维护模式 |
+ 将DHIS2的分析和Web API置于维护模式。这意味着将为所有请求返回"503服务不可用"。
+ 当您需要在服务器上执行维护(例如在服务器在生产环境中运行时重建索引)以减少负载并更有效地执行维护时,此功能很有用。 |
跳过分析表中的零数据值 |
+ 在分析表中不包含任何为零的聚合数据值。如果汇总数据值为零并已存储(数据元素配置为存储零值),则这可以减小分析表的大小,并加快分析表的构建和访问。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
数据库服务器CPU的数量 |
+ 设置数据库服务器的CPU核心数。 +当数据库托管在与应用程序服务器不同的服务器上时,这使系统能够以最佳性能运行,因为DHIS2中的分析与可用核心数成线性比例。 |
系统通知电子邮件地址 |
+ 定义将接收系统通知的电子邮件地址。 +有关分析表生成等流程失败的通知将在此处发送。这对于应用程序监视很有用。 |
Google Analytics(通用分析)密钥 |
+ 设置Google UA密钥,以通过Google Analytics(分析)平台为您的DHIS2实例提供使用情况分析。应该注意的是,当前,DHIS2中并非所有应用程序都支持Google Analytics(分析),因此您的用户的某些活动可能不会出现在此平台中。 +您可以通过 http://google.com/analytics 了解更多有关Google Analytics(分析)的信息。 |
设置 |
+说明 |
选择语言 |
+设置语言,然后输入以下设置的翻译: +
应用程序标题 |
+设置顶部菜单上的应用程序标题。 |
应用程序介绍 |
+设置登录页面左上角的系统介绍。 |
应用程序通知 |
+设置在登录区域下的首页上显示的通知。 |
应用程序左侧页脚 |
+设置登录页面左侧页脚区域的文本。 |
应用程序右侧页脚 |
+设置登录页面右侧页脚区域的文本。 |
风格 |
+设置系统的风格(外观和感觉)。 +用户可在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 风格 。 ++ |
开始页面 |
+设置用户登录后将重定向到的页面或应用程序。 +建议设置:Dashboard 应用程序。 |
帮助页面链接 |
+定义用户点击个人资料 > 帮助 时将看到的 URL。 |
标志 |
+设置显示在Dashboard 应用程序左侧菜单中的标志。 |
界面语言 |
+设置用户界面使用的语言。 +用户可以在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 界面语言 。 |
数据库语言 |
+设置数据库使用的语言。 +用户可在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 数据库语言 。 |
在分析模块中显示的属性 |
+设置是否要在分析应用程序中显示元数据对象的名称或简称:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。 +用户可以在Settings 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 在分析模块中显示的属性 。 |
分析模块中显示的默认数字组分隔符 |
+设置分析应用程序中的默认数字组分隔符:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。 |
添加到查看对象列表需要授权 |
+如果选择此选项,如果当前用户无权创建对象类型(私人或公开),则会隐藏菜单和索引页面项以及对象列表链接。 |
自定义登录页面徽标 |
+选择此选项并上传图片,即可在登录页面添加徽标。 |
自定义顶部菜单徽标 |
+选择此选项并上传图片,即可在顶部菜单左侧添加您的徽标。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Host name |
+Sets the host name of the SMTP server. +When you use Google SMTP services, the host name should be smtp.gmail.com. |
Port |
+Sets the port to connect to the SMTP server. |
User name |
+The user name of the user account with the SMTP server. +mail@dhis2.org |
Password |
+The password of the user account with the SMTP server. |
+Select this option if the SMPT server requires TLS for connections. |
Email sender |
+The email address to use as sender when sending out emails. |
Send me a test email |
+Sends a test email to the current user logged into DHIS2. |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
启用消息电子邮件通知 |
+ 定义默认情况下是否应将DHIS2用户消息传递到与该用户关联的电子邮件地址。此设置可以被用户设置覆盖。 |
启用消息SMS通知 |
+ 定义默认情况下,是否应将DHIS2用户消息作为SMS传递给与该用户关联的手机号码。此设置可以被用户设置覆盖。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
自我注册帐户用户角色 |
+ 定义应该为自注册用户帐户赋予哪个用户角色。 +要启用用户自注册:从列表中选择任何用户角色。自我注册表格的链接将显示在登录页面上。 ++ 注意+ 要禁用用户的自注册:选择禁用自注册。 |
自助注册帐户组织单位 |
+ 定义哪个组织单位应与自注册用户相关联。 ++ 注意 |
不需要reCAPTCHA进行自注册 |
+ 定义是否要使用reCAPTCHA进行用户自注册。默认情况下启用。 |
启用用户帐户恢复 |
+ 定义用户是否可以恢复自己的密码。 +启用此设置后,将在首页上显示帐户恢复表单的链接。 ++ 注意 |
多次尝试登录失败后临时锁定用户帐户 |
+ 定义在15分钟的时间内连续五次失败的登录尝试后,系统是否应锁定用户帐户。 +帐户将被锁定15分钟,然后用户可以尝试再次登录。 |
允许用户授予自己的用户角色 |
+ 定义用户在创建新用户时是否可以将自己拥有的用户角色授予其他用户。 |
允许在添加或更新期间将对象分配给相关对象 |
+ 定义在创建或编辑元数据对象时是否应允许用户将对象分配给相关对象。 +您可以允许用户在创建或编辑组织单位时将组织单位分配给数据集和组织单位组集。 |
要求更改用户帐户密码 |
+ 定义是否应每3、6或12个月强制用户更改一次密码。 +如果不想强制用户更改密码,请选择从不。 |
启用密码过期警报 | +设置后,用户密码即将到期时,将收到通知。 | +
密码中的最小字符 |
+ 定义用户密码中必须包含的最少字符数。 +您可以选择8(默认),10、12或14。 |
OpenID提供程序 |
+ 定义OpenID提供程序。 |
OpenID提供程序标签 |
+ 定义要为指定的OpenID提供程序显示的标签。 |
CORS白名单 |
+ 将一组URL列入白名单,这些URL可以从另一个域访问DHIS2 API。每个网址应在单独的行中输入。跨域资源共享(CORS)是一种机制,它允许从提供第一资源的域之外的另一个域请求网页上的受限资源(例如javascript文件)。 |
Google Maps API密钥 |
+ 定义Google Maps API的API密钥。这用于显示DHIS2中的地图。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
日历 |
+ 定义系统将使用的日历。 +系统支持以下日历:科普特,埃塞俄比亚,格里高利,伊斯兰(Lunar Hijri),ISO 8601,朱利安语,尼泊尔语,波斯语(Solar Hijri)和泰语。 ++ 注意 |
日期格式 |
+ 定义系统将使用的日期格式。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
需要期间以匹配数据集的期间类型 |
+ 要求数据值的周期与分配了数据值的数据元素的数据集具有相同的周期类型。 |
需要类别选项组合以匹配数据元素的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的类别选项组合成为数据值的数据元素的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求组织单位匹配数据集的分配 |
+ 要求将数据值的组织单位分配给数据值的数据元素所分配到的一个或多个数据集。 |
要求属性选项组合以匹配数据集的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的属性选项组合是数据值的数据元素所分配到的数据集的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求指定类别选项组合 |
+ 要求指定数据值的类别选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将退回到默认类别选项组合。 |
需要指定属性选项组合 |
+ 需要指定数据值的属性选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将回退到默认属性选项组合。 |
设置 |
+说明 |
远程服务器 URL |
+定义要上传数据值到运行 DHIS2 的远程服务器的 URL。 +建议使用 SSL/HTTPS,因为用户名和密码会随请求一起发送(使用基本身份验证)。 +系统将尝试每分钟同步一次数据。 +系统也将使用此设置同步元数据。 ++ |
远程服务器用户名 |
+用于数据同步的远程服务器上 DHIS2 用户账户的用户名。 ++ |
远程服务器密码 |
+远程服务器上 DHIS2 用户账户的密码。密码将加密存储。 |
为元数据同步启用版本控制 |
+定义在中央实例和本地实例之间同步元数据时是否创建元数据版本。 |
如果 DHIS 版本不同,则不同步元数据 |
+不同版本的 DHIS2 元数据模式会发生变化,这可能导致不同版本的元数据不兼容。 +启用后,如果中央和本地实例的 DHIS2 版本不同,该选项将不允许进行元数据同步。这适用于通过用户界面和 API 进行的元数据同步。 +只有在同步基本实体(如数据元素)时,禁用该选项才有价值,因为这些实体在不同 DHIS2 版本之间没有变化。 |
尽最大努力 |
+元数据版本的一种类型,决定了本地实例的导入程序将如何处理元数据版本。 +尽最大努力 意味着,如果元数据导入遇到引用缺失(例如数据元素组导入中的数据元素缺失),它会忽略错误并继续导入。 |
原子 |
+元数据版本的一种类型,决定本地实例的导入程序如何处理元数据版本。 +原子 意味着全有或全无--如果任何引用不存在,元数据导入将失败。 |
Grant type |
+ Description |
Password |
+ TBA |
Refresh token |
+ TBA |
Authorization code |
+ TBA |
项目类型 |
+ 说明 |
+ 使用示例 |
事件项目 |
+ 不带注册项目(匿名项目或SEWoR)的单个事件 +匿名,通过卫生系统跟踪各个事件。这些个人交易没有任何人或实体。 +只有一个程序阶段。 |
+ 记录运行状况,而无需在系统中注册任何信息。 +记录调查数据或监视行列表。 |
跟踪程序 |
+ 单个事件与注册程序(SEWR) +使用卫生系统通过每个单独的交易来跟踪实体(人,商品等) +只有一个程序阶段。 +跟踪实体实例(TEI)只能注册一次该程序。 |
+ 记录出生证明和死亡证明。 |
+ | 多事件与注册程序(MEWR) +使用卫生系统通过每个单独的交易来跟踪实体(人,商品等) +具有多个程序阶段。 |
+ 母亲健康计划,分阶段包括ANC访问(2-4 +),分娩,PNC访问。 |
对象类型 |
+ 说明 | + 可用功能 |
事件程序 |
+ 一个无需注册即可记录单个事件的程序 |
+ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
跟踪程序 |
++ 一个程序,用于记录注册了单个或多个事件 |
++ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序指示器 |
+ 一个基于跟踪实体的数据元素和属性的表达式,您可以使用该表达式基于公式来计算值。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序规则 |
+ 允许您在跟踪器捕获和事件捕获应用程序中创建和控制用户界面的动态行为。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序规则变量 |
+ 用于创建程序规则表达式的变量。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
+ 定义被跟踪实体A和被跟踪实体B(例如母子)之间的关系。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
跟踪的实体类型 |
+ 可以通过系统跟踪的实体类型。可以是从人到商品的任何东西,例如药物或人。 +一个程序必须具有一个跟踪的实体。要将跟踪的实体实例注册到程序中,实体的跟踪实体和程序的跟踪实体必须相同。 ++ 注意 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
跟踪实体属性 |
+ 用于注册跟踪实体的其他信息。 +可以在程序之间共享。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序 |
+ 一个程序由多个程序阶段组成。 |
+ 创建,编辑,共享,删除,分配给组织单位,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序阶段 |
+ 程序阶段定义应在每个阶段执行哪些操作。 |
+ 创建,编辑,共享,更改排序顺序,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序指示器组 |
+ 一组程序指示器 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
验证规则 |
+ 验证规则基于定义数据元素值之间关系的表达式。 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序通知 |
+ 自动消息提醒 +设置在计划的约会之前和错过的访问之后自动将提醒发送给已注册的跟踪实体实例的提醒。 |
+ 创建,编辑和删除 |
程序阶段通知 |
+ 自动消息提醒 +设置提醒,使其在程序阶段完成时或到期日之前或之后自动发送。 |
+ 创建,编辑和删除 |
+ | 说明 |
基本 |
+ 列出属于程序的所有数据元素。您可以更改数据元素的顺序。 |
部分 |
+ 部分将数据元素分组。然后,您可以排列各部分的顺序以创建所需的数据输入表单布局。 |
自定义 |
+ 将数据输入表单定义为HTML页面。 |
字段 |
+ 说明 |
名称 |
+ 程序的名称。 |
颜色 |
+ 在数据捕获应用程序中用于此程序的颜色。 |
图标 |
+ 在数据捕获应用程序中用于此程序的图标。 |
短名称 |
+ 程序的简称。在分析应用程序中,短名称用作默认图表或表标题。 |
说明 |
+ 程序的详细说明。 |
版本 |
+ 程序的版本。例如,当人们在Android实现中离线收集数据时,将使用此功能。当他们上网并同步其元数据时,他们应该获得该程序的最新版本。 |
类别组合 |
+ 您要使用的类别组合。默认设置为无。 |
数据审批工作流程 |
+ 您要使用的数据批准工作流。默认设置为无值。 |
已完成的事件到期日期 |
+ 定义您可以编辑已完成事件的天数。这意味着,当事件完成且指定的到期天数已过时,该事件将被锁定。 +如果将"完成事件设置为"到10",则事件在完成日期后十天被锁定。在此日期之后,您将无法再编辑事件。 |
有效期类型 +有效期 |
+ 到期天数定义了上一个周期结束后可以编辑事件的天数。期限类型由到期期限类型定义。这意味着自上一个期间的结束日期起经过指定的到期天数后,该期间的事件将被锁定。 +如果将到期类型设置为"Monthly",将到期日设置为"10",则月份为10月,那么您无法在11月10日之后向10月添加或编辑事件。 |
+ 完成该程序的事件后,选中复选框以阻止输入表单。 | + 这意味着在将状态重置为不完整之前,无法更改输入表单中的数据。 |
功能类型 | + 设置程序是否要捕获地理特征类型。 +- **没有** + 什么也没捕获。 +- **多边形** + 捕获区域。对于单个事件程序,该区域将是代表正在捕获的事件的区域。对于跟踪程序,该区域将代表注册区域。 +- **点** + 捕获点/坐标。对于单个事件程序,该点将代表正在捕获的事件。对于跟踪程序,该点将表示注册人数。 + |
验证策略 | +设置服务器和客户端验证要求。 +>无论验证策略如何,总是执行数据类型验证。例如,从不存储包含文本的整数字段。 +- **完成** + 此选项将在完成事件时强制修复必填字段和错误消息,但是可以将事件保存到服务器而无需通过这些验证要求。 + - 出于遗留原因,这始终是跟踪器程序的验证策略,在该策略中,事件中的每个数据值在获取数据时都会存储到服务器。 +- **关于更新和插入** + 将事件保存到服务器时,无论完成状态如何,此选项都将强制执行必需的字段验证。使用此选项时,如果不通过验证,则无法存储任何事件。 + | +
预先生成的事件UID | +选中复选框以预先生成唯一的事件ID号。 | +
报告日期的描述 | + 键入报告日期的描述。 +此描述以案例输入表单显示。 |
Setting |
+ Description |
Compulsory |
+ The value of this data element must be filled into data entry form before you can complete the event. |
Allow provided elsewhere |
+ Specify if the value of this data element comes from other facility, not in the facility where this data is entered. |
Display in reports |
+ Displays the value of this data element into the single event without registration data entry function. |
Date in future |
+ Will allow user to select a date in future for date data elements. |
Mobile render type |
+ Can be used to select different render types for mobile devices. Available options vary depending on the data element's value type. For example, for a numerical value you may select "Default", "Value", "Slider", "Linear scale", and "Spinner". |
Desktop render type |
+ WARNING: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. +Can be used to select different render types for desktop (i.e. the web interface). Available options vary depending on the data element's value type. For example, for a numerical value you may select "Default", "Value", "Slider", "Linear scale", and "Spinner". |
Notification trigger |
+ Description |
Program stage completion |
+ The program stage notification is sent when the program stage is completed |
Days scheduled (due date) |
+ The program stage notification is sent XX number of days before or after the due date +You need to enter the number of days before or after the scheduled date that the notification will be send. |
Notification recipient |
+ Description |
Tracked entity instance |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. +To receive a program notification, the recipient must have an e-mail address or a phone number attribute. |
Organisation unit contact |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. +To receive a program notification, the receiving organisation unit must have a registered contact person with e-mail address and phone number. |
Users at organisation unit |
+ All users registered to the selected organisation unit receive program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system. |
User group |
+ All members of the selected user group receive the program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system |
Program |
+ TBA |
Notification type |
+Variable name |
+Variable code |
Program |
+Current date |
+ | Days since enrollment date |
+ | Enrollment date |
+ | Incident date |
+ | Organisation unit name |
+ | Program name |
Program stage |
+Current date |
+ | Days since due date |
+ | Days until due date |
+ | Due date |
+ | Organisation unit name |
+ | Program name |
+ | Program stage name |
Field |
+ Description |
+ Name + |
+ The name of the program. |
+ Color + |
+ Color used for this program in Tracker capture. |
+ Icon + |
+ Icon used for this program in Tracker capture |
+ Short name + |
+ + A short name of the program. The short name is used as the + default chart or table title in the analytics apps. + + |
+ Description + |
+ A detailed description of the program. |
+ Version + |
+ + The version of the program. This is used for example when + people collect data offline in an Android implementation. + When they go online and synchronize their metadata, they + should get the latest version of the program. + + |
+ Tracked Entity Type + |
+ + The tracked entity type you want to use. A program can only + have one type of tracked entity. + + |
+ Category combination + |
+ + The category combination you want to use. The default + setting is None. + + |
+ Display front page list + |
+ + Select checkbox to display a list of Tracked Entity + Instances in Tracker Capture. If not selected, the Search + will be displayed. + + |
+ First stage appears on registration page + |
+ + Select checkbox to display the first program stage together + with the registration (enrollment). + + |
+ Access level + |
+ Choose the access level of the program. |
+ Completed events expiry days + |
+ + Defines the number of days for which you can edit a + completed event. This means that when an event is completed + and the specified number of expiry days has passed, the + event is locked. + ++ If you set "Completed events expiry days" to + 10", an event is locked ten days after the completion + date. After this date you can no longer edit the event. + + |
+ Expiry period type +Expiry days + |
+ + The expiry days defines for how many days after the end of + the previous period, an event can be edited. The period type + is defined by the expiry period type. This means that when + the specified number of expiry days has passed since the end + date of the previous period, the events from that period are + locked. + ++ If you set the expiry type to "Monthly" and the + expiry days to "10" and the month is October, then + you can't add or edit an event to October after the 10th of + November. + + |
+ Minimum number of attributes required to search + | +
+ + Specify the number of tracked entity attributes that needs + to be filled in to search for Tracked Entities in the + Program. + + |
+ Maximum number of tracked entity instances to return in + search + | +
+ + Specify the maximum number of tracked entity instances that + should be returned in a search. Enter 0 for no limit. + + |
Field |
+ Description |
Allow future enrollment dates | +
+ + Select checkbox if you want to allow tracked entity + instances to be enrolled in the program on a future date. + + |
Allow future incident dates | +
+ + Select checkbox if you want to allow the incident date in + the program to be on a future date. + + |
+ Only enroll once (per tracked entity instance lifetime) + | +
+ + Select checkbox if you want a tracked entity to be able to + enroll only once in a program. This setting is useful for + example in child vaccination or post-mortem examination + programs where it wouldn’t make sense to enroll a tracked + entity more than once. + + |
Show incident date | +
+ + This setting allows you to show or hide the incident date + field when a tracked entity enroll in the program. + + |
Description of incident date | +
+ Type a description of the incident date +For example: +In an immunization program for child under 1 year old, the + incident date is the child's birthday. +In a maternal program, the incident date is the date of last + menstrual period. + |
Type a description of the enrollment date | +
+ + The date when the tracked entity is enrolled into the + program + + |
Ignore overdue events | +
+ + When a tracked entity enrolls into the program, the events + corresponding to the program stages are created. If you + select this checkbox, the system will not generate overdue + events. + + |
Feature type | +
+ + Sets wether the program is going to capture a geographical + feature type or not. + +
Related program | +
+ + Choose a Tracker program which is related to the program you + are creating, for example an ANC and a Child program. + + |
Setting |
+ Description |
+ Display in list + |
+ + Displays the value of this attribute in the list of tracked + entity instances in Tracker capture. + + |
+ Mandatory + |
+ + The value of this attribute must be filled into data entry + form before you can complete the event. + + |
+ Date in future + |
+ + Will allow user to select a date in future for date + attributes. + + |
+ Mobile render type + |
+ + Can be used to select different render types for mobile + devices. Available options vary depending on the attribute's + value type. For example, for a numerical value you may + select "Default", "Value", + "Slider", "Linear scale", and + "Spinner". + + |
+ Desktop render type + |
+ WARNING: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. ++ Can be used to select different render types for desktop + (i.e. the web interface). Available options vary depending + on the attribute's value type. For example, for a numerical + value you may select "Default", "Value", + "Slider", "Linear scale", and + "Spinner". + + |
Option |
+ Action |
+ Auto-generate event + |
+ + Clear check box to prevent creating an event of this program + stage automatically when a entity is enrolled in the program. + + |
+ Open data entry form after enrollment + |
+ + Select check box to automatically open the event of this + stage as soon as the entity has enrolled into the program. + + |
+ Report date to use + |
+ If you have selected the
+ Open data entry form after enrollment check
+ box, also select a Report date to use:
+ Date of incident or
+ Date of enrollment.
+ + This is the date used as report date for an event that has + been opened automatically. + ++ If the Report date to use is selected as + one of those two ('incident date'/'enrollment date'), in + Dashboard, the 'Report date' of the event will be set as one + of those two. + + |
+ User assignment of events + |
+ + Select check box to enable user assignment of the program + stage. + ++ This means that in Tracker capture there will be a list of + users to which the event can be assigned. + + |
+ Block entry form after completed + |
+ + Select check box to block the entry form after completion of + the event of this stage. + ++ This means that the data in the entry form can't be changed + until you reset the status to incomplete. + + |
+ + Ask user to complete program when stage is + completed + + |
+ + Select check box to trigger a pop-up which asks the user if + he/she wants to create the event of next stage. + + |
+ + Ask user to create new event when stage is + complete + + |
+ + Select check box to trigger a pop-up which asks the users if + he/she wants to create a new event of this stage when an + event of this stage is completed. + ++ This property is active only if you have selected + Repeatable. + + |
+ Generate events by enrollment date + |
+ + Check on it for auto-generating due dates of events from + program-stages of this program based on the enrollment date. + If it is not checked, the due dates are generated based on + incident date. + + |
+ Hide due dates + |
+ Select checkbox to hide due dates for events. |
Feature type | +
+ + Sets wether the program is going to capture a geographical + feature type or not. + +
+ Pre-generate event UID + |
+ Select check box to pre-generate unique event id numbers. + |
+ Description of report date + |
+ Type a description of the report date. +This description is displayed in the data entry form. + |
+ Description of due date + |
+ Type a description of the due date. |
选项 |
+ 操作 |
+ 必选 + |
+ + 此数据元素的值必须填写到数据中 + 完成活动前的报名表。 + + |
+ 允许在其他地方提供 + |
+ + 指定此数据元素的值是否来自其他 + 设备,而不是在输入此数据的设备中。 + + |
+ 在报告中显示 + |
+ + 在单个事件中显示此数据元素的值 + 没有注册数据输入功能。 + + |
+ 将来的日期 + |
+ 允许为日期数据元素选择将来的日期。 + |
+ 跳过同步 + |
+ + 运行数据时允许跳过数据元素 + 同步作业。 + + |
+ 移动渲染类型 + |
+ + 可以用来为手机选择不同的渲染类型 + 设备。可用选项取决于属性的 + 值类型。例如,对于数字值,您可以 + 选择"Default","Value", + "Slider","线性比例"和 + "Spinner"。 + + |
+ 桌面渲染类型 + |
+ 警告:尚未实施。 ++ 可用于为桌面选择不同的渲染类型 + (即网络界面)。可用选项因情况而异 + 在属性的值类型上。例如,对于数字 + 您可以选择"Default","Value", + "Slider","线性比例"和 + "Spinner"。 + + |
Trigger |
+ Description |
+ Note |
Program enrollment |
+ The program notification is sent when the TEI enrols in the program. |
+ - |
Program completion |
+ The program notification is sent when the program of TEI is completed |
+ - |
Days scheduled (incident date) |
+ The program notification is sent XX number of days before or after the incident date |
+ You need to enter the number of days before or after the scheduled date that the notification will be send. |
Days scheduled (enrollment date) |
+ The program notification is sent XX number of days before or after the enrollment date |
+ You need to enter the number of days before or after the scheduled date that the notification will be send. |
Program Rule |
+ Notification will be triggered as a result of program rule exeuction. |
+ Program rule with ProgramRuleActionType.SENDMESSAGE need to be in place to make this trigger successful. |
Recipient type |
+ Description |
+ Note |
Tracked entity instance |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. |
+ To receive a program notification, the recipient must have an e-mail address or a phone number attribute. |
Organisation unit contact |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. |
+ To receive a program notification, the receiving organisation unit must have a registered contact person with e-mail address and phone number. |
Users at organisation unit: | +All users registered to the selected organisation unit receive program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system. |
+ - |
User group |
+ All members of the selected user group receive the program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system |
+ - |
Limit To Hierarchy |
+ Send notification only to those users who belong to any of the organisation unit in the hierarchy. |
+ This option is only available when User Group is selected as recipient. |
Parent OrgUnit Only |
+ Send notification only to those users who belong to parent organisation unit. |
+ This option is only available when User Group is selected as recipient. |
Program Attribute |
+ TrackedEntityAttribute can also be selected as recipient. |
+ This parameter will only be effective if TrackedEntityAttribute value type is PHONE_NUMBER/EMAIL. |
Trigger |
+ Description |
+ Note |
Program stage completion |
+ The program stage notification is sent when the program stage is completed |
+ - |
Days scheduled (due date) |
+ The program stage notification is sent XX number of days before or after the due date |
+ You need to enter the number of days before or after the scheduled date that the notification will be send. |
Program Rule |
+ Notification will be triggered as a result of program rule execution. |
+ Program rule with ProgramRuleActionType.SENDMESSAGE need to be in place to make this trigger successful. |
Recipient type |
+ Description |
+ Note |
Tracked entity instance |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. |
+ To receive a program stage notification, the recipient must have an e-mail address or a phone number attribute. |
Organisation unit contact |
+ Receives program notifications via e-mail or text message. |
+ To receive a program stage notification, the receiving organisation unit must have a registered contact person with e-mail address and phone number. +The system selects the same organisation unit as where the event took place. |
Users at organisation unit: | +All users registered to the selected organisation unit receive program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system. |
+ - |
User group |
+ All members of the selected user group receive the program notifications via the internal DHIS2 messaging system |
+ - |
Limit To Hierarchy |
+ Send notification only to those users who belong to any of the organisation unit in the hierarchy. |
+ - |
Parent OrgUnit Only |
+ Send notification only to those users who belong to parent organisation unit. |
+ - |
Data Element |
+ Data Element associated with ProgramStage can be selected as recipient. |
+ Data Element will only be effective if DataElement has value type PHONE_NUMBER/EMAIL. |
Notification type |
+Variable name |
+Variable code |
Program |
+Current date |
+ | Days since enrollment date |
+ | Enrollment date |
+ | Incident date |
+ | Organisation unit name |
+ | Program name |
Program stage |
+Current date |
+ | Days since due date |
+ | Days until due date |
+ | Due date |
+ | Organisation unit name |
+ | Program name |
+ | Program stage name |
Program rule component |
+Description |
Aggregation type |
+The aggregation type determines how the program indicator will be aggregated. The following aggregation types are available: +
Analytics type |
+The available analytics types are event and enrollment. +The analytics type defines whether the program indicator is calculated based on events or program enrollments. This has an impact on what type of calculations can be made. +
Analytics period boundaries |
+Defines the boundaries for the program indicator calculation. The boundaries determine which events or enrollments gets included in aggregations, always relative to the aggregate reporting period start and end. When creating the program indicator, the default boundaries will get preselected based on analytics type. +
It is possible to change the upper and lower boundaries to include a longer or shorter period relative to the reporting period, or delete one of the boundaries - in effect returning all data before or after a certain period. It is also possible to add more constraints, for example to make an enrollment program indicator only include event data up to a given point in time. +
Expression |
+The expression defines how the indicator is being calculated. The expression can contain references to various entities which will be substituted with a related values when the indicator is calculated: +
The expression is a mathematical expression and can also contain operators. +For single event programs and tracker programs with analytics type event, the expression will be evaluated per event, then aggregated according to its aggregation type. +For tracker programs with analytics type enrollment, the expression will be evaluated per enrollment, then aggregated according to its aggregation type. |
Filter |
+The filter is applied to events and filters the data source used for the calculation of the indicator. I.e. the filter is applied to the set of events before the indicator expression is being evaluated. The filter must evaluate to either true or false. It filter is applied to each individual event. If the filter evaluates to true then the event is included later in the expression evaluation, if not it is ignored. The filter can, in a similar way as expressions, contain references to data elements, attributes and constants. +The program indicator filter can in addition use logical operators. These operators can be used to form logical expressions which ultimately evaluate to either true or false. For example you can assert that multiple data elements must be a specific value, or that specific attributes must have numerical values less or greater than a constant. |
对象类型 |
+ 可用功能 |
程序指示器 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序指示器组 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
Value types | +Example syntax | +
Integer +Negative integer +Positive or zero integer +Positive integer +Number +Percentage |
+Numeric fields, can be used for aggregation as an expression, or in filters: +
Yes/No +Yes only |
+Boolean fields. Yes is translated to numeric 1, No to numeric 0. Can be used for aggregation as an expression, or in filters: +
Text +Long text +Phone number + |
+Text fields. Can be checked for equality in filters: +
Date +Age |
+Date fields. Most useful when combined with a d2:daysBetween function, which produces a number that can be aggregated as an expression or used in filters: +
+Can also directly be checked for equality in filters: +
功能 |
+ 参数 |
+ 说明 |
d2:hasValue |
+ (对象) |
+ 如果数据元素/属性具有值,则返回true。可以在过滤器中使用,以区分数字0和无值,以及区分显式"No"和“是/否”字段的无选择。 |
d2:minutes之间 |
+ (日期时间,日期时间) |
+ 产生两个数据元素/类型为"date和time"的分钟数。静态日期时间格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:days之间的 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的天数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:周之间 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的完整周数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:months之间 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的完整月份数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:years之间的 |
+ (日期,日期) |
+ 产生日期类型的两个数据元素/属性之间的完整年数。静态日期格式为“ yyyy-MM-dd”。可以使用PS_EVENTDATE:(programStageUid)替换任何参数,以比较给定程序阶段的最新事件日期。 |
d2:条件 |
+ (布尔表达式,true表达式,false表达式) |
+ 计算布尔表达式,如果为true,则返回true表达式值;如果为false,则返回false表达式值。条件表达式必须用引号引起来。 true-expr和false-expr参数必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
d2:zing |
+ (表达式) |
+ 如果表达式为负,则返回零,否则返回表达式值。该表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
d2:oizp |
+ (表达式) |
+ 如果表达式为零或正数,则返回1,否则返回零。该表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
d2:zpvc |
+ (object,[,object ...]) |
+ 返回给定对象参数中的数字零和正值的数量。可以提供任意数量的参数。 |
d2:relationshipCount |
+ ([relationshipTypeUid]) |
+ 产生连接到注册或事件的给定类型的关系数。如果未指定任何类型,则将计算所有类型。 |
d2:计数 |
+ (dataElement) |
+ 仅用于注册程序指示器。计算在注册过程中为给定程序阶段和数据元素收集的数据值的数量。参数数据元素带有#{programStage.dataElement}语法。 |
d2:countIfValue |
+ (dataElement,值) |
+ 仅用于注册程序指示器。计算在注册过程中与给定程序阶段和数据元素的给定文字值匹配的数据值的数量。参数数据元素带有#{programStage.dataElement}语法。该值可以是硬编码的文本或数字,例如,如果仅应计算包含该文本的值,则可以是“ No_anemia”。 |
d2:countIfCondition |
+ (数据元素,条件) |
+ 仅用于注册程序指示器。在注册过程中,对与给定程序阶段和数据元素的给定条件标准相匹配的数据值进行计数。参数数据元素带有#{programStage.dataElement}语法。如果仅应计算小于10的值,则该条件将以表达式形式提供在单引号中,例如'<10'。 |
+ | (布尔表达式,true表达式,false表达式) |
+ 计算布尔表达式,如果为true,则返回true表达式值;如果为false,则返回false表达式值。这与d2:condition函数相同,除了不引用boolean-expr。 |
isNull |
+ (对象) |
+ 如果对象值丢失(空),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
isNotNull |
+ (对象) |
+ 如果对象值不丢失(不为null),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
firstNonNull |
+ (object [,object ...]) |
+ 返回不丢失的第一个对象的值(不为null)。可以提供任意数量的参数。任何参数也可以是数字或字符串文字,如果所有先前的对象都缺少值,则将返回该参数。 |
最大 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最大(最高)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。每个表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
至少 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最小(最小)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。每个表达式必须遵循任何程序指示符表达式(包括函数)的规则。 |
Variable |
+Description |
event_date |
+The date of when the event or the last event in the enrollment took place. |
creation_date |
+The date of when an event or enrollment was created in the system. |
due_date |
+The date of when an event is due. |
sync_date |
+The date of when the event or enrollment was last syncronized with the Android app. |
incident_date |
+The date of the incidence of the event. |
enrollment_date |
+The date of when the tracked entity instance was enrolled in the program. |
enrollment_status |
+Can be used to include or exclude enrollments in certain statuses. +When calculating the haemoglobin improvement/deterioration throughout a pregnancy, it might make sense to only consider completed enrollments. If non-completed enrollments is not filtered out, these will represent half-finished ANC followups, where the final improvement/deterioration is not yet established. |
current_date |
+The current date. |
value_count |
+The number of non-null values in the expression part of the event. |
zero_pos_value_count |
+The number of numeric positive values in the expression part of the event. |
event_count |
+The count of events (useful in combination with filters). |
enrollment_count |
+The count of enrollments (useful in combination with filters). Aggregation type for the program indicator must be COUNT. |
tei_count |
+The count of tracked entity instances (useful in combination with filters). Aggregation type for the program indicator must be COUNT. |
org_unit_count |
+The count of organisation units (useful in combination with filters). Aggregation type for the program indicator must be COUNT. |
program_stage_name |
+Can be used in filters for including only certain program stages in a filter for tracker programs. Uses the name of the program stage: +
program_stage_id |
+Can be used in filters for including only certain program stages in a filter for tracker programs. Uses the unique identifier of the program stage: +
analytics_period_start |
+Can be used in filters or expressions for comparing any date to the first date in each reporting period. +
analytics_period_end |
+Can be used in filters or expressions for comparing any date to the last inclusive date in each reporting period. |
运算符 |
+ 说明 |
和 |
+ 逻辑与 |
或 |
+ 逻辑或 |
== |
+ 等于 |
!= |
+ 不等于 |
< |
+ 小于 |
< = |
+ 小于或等于 |
> |
+ 大于 |
> = |
+ 大于或等于 |
Program rule component |
+Description |
Program rule action |
+Each program rule contains one or multiple actions. These are the behaviours that are triggered in the user interface when the expression is true. Actions will be applied at once if the expression is true, and will be reverted if the expression is no longer true. There are several types of actions and you can have several actions in one program rule. |
Program rule expression |
+Each program rule has a single expression that determines whether the program rule actions should be triggered, if the expression evaluates to true. If the expression is true the program rule is in effect and the actions will be executed. If the expression is false, the program rule is no longer in effect and the actions will no longer be applied. +You create the expression with standard mathematical operators, custom functions, user-defined static values and program rule variables. The program rule variables represent attribute and data element values which will be evaluated as part of the expression. |
Program rule variable |
+Program rule variables lets you include data values and attribute values in program rule expressions. Typically, you'll have to create one or several program rule variables before creating a program rule. This is because program rules expressions usually contain at least one data element or attribute value to be meaningful. +The program rule variables are shared between all rules in your program. When you create multiple program rules for the same program, these rules will share the same library of program rule variables. |
对象类型 |
+ 可用功能 |
程序规则 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
程序规则变量 |
+ 创建,编辑,克隆,共享,删除,显示详细信息并翻译 |
Source type |
+ Description |
Data element from the newest event for a program stage |
+ This source type works the same way as Data element from the newest event in the current program, except that it only evaluates values from one program stage. +This source type can be useful in program rules where the same data element is used in several program stages, and a rule needs to evaluate the newest data value from within one specific stage. |
Data element from the newest event in the current program |
+ This source type is used when a program rule variable needs to reflect the newest known value of a data element, regardless of what event the user currently has open. +This source type is populated slightly differently in Tracker Capture and Event Capture apps: +Tracker Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value collected for the given data element within the enrollment. +Event Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value found within the 10 newest events in the same organisation unit. +The newest data value is determined with event date. |
Data element in current event |
+ Program rule variables with this source type will contain the data value from the same event that the user currently has open. +This is the most commonly used source type, especially for skip logic (hide actions) and warning/error rules. |
Data element from previous event |
+ Program rule variables with this source type will contain the value from a specified data element from a previous event. Only older events is evaluated, not including the event that the user currently has open. +This source type is commonly used when a data element only should be collected once during an enrollment, and should be hidden in subsequent events. +Another use case is making rules for validating input where there is an expected progression from one event to the next - a rule can evaluate whether the previous value is higher/lower and give a warning if an unexpected value is entered. +This source type is populated slightly differently in Tracker Capture and Event Capture apps: +Tracker Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value collected for the given data element within the enrollment - but only evaluating the events that comes before the current event date. +Event Capture: the program rule variable will be populated with the newest data value collected within the 10 events preceding the current event date - not including the current event. +The newest data value is determined with event date. |
Calculated value |
+ Program rule variable with this source type is not connected directly to any form data - but will be populated as a result of some other program rules ASSIGN action. +This variable will be used for making preliminary calculations, having a ASSIGN program rule action and assigning a value, this value can be used by other program rules - potentially making the expressions simpler and more maintanable. +These variables will not be persisted and will stay in memory only during the exectution of the set of program rules. Any program rule that assigns a data value to a preliminary calculated value would normally also have a priority assigned - to make sure that the preliminary caculation is done before the rule that consumes the calculated value. + |
Tracked entity attribute |
+ Populates the program rule variable with a specified tracked entity attribute for the current enrollment. +Use this is the source type to create program rules that evaluate data values entered during registration. +This source type is also useful when you create program rules that compare data in events to data entered during registration. +This source type is only used for tracker programs (programs with registration). |
Action type |
+ Required settings |
+ Description |
+ | + | + |
Assign value |
+ Data element to assign value to +Program rule variable to assign value to +Expression to evaluate and assign |
+ Used to help the user calculate and fill out fields in the data entry form. The idea is that the user shouldn’t have to fill in values that the system can calculate, for example BMI. +When a field is assigned a value, the user sees the value but the user can't edit it. +Example from Immunization stock card i Zambia: The data element for vaccine stock outgoing balance is calculated based on the data element for incoming stock balance minus the data elements for consumption and wastage. +Advanced use: configure an 'assign value' to do a part of a calculation and then assign the result of the calculation to a program rule variable. This is the purpose with the "Calculated value" program rule variable. |
Display text |
+ Display widget +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used to display information that is not an error or a warning, for example feedback to the user. You can also use this action to display important information, for example the patient's allergies, to the user. |
Display key/value pair |
+ Display widget +Key label +Expression to evaluate and display as value |
+ Used to display information that is not an error or a warning. +Example: calculate number of weeks and days in a pregnancy and display it in the format the clinician is used to see it in. The calculation is based on previous recorded data. |
Error on complete |
+ Data element to display error next to +Tracked entity attribute to display error next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used whenever you've cross-consistencies in the form that must be strictly adhered to. This action prevents the user from continuing until the error is resolved. +This action differs from the regular Show error since the error is not shown until the user tries to actually complete the form. +If you don't select a data element or a tracked entity attribute to display the error next to, make sure you write a comprehensive error message that helps the user to fix the error. |
Hide field |
+ Data element to hide +Tracked entity attribute to hide +Custom message for blanked field |
+ Used when you want to hide a field from the user. +Custom message for blanked field allows you to define a custom message displayed to the user in case the program rule hides and blanks out the field after the user typed in or selected a value. +If a hide field action hides a field that contains a value, the field will always removed. If no message is defined, a standard message will be displayed to alert the user. |
Hide section |
+ Program stage section to hide |
+ TBA |
Hide program stage |
+ Program stage to hide |
+ Used when you want to hide a program stage section from the user. |
Make field mandatory |
+ Data element to make mandatory +Tracked entity attribute to make mandatory |
+ TBA |
Show error |
+ Data element to display error next to +Tracked entity attribute to display error next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used whenever there are rules which must strictly be adhered to. The show error action prevents the user from continuing until the error is resolved. +Such a strict validation should only be used when it's certain that the evaluated expression is never true unless the user has made a mistake in data entry. +It's mandatory to define a message that is shown to the user when the expression is true and the action is triggered. +You can select which data element or tracked entity attribute to link the error to. This will help the user to fix the error. +In case several data elements or attributes are involved, select the one that is most likely that the user would need to change. |
Show warning |
+ Data element to display warning next to +Tracked entity attribute to display warning next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used to give the user a warning about the entered data, but at the same time to allow the user to save and continue. +You can use warnings to help the user avoid errors in the entered data, while at the same time allow the user to consciously disregard the warnings and save a value that is outside preset expectations. +Static text defines the message shown to the user when the expression is true and the action is triggered. +You can select which data element or tracked entity attribute to link the error to. This will help the user to fix the error. +In case several data elements or attributes are involved, select the one that is most likely that the user would need to change. |
Warning on complete |
+ Data element to display warning next to +Tracked entity attribute to display warning next to +Static text +Expression to evaluate and display after static text |
+ Used to give the user a warning if he/she tries to complete inconsistent data, but at the same time to allow the user to continue. The warning is shown in a dialog when the user completes the form. +Static text defines the message shown to the user when the expression is true and the action is triggered. This field is mandatory. +You can select which data element or tracked entity attribute to link the error to. This will help the user to fix the error. +If you don't select a data element or a tracked entity attribute to display the error next to, make sure you write a comprehensive error message that helps the user to fix the error. |
Send Message |
+ Message template to send |
+ Send Message triggers a notification based on provided message template. This action will be taken when ever there is a change in data value. However this behaviour can be controlled by providing event/enrollment status in program rule expression for example. +
+ Message template will be parsed and variables will be substituted with actual values. |
Schedule Message |
+ Message template to send +Data field which contains expression to evaluate the date which notification should be sent at. |
+ Schedule Message will schedule notification at date provided by Expression in the data field. Sample expression is given below +
+ Message template will be parsed and variables will be substituted with actual values. |
Hide option |
+ Data element to hide option for +Tracked entity attribute to hide option for +Option that should be hidden |
+ Used to selectively hide a single option for an option set in a given data element/tracked entity attribute. +When combined with show option group the hide option takes presedence. |
Hide option group |
+ Data element to hide option group for +Tracked entity attribute to hide option group for +Option group that should be hidden |
+ Used to hide all options in a given option group and data element/tracked entity attribute. +When combined with show option group the hide option group takes precedence. |
Show option group |
+ Data element to show option group for +Tracked entity attribute to show option group for +Option group that should be shown |
+ Used to show only options from a given option group in a given data element/tracked entity attribute. To show an option group implicitly hides all options that is not part of the group(s) that is shown. |
运算符 | +说明 | +
+ |
+ 相加数字 |
- |
+ 彼此相减的编号 |
* |
+ 乘以两个数字 |
/ |
+ 除以两个数字 |
% |
+ 两个数的模数 |
&& |
+ 逻辑与。仅当左侧和右侧的表达式为true时为true。左侧和右侧可以是“是/否”,“仅是”或括号中的子表达式。 |
|| |
+ 逻辑或。当左侧的表达式或右侧的表达式为true时为True。左侧和右侧可以是“是/否”,“仅是”或括号中的子表达式。 |
> |
+ 左数大于右数 |
> = |
+ 左数大于或等于右数 |
< |
+ 左数小于右数 |
< = |
+ 左数小于或等于右数。 |
== |
+ 左侧等于右侧。支持数字,文本,是/否和仅是。 |
!= |
+ 左侧不等于右侧。支持数字,文本,是/否和仅是。 |
! |
+ 取反以下值。可以用于是/否,仅是或括号中的子表达式。 |
() |
+ 括号用于对子表达式进行分组。 |
功能 | +参数 | +说明 | +
d2:ceil | +(数字) | +将输入参数向上舍入 到最接近的整数。
+ 示例:d2:ceil(# ) +
d2:floor | +(数字) | +将输入参数向下舍入 到最接近的整数。
+ 举例说明妇女怀孕的周数。请注意,子表达式 #{gestationalAgeDays}/7 在 floor 函数执行之前已经求值: +
d2:round | +(number) | +将输入参数舍入为最接近的整数。 | +
d2:modulus | +(number,number) | +将第一个参数除以第二个参数,得出模数。
+ 举例说明该妇女当前孕周的天数: +
d2:zing | +数值 | +如果数值为负值,则将数值类型的参数值化为零,否则化为数值本身。 | +
d2:oizp | +数值 | +如果数值为零或正值,则将数字类型的参数赋值为 1,否则赋值为 0。 | +
d2:concatenate | +(对象, [,object, object,...]) | +根据输入参数生成连接字符串。支持任意数量的参数。主要用于未来的操作类型,例如使用 d2:concatenate('weeks','+','gestationalageDays')显示胎龄。 | +
d2:daysBetween | +(日期)。 | +计算第一个参数和第二个参数之间的天数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负天数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。
+ 示例:根据末次月经日期和当前事件日期计算妇女的胎龄(天数): +
d2:weeksBetween | +(日期)。 | +返回第一个参数和第二个参数之间的整周数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负周数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。 | +
d2:monthsBetween | +(日期)。 | +返回第一个参数和第二个参数之间的整月数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负月数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。 | +
d2:yearsBetween | +(日期)。 | +返回第一个参数和第二个参数之间的年数。如果第二个参数的日期在第一个参数之前,返回值将是两个日期之间的负年数。静态日期格式为 "yyyy-MM-dd"。 | +
d2:addDays | +(日期,数字) | +根据第一个参数日期生成一个日期,并加上第二个参数的天数。
+ 根据末次月经计算怀孕预产期的示例: +
d2:count | +(源字段) | +计算参数中源字段输入值的个数。源字段参数是程序中已定义的源字段的名称 - 参见示例
+ 使用示例 #{previousPregnancyOutcome} 是可重复程序阶段"上一次怀孕" 中的一个源字段: +
d2:countIfValue | +(源字段,文本) | +计算为第一个参数中的源字段输入的匹配值的个数。只计算与第二个参数匹配的出现次数。源字段参数是程序中定义的一个源字段的名称--见示例。
+ 使用示例 其中 #{previousPregnancyOutcome} 是可重复程序阶段"上一次怀孕" 中的一个源字段。下面的函数将生成以流产告终的前次怀孕次数: +
d2:countIfZeroPos | +(来源字段) | +计算参数中源字段输入的零值或正值的个数。源字段参数是程序中定义的一个源字段的名称--见示例。
+ 示例用法 #{fundalHeightDiscrepancy} 是程序中的一个源字段,可以是正值或负值。下面的函数将产生正数出现的次数: +
d2:hasValue | +(源字段) | +如果参数源字段包含值,则返回值为 true;如果没有输入值,则返回值为 false。
+ 使用示例:查找源字段 #{currentPregnancyOutcome} 是否已填写: +
d2:zpvc | +(对象,[,对象,对象,...]) | +返回给定对象参数中零值和正值数值的个数。可提供任意数量的参数。 | +
d2:validatePattern | +(文本,regex-pattern) | +如果输入文本与提供的正则表达式模式完全匹配,则返回值为 true。正则表达式需要转义。
+ 示例表达式,当数字不在模式 9999/99/9 中时触发操作: +
+示例表达式,如果地址不是由字母或空格组成,则触发操作,然后是一个空格,然后是一个数字: +
+示例:如果名称中包含任何数字,则触发操作: +
+示例表达式,当手机号码包含非法数字序列 555 时触发操作: +
d2:left | +(文本,数字字符串) | +计算文本的左侧部分,从第一个字符开始计算。
+ 文本可以使用引号,也可以通过变量求值: +
d2:right | +(文本,字符数) | +计算文本的右侧部分,从最后一个字符开始计算。
+ 文本可以使用引号,也可以通过变量求值: +
d2:substring | +(文本,起始字符数,终止字符数) | +计算字符串中由起始字符数和终止字符数指定的部分。
+ 表达式示例: +
+如果上述示例中的 #{variableWithText} 是 "ABCD",那么计算结果就是 "BC"。 |
d2:split | +(文本,分隔符,元素序号) | +按分隔符分割文本,并保留第 n 个元素(0 为第一个)。
+ 文本可以使用引号,也可以通过变量求值,分隔符必须使用引号: +
+注意:不支持逗号分隔符(,)。 |
d2:length | +文本 | +查找字符串的长度。
+ 示例:d2:length(# ) +
d2:inOrgUnitGroup | +文本 | +评估当前组织单位是否在参数组中。参数可以用 ID 或组织单位组代码定义。在事件中触发规则时,当前组织单位将是事件组织单位;在 TEI 注册表中触发规则时,当前组织单位将是注册组织单位。
+ 示例表达式: +
d2:hasUserRole | +(用户角色) | +如果当前用户具有此角色,则返回 true,否则返回 false
+ 示例表达式: +
d2:zScoreWFA | +年龄体重指标 Z 值 | +函数根据世界卫生组织年龄体重指标提供的数据计算 Z 值。其值在-3.5 至 3.5 之间变化,取决于体重值。
+ 示例表达式: +
d2:zScoreHFA | +年龄身高指标 Z 值 | +函数根据世界卫生组织年龄身高指标提供的数据计算 Z 值。其值在-3.5 至 3.5 之间变化,取决于身高值。
+ 表达式示例: +
d2:zScoreWFH | +身高体重指标 Z 值 | +函数根据世界卫生组织体重身高指标提供的数据计算 Z 值。其值在-3.5 至 3.5 之间变化,取决于身高值。
+ 表达式示例: +
d2:minValue | +获取所提供项目的最小值 | +函数获取所提供的数据元素在整个注册过程中的最小值。
+ 表达式示例: +
d2:maxValue | +获取所提供项目的最大值 | +函数获取所提供数据元素在整个注册过程中的最大值。
+ 表达式示例: +
变量 | +类型 | +说明 | +
V{current_date} | +(日期) | +包含执行规则时的当前日期。
+ 表达式示例: +
V{event_date} | +(日期) | +包含当前事件执行的事件日期。作为注册表的一部分执行规则时,不会有任何值。 | +
V{event_status} | +(字符串) | +包含当前活动或注册的状态。
+ 检查状态的示例表达式为: +
V{due_date} | +(日期) | +此变量将包含执行规则时的当前日期。注意:这意味着即使没有其他任何更改,该规则也可能在不同时间产生不同的结果。 | +
V{event_count} | +(数字) | +包含注册中的事件总数。 | +
V{enrollment_date} | +(日期) | +包含当前注册的注册日期。对于单项活动计划没有价值。 | +
V{incident_date} | +(日期) | +包含当前注册的事件日期。对于单项活动计划没有价值。 | +
V{enrollment_id} | +(字符串) | +当前注册的通用标识符字符串 (UID)。对于单项活动计划没有价值。 | +
V{event_id} | +(字符串) | +当前事件上下文的通用标识符字符串 (UID)。作为注册表的一部分执行规则时,不会有任何值。 | +
V{orgunit_code} | +(字符串) | +包含链接到当前注册的组织单位的代码。对于单个事件程序,将使用当前事件组织单元中的代码。
+ 用于检查组织单位代码是否以 WB_ 开头的示例表达式: +
V{环境} | +(字符串) | +包含代表规则当前运行时环境的代码。可能的值为 "WebClient"、"AndroidClient" 和"服务器"。当程序规则仅应在一种或多种客户端类型中运行时可以使用。 | +
V{program_stage_id} | +(字符串) | +包含触发规则的当前程序阶段的 ID。这可用于在特定程序阶段运行规则,或避免在某些阶段执行。在 TEI 注册表单上下文中执行规则时,变量将为空。 | +
V{program_stage_name} | +(字符串) | +包含触发规则的当前程序阶段的名称。这可用于在特定程序阶段运行规则,或避免在某些阶段执行。在 TEI 注册表单上下文中执行规则时,该变量将为空。 | +
Value type |
+ Description |
Age |
+ - |
Coordinate |
+ A point coordinate specified as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. All coordinate should be specified in the format "-19.23 , 56.42" with a comma separating the longitude and latitude. |
Date |
+ Dates render as calendar widget in data entry. |
Date & time |
+ - |
- |
+ |
File |
+ A file resource where you can store external files, for example documents and photos. |
Image | +Similar to File, but restricted to images. | +
Integer |
+ Any whole number (positive and negative), including zero. |
Letter |
+ - |
Long text |
+ Textual value. Renders as text area in forms. |
Negative integer |
+ Any whole number less than (but not including) zero. |
Number |
+ Any real numeric value with a single decimal point. Thousands separators and scientific notation is not supported. |
Percentage |
+ Whole numbers inclusive between 0 and 100. |
Phone number |
+ + |
Positive integer |
+ Any whole number greater than (but not including) zero. |
Positive of zero integer |
+ Any positive whole number, including zero. |
Organisation unit |
+ - |
Unit interval |
+ Any real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. |
Text |
+ Textual value. The maximum number of allowed characters per value is 50,000. |
Time |
+ Time is stored in HH:mm format. +HH is a number between 0 and 23 +mm is a number between 00 and 59 |
Tracker associate |
+ - |
Username |
+ This will be populated with the username of the user which performs data entry automatically during the data entry process. |
Yes/No |
+ Boolean values, renders as drop-down lists in data entry. |
Yes only |
+ True values, renders as check-boxes in data entry. |
Aggregation operator |
+ Description |
Average |
+ Average the values in both the period as and the organisation unit dimensions. |
Average (sum in organisation unit hierarchy) |
+ Average of data values in the period dimension, sum in the organisation unit dimensions. |
Count |
+ Count of data values. |
Min |
+ Minimum of data values. |
Max |
+ Maximum of data values. |
None |
+ No aggregation is performed in any dimension. |
Sum |
+ Sum of data values in the period and organisation unit dimension. |
Standard deviation |
+ Standard deviation (population-based) of data values. |
Variance |
+ Variance (population-based) of data values. |
设置 |
+说明 |
分析记录的最大数量 |
+增加该数字可提供更多分析记录。 +默认值为 50,000。 ++ |
SQL 视图记录的最大数量 |
+设置 SQL 视图中的最大记录数。 +默认值为无限。 + |
基础设施指标 |
+定义一个指标组,其中的成员指标应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施数据元素 |
+定义一个数据元素组,其中的成员数据元素应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +基础设施数据元素可以是人口、医生、床位、互联网连接和气候。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施周期类型 |
+设置采集基础设施数据元素组中数据元素的频率。 +一般为每年一次。查看基础设施数据时,您可以选择数据源的时间段。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施并单击显示信息 。 |
默认分析相对周期 |
+设置此值将决定在分析应用程序中选择哪个相对时段作为默认时段。 |
反馈收件人 |
+定义一个用户组,其成员将接收通过Dashboard 应用程序中的反馈功能发送的所有信息。 +这通常是超级用户团队的成员,他们能够支持和回答来自最终用户的问题。 |
最大离线组织单位级别 |
+定义在组织单位树 widget 中,组织单位层次结构中有多少级可以离线使用。 +在正常情况下,可以将其保留在默认设置的最低层级上。 +在组织单位数量较多(通常超过 30 000 个)的情况下,将其设置为较高的层级可缩短初始加载时间。 |
数据分析标准差因子 |
+设置在数据录入 应用程序中对采集的数据进行离群值分析时使用的标准差个数。 +默认值为 2。高值会比低值捕获更少的离群值。 |
电话号码区号 |
+您的部署所在地区的区号。 +用于发送和接收短信。通常是国家代码。 ++260 (赞比亚的国家区号) |
启用多组织单位表格 |
+启用支持在数据录入 应用程序中同时输入多个组织单位的数据表格。 +如果启用了此设置,您可以在Data Entry 应用程序中,单击要输入数据的子代的父代组织单位,数据集列表将包括分配给该父代的子代的数据集。 |
审批前需要接受 | +选择此设置后,在提交下一级审批之前,首先需要接受数据。 | +
设置 |
+ 说明 |
分析的默认相对周期 |
+ 定义的相对时间由默认的分析应用程序使用:数据可视化,事件报告,事件展台, GIS 和透视表应用。打开这些应用程序时,将自动选择相对时间段。 +推荐设置:用户中最常用的相对时间段。 |
隐藏每日时段 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每日时段 |
隐藏每周时段 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每周时段 |
隐藏每月期间 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏月度 |
隐藏每两个月的周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏双月周期 |
会计年度相对开始月份 | +定义分析应用程序中相对财务年度应从哪个月(4月,7月或10月)开始。 | +
可缓存性 |
+ 设置是否应为公共或私有可见性提供分析数据响应。 +私有:DHIS2服务器与最终用户之间具有缓存功能的任何节点或服务器都无法缓存网页。如果所提供的页面可以包含或确实包含敏感信息,这将很有用。这意味着,每次需要网页时,要么从DHIS2服务器获取一个新页面,要么DHIS2服务器缓存该页面。除DHIS2服务器外,没有其他服务器可以缓存页面。 +公共:DHIS2服务器与最终用户之间具有缓存能力的任何节点或服务器都可以缓存网页。这样可以重新传输到DHIS2服务器的流量,并有可能加快后续页面的加载速度。 |
缓存策略 |
+ 决定应将报告分析响应缓存多长时间。 +如果您使用计划的夜间分析更新,请选择缓存直到明天凌晨6点。这是因为报表中的数据当时会更改,因此您可以安全地缓存数据,直到更新分析表为止。 +如果要将数据连续加载到分析表中,请选择 No cache 。 |
在分析中隐藏未批准数据的最大年限 |
+ 设置时间分析是否应遵守数据的批准级别以及在多长时间内应遵守数据的批准级别。通常,默认情况下会认为已有数年历史的数据已被批准。为了加快分析请求的速度,您可以选择忽略历史数据的实际批准级别。 +永远不要检查批准:不会隐藏任何数据,无论其数据批准状态如何。 +检查所有数据的批准:将始终检查批准状态。 +其他选项,例如最近3年:将检查批准状态中是否存在3年以下的数据;较旧的数据将不会被检查。 |
分析数据缓存的阈值 |
+ 设置是否仅启用早于指定年限的缓存数据。 +这允许在不缓存的情况下直接返回最新数据,同时出于性能方面的考虑,为较早的数据提供缓存版本。 |
分析表导出中的尊重类别选项开始和结束日期 |
+ 此设置控制分析是否应过滤与具有开始和结束日期的类别选项相关联但与在类别选项有效期内的时间段无关的数据。 |
将分析置于维护模式 |
+ 将DHIS2的分析和Web API置于维护模式。这意味着将为所有请求返回"503服务不可用"。
+ 当您需要在服务器上执行维护(例如在服务器在生产环境中运行时重建索引)以减少负载并更有效地执行维护时,此功能很有用。 |
跳过分析表中的零数据值 |
+ 在分析表中不包含任何为零的聚合数据值。如果汇总数据值为零并已存储(数据元素配置为存储零值),则这可以减小分析表的大小,并加快分析表的构建和访问。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
数据库服务器CPU的数量 |
+ 设置数据库服务器的CPU核心数。 +当数据库托管在与应用程序服务器不同的服务器上时,这使系统能够以最佳性能运行,因为DHIS2中的分析与可用核心数成线性比例。 |
系统通知电子邮件地址 |
+ 定义将接收系统通知的电子邮件地址。 +有关分析表生成等流程失败的通知将在此处发送。这对于应用程序监视很有用。 |
Google Analytics(通用分析)密钥 |
+ 设置Google UA密钥,以通过Google Analytics(分析)平台为您的DHIS2实例提供使用情况分析。应该注意的是,当前,DHIS2中并非所有应用程序都支持Google Analytics(分析),因此您的用户的某些活动可能不会出现在此平台中。 +您可以通过 http://google.com/analytics 了解更多有关Google Analytics(分析)的信息。 |
设置 |
+说明 |
选择语言 |
+设置语言,然后输入以下设置的翻译: +
应用程序标题 |
+设置顶部菜单上的应用程序标题。 |
应用程序介绍 |
+设置登录页面左上角的系统介绍。 |
应用程序通知 |
+设置在登录区域下的首页上显示的通知。 |
应用程序左侧页脚 |
+设置登录页面左侧页脚区域的文本。 |
应用程序右侧页脚 |
+设置登录页面右侧页脚区域的文本。 |
风格 |
+设置系统的风格(外观和感觉)。 +用户可在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 风格 。 ++ |
开始页面 |
+设置用户登录后将重定向到的页面或应用程序。 +建议设置:Dashboard 应用程序。 |
帮助页面链接 |
+定义用户点击个人资料 > 帮助 时将看到的 URL。 |
标志 |
+设置显示在Dashboard 应用程序左侧菜单中的标志。 |
界面语言 |
+设置用户界面使用的语言。 +用户可以在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 界面语言 。 |
数据库语言 |
+设置数据库使用的语言。 +用户可在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 数据库语言 。 |
在分析模块中显示的属性 |
+设置是否要在分析应用程序中显示元数据对象的名称或简称:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。 +用户可以在Settings 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 在分析模块中显示的属性 。 |
分析模块中显示的默认数字组分隔符 |
+设置分析应用程序中的默认数字组分隔符:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。 |
添加到查看对象列表需要授权 |
+如果选择此选项,如果当前用户无权创建对象类型(私人或公开),则会隐藏菜单和索引页面项以及对象列表链接。 |
自定义登录页面徽标 |
+选择此选项并上传图片,即可在登录页面添加徽标。 |
自定义顶部菜单徽标 |
+选择此选项并上传图片,即可在顶部菜单左侧添加您的徽标。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Host name |
+Sets the host name of the SMTP server. +When you use Google SMTP services, the host name should be smtp.gmail.com. |
Port |
+Sets the port to connect to the SMTP server. |
User name |
+The user name of the user account with the SMTP server. +mail@dhis2.org |
Password |
+The password of the user account with the SMTP server. |
+Select this option if the SMPT server requires TLS for connections. |
Email sender |
+The email address to use as sender when sending out emails. |
Send me a test email |
+Sends a test email to the current user logged into DHIS2. |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
启用消息电子邮件通知 |
+ 定义默认情况下是否应将DHIS2用户消息传递到与该用户关联的电子邮件地址。此设置可以被用户设置覆盖。 |
启用消息SMS通知 |
+ 定义默认情况下,是否应将DHIS2用户消息作为SMS传递给与该用户关联的手机号码。此设置可以被用户设置覆盖。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
自我注册帐户用户角色 |
+ 定义应该为自注册用户帐户赋予哪个用户角色。 +要启用用户自注册:从列表中选择任何用户角色。自我注册表格的链接将显示在登录页面上。 ++ 注意+ 要禁用用户的自注册:选择禁用自注册。 |
自助注册帐户组织单位 |
+ 定义哪个组织单位应与自注册用户相关联。 ++ 注意 |
不需要reCAPTCHA进行自注册 |
+ 定义是否要使用reCAPTCHA进行用户自注册。默认情况下启用。 |
启用用户帐户恢复 |
+ 定义用户是否可以恢复自己的密码。 +启用此设置后,将在首页上显示帐户恢复表单的链接。 ++ 注意 |
多次尝试登录失败后临时锁定用户帐户 |
+ 定义在15分钟的时间内连续五次失败的登录尝试后,系统是否应锁定用户帐户。 +帐户将被锁定15分钟,然后用户可以尝试再次登录。 |
允许用户授予自己的用户角色 |
+ 定义用户在创建新用户时是否可以将自己拥有的用户角色授予其他用户。 |
允许在添加或更新期间将对象分配给相关对象 |
+ 定义在创建或编辑元数据对象时是否应允许用户将对象分配给相关对象。 +您可以允许用户在创建或编辑组织单位时将组织单位分配给数据集和组织单位组集。 |
要求更改用户帐户密码 |
+ 定义是否应每3、6或12个月强制用户更改一次密码。 +如果不想强制用户更改密码,请选择从不。 |
启用密码过期警报 | +设置后,用户密码即将到期时,将收到通知。 | +
密码中的最小字符 |
+ 定义用户密码中必须包含的最少字符数。 +您可以选择8(默认),10、12或14。 |
OpenID提供程序 |
+ 定义OpenID提供程序。 |
OpenID提供程序标签 |
+ 定义要为指定的OpenID提供程序显示的标签。 |
CORS白名单 |
+ 将一组URL列入白名单,这些URL可以从另一个域访问DHIS2 API。每个网址应在单独的行中输入。跨域资源共享(CORS)是一种机制,它允许从提供第一资源的域之外的另一个域请求网页上的受限资源(例如javascript文件)。 |
Google Maps API密钥 |
+ 定义Google Maps API的API密钥。这用于显示DHIS2中的地图。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
日历 |
+ 定义系统将使用的日历。 +系统支持以下日历:科普特,埃塞俄比亚,格里高利,伊斯兰(Lunar Hijri),ISO 8601,朱利安语,尼泊尔语,波斯语(Solar Hijri)和泰语。 ++ 注意 |
日期格式 |
+ 定义系统将使用的日期格式。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
需要期间以匹配数据集的期间类型 |
+ 要求数据值的周期与分配了数据值的数据元素的数据集具有相同的周期类型。 |
需要类别选项组合以匹配数据元素的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的类别选项组合成为数据值的数据元素的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求组织单位匹配数据集的分配 |
+ 要求将数据值的组织单位分配给数据值的数据元素所分配到的一个或多个数据集。 |
要求属性选项组合以匹配数据集的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的属性选项组合是数据值的数据元素所分配到的数据集的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求指定类别选项组合 |
+ 要求指定数据值的类别选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将退回到默认类别选项组合。 |
需要指定属性选项组合 |
+ 需要指定数据值的属性选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将回退到默认属性选项组合。 |
设置 |
+说明 |
远程服务器 URL |
+定义要上传数据值到运行 DHIS2 的远程服务器的 URL。 +建议使用 SSL/HTTPS,因为用户名和密码会随请求一起发送(使用基本身份验证)。 +系统将尝试每分钟同步一次数据。 +系统也将使用此设置同步元数据。 ++ |
远程服务器用户名 |
+用于数据同步的远程服务器上 DHIS2 用户账户的用户名。 ++ |
远程服务器密码 |
+远程服务器上 DHIS2 用户账户的密码。密码将加密存储。 |
为元数据同步启用版本控制 |
+定义在中央实例和本地实例之间同步元数据时是否创建元数据版本。 |
如果 DHIS 版本不同,则不同步元数据 |
+不同版本的 DHIS2 元数据模式会发生变化,这可能导致不同版本的元数据不兼容。 +启用后,如果中央和本地实例的 DHIS2 版本不同,该选项将不允许进行元数据同步。这适用于通过用户界面和 API 进行的元数据同步。 +只有在同步基本实体(如数据元素)时,禁用该选项才有价值,因为这些实体在不同 DHIS2 版本之间没有变化。 |
尽最大努力 |
+元数据版本的一种类型,决定了本地实例的导入程序将如何处理元数据版本。 +尽最大努力 意味着,如果元数据导入遇到引用缺失(例如数据元素组导入中的数据元素缺失),它会忽略错误并继续导入。 |
原子 |
+元数据版本的一种类型,决定本地实例的导入程序如何处理元数据版本。 +原子 意味着全有或全无--如果任何引用不存在,元数据导入将失败。 |
Grant type |
+ Description |
Password |
+ TBA |
Refresh token |
+ TBA |
Authorization code |
+ TBA |
数据维度类型 | +定义 | +示例 | +
指示灯 | +指标是基于数据元素的计算公式。 | +特定地区的免疫覆盖率。 | +
数据元素 | +代表已捕获数据的现象。 | +疟疾病例数;给予的卡介苗剂量。 | +
数据集 | +为数据收集分组的数据元素的集合。您可以选择:
+ 免疫和发病率报告率。 | +
事件数据项 | +一个数据元素,它是表示已捕获事件的程序的一部分。 | +营养计划中儿童的平均体重和身高。 | +
程序指示器 | +基于表示事件的程序中的数据元素计算得出的公式。 | +营养计划中儿童的BMI平均得分。 | +
Option |
+ Description |
+ |
Data |
+ Show column totals +Show row totals |
+ Displays total values in the table for each row and column, as well as a total for all values in the table. |
+ | Show column sub-totals +Show row sub-totals |
+ Displays subtotals in the table for each dimension. +If you only select one dimension, subtotals will be hidden for those columns or rows. This is because the values will be equal to the subtotals. |
+ | Show dimension labels |
+ Shows the dimension names as part of the pivot tables. |
+ | Hide empty rows |
+ Hides empty rows from the table. This is useful when you look at large tables where a big part of the dimension items don't have data in order to keep the table more readable. |
+ | Hide empty columns |
+ Hides empty columns from the table. This is useful when you look at large tables where a big part of the dimension items don't have data in order to keep the table more readable. |
+ | Skip rounding |
+ Skips the rounding of data values, offering the full precision of data values. Can be useful for finance data where the full dollar amount is required. |
+ | Aggregation type |
+ The default aggregation operator can be over-ridden here, by selecting a different aggregation operator. Some of the aggregation types are Count, Min and Max. |
+ | Number type |
+ Sets the type of value you want to display in the pivot table: Value, Percentage of row or Percentage of column. +The options Percentage of row andPercentage of column mean that you'll display values as percentages of row total or percentage of column total instead of the aggregated value. This is useful when you want to see the contribution of data elements, categories or organisation units to the total value. |
+ | Measure criteria |
+ Allows for the data to be filtered on the server side. +You can instruct the system to return only records where the aggregated data value is equal, greater than, greater or equal, less than or less or equal to certain values. +If both parts of the filter are used, it's possible to filter out a range of data records. |
Events |
+ Include only completed events |
+ Includes only completed events in the aggregation process. This is useful for example to exclude partial events in indicator calculations. |
Organisation units |
+ Show hierarchy |
+ Shows the name of all ancestors for organisation units, for example "Sierra Leone / Bombali / Tamabaka / Sanya CHP" for Sanya CHP. +The organisation units are then sorted alphabetically which will order the organisation units according to the hierarchy. +When you download a pivot table with organisation units as rows and you've selected Show hierarchy, each organisation unit level is rendered as a separate column. This is useful for example when you create Excel pivot tables on a local computer. |
Legend |
+ Apply legend |
+ Applies a legend to the values. This mean that you can apply a colour to the values. +Select By data item to color the table cells individually according to each data element or indicator. +You configure legends in the Maintenance app. |
+ | Style |
+ Colors the text or background of cells in pivot tables based on the selected legend. +You can use this option for scorecards to identify high and low values at a glance. |
Style |
+ Display density |
+ Controls the size of the cells in the table. You can set it to Comfortable, Normal or Compact. +Compact is useful when you want to fit large tables into the browser screen. |
+ | Font size |
+ Controls the size of the table text font. You can set it to Large, Normal or Small. |
+ | Digit group separator |
+ Controls which character to separate groups of digits or "thousands". You can set it to Comma, Space or None. |
General |
+ Table title |
+ Type a title here to display it above the table. |
Parameters (for standard reports only) |
+ + |
+ |
+ | Reporting period |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter a report period. |
+ | Organisation unit |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter an organisation unit. |
+ | Parent organisation unit |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter a parent organisation unit. |
+ | Include regression |
+ Includes a column with regression values to the pivot table. |
+ | Include cumulative |
+ Includes a column with cumulative values to the pivot table. |
+ | Sort order |
+ Controls the sort order of the values. |
+ | Top limit |
+ Controls the maximum number of rows to include in the pivot table. |
Format |
+ Action |
+ Description |
+ Click JSON |
+ Downloads JSON format based on ID property. +You can also download JSON format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Click XML |
+ Downloads XML format based on ID property. +You can also download XML format based on Code or Name property. |
Microsoft Excel |
+ Click Microsoft Excel |
+ Downloads XML format based on ID property. +You can also download Microsoft Excel format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Click CSV | +Downloads CSV format based on ID property. +You can also download CSV format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Put the cursor on Advanced and click JRXML |
+ Produces a template of a Jasper Report which can be further customized based on your exact needs and used as the basis for a standard report in DHIS2. |
Raw data SQL |
+ Put the cursor on Advanced and click Raw data SQL |
+ Provides the actual SQL statement used to generate the pivot table. You can use it as a data source in a Jasper report, or as the basis for an SQL view. |
Category option group set | +Category option group | +Category options | +
Partner | +Partner 1 | +Account 1A, Account 1B | +
Partner | +Partner 2 | +Account 2A, Account 2B | +
批准级别 | +组织单位级别 | +类别选项组设置 | +
1 | +国家 | +合作伙伴 | +
2 | +区 | +合作伙伴 | +
3 | +设施 | +合作伙伴 | +
Category option group set | +Category option group | +Category options | +
Partner | +Partner 1 | +Account 1A, Account 1B | +
Partner | +Partner 2 | +Account 2A, Account 2B | +
Agency | +Agency A | +Account 1A, Account 2A | +
Agency | +Agency B | +Account 1B, Account 2B | +
Approval level | +Organisation unit level | +Category option group set | +
1 | +Country | ++ |
2 | +Country | +Agency | +
3 | +Country | +Partner | +
尺寸 |
+ 说明 |
正确 |
+ 数据应在该设施收集的数据的正常范围内。与来自相关数据元素的数据相比,应该没有明显的差异。 |
完整性 |
+ 应该已经提交了所有报告组织单位的所有数据元素的数据。 |
一致性 |
+数据应与前几个月和几年中输入的数据保持一致,同时允许进行重组,增加工作量等方面的更改,并与其他类似设施保持一致。 |
及时性 |
+ 来自所有报告组织单位的所有数据都应在指定的时间提交。 |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Category option |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category combination |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category option combination |
+Edit and show details |
Category option group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category option group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Data element |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Data element group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Data element group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Value type |
+ Description |
Age |
+ - |
Coordinate |
+ A point coordinate specified as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. All coordinate should be specified in the format "-19.23 , 56.42" with a comma separating the longitude and latitude. |
Date |
+ Dates rendered as calendar widget in data entry. |
Date & time |
+ Is a combination of the DATE and TIME data elements. |
Email. |
+ |
File |
+ A file resource where you can store external files, for example documents and photos. |
Image |
+ A file resource where you can store photos. +Unlike the FILE data element, the IMAGE data element can display the uploaded image directly in forms. |
Integer |
+ Any whole number (positive and negative), including zero. |
Letter |
+ A single letter. |
Long text |
+ Textual value. Renders as text area with no length constraint in forms. |
Negative integer |
+ Any whole number less than (but not including) zero. |
Number |
+ Any real numeric value with a single decimal point. Thousands separators and scientific notation is not supported. |
Percentage |
+ Whole numbers inclusive between 0 and 100. |
Phone number |
+ Phone number. |
Positive integer |
+ Any whole number greater than (but not including) zero. |
Positive of zero integer |
+ Any positive whole number, including zero. |
Organisation unit |
+ Organisation units rendered as a hierarchy tree widget. +If the user has assigned "search organisation units", these will be displayed instead of the assigned organisation units. |
Unit interval |
+ Any real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. |
Text |
+ Textual value. The maximum number of allowed characters per value is 50,000. |
Time |
+ Time is stored in HH:mm format. +HH is a number between 0 and 23 +mm is a number between 00 and 59 |
Tracker associate |
+ Tracked entity instance. Rendered as dialog with a list of tracked entity instances and a search field. |
Username |
+ DHIS2 user. Rendered as a dialog with a list of users and a search field. The user will need the "View User" authority to be able to utilise this data type |
Yes/No |
+ Boolean values, renders as drop-down lists in data entry. |
Yes only |
+ True values, renders as check-boxes in data entry. |
Aggregation operator |
+ Description |
Average |
+ Average the values in both the period as and the organisation unit dimensions. |
Average (sum in organisation unit hierarchy) |
+ Average of data values in the period dimension, sum in the organisation unit dimensions. |
Count |
+ Count of data values. |
Min |
+ Minimum of data values. |
Max |
+ Maximum of data values. |
None |
+ No aggregation is performed in any dimension. |
Sum |
+ Sum of data values in the period and organisation unit dimension. |
Standard deviation |
+ Standard deviation (population-based) of data values. |
Variance |
+ Variance (population-based) of data values. |
Data entry form type | +Description | +
Default form |
+Once you have assigned a data set to an organisation unit, a default form is created automatically. The default form is then available in the Data entry app for the organisation units you have assigned it to. +A default form consist of a list of the data elements belonging to the data set together with a column for inputting the values. If your data set contains data elements with a non-default category combination, for example age groups or gender, additional columns are automatically created in the default form based on the different categories. +If you use more than one category combination you get multiple columns in the default form with different column headings for the options. |
Section form |
+If the default form doesn't meet your needs, you can modify it to create a section form. Section forms give you more flexibility when it comes to using tabular forms. +In a section form you can, for example, create multiple tables with subheadings and disable (grey out) cells in a table. +When you have added a section form to a data set, the section form is available in the Data entry app. |
Custom form |
+If the form you want to design is too complicated for default or section forms, you can create a custom form. A custom form takes more time to create than a section form, but you have full control over the design. +You can, for example, mimic an existing paper aggregation form with a custom form. This makes data entry easier, and should reduce the number incorrectly entered data elements. +When you have added a custom form to a data set, the custom form is available in the Data entry app. |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Data set |
+Create, assign to organisation units, edit, share, delete, show details and translate +Edit compulsory data elements +Add and remove multiple data sets to organisation units at once |
Section form |
+Create, edit and manage grey fields |
Section |
+Change display order, delete and translate |
Custom form |
+Create, edit and script |
Option |
+ Description |
None |
+ Displays all data elements that don't have a category combination. |
<No filter> |
+ Displays all data elements. |
键 | +说明 | +参数 | +
dhis2.de.event.formLoaded |
+ 在呈现数据输入表单之后但在输入字段中设置数据值之前触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.dataValuesLoaded |
+ 在输入字段中设置数据值后触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.formReady |
+ 当数据输入表单完全呈现并加载了所有元素时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.dataValueSaved |
+ 成功保存数据值时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |数据值对象 |
dhis2.de.event.completed |
+ 当数据集成功标记为完成时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |完成注册对象 |
dhis2.de.event.uncompleted |
+ 将数据集成功标记为不完整时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.validation成功 |
+ 在完成验证并且没有违规时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.validationError |
+ 完成验证并存在一个或多个违规时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.ou.event.orgUnitSelected |
+ 在组织单位网页树中选择一个或多个组织单位时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|组织单位编号|组织单位名称|子单位部门ID |
Indicator element | +Type | +Description | +
Constant |
+Component |
+Constants are numerical values which remain the same for all indicator calculations. This is useful in order to have a single place to change values that might change over time. +Constants are applied AFTER data element values have been aggregated. |
Data elements |
+Component |
+Data elements are substituted by the data value captured for the data element. |
Days |
+Operator |
+"Days" is special operator that always provides the number of days for a given indicator calculation. +For example: if you want to calculate the "Percentage of time vaccine refrigerator was non-functional", you could define the numerator as: +("Days-"Number of days vaccine refrigerator was available"")/"Days" +If the fridge was available 25 days in June, the indicator would be calculated as: +(30-25/25)*100 = 17 % +If you want to calculate the total for Quarter 1, the number of days ("Days") would be: +31+28+31 = 90 +The "Days" parameter will always be the number of days in the period of interest. |
Organisation unit counts |
+Component |
+You can use organisation unit groups in formulas. They will be replaced by the number of organisation units in the group. During aggregation, the organisation units in the group will be intersected with the part of the organisation unit hierarchy being requested. +This lets you use the number of public facilities in a specific district in indicators. This is useful for example when you create facility infrastructure surveys and reports. |
Programs |
+Component |
+Click Programs and select a program to view all data elements, attributes and indicators related to a specific program. +The program components you include in your formula will have a program tag assigned to them. |
指示灯功能 |
+ 参数 |
+ 说明 |
+ | (布尔表达式,true表达式,false表达式) |
+ 计算布尔表达式,如果为true,则返回true表达式值;如果为false,则返回false表达式值。参数必须遵循任何指标表达的规则。 |
isNull |
+ (元素) |
+ 如果元素值缺失(空),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
isNotNull |
+ (元素) |
+ 如果元素值不丢失(不为null),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
firstNonNull |
+ (元素[,元素...]) |
+ 返回不丢失的第一个元素的值(不为null)。可以提供任意数量的参数。任何参数也可以是数字或字符串文字,如果所有先前的对象都缺少值,则将返回该参数。 |
最大 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最大(最高)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。 |
至少 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最小(最小)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。 |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Indicator |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Indicator type |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details and translate |
Indicator group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Indicator group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Organisation unit |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details and translate |
Organisation unit group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Organisation unit group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Organisation unit level |
+Edit and translate |
Hierarchy operations |
+Move organisation units |
Object type |
+What you can do |
Validation rule |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details, and translate |
Validation rule group |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, share, show details, and translate |
Validation notification |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details, and translate |
With sliding windows |
+Without sliding windows |
Used only for event data. |
+Used for event data and aggregate data. |
Data selection is based on a fixed number of days (periodType). |
+Data selection is always based on a period. |
The position of the sliding window is alwaysrelative to the period being compared. |
+Data is always selected for the same period as the period being compared. |
Option |
+ Description |
Skip if any value is missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped if any of the values which compose the expression are missing. This is the default option. +Always select this option you use the Exclusive pair or Compulsory pair operator. |
Skip if all values are missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped only if all of the operands which compose it are missing. |
Never skip |
+ The validation rule will never be skipped in case of missing data, and all missing operands will be treated effectively as a zero. |
Option |
+ Description |
Skip if any value is missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped if any of the values which compose the expression are missing. This is the default option. +Always select this option you use the Exclusive pair or Compulsory pair operator. |
Skip if all values are missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped only if all of the operands which compose it are missing. |
Never skip |
+ The validation rule will never be skipped in case of missing data, and all missing operands will be treated effectively as a zero. |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
属性 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、删除、显示详细信息和翻译 |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
常量 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、共享、删除、显示详细信息和翻译 |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Option set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Option group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Option group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Legend item | +Start value | +End value | +
Low bad | +0 | +50 | +
Medium | +50 | +80 | +
High good | +80 | +100 | +
Too high | +100 | +1000 | +
Object type |
+Available functions |
Predictor |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details and translate |
Aggregate function |
+ Means |
avg(x) |
+ Average (mean) value of x |
count(x) |
+ Count of the values of x |
max(x) |
+ Maximum value of x |
median(x) |
+ Median value of x |
min(x) |
+ Minimum value of x |
percentileCont(p, x) |
+ Continuous percentile of x, where p is the percentile as a floating point number between 0 and 1. For example, p = 0 will return the lowest value, p = 0.5 will return the median, p = 0.75 will return the 75th percentile, p = 1 will return the highest value, etc. Continuous means that the value will be interpolated if necessary. For example, percentileCont( 0.5, #{FTRrcoaog83} ) will return 2.5 if the sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 are 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
stddev(x) |
+ Standard deviation of x. This function is eqivalent to stddevSamp. It's suggested that you use the function stddevSamp instead for greater clarity. |
stddevPop(x) |
+ Population standard deviation of x: sqrt( sum( (x - avg(x))^2 ) / n ) |
stddevSamp(x) |
+ Sample standard deviation of x: sqrt( sum( (x - avg(x))^2 ) / ( n - 1 ) ). Note that this value is not computed when there is only one sample. |
sum(x) |
+ Sum of the values of x |
Function |
+ Means |
if(test, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse) |
+ Evaluates test which is an expression that evaluates to a boolean value -- see Boolean expression notes below. If the test is true, returns the valueIfTrue expression. If it is false, returns the valueIfFalse expression. |
isNull(item) |
+ Returns the boolean value true if the item is null (missing), otherwise returns false. The item can be any selected item from the right (data element, program data element, etc.). |
isNotNull(item) |
+ Returns true if the item value is not missing (not null), otherwise false. |
firstNonNull(item [, item ...]) |
+ Returns the value of the first item that is not missing (not null). Can be provided any number of arguments. Any argument may also be a numeric or string literal, which will be returned if all the previous items have missing values. |
greatest(expression [, expression ...]) |
+ Returns the greatest (highest) value of the expressions given. Can be provided any number of arguments. |
least(expression [, expression ...]) |
+ Returns the least (lowest) value of the expressions given. Can be provided any number of arguments. |
Generator expression |
+ Means |
sum(#{FTRrcoaog83.tMwM3ZBd7BN}) |
+ Sum of the sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 and category option combination (disaggregation) tMwM3ZBd7BN |
avg(#{FTRrcoaog83}) + 2 * stddevSamp(#{FTRrcoaog83}) |
+ Average of the sampled values of of data element FTRrcoaog83 (sum of all disaggregations) plus twice its sample standard deviation |
sum(#{FTRrcoaog83}) / sum([days]) |
+ Sum of all sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 (sum of all disaggregations) divided by the number of days in all sample periods (resulting in the overall average daily value) |
sum(#{FTRrcoaog83}) + #{T7OyqQpUpNd} |
+ Sum of all sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 plus the value of data element T7OyqQpUpNd in the period being predicted for |
1.2 * #{T7OyqQpUpNd} |
+ 1.2 times the value of data element T7OyqQpUpNd, in the period being predicted for |
if(isNull(#{T7OyqQpUpNd}), 0, 1) |
+ If the data element T7OyqQpUpNd is null in the period being predicted, then 0, otherwise 1. |
percentileCont(0.5, #{T7OyqQpUpNd}) |
+ Continuous 50th percentile of the sampled values for data element T7OyqQpUpNd. Note that this is the same as median(#{T7OyqQpUpNd}) |
if(count(#{T7OyqQpUpNd}) == 1, 0, stddevSamp(#{T7OyqQpUpNd})) |
+ If there is one sample value present for data element T7OyqQpUpNd, then 0, otherwise the sample standard deviation of these sample values. (Note that if no samples are present then the stddevSamp returns no value, so no value is predicted.) |
Skip test expression |
+ Means |
#{FTRrcoaog83} > #{M62VHgYT2n0} |
+ The value of data element FTRrcoaog83 (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the value of data element M62VHgYT2n0 (sum of all disaggregations) |
#{uF1DLnZNlWe} > 0 |
+ The value of data element uF1DLnZNlWe (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the zero |
#{FTRrcoaog83} > #{M62VHgYT2n0} || #{uF1DLnZNlWe} > 0 |
+ The value of data element FTRrcoaog83 (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the value of data element M62VHgYT2n0 (sum of all disaggregations) or the value of data element uF1DLnZNlWe (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the zero |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
翻译分析 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、删除、显示细节、预览和运行 |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
外部地图层 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、删除、显示细节和翻译 |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
类别选项 |
++ |
类别选项组 |
++ |
数据元素 |
+将一个数据元素添加到多个数据元素组 +从多个数据元素组中删除一个数据元素 |
数据元素组 |
+将多个数据元素添加到一个数据元素组 +从一个数据元素组中删除多个数据元素 |
指标 |
+将一个指标添加到多个指标组 +从多个指标组中删除一个指标 |
指标组 |
+将多个指标添加到一个指标组 +从一个指标组中删除一些指标 |
设置 |
+说明 |
分析记录的最大数量 |
+增加该数字可提供更多分析记录。 +默认值为 50,000。 ++ |
SQL 视图记录的最大数量 |
+设置 SQL 视图中的最大记录数。 +默认值为无限。 + |
基础设施指标 |
+定义一个指标组,其中的成员指标应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施数据元素 |
+定义一个数据元素组,其中的成员数据元素应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +基础设施数据元素可以是人口、医生、床位、互联网连接和气候。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施周期类型 |
+设置采集基础设施数据元素组中数据元素的频率。 +一般为每年一次。查看基础设施数据时,您可以选择数据源的时间段。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施并单击显示信息 。 |
默认分析相对周期 |
+设置此值将决定在分析应用程序中选择哪个相对时段作为默认时段。 |
反馈收件人 |
+定义一个用户组,其成员将接收通过Dashboard 应用程序中的反馈功能发送的所有信息。 +这通常是超级用户团队的成员,他们能够支持和回答来自最终用户的问题。 |
最大离线组织单位级别 |
+定义在组织单位树 widget 中,组织单位层次结构中有多少级可以离线使用。 +在正常情况下,可以将其保留在默认设置的最低层级上。 +在组织单位数量较多(通常超过 30 000 个)的情况下,将其设置为较高的层级可缩短初始加载时间。 |
数据分析标准差因子 |
+设置在数据录入 应用程序中对采集的数据进行离群值分析时使用的标准差个数。 +默认值为 2。高值会比低值捕获更少的离群值。 |
电话号码区号 |
+您的部署所在地区的区号。 +用于发送和接收短信。通常是国家代码。 ++260 (赞比亚的国家区号) |
启用多组织单位表格 |
+启用支持在数据录入 应用程序中同时输入多个组织单位的数据表格。 +如果启用了此设置,您可以在Data Entry 应用程序中,单击要输入数据的子代的父代组织单位,数据集列表将包括分配给该父代的子代的数据集。 |
审批前需要接受 | +选择此设置后,在提交下一级审批之前,首先需要接受数据。 | +
设置 |
+ 说明 |
分析的默认相对周期 |
+ 定义的相对时间由默认的分析应用程序使用:数据可视化,事件报告,事件展台, GIS 和透视表应用。打开这些应用程序时,将自动选择相对时间段。 +推荐设置:用户中最常用的相对时间段。 |
隐藏每日时段 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每日时段 |
隐藏每周时段 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每周时段 |
隐藏每月期间 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏月度 |
隐藏每两个月的周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏双月周期 |
会计年度相对开始月份 | +定义分析应用程序中相对财务年度应从哪个月(4月,7月或10月)开始。 | +
可缓存性 |
+ 设置是否应为公共或私有可见性提供分析数据响应。 +私有:DHIS2服务器与最终用户之间具有缓存功能的任何节点或服务器都无法缓存网页。如果所提供的页面可以包含或确实包含敏感信息,这将很有用。这意味着,每次需要网页时,要么从DHIS2服务器获取一个新页面,要么DHIS2服务器缓存该页面。除DHIS2服务器外,没有其他服务器可以缓存页面。 +公共:DHIS2服务器与最终用户之间具有缓存能力的任何节点或服务器都可以缓存网页。这样可以重新传输到DHIS2服务器的流量,并有可能加快后续页面的加载速度。 |
缓存策略 |
+ 决定应将报告分析响应缓存多长时间。 +如果您使用计划的夜间分析更新,请选择缓存直到明天凌晨6点。这是因为报表中的数据当时会更改,因此您可以安全地缓存数据,直到更新分析表为止。 +如果要将数据连续加载到分析表中,请选择 No cache 。 |
在分析中隐藏未批准数据的最大年限 |
+ 设置时间分析是否应遵守数据的批准级别以及在多长时间内应遵守数据的批准级别。通常,默认情况下会认为已有数年历史的数据已被批准。为了加快分析请求的速度,您可以选择忽略历史数据的实际批准级别。 +永远不要检查批准:不会隐藏任何数据,无论其数据批准状态如何。 +检查所有数据的批准:将始终检查批准状态。 +其他选项,例如最近3年:将检查批准状态中是否存在3年以下的数据;较旧的数据将不会被检查。 |
分析数据缓存的阈值 |
+ 设置是否仅启用早于指定年限的缓存数据。 +这允许在不缓存的情况下直接返回最新数据,同时出于性能方面的考虑,为较早的数据提供缓存版本。 |
分析表导出中的尊重类别选项开始和结束日期 |
+ 此设置控制分析是否应过滤与具有开始和结束日期的类别选项相关联但与在类别选项有效期内的时间段无关的数据。 |
将分析置于维护模式 |
+ 将DHIS2的分析和Web API置于维护模式。这意味着将为所有请求返回"503服务不可用"。
+ 当您需要在服务器上执行维护(例如在服务器在生产环境中运行时重建索引)以减少负载并更有效地执行维护时,此功能很有用。 |
跳过分析表中的零数据值 |
+ 在分析表中不包含任何为零的聚合数据值。如果汇总数据值为零并已存储(数据元素配置为存储零值),则这可以减小分析表的大小,并加快分析表的构建和访问。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
数据库服务器CPU的数量 |
+ 设置数据库服务器的CPU核心数。 +当数据库托管在与应用程序服务器不同的服务器上时,这使系统能够以最佳性能运行,因为DHIS2中的分析与可用核心数成线性比例。 |
系统通知电子邮件地址 |
+ 定义将接收系统通知的电子邮件地址。 +有关分析表生成等流程失败的通知将在此处发送。这对于应用程序监视很有用。 |
Google Analytics(通用分析)密钥 |
+ 设置Google UA密钥,以通过Google Analytics(分析)平台为您的DHIS2实例提供使用情况分析。应该注意的是,当前,DHIS2中并非所有应用程序都支持Google Analytics(分析),因此您的用户的某些活动可能不会出现在此平台中。 +您可以通过 http://google.com/analytics 了解更多有关Google Analytics(分析)的信息。 |
Google Maps API密钥 |
+ 定义Google Maps API的API密钥。这用于显示DHIS2中的地图。 |
Bing Maps API密钥 |
+ 定义Bing Maps API的API密钥。这用于显示DHIS2中的地图。 |
设置 |
+说明 |
选择语言 |
+设置语言,然后输入以下设置的翻译: +
应用程序标题 |
+设置顶部菜单上的应用程序标题。 |
应用程序介绍 |
+设置登录页面左上角的系统介绍。 |
应用程序通知 |
+设置在登录区域下的首页上显示的通知。 |
应用程序左侧页脚 |
+设置登录页面左侧页脚区域的文本。 |
应用程序右侧页脚 |
+设置登录页面右侧页脚区域的文本。 |
风格 |
+设置系统的风格(外观和感觉)。 +用户可在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 风格 。 ++ |
开始页面 |
+设置用户登录后将重定向到的页面或应用程序。 +建议设置:Dashboard 应用程序。 |
帮助页面链接 |
+定义用户点击个人资料 > 帮助 时将看到的 URL。 |
标志 |
+设置显示在Dashboard 应用程序左侧菜单中的标志。 |
界面语言 |
+设置用户界面使用的语言。 +用户可以在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 界面语言 。 |
数据库语言 |
+设置数据库使用的语言。 +用户可在设置 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 数据库语言 。 |
在分析模块中显示的属性 |
+设置是否要在分析应用程序中显示元数据对象的名称或简称:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。 +用户可以在Settings 应用程序中覆盖此设置:用户设置 > 在分析模块中显示的属性 。 |
分析模块中显示的默认数字组分隔符 |
+设置分析应用程序中的默认数字组分隔符:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。 |
添加到查看对象列表需要授权 |
+如果选择此选项,如果当前用户无权创建对象类型(私人或公开),则会隐藏菜单和索引页面项以及对象列表链接。 |
自定义登录页面徽标 |
+选择此选项并上传图片,即可在登录页面添加徽标。 |
自定义顶部菜单徽标 |
+选择此选项并上传图片,即可在顶部菜单左侧添加您的徽标。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Host name |
+Sets the host name of the SMTP server. +When you use Google SMTP services, the host name should be smtp.gmail.com. |
Port |
+Sets the port to connect to the SMTP server. |
User name |
+The user name of the user account with the SMTP server. +mail@dhis2.org |
Password |
+The password of the user account with the SMTP server. |
+Select this option if the SMPT server requires TLS for connections. |
Email sender |
+The email address to use as sender when sending out emails. |
Send me a test email |
+Sends a test email to the current user logged into DHIS2. |
设置 |
+说明 |
自助注册账户用户角色 |
+定义应赋予自助注册用户账户的用户角色。 +要启用用户自助注册:从列表中选择任意用户角色。登录页面上将显示一个指向自助注册表单的链接。 +++ 要禁用用户自助注册: 选择禁用自助注册 。 |
自助注册账户组织单位 |
+定义应将哪个组织单位与自助注册用户关联。 ++ |
自助注册不需要重新验证码 |
+定义是否要在用户自助注册时使用 reCAPTCHA。默认情况下已启用。 |
启用用户账户恢复 |
+定义用户是否可以恢复自己的密码。 +启用此设置后,首页上将显示账户恢复表单的链接。 ++ |
多次登录失败后暂时锁定用户账户 |
+定义在 15 分钟内连续五次尝试登录失败后,系统是否应锁定用户账户。 +账户将被锁定 15 分钟,然后用户可以再次尝试登录。 |
允许用户授予自己的用户角色 |
+定义用户在创建新用户时是否可以将自己拥有的用户角色授予他人。 |
允许在添加或更新时将对象分配给相关对象 |
+定义是否允许用户在创建或编辑元数据对象时将对象分配给相关对象。 +创建或编辑组织单位时,可以允许用户将组织单位分配给数据集和组织单位组集。 |
要求更改用户账户密码 |
+定义是否强制用户每 3 个月、6 个月或 12 个月更改一次密码。 +如果不想强制用户更改密码,请选择Never 。 |
启用密码到期提醒 | +设置后,用户将在密码即将过期时收到通知。 | +
密码最少字符数 |
+定义用户密码中必须包含的最少字符数。 +可以选择 8(默认)、10、12 或 14。 |
OpenID 提供商 |
+定义 OpenID 提供商。 |
OpenID 提供程序标签 |
+定义要显示的指定 OpenID 提供程序的标签。 |
CORS 白名单 |
+将可从其他域访问 DHIS2 API 的一组 URL 列入白名单。每个 URL 都应单独成行输入。跨源资源共享(CORS)是一种机制,允许从提供第一个资源的域之外的另一个域请求网页上的受限资源(如 javascript 文件)。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Calendar |
+Defines which calendar the system will use. +The system supports the following calendars: Coptic, Ethiopian, Gregorian, Islamic (Lunar Hijri), ISO 8601, Julian, Nepali, Persian (Solar Hijri) and Thai. ++ |
Date format |
+Defines which date format the system will use. |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
需要期间以匹配数据集的期间类型 |
+ 要求数据值的周期与分配了数据值的数据元素的数据集具有相同的周期类型。 |
需要类别选项组合以匹配数据元素的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的类别选项组合成为数据值的数据元素的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求组织单位匹配数据集的分配 |
+ 要求将数据值的组织单位分配给数据值的数据元素所分配到的一个或多个数据集。 |
要求属性选项组合以匹配数据集的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的属性选项组合是数据值的数据元素所分配到的数据集的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求指定类别选项组合 |
+ 要求指定数据值的类别选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将退回到默认类别选项组合。 |
需要指定属性选项组合 |
+ 需要指定数据值的属性选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将回退到默认属性选项组合。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Remote server URL |
+Defines the URL of the remote server running DHIS2 to upload data values to. +It is recommended to use of SSL/HTTPS since user name and password are sent with the request (using basic authentication). +The system will attempt to synchronize data once every minute. +The system will use this setting for metadata synchronization too. ++ |
Remote server user name |
+The user name of the DHIS2 user account on the remote server to use for data synchronization. ++ |
Remote server password |
+The password of the DHIS2 user account on the remote server. The password will be stored encrypted. |
Enable versioning for metadata sync |
+Defines whether to create versions of metadata when you synchronize metadata between central and local instances. |
Don't sync metadata if DHIS versions differ |
+The metadata schema changes between versions of DHIS2 which could make different metadata versions incompatible. +When enabled, this option will not allow metadata synchronization to occur if the central and local instance(s) have different DHIS2 versions. This apply to metadata synchronization done both via the user interface and the API. +The only time it might be valuable to disable this option is when synchronizing basic entities, for example data elements, that have not changed across DHIS2 versions. |
Best effort |
+A type of metadata version which decides how the importer on local instance(s) will handle the metadata version. +Best effort means that if the metadata import encounters missing references (for example missing data elements on a data element group import) it ignores the errors and continues the import. |
Atomic |
+A type of metadata version which decides how the importer on local instance(s) will handle the metadata version. +Atomic means all or nothing - the metadata import will fail if any of the references do not exist. |
Grant type |
+ Description |
Password |
+ TBA |
Refresh token |
+ TBA |
Authorization code |
+ TBA |
功能 | +说明 | +
优先级 |
+ 您可以标记具有不同优先级的反馈/验证消息:无,低,中或高, +设置优先级可以更轻松地跟踪您首先需要解决的反馈消息以及可以等待的反馈消息。 |
状态 |
+ 所有反馈/验证消息的状态均为创建后打开。 +要跟踪现有的反馈消息,可以将状态更改为待处理无效或已解决。 +您可以使用内部标题栏中的两个下拉菜单,根据反馈/验证消息的状态过滤反馈/验证消息。 |
分配给 |
+ 您可以将反馈消息分配给设置为处理反馈消息的用户组的任何成员。 +您可以将验证消息分配给系统中的任何用户。 +-表示您尚未将用户分配给反馈消息。 |
内部回复 |
+在反馈处理小组中工作时,您可能需要先讨论反馈,然后再将答案发送给发件人。您可以将此讨论与反馈本身保持在同一消息对话中。 +要在反馈处理用户组中发送答复,请单击内部答复。 |
数据维度类型 | +定义 | +示例 | +
指示灯 | +指标是基于数据元素的计算公式。 | +特定地区的免疫覆盖率。 | +
数据元素 | +代表已捕获数据的现象。 | +疟疾病例数;给予的卡介苗剂量。 | +
数据集 | +为数据收集分组的数据元素的集合。您可以选择:
+ 免疫和发病率报告率。 | +
事件数据项 | +一个数据元素,它是表示已捕获事件的程序的一部分。 | +营养计划中儿童的平均体重和身高。 | +
程序指示器 | +基于表示事件的程序中的数据元素计算得出的公式。 | +营养计划中儿童的BMI平均得分。 | +
Option |
+ Description |
+ |
Data |
+ Show column totals +Show row totals |
+ Displays total values in the table for each row and column, as well as a total for all values in the table. |
+ | Show column sub-totals +Show row sub-totals |
+ Displays subtotals in the table for each dimension. +If you only select one dimension, subtotals will be hidden for those columns or rows. This is because the values will be equal to the subtotals. |
+ | Show dimension labels |
+ Shows the dimension names as part of the pivot tables. |
+ | Hide empty rows |
+ Hides empty rows from the table. This is useful when you look at large tables where a big part of the dimension items don't have data in order to keep the table more readable. |
+ | Hide empty columns |
+ Hides empty columns from the table. This is useful when you look at large tables where a big part of the dimension items don't have data in order to keep the table more readable. |
+ | Skip rounding |
+ Skips the rounding of data values, offering the full precision of data values. Can be useful for finance data where the full dollar amount is required. |
+ | Aggregation type |
+ The default aggregation operator can be over-ridden here, by selecting a different aggregation operator. Some of the aggregation types are Count, Min and Max. |
+ | Number type |
+ Sets the type of value you want to display in the pivot table: Value, Percentage of row or Percentage of column. +The options Percentage of row andPercentage of column mean that you'll display values as percentages of row total or percentage of column total instead of the aggregated value. This is useful when you want to see the contribution of data elements, categories or organisation units to the total value. |
+ | Measure criteria |
+ Allows for the data to be filtered on the server side. +You can instruct the system to return only records where the aggregated data value is equal, greater than, greater or equal, less than or less or equal to certain values. +If both parts of the filter are used, it's possible to filter out a range of data records. |
Events |
+ Include only completed events |
+ Includes only completed events in the aggregation process. This is useful for example to exclude partial events in indicator calculations. |
Organisation units |
+ Show hierarchy |
+ Shows the name of all ancestors for organisation units, for example "Sierra Leone / Bombali / Tamabaka / Sanya CHP" for Sanya CHP. +The organisation units are then sorted alphabetically which will order the organisation units according to the hierarchy. +When you download a pivot table with organisation units as rows and you've selected Show hierarchy, each organisation unit level is rendered as a separate column. This is useful for example when you create Excel pivot tables on a local computer. |
Legend |
+ Apply legend |
+ Applies a legend to the values. This mean that you can apply a colour to the values. +Select By data item to color the table cells individually according to each data element or indicator. +You configure legends in the Maintenance app. |
+ | Style |
+ Colors the text or background of cells in pivot tables based on the selected legend. +You can use this option for scorecards to identify high and low values at a glance. |
Style |
+ Display density |
+ Controls the size of the cells in the table. You can set it to Comfortable, Normal or Compact. +Compact is useful when you want to fit large tables into the browser screen. |
+ | Font size |
+ Controls the size of the table text font. You can set it to Large, Normal or Small. |
+ | Digit group separator |
+ Controls which character to separate groups of digits or "thousands". You can set it to Comma, Space or None. |
General |
+ Table title |
+ Type a title here to display it above the table. |
Parameters (for standard reports only) |
+ + |
+ |
+ | Reporting period |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter a report period. |
+ | Organisation unit |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter an organisation unit. |
+ | Parent organisation unit |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter a parent organisation unit. |
+ | Include regression |
+ Includes a column with regression values to the pivot table. |
+ | Include cumulative |
+ Includes a column with cumulative values to the pivot table. |
+ | Sort order |
+ Controls the sort order of the values. |
+ | Top limit |
+ Controls the maximum number of rows to include in the pivot table. |
Format |
+ Action |
+ Description |
+ Click JSON |
+ Downloads JSON format based on ID property. +You can also download JSON format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Click XML |
+ Downloads XML format based on ID property. +You can also download XML format based on Code or Name property. |
Microsoft Excel |
+ Click Microsoft Excel |
+ Downloads XML format based on ID property. +You can also download Microsoft Excel format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Click CSV | +Downloads CSV format based on ID property. +You can also download CSV format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Put the cursor on Advanced and click JRXML |
+ Produces a template of a Jasper Report which can be further customized based on your exact needs and used as the basis for a standard report in DHIS2. |
Raw data SQL |
+ Put the cursor on Advanced and click Raw data SQL |
+ Provides the actual SQL statement used to generate the pivot table. You can use it as a data source in a Jasper report, or as the basis for an SQL view. |
Category option group set | +Category option group | +Category options | +
Partner | +Partner 1 | +Account 1A, Account 1B | +
Partner | +Partner 2 | +Account 2A, Account 2B | +
批准级别 | +组织单位级别 | +类别选项组设置 | +
1 | +国家 | +合作伙伴 | +
2 | +区 | +合作伙伴 | +
3 | +设施 | +合作伙伴 | +
Category option group set | +Category option group | +Category options | +
Partner | +Partner 1 | +Account 1A, Account 1B | +
Partner | +Partner 2 | +Account 2A, Account 2B | +
Agency | +Agency A | +Account 1A, Account 2A | +
Agency | +Agency B | +Account 1B, Account 2B | +
Approval level | +Organisation unit level | +Category option group set | +
1 | +Country | ++ |
2 | +Country | +Agency | +
3 | +Country | +Partner | +
尺寸 |
+ 说明 |
正确 |
+ 数据应在该设施收集的数据的正常范围内。与来自相关数据元素的数据相比,应该没有明显的差异。 |
完整性 |
+ 应该已经提交了所有报告组织单位的所有数据元素的数据。 |
一致性 |
+数据应与前几个月和几年中输入的数据保持一致,同时允许进行重组,增加工作量等方面的更改,并与其他类似设施保持一致。 |
及时性 |
+ 来自所有报告组织单位的所有数据都应在指定的时间提交。 |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Category option |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category combination |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category option combination |
+Edit and show details |
Category option group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Category option group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Data element |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Data element group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Data element group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Value type |
+ Description |
Age |
+ - |
Coordinate |
+ A point coordinate specified as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. All coordinate should be specified in the format "-19.23 , 56.42" with a comma separating the longitude and latitude. |
Date |
+ Dates rendered as calendar widget in data entry. |
Date & time |
+ Is a combination of the DATE and TIME data elements. |
Email. |
+ |
File |
+ A file resource where you can store external files, for example documents and photos. |
Image |
+ A file resource where you can store photos. +Unlike the FILE data element, the IMAGE data element can display the uploaded image directly in forms. |
Integer |
+ Any whole number (positive and negative), including zero. |
Letter |
+ A single letter. |
Long text |
+ Textual value. Renders as text area with no length constraint in forms. |
Negative integer |
+ Any whole number less than (but not including) zero. |
Number |
+ Any real numeric value with a single decimal point. Thousands separators and scientific notation is not supported. |
Percentage |
+ Whole numbers inclusive between 0 and 100. |
Phone number |
+ Phone number. |
Positive integer |
+ Any whole number greater than (but not including) zero. |
Positive or zero integer |
+ Any positive whole number, including zero. |
Organisation unit |
+ Organisation units rendered as a hierarchy tree widget. +If the user has assigned "search organisation units", these will be displayed instead of the assigned organisation units. |
Unit interval |
+ Any real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. |
Text |
+ Textual value. The maximum number of allowed characters per value is 50,000. |
Time |
+ Time is stored in HH:mm format. +HH is a number between 0 and 23 +mm is a number between 00 and 59 |
Tracker associate |
+ Tracked entity instance. Rendered as dialog with a list of tracked entity instances and a search field. |
Username |
+ DHIS2 user. Rendered as a dialog with a list of users and a search field. The user will need the "View User" authority to be able to utilise this data type |
Yes/No |
+ Boolean values, renders as drop-down lists in data entry. |
Yes only |
+ True values, renders as check-boxes in data entry. |
Aggregation operator |
+ Description |
Average |
+ Average the values in both the period as and the organisation unit dimensions. |
Average (sum in organisation unit hierarchy) |
+ Average of data values in the period dimension, sum in the organisation unit dimensions. |
Count |
+ Count of data values. |
Min |
+ Minimum of data values. |
Max |
+ Maximum of data values. |
None |
+ No aggregation is performed in any dimension. |
Sum |
+ Sum of data values in the period and organisation unit dimension. |
Standard deviation |
+ Standard deviation (population-based) of data values. |
Variance |
+ Variance (population-based) of data values. |
Data entry form type | +Description | +
Default form |
+Once you have assigned a data set to an organisation unit, a default form is created automatically. The default form is then available in the Data entry app for the organisation units you have assigned it to. +A default form consist of a list of the data elements belonging to the data set together with a column for inputting the values. If your data set contains data elements with a non-default category combination, for example age groups or gender, additional columns are automatically created in the default form based on the different categories. +If you use more than one category combination you get multiple columns in the default form with different column headings for the options. |
Section form |
+If the default form doesn't meet your needs, you can modify it to create a section form. Section forms give you more flexibility when it comes to using tabular forms. +In a section form you can, for example, create multiple tables with subheadings and disable (grey out) cells in a table. +When you have added a section form to a data set, the section form is available in the Data entry app. |
Custom form |
+If the form you want to design is too complicated for default or section forms, you can create a custom form. A custom form takes more time to create than a section form, but you have full control over the design. +You can, for example, mimic an existing paper aggregation form with a custom form. This makes data entry easier, and should reduce the number incorrectly entered data elements. +When you have added a custom form to a data set, the custom form is available in the Data entry app. |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Data set |
+Create, assign to organisation units, edit, share, delete, show details and translate +Edit compulsory data elements +Add and remove multiple data sets to organisation units at once |
Section form |
+Create, edit and manage grey fields |
Section |
+Change display order, delete and translate |
Custom form |
+Create, edit and script |
Option |
+ Description |
None |
+ Displays all data elements that don't have a category combination. |
<No filter> |
+ Displays all data elements. |
键 | +说明 | +参数 | +
dhis2.de.event.formLoaded |
+ 在呈现数据输入表单之后但在输入字段中设置数据值之前触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.dataValuesLoaded |
+ 在输入字段中设置数据值后触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.formReady |
+ 当数据输入表单完全呈现并加载了所有元素时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.dataValueSaved |
+ 成功保存数据值时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |数据值对象 |
dhis2.de.event.completed |
+ 当数据集成功标记为完成时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |完成注册对象 |
dhis2.de.event.uncompleted |
+ 将数据集成功标记为不完整时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.validation成功 |
+ 在完成验证并且没有违规时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.de.event.validationError |
+ 完成验证并存在一个或多个违规时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|数据集ID |
dhis2.ou.event.orgUnitSelected |
+ 在组织单位网页树中选择一个或多个组织单位时触发。 |
+ 事件| 事件|组织单位编号|组织单位名称|子单位部门ID |
Indicator element | +Type | +Description | +
Constant |
+Component |
+Constants are numerical values which remain the same for all indicator calculations. This is useful in order to have a single place to change values that might change over time. +Constants are applied AFTER data element values have been aggregated. |
Data elements |
+Component |
+Data elements are substituted by the data value captured for the data element. |
Days |
+Operator |
+"Days" is special operator that always provides the number of days for a given indicator calculation. +For example: if you want to calculate the "Percentage of time vaccine refrigerator was non-functional", you could define the numerator as: +("Days-"Number of days vaccine refrigerator was available"")/"Days" +If the fridge was available 25 days in June, the indicator would be calculated as: +(30-25/25)*100 = 17 % +If you want to calculate the total for Quarter 1, the number of days ("Days") would be: +31+28+31 = 90 +The "Days" parameter will always be the number of days in the period of interest. |
Organisation unit counts |
+Component |
+You can use organisation unit groups in formulas. They will be replaced by the number of organisation units in the group. During aggregation, the organisation units in the group will be intersected with the part of the organisation unit hierarchy being requested. +This lets you use the number of public facilities in a specific district in indicators. This is useful for example when you create facility infrastructure surveys and reports. |
Programs |
+Component |
+Click Programs and select a program to view all data elements, attributes and indicators related to a specific program. +The program components you include in your formula will have a program tag assigned to them. |
指示灯功能 |
+ 参数 |
+ 说明 |
+ | (布尔表达式,true表达式,false表达式) |
+ 计算布尔表达式,如果为true,则返回true表达式值;如果为false,则返回false表达式值。参数必须遵循任何指标表达的规则。 |
isNull |
+ (元素) |
+ 如果元素值缺失(空),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
isNotNull |
+ (元素) |
+ 如果元素值不丢失(不为null),则返回true,否则返回false。 |
firstNonNull |
+ (元素[,元素...]) |
+ 返回不丢失的第一个元素的值(不为null)。可以提供任意数量的参数。任何参数也可以是数字或字符串文字,如果所有先前的对象都缺少值,则将返回该参数。 |
最大 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最大(最高)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。 |
至少 |
+ (表达式[,表达式...]) |
+ 返回给定表达式的最小(最小)值。可以提供任意数量的参数。 |
.periodOffset |
+ (整数常量) |
+ 放置在数据值或表达式之后,返回相对于报告期间的期间偏移量中的值。它可以嵌套。请参阅下面的示例。 |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Indicator |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Indicator type |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details and translate |
Indicator group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Indicator group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Organisation unit |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details and translate |
Organisation unit group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Organisation unit group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Organisation unit level |
+Edit and translate |
Hierarchy operations |
+Move organisation units |
Object type |
+What you can do |
Validation rule |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details, and translate |
Validation rule group |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, share, show details, and translate |
Validation notification |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details, and translate |
With sliding windows |
+Without sliding windows |
Used only for event data. |
+Used for event data and aggregate data. |
Data selection is based on a fixed number of days (periodType). |
+Data selection is always based on a period. |
The position of the sliding window is alwaysrelative to the period being compared. |
+Data is always selected for the same period as the period being compared. |
Option |
+ Description |
Skip if any value is missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped if any of the values which compose the expression are missing. This is the default option. +Always select this option you use the Exclusive pair or Compulsory pair operator. |
Skip if all values are missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped only if all of the operands which compose it are missing. |
Never skip |
+ The validation rule will never be skipped in case of missing data, and all missing operands will be treated effectively as a zero. |
Option |
+ Description |
Skip if any value is missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped if any of the values which compose the expression are missing. This is the default option. +Always select this option you use the Exclusive pair or Compulsory pair operator. |
Skip if all values are missing |
+ The validation rule will be skipped only if all of the operands which compose it are missing. |
Never skip |
+ The validation rule will never be skipped in case of missing data, and all missing operands will be treated effectively as a zero. |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
属性 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、删除、显示详细信息和翻译 |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
常量 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、共享、删除、显示详细信息和翻译 |
Object type |
+Available functions |
Option set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Option group |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Option group set |
+Create, edit, clone, share, delete, show details and translate |
Legend item | +Start value | +End value | +
Low bad | +0 | +50 | +
Medium | +50 | +80 | +
High good | +80 | +100 | +
Too high | +100 | +1000 | +
if(#{ji7o0ILHuU2}!= 0,1,0)
+#### 前期数据 { #data_from_previous_periods }
+ avg(#{ji7o0ILHuU2})+ 2 * stddev(#{ji7o0ILHuU2})
+#### 上一时期的数据 { #data_from_the_same_and_previous_periods }
+ sum(#{KOh02hHko7C})+#{ji7o0ILHuU2}
+#### 预测器组织单位级别 { #predictor_organisation_unit_levels }
+> **注意**
+> 在配置预测器时,您必须选择一个或多个用于输出预测数据的组织单位级别。如果未选择级别,则不会生成预测值。
+> **警告**
+> 如果您想在分析报告中使用预测值,或进行其他预测,_不要选择多个组织单位级别_。当您选择多个级别时,较高级别的预测还将包括较低级别预测中使用的任何数据。如果多个级别的预测随后用于分析或其他预测变量的表达式中,则可能会导致重复计算,因为较高级别的预测值包含较低级别的预测值。
+In the **Maintenance** app, you manage the following predictor objects:
+Object type |
+Available functions |
Predictor |
+Create, edit, clone, delete, show details and translate |
Aggregate function |
+ Means |
avg(x) |
+ Average (mean) value of x |
count(x) |
+ Count of the values of x |
max(x) |
+ Maximum value of x |
median(x) |
+ Median value of x |
min(x) |
+ Minimum value of x |
percentileCont(p, x) |
+ Continuous percentile of x, where p is the percentile as a floating point number between 0 and 1. For example, p = 0 will return the lowest value, p = 0.5 will return the median, p = 0.75 will return the 75th percentile, p = 1 will return the highest value, etc. Continuous means that the value will be interpolated if necessary. For example, percentileCont( 0.5, #{FTRrcoaog83} ) will return 2.5 if the sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 are 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
stddev(x) |
+ Standard deviation of x. This function is eqivalent to stddevSamp. It's suggested that you use the function stddevSamp instead for greater clarity. |
stddevPop(x) |
+ Population standard deviation of x: sqrt( sum( (x - avg(x))^2 ) / n ) |
stddevSamp(x) |
+ Sample standard deviation of x: sqrt( sum( (x - avg(x))^2 ) / ( n - 1 ) ). Note that this value is not computed when there is only one sample. |
sum(x) |
+ Sum of the values of x |
Function |
+ Means |
if(test, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse) |
+ Evaluates test which is an expression that evaluates to a boolean value -- see Boolean expression notes below. If the test is true, returns the valueIfTrue expression. If it is false, returns the valueIfFalse expression. |
isNull(item) |
+ Returns the boolean value true if the item is null (missing), otherwise returns false. The item can be any selected item from the right (data element, program data element, etc.). |
isNotNull(item) |
+ Returns true if the item value is not missing (not null), otherwise false. |
firstNonNull(item [, item ...]) |
+ Returns the value of the first item that is not missing (not null). Can be provided any number of arguments. Any argument may also be a numeric or string literal, which will be returned if all the previous items have missing values. |
greatest(expression [, expression ...]) |
+ Returns the greatest (highest) value of the expressions given. Can be provided any number of arguments. |
least(expression [, expression ...]) |
+ Returns the least (lowest) value of the expressions given. Can be provided any number of arguments. |
Generator expression |
+ Means |
sum(#{FTRrcoaog83.tMwM3ZBd7BN}) |
+ Sum of the sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 and category option combination (disaggregation) tMwM3ZBd7BN |
avg(I{GSae40Fyppf}) + 2 * stddevSamp(I{GSae40Fyppf}) |
+ Average of the sampled values of of program indicator GSae40Fyppf plus twice its sample standard deviation |
sum(D{IpHINAT79UW.eMyVanycQSC}) / sum([days]) |
+ Sum of all sampled values of data element eMyVanycQSC from porgram IpHINAT79UW divided by the number of days in all sample periods (resulting in the overall average daily value) |
sum(#{FTRrcoaog83}) + #{T7OyqQpUpNd} |
+ Sum of all sampled values of data element FTRrcoaog83 plus the value of data element T7OyqQpUpNd in the period being predicted for (includes all disaggregations) |
1.2 * A{IpHINAT79UW.RKLKz1H20EE} |
+ 1.2 times the value of attribute RKLKz1H20EE of program IpHINAT79UW, in the period being predicted for |
if(isNull(#{T7OyqQpUpNd}), 0, 1) |
+ If the data element T7OyqQpUpNd is null in the period being predicted, then 0, otherwise 1. |
percentileCont(0.5, #{T7OyqQpUpNd}) |
+ Continuous 50th percentile of the sampled values for data element T7OyqQpUpNd. Note that this is the same as median(#{T7OyqQpUpNd}) |
if(count(#{T7OyqQpUpNd}) == 1, 0, stddevSamp(#{T7OyqQpUpNd})) |
+ If there is one sample value present for data element T7OyqQpUpNd, then 0, otherwise the sample standard deviation of these sample values. (Note that if no samples are present then the stddevSamp returns no value, so no value is predicted.) |
Skip test expression |
+ Means |
#{FTRrcoaog83} > #{M62VHgYT2n0} |
+ The value of data element FTRrcoaog83 (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the value of data element M62VHgYT2n0 (sum of all disaggregations) |
#{uF1DLnZNlWe} > 0 |
+ The value of data element uF1DLnZNlWe (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the zero |
#{FTRrcoaog83} > #{M62VHgYT2n0} || #{uF1DLnZNlWe} > 0 |
+ The value of data element FTRrcoaog83 (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the value of data element M62VHgYT2n0 (sum of all disaggregations) or the value of data element uF1DLnZNlWe (sum of all disaggregations) is greater than the zero |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
翻译分析 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、删除、显示细节、预览和运行 |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
外部地图层 |
+创建、编辑、克隆、删除、显示细节和翻译 |
对象类型 |
+可用函数 |
类别选项 |
++ |
类别选项组 |
++ |
数据元素 |
+将一个数据元素添加到多个数据元素组 +从多个数据元素组中删除一个数据元素 |
数据元素组 |
+将多个数据元素添加到一个数据元素组 +从一个数据元素组中删除多个数据元素 |
指标 |
+将一个指标添加到多个指标组 +从多个指标组中删除一个指标 |
指标组 |
+将多个指标添加到一个指标组 +从一个指标组中删除一些指标 |
功能 | +说明 | +
优先级 |
+ 您可以标记具有不同优先级的反馈/验证消息:无,低,中或高, +设置优先级可以更轻松地跟踪您首先需要解决的反馈消息以及可以等待的反馈消息。 |
状态 |
+ 所有反馈/验证消息的状态均为创建后打开。 +要跟踪现有的反馈消息,可以将状态更改为待处理无效或已解决。 +您可以使用内部标题栏中的两个下拉菜单,根据反馈/验证消息的状态过滤反馈/验证消息。 |
分配给 |
+ 您可以将反馈消息分配给设置为处理反馈消息的用户组的任何成员。 +您可以将验证消息分配给系统中的任何用户。 +-表示您尚未将用户分配给反馈消息。 |
内部回复 |
+在反馈处理小组中工作时,您可能需要先讨论反馈,然后再将答案发送给发件人。您可以将此讨论与反馈本身保持在同一消息对话中。 +要在反馈处理用户组中发送答复,请单击内部答复。 |
Selection mode |
+ Description |
Select organisation units |
+ Lets you select the organisation units you want to appear in the chart from the organization tree. +Select User org unit to disable the organisation unit tree and only select the organisation unit that is related to your profile. +Select User sub-units to disable the organisation unit tree and only select the sub-units of the organisation unit that is related to your profile. +Select User sub-x2-units to disable the organisation unit tree and only select organisation units two levels down from the organisation unit that is related to your profile. +This functionality is useful for administrators to create a meaningful "system" favorite. With this option checked all users find their respective organisation unit when they open the favorite. |
Select levels |
+ Lets you select all organisation units at one or more levels, for example national or district level. +You can also select the parent organisation unit in the tree, which makes it easy to select for example, all facilities inside one or more districts. |
Select groups |
+ Lets you select all organisation units inside one or several groups and parent organisation units at the same time, for example hospitals or chiefdoms. |
Option |
+ Description |
+ Available for report type |
+ |
Data |
+ Show column totals |
+ Displays totals at the end of each column in the pivot table. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Show column sub-totals |
+ Displays sub-totals for each column in the pivot table. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Show row totals |
+ Displays totals at the end of each row in the pivot table. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Show row sub-totals |
+ Displays sub-totals for each row in the pivot table. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Show dimension labels |
+ Displays labels for dimensions. | +Aggregated event report |
+ | Hide empty rows |
+ Hides empty rows in the pivot table. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Hide n/a data |
+ Hides data tagged as N/A from the chart. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Include only completed events |
+ Includes only completed events in the aggregation process. This is useful when you want for example to exclude partial events in indicator calculations. |
+ Aggregated event report +Individual event report |
+ | Limit |
+ Sets a limit of the maximum number of rows that you can display in the table, combined with a setting for showing top or bottom values. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Output type |
+ Defines the output type. The output types are Event, Enrollment andTracked entity instance. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Program status |
+ Filters data based on the program status: All, Active, Completed or Cancelled. |
+ Aggregated event report |
+ | Event status |
+ Filters data based on the event status: All, Active, Completed, Scheduled, Overdue or Skipped. |
+ Aggregated event report |
Organisation units | +Show hierarchy |
+ Includes the names of all parents of each organisation unit in labels. |
+ Aggregated event report |
Style |
+ Display density |
+ Controls the size of the cells in the table. You can set it to Comfortable, Normal or Compact. +Compact is useful when you want to fit large tables into the browser screen. |
+ Aggregated event report +Individual event report |
+ | Font size |
+ Controls the size of the table text font. You can set it to Large, Normal or Small. |
+ Aggregated event report +Individual event report |
+ | Digit group separator |
+ Controls which character to separate groups of digits or "thousands". You can set it to Comma, Space or None. |
+ Aggregated event report +Individual event report |
Format |
+ Description |
+ Creates HTML table based on selected meta data |
+ Downloads data values in JSON format based on selected meta data |
+ Downloads data values in XML format based on selected meta data |
Microsoft Excel |
+ Downloads data values in Microsoft Excel format based on selected meta data |
+ Downloads data values in CSV format based on selected meta data |
Chart type
Column chart
Displays information as vertical rectangular columns with lengths proportional to the values they represent.
+Useful when you want to, for example, compare performance of different districts.
Stacked column chart
Displays information as vertical rectangular columns, where bars representing multiple categories are stacked on top of each other.
+Useful when you want to, for example, display trends or sums of related data elements.
Bar chart
Same as column chart, only with horizontal bars.
Stacked bar chart
Same as stacked column chart, only with horizontal bars.
Line chart
Displays information as a series of points connected by straight lines. Also referred to as time series.
+Useful when you want to, for example, visualize trends in indicator data over multiple time periods.
Area chart
Is based on line chart, with the space between the axis and the line filled with colors and the lines stacked on top of each other.
+Useful when you want to compare the trends of related indicators.
Pie chart
Circular chart divided into sectors (or slices).
+Useful when you want to, for example, visualize the proportion of data for individual data elements compared to the total sum of all data elements in the chart.
Radar chart
Displays data on axes starting from the same point. Also known as spider chart.
Selection mode |
+ Description |
Select organisation units |
+ Lets you select the organisation units you want to appear in the chart from the organization tree. +Select User org unit to disable the organisation unit tree and only select the organisation unit that is related to your profile. +Select User sub-units to disable the organisation unit tree and only select the sub-units of the organisation unit that is related to your profile. +Select User sub-x2-units to disable the organisation unit tree and only select organisation units two levels down from the organisation unit that is related to your profile. +This functionality is useful for administrators to create a meaningful "system" favorite. With this option checked all users find their respective organisation unit when they open the favorite. |
Select levels |
+ Lets you select all organisation units at one or more levels, for example national or district level. +You can also select the parent organisation unit in the tree, which makes it easy to select for example, all facilities inside one or more districts. |
Select groups |
+ Lets you select all organisation units inside one or several groups and parent organisation units at the same time, for example hospitals or chiefdoms. |
Option |
+ Description |
+ |
Data |
+ Show values |
+ Displays values as numbers on top of each series. |
+ | Use 100% stacked values |
+ Displays 100 % stacked values in column charts. |
+ | Use cumulative values |
+ Displays cumulative values in line charts. |
+ | Hide n/a data |
+ Hides data tagged as N/A from the chart. |
+ | Include only completed events |
+ Includes only completed events in the aggregation process. This is useful when you want for example to exclude partial events in indicator calculations. |
+ | Hide empty categories |
+ Hides the category items with no data from the chart. +None: doesn't hide any of the empty categories +Before first: hides missing values only before the first value +After last: hides missing values only after the last value +Before first and after last: hides missing values only before the first value and after the last value +All: hides all missing values +This is useful for example when you create column and bar charts. |
+ | Trend line |
+ Displays the trend line which visualizes how your data evolves over time. For example if performance is improving or deteriorating. Useful when periods are selected as category. |
+ | Target line value/title |
+ Displays a horizontal line and title (optional) at the given domain value. Useful for example when you want to compare your performance to the current target. |
+ | Base line value/title |
+ Displays a horizontal line and title (optional) at the given domain value. Useful for example when you want to visualize how your performance has evolved since the beginning of a process. |
+ | Sort order |
+ Allows you to sort the values on your chart from either low to high or high to low. |
+ | Output type |
+ Defines the output type. The output types are Event, Enrollment andTracked entity instance. |
+ | Program status |
+ Filters data based on the program status: All, Active, Completed or Cancelled. |
+ | Event status |
+ Filters data based on the event status: All, Active, Completed, Scheduled, Overdue or Skipped. |
Axes |
+ Range axis min/max |
+ Defines the maximum and minimum value which will be visible on the range axis. |
+ | Range axis tick steps |
+ Defines the number of ticks which will be visible on the range axis. |
+ | Range axis decimals |
+ Defines the number of decimals which will be used for range axis values. |
+ | Range axis title |
+ Type a title here to display a label next to the range axis (also referred to as the Y axis). Useful when you want to give context information to the chart, for example about the unit of measure. |
+ | Domain axis title |
+ Type a title here to display a label below the domain axis (also referred to as the X axis). Useful when you want to give context information to the chart, for example about the period type. |
General |
+ Hide chart legend |
+ Hides the legend and leaves more room for the chart itself. |
+ | Hide chart title |
+ Hides the title (default or custom) of your chart. |
+ | Chart title |
+ Type a title here to display a custom title above the chart. If you don't enter a title, the default title is displayed. |
+ | Hide chart subtitle |
+ Hides the subtitle of your chart. |
+ | Chart subtitle |
+ Type a subtitle here to display a custom subtitle above the chart but below the title. If you don't enter a subtitle, no subtitle is displayed in the chart. |
Format |
+ Description |
+ Creates HTML table based on selected meta data |
+ Downloads data values in JSON format based on selected meta data |
+ Downloads data values in XML format based on selected meta data |
Microsoft Excel |
+ Downloads data values in Microsoft Excel format based on selected meta data |
+ Downloads data values in CSV format based on selected meta data |
数据维度类型 | +定义 | +示例 | +
指示灯 | +指标是基于数据元素的计算公式。 | +特定地区的免疫覆盖率。 | +
数据元素 | +代表已捕获数据的现象。 | +疟疾病例数;给予的卡介苗剂量。 | +
数据集 | +为数据收集分组的数据元素的集合。您可以选择:
+ 免疫和发病率报告率。 | +
事件数据项 | +一个数据元素,它是表示已捕获事件的程序的一部分。 | +营养计划中儿童的平均体重和身高。 | +
程序指示器 | +基于表示事件的程序中的数据元素计算得出的公式。 | +营养计划中儿童的BMI平均得分。 | +
Option |
+ Description |
+ |
Data |
+ Show column totals +Show row totals |
+ Displays total values in the table for each row and column, as well as a total for all values in the table. |
+ | Show column sub-totals +Show row sub-totals |
+ Displays subtotals in the table for each dimension. +If you only select one dimension, subtotals will be hidden for those columns or rows. This is because the values will be equal to the subtotals. |
+ | Show dimension labels |
+ Shows the dimension names as part of the pivot tables. |
+ | Hide empty rows |
+ Hides empty rows from the table. This is useful when you look at large tables where a big part of the dimension items don't have data in order to keep the table more readable. |
+ | Hide empty columns |
+ Hides empty columns from the table. This is useful when you look at large tables where a big part of the dimension items don't have data in order to keep the table more readable. |
+ | Skip rounding |
+ Skips the rounding of data values, offering the full precision of data values. Can be useful for finance data where the full dollar amount is required. |
+ | Aggregation type |
+ The default aggregation operator can be over-ridden here, by selecting a different aggregation operator. Some of the aggregation types are Count, Min and Max. |
+ | Number type |
+ Sets the type of value you want to display in the pivot table: Value, Percentage of row or Percentage of column. +The options Percentage of row andPercentage of column mean that you'll display values as percentages of row total or percentage of column total instead of the aggregated value. This is useful when you want to see the contribution of data elements, categories or organisation units to the total value. |
+ | Measure criteria |
+ Allows for the data to be filtered on the server side. +You can instruct the system to return only records where the aggregated data value is equal, greater than, greater or equal, less than or less or equal to certain values. +If both parts of the filter are used, it's possible to filter out a range of data records. |
Events |
+ Include only completed events |
+ Includes only completed events in the aggregation process. This is useful for example to exclude partial events in indicator calculations. |
Organisation units |
+ Show hierarchy |
+ Shows the name of all ancestors for organisation units, for example "Sierra Leone / Bombali / Tamabaka / Sanya CHP" for Sanya CHP. +The organisation units are then sorted alphabetically which will order the organisation units according to the hierarchy. +When you download a pivot table with organisation units as rows and you've selected Show hierarchy, each organisation unit level is rendered as a separate column. This is useful for example when you create Excel pivot tables on a local computer. |
Legend |
+ Apply legend |
+ Applies a legend to the values. This mean that you can apply a colour to the values. +Select By data item to color the table cells individually according to each data element or indicator. +You configure legends in the Maintenance app. |
+ | Style |
+ Colors the text or background of cells in pivot tables based on the selected legend. +You can use this option for scorecards to identify high and low values at a glance. |
Style |
+ Display density |
+ Controls the size of the cells in the table. You can set it to Comfortable, Normal or Compact. +Compact is useful when you want to fit large tables into the browser screen. |
+ | Font size |
+ Controls the size of the table text font. You can set it to Large, Normal or Small. |
+ | Digit group separator |
+ Controls which character to separate groups of digits or "thousands". You can set it to Comma, Space or None. |
General |
+ Table title |
+ Type a title here to display it above the table. |
Parameters (for standard reports only) |
+ + |
+ |
+ | Reporting period |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter a report period. |
+ | Organisation unit |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter an organisation unit. |
+ | Parent organisation unit |
+ Controls whether to ask user to enter a parent organisation unit. |
+ | Include regression |
+ Includes a column with regression values to the pivot table. |
+ | Include cumulative |
+ Includes a column with cumulative values to the pivot table. |
+ | Sort order |
+ Controls the sort order of the values. |
+ | Top limit |
+ Controls the maximum number of rows to include in the pivot table. |
Format |
+ Action |
+ Description |
+ Click JSON |
+ Downloads JSON format based on ID property. +You can also download JSON format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Click XML |
+ Downloads XML format based on ID property. +You can also download XML format based on Code or Name property. |
Microsoft Excel |
+ Click Microsoft Excel |
+ Downloads XML format based on ID property. +You can also download Microsoft Excel format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Click CSV | +Downloads CSV format based on ID property. +You can also download CSV format based on Code or Name property. |
+ Put the cursor on Advanced and click JRXML |
+ Produces a template of a Jasper Report which can be further customized based on your exact needs and used as the basis for a standard report in DHIS2. |
Raw data SQL |
+ Put the cursor on Advanced and click Raw data SQL |
+ Provides the actual SQL statement used to generate the pivot table. You can use it as a data source in a Jasper report, or as the basis for an SQL view. |
尺寸 |
+ 说明 |
正确 |
+ 数据应在该设施收集的数据的正常范围内。与来自相关数据元素的数据相比,应该没有明显的差异。 |
完整性 |
+ 应该已经提交了所有报告组织单位的所有数据元素的数据。 |
一致性 |
+数据应与前几个月和几年中输入的数据保持一致,同时允许进行重组,增加工作量等方面的更改,并与其他类似设施保持一致。 |
及时性 |
+ 来自所有报告组织单位的所有数据都应在指定的时间提交。 |
Object type | +Can view data | +Can capture data | +Comment | +
Tracked entity type |
++ |
Program |
+Both "Can view data" and "Can capture data" also requires the user to have "Can view data" for the tracked entity type. |
Program stage |
+Both "Can view data" and "Can capture data" also requires the user to have "Can view data" for the program and the tracked entity type. |
Object type | +Can view data | +Can capture data | +Comment | +
Program |
++ |
Object type | +Can view data | +Can capture data | +Comment | +
Data set |
+For saving data value in Data Entry app, users also need "Can capture data" for Category Options within selected Data Set. |
CategoryOption | +
+For CategoryOptionCombo and AttributeOptionCombo to be writeable, all belongs CategoryOptions must be shared with "Can capture data". | +
设置 |
+说明 |
分析记录的最大数量 |
+增加该数字可提供更多分析记录。 +默认值为 50,000。 ++ |
SQL 视图记录的最大数量 |
+设置 SQL 视图中的最大记录数。 +默认值为无限。 + |
缓存策略 |
+决定报告分析响应的缓存时间。 +如果使用计划的每晚分析更新,则可选择缓存至明天早上 6 点 。这是因为此时报告中的数据会发生变化,因此可以安全地将数据缓存到分析表更新之时。 +如果连续向分析表加载数据,请选择无缓存 。 +对于其他情况,请选择希望缓存数据的时间长度。 |
基础设施指标 |
+定义一个指标组,其中的成员指标应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施数据元素 |
+定义一个数据元素组,其中的成员数据元素应描述有关组织单位基础设施的数据。 +基础设施数据元素可以是人口、医生、床位、互联网连接和气候。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施,然后单击显示信息 。 |
基础设施周期类型 |
+设置采集基础设施数据元素组中数据元素的频率。 +一般为每年一次。查看基础设施数据时,您可以选择数据源的时间段。 +您可以在GIS 应用程序中查看基础设施数据:右键单击设施并单击显示信息 。 |
默认分析相对周期 |
+设置此值将决定在分析应用程序中选择哪个相对时段作为默认时段。 |
反馈收件人 |
+定义一个用户组,其成员将接收通过Dashboard 应用程序中的反馈功能发送的所有信息。 +这通常是超级用户团队的成员,他们能够支持和回答来自最终用户的问题。 |
最大离线组织单位级别 |
+定义在组织单位树 widget 中,组织单位层次结构中有多少级可以离线使用。 +在正常情况下,可以将其保留在默认设置的最低层级上。 +在组织单位数量较多(通常超过 30 000 个)的情况下,将其设置为较高的层级可缩短初始加载时间。 |
数据分析标准差系数 |
+设置在数据录入 应用程序中对捕获的数据进行离群值分析时使用的标准偏差数。 +默认值为 2。高值比低值捕获的离群值少。 |
电话号码区号 |
+您的部署所在地区的区号。 +用于发送和接收短信。通常是国家代码。 ++260 (赞比亚的国家区号) |
启用多组织单位表格 |
+启用支持在数据录入 应用程序中同时输入多个组织单位的数据表格。 +如果启用了此设置,您可以在Data Entry 应用程序中,单击要输入数据的子代的父代组织单位,数据集列表将包括分配给该父代的子代的数据集。 |
审批前需要接受 | +选择此设置后,在提交下一级审批之前,首先需要接受数据。 | +
在仪表盘视图中收集分析对象统计数据 | +在仪表板中查看分析对象(如地图、图表等)时收集使用分析数据。 +在仪表板中查看时收集使用分析数据。如果没有此设置,只有在查看对象时才会收集对象的分析数据。 +只有在仪表盘之外查看对象时才会收集对象的分析数据。 | +
在使用分析统计中包含被动仪表盘视图 | +(保留供将来使用) | +
设置 |
+说明 |
用于分析的默认相对周期 |
+定义分析应用程序默认使用的相对周期:Data Visualizer,Event Reports,Event Visualizer,GIS 和Pivot Table 应用程序。打开这些应用程序时,将自动选择相对周期。 +建议设置:用户最常用的相对周期。 |
隐藏日周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏每日时段 |
隐藏周周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏周周期 |
隐藏月周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏月周期 |
隐藏双月周期 |
+ 在分析工具中隐藏双月周期 |
财务年度相对起始月 | +定义分析应用程序中相对财务年度的起始月份(4 月、7 月或 10 月)。 | +
缓存性 |
+设置分析数据响应是以公共可见性还是以私有可见性提供。 +私有 :在 DHIS2 服务器和终端用户之间的任何有缓存能力的节点或服务器都不能缓存网页。如果提供的网页可能或确实包含敏感信息,这一点就很有用。这意味着,每次你需要一个网页时,要么你从 DHIS2 服务器获取一个新页面,要么 DHIS2 服务器缓存该页面。除 DHIS2 服务器外,不允许其他服务器缓存页面。 +公共 :DHIS2 服务器和终端用户之间任何有缓存能力的节点或服务器都可以缓存网页。这将减少 DHIS2 服务器的流量,并有可能加快随后的页面加载速度。 |
分析缓存模式 |
+支持两种不同的模式: +渐进式 :这与分析的新渐进式缓存功能有关。启用后,它会覆盖分析请求的全局缓存策略。该模式将触发所有分析请求的 HTTP 和数据层缓存。启用该模式后,缓存系数 是必须的。 +固定 :请求将根据缓存策略中定义的时间段进行缓存。 |
缓存系数 |
+为缓存系数选择一个值。该字段仅在分析缓存模式设置为progressive 时可用。 +它显示一个整数列表,每个整数代表一个绝对缓存系数。内部将使用该整数计算每个分析请求的最终过期时间。缓存系数越高,请求的缓存时间就越长。 |
在分析中隐藏未批准数据的最长年限 |
+设置分析是否应尊重数据的批准级别,以及在多长时间内应尊重数据的批准级别。通常情况下,几年前的数据会被默认为已批准。为了加快分析请求的速度,可以选择忽略历史数据的实际批准级别。 +从不检查批准: 无论数据的批准状态如何,都不会隐藏数据。 +检查所有数据的审批情况: 始终检查审批状态。 +其他选项,例如最近 3 年: 将检查 3 年以内数据的批准状态;不检查较早的数据。 |
分析数据缓存阈值 |
+设置是否只缓存超过指定年数的数据。 +这允许直接返回最新数据而不进行缓存,同时出于性能考虑提供较早数据的缓存版本。 |
在分析表导出中尊重类别选项的开始和结束日期 |
+此设置可控制分析是否要过滤与有开始和结束日期的类别选项相关联,但与类别选项有效期间隔内的时间不相关联的数据。 |
将分析功能置于维护模式 |
+将 DHIS2 的分析和网络 API 置于维护模式。这意味着所有请求都将返回"503 Service Unavailable" 。
+ 这在需要对服务器进行维护时非常有用,例如当服务器在生产中运行时重建索引,以减少负载并更有效地进行维护。 |
在分析表中包含零数据值 |
+在分析表中包含值为零的数据元素。这仅适用于启用"zero is significant" 属性的数据元素。请注意,强烈不建议在大量数据元素上设置"zero is significant" ,因为这会使分析表中充满零值,造成不必要的性能开销。 |
允许用户切换仪表盘收藏夹视图类型 |
+允许用户在图表、数据透视表和地图之间切换仪表盘收藏夹视图、 +数据透视表和地图之间切换。 |
允许用户在相关应用程序中打开仪表盘收藏夹 |
+允许用户在该类型项目的应用程序中打开仪表盘项目、 +使用仪表盘项目菜单。 |
允许用户显示仪表盘收藏夹的解释和详情 |
+允许用户查看仪表盘收藏夹的解释和详细信息、 +使用仪表板项目菜单。 |
允许用户全屏查看仪表盘收藏夹 |
+允许用户使用仪表盘项目菜单全屏查看仪表盘收藏夹、 +使用仪表板项目菜单。 |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
数据库服务器CPU的数量 |
+ 设置数据库服务器的CPU核心数。 +当数据库托管在与应用程序服务器不同的服务器上时,这使系统能够以最佳性能运行,因为DHIS2中的分析与可用核心数成线性比例。 |
系统通知电子邮件地址 |
+ 定义将接收系统通知的电子邮件地址。 +有关分析表生成等流程失败的通知将在此处发送。这对于应用程序监视很有用。 |
Google Analytics(通用分析)密钥 |
+ 设置Google UA密钥,以通过Google Analytics(分析)平台为您的DHIS2实例提供使用情况分析。应该注意的是,当前,DHIS2中并非所有应用程序都支持Google Analytics(分析),因此您的用户的某些活动可能不会出现在此平台中。 +您可以通过 http://google.com/analytics 了解更多有关Google Analytics(分析)的信息。 |
Google Maps API密钥 |
+ 定义Google Maps API的API密钥。这用于显示DHIS2中的地图。 |
Bing Maps API密钥 |
+ 定义Bing Maps API的API密钥。这用于显示DHIS2中的地图。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Select language |
+ Sets the language for which you can then enter translations of the following settings: +
++ |
Application title |
+Sets the application title on the top menu. |
Application introduction |
+Sets an introduction of the system which will be visible on the top-left part of the login page. |
Application notification |
+Sets a notification which will be visible on the front page under the login area. |
Application left-side footer |
+Sets a text in the left-side footer area of the login page. |
Application right-side footer |
+Sets a text in the right-side footer area of the login page. |
Style |
+Sets the style (look-and-feel) of the system. +The user can override this setting in the Settings app: User settings > Style. ++ |
Start page |
+Sets the page or app which the user will be redirected to after log in. +Recommended setting: the Dashboard app. |
Help page link |
+Defines the URL which users will see when they click Profile >Help. |
Flag |
+Sets the flag which is displayed in the left menu of the Dashboard app. |
Interface language |
+Sets the language used in the user interface. +The user can override this setting in the Settings app: User settings > Interface language. |
Database language |
+Sets the language used in the database. +The user can override this setting in the Settings app: User settings > Database language. |
Property to display in analysis modules |
+Sets whether you want to display the metadata objects' names or short names in the analytics apps: Data Visualizer, Event Reports, Event Visualizer, GIS and Pivot Table apps. +The user can override this setting in the Settings app: User settings > Property to display in analysis modules. |
Default digit group separator to display in analysis modules |
+Sets the default digit group separator in the analytics apps: Data Visualizer, Event Reports, Event Visualizer, GIS and Pivot Table apps. |
Require authority to add to view object lists |
+If you select this option, you'll hide menu and index page items and links to lists of objects if the current user doesn't have the authority to create the type of objects (privately or publicly). |
Custom login page logo |
+Select this option and upload an image to add your logo to the login page. |
Custom top menu logo |
+Select this option and upload an image to add your logo to the left in the top menu. |
Setting |
+Description |
Host name |
+Sets the host name of the SMTP server. +When you use Google SMTP services, the host name should be smtp.gmail.com. |
Port |
+Sets the port to connect to the SMTP server. |
User name |
+The user name of the user account with the SMTP server. +mail@dhis2.org |
Password |
+The password of the user account with the SMTP server. |
+Select this option if the SMPT server requires TLS for connections. |
Email sender |
+The email address to use as sender when sending out emails. |
Send me a test email |
+Sends a test email to the current user logged into DHIS2. |
Setting |
+Description |
Self registration account user role |
+Defines which user role should be given to self-registered user accounts. +To enable self-registration of users: select any user role from the list. A link to the self-registration form will be displayed on the login page. +++ To disable self-registration of users: select Disable self registration. |
Self registration account organisation unit |
+Defines which organisation unit should be associated with self-registered users. ++ |
Do not require reCAPTCHA for self registration |
+Defines whether you want to use reCAPTCHA for user self-registration. This is enabled by default. |
Enable user account recovery |
+Defines whether users can restore their own passwords. +When this setting is enabled, a link to the account recovery form will be displayed on the front page. ++ |
Lock user account temporarily after multiple failed login attempts |
+Defines whether the system should lock user accounts after five successive failed login attempts over a timespan of 15 minutes. +The account will be locked for 15 minutes, then the user can attempt to log in again. |
Allow users to grant own user roles |
+Defines whether users can grant user roles which they have themselves to others when creating new users. |
Allow assigning object to related objects during add or update |
+Defines whether users should be allowed to assign an object to a related object when they create or edit metadata objects. +You can allow users to assign an organisation unit to data sets and organisation unit group sets when creating or editing the organisation unit. |
Require user account password change |
+Defines whether users should be forced to change their passwords every 3, 6 or 12 months. +If you don't want to force users to change password, select Never. |
Enable password expiry alerts | +When set, users will receive a notification when their password is about to expire. | +
Minimum characters in password |
+Defines the minimum number of characters users must have in their passwords. +You can select 8 (default), 10, 12 or 14. |
CORS whitelist |
+Whitelists a set of URLs which can access the DHIS2 API from another domain. Each URL should be entered on separate lines. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows restricted resources (e.g. javascript files) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the first resource was served. |
Setting |
+Description |
Calendar |
+Defines which calendar the system will use. +The system supports the following calendars: Coptic, Ethiopian, Gregorian, Islamic (Lunar Hijri), ISO 8601, Julian, Nepali, Persian (Solar Hijri) and Thai. ++ |
Date format |
+Defines which date format the system will use. |
设置 |
+ 说明 |
需要期间以匹配数据集的期间类型 |
+ 要求数据值的周期与分配了数据值的数据元素的数据集具有相同的周期类型。 |
需要类别选项组合以匹配数据元素的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的类别选项组合成为数据值的数据元素的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求组织单位匹配数据集的分配 |
+ 要求将数据值的组织单位分配给数据值的数据元素所分配到的一个或多个数据集。 |
要求属性选项组合以匹配数据集的类别组合 |
+ 要求数据值的属性选项组合是数据值的数据元素所分配到的数据集的类别组合的一部分。 |
要求指定类别选项组合 |
+ 要求指定数据值的类别选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将退回到默认类别选项组合。 |
需要指定属性选项组合 |
+ 需要指定数据值的属性选项组合。 +默认情况下,如果未指定,它将回退到默认属性选项组合。 |
Setting |
+Description |
Remote server URL |
+Defines the URL of the remote server running DHIS2 to upload data values to. +It is recommended to use of SSL/HTTPS since user name and password are sent with the request (using basic authentication). +The system will attempt to synchronize data once every minute. +The system will use this setting for metadata synchronization too. ++ |
Remote server user name |
+The user name of the DHIS2 user account on the remote server to use for data synchronization. ++ |
Remote server password |
+The password of the DHIS2 user account on the remote server. The password will be stored encrypted. |
Enable versioning for metadata sync |
+Defines whether to create versions of metadata when you synchronize metadata between central and local instances. |
Don't sync metadata if DHIS versions differ |
+The metadata schema changes between versions of DHIS2 which could make different metadata versions incompatible. +When enabled, this option will not allow metadata synchronization to occur if the central and local instance(s) have different DHIS2 versions. This apply to metadata synchronization done both via the user interface and the API. +The only time it might be valuable to disable this option is when synchronizing basic entities, for example data elements, that have not changed across DHIS2 versions. |
Best effort |
+A type of metadata version which decides how the importer on local instance(s) will handle the metadata version. +Best effort means that if the metadata import encounters missing references (for example missing data elements on a data element group import) it ignores the errors and continues the import. |
Atomic |
+A type of metadata version which decides how the importer on local instance(s) will handle the metadata version. +Atomic means all or nothing - the metadata import will fail if any of the references do not exist. |
Grant type |
+ Description |
Password |
+ TBA |
Refresh token |
+ TBA |
Authorization code |
+ TBA |
Accept data at lower levels | +F_ACCEPT_DATA_LOWER_LEVELS | +
Access my data mart | +F_MYDATAMART_VIEW | +
Add Facility | +F_FRED_CREATE | +
Add Locale | +F_LOCALE_ADD | +
Add Option Set | +F_OPTIONSET_ADD | +
Add Organisation Unit Group Set | +F_ORGUNITGROUPSET_ADD | +
Add Program Rule | +F_PROGRAM_RULE_ADD | +
Add Public Map | +F_MAP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add Relationship Type | +F_RELATIONSHIPTYPE_ADD | +
Add/Remove Members In Read-Only User Groups | +F_USER_GROUPS_READ_ONLY_ADD_MEMBERS | +
Add SQL View | +F_SQLVIEW_ADD | +
Add Tracked Entities | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ADD | +
Add Tracked Entity Attribute Value | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_ADD | +
Add Tracked Entity Form | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_FORM_ADD | +
Add Tracked Entity Instance Comment | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_COMMENT_ADD | +
Add Tracked Entity Relationship | +F_RELATIONSHIP_ADD | +
Add/Update Attribute | +F_ATTRIBUTE_ADD | +
Add/Update Chart | +F_CHART_ADD | +
Add/Update Concept | +F_CONCEPT_ADD | +
Add/Update Constant | +F_CONSTANT_ADD | +
Add/Update Data Value | +F_DATAVALUE_ADD | +
Add/Update Indicator Type | +F_INDICATORTYPE_ADD | +
Add/Update Min/max rule | +F_DATAELEMENT_MINMAX_ADD | +
Add/Update Organisation Unit | +F_ORGANISATIONUNIT_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Category Option Group | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_GROUP_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Category Option Group Set | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_GROUP_SET_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element | +F_DATAELEMENT_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element Category | +F_CATEGORY_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element Category Combo | +F_CATEGORY_COMBO_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element Category Option | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element Category Option Combo | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_COMBO_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element Groups | +F_DATAELEMENTGROUP_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Element Group Sets | +F_DATAELEMENTGROUPSET_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Data Set | +F_DATASET_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Document | +F_DOCUMENT_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Indicator | +F_INDICATOR_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Indicator Group | +F_INDICATORGROUP_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Indicator Group Sets | +F_INDICATORGROUPSET_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Option Set | +F_OPTIONSET_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Organisation Unit Group | +F_ORGUNITGROUP_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Organisation Unit Group Set | +F_ORGUNITGROUPSET_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Program | +F_PROGRAM_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Report | +F_REPORT_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private SQL View | +F_SQLVIEW_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Tracked Entity Attribute | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private User Group | +F_USERGROUP_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private User Role | +F_USERROLE_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Private Validation Rule Group | +F_VALIDATIONRULEGROUP_PRIVATE_ADD | +
Add/Update Program Attribute | +F_PROGRAM_ATTRIBUTE_ADD | +
Add/Update Program Indicator | +F_ADD_PROGRAM_INDICATOR | +
Add/Update Program Stage | +F_PROGRAMSTAGE_ADD | +
Add/Update Program Stage Section | +F_PROGRAMSTAGE_SECTION_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Category Option Group | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_GROUP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Category Option Group Set | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_GROUP_SET_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Chart | +F_CHART_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Dashboard | +F_DASHBOARD_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element | +F_DATAELEMENT_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Category | +F_CATEGORY_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Category Combo | +F_CATEGORY_COMBO_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Category Option | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Category Option | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_DELETE | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Category Option Combo | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_COMBO_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Groups | +F_DATAELEMENTGROUP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Element Group Sets | +F_DATAELEMENTGROUPSET_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Data Set | +F_DATASET_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Document | +F_DOCUMENT_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Indicator | +F_INDICATOR_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Indicator Group | +F_INDICATORGROUP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Indicator Group Sets | +F_INDICATORGROUPSET_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Option Set | +F_OPTIONSET_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Organisation Unit Group | +F_ORGUNITGROUP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Organisation Unit Group Set | +F_ORGUNITGROUPSET_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Program | +F_PROGRAM_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Report | +F_REPORT_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Report Table | +F_REPORTTABLE_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public SQL View | +F_SQLVIEW_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Tracked Entity Attribute | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public User Group | +F_USERGROUP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public User Role | +F_USERROLE_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Public Validation Rule Group | +F_VALIDATIONRULEGROUP_PUBLIC_ADD | +
Add/Update Section | +F_SECTION_ADD | +
Add/Update Tracked Entity | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ADD | +
Add/Update Tracked Entity Attributes | +F_ALLOW_EDIT_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTES | +
Add/Update Tracked Entity Data Value | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_DATAVALUE_ADD | +
Add/Update Tracked Entity Instance | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_ADD | +
Add/Update User | +F_USER_ADD | +
Add/Update User Group Managing Relationships | +F_USERGROUP_MANAGING_RELATIONSHIPS_ADD | +
Add/Update User Within Managed Group | +F_USER_ADD_WITHIN_MANAGED_GROUP | +
Add/Update Validation Criteria | +F_VALIDATIONCRITERIA_ADD | +
Add/Update Validation Rule | +F_VALIDATIONRULE_ADD | +
Add Validation Rule Groups | +F_VALIDATIONRULEGROUP_ADD | +
Administrate data mart | +F_DATAMART_ADMIN | +
Administrate data mart | +F_DATA_MART_ADMIN | +
Administrate data visualizer | +F_DV_ADMIN | +
Administrate GIS | +F_GIS_ADMIN | +
Approve data | +F_APPROVE_DATA | +
Approve data at lower levels | +F_APPROVE_DATA_LOWER_LEVELS | +
Archive data | +F_ARCHIVE_DATA | +
Change GIS Configuration | +F_GIS_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE | +
Change Location of Tracked Entity Instance | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_CHANGE_LOCATION | +
Change order in Data Set | +F_DATASET_ORDER_CHANGE | +
Change system settings | +F_SYSTEM_SETTING | +
Change Tracked Entity Instance Location | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_CHANGE_LOCATION | +
Chart External Access | +F_CHART_EXTERNAL | +
Concept Management | +F_CONCEPT_MANAGEMENT | +
Constant Management | +F_CONSTANT_MANAGEMENT | +
Create and download backup | +F_DASHBOARD_DOWNLOAD_BACKUP | +
Data Admin Locking | +F_DATAADMIN_LOCK | +
Data Admin Unlocking | +F_DATAADMIN_UNLOCK | +
Delete Attribute | +F_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE | +
Delete Category Option Group | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_GROUP_DELETE | +
Delete Category Option Group Set | +F_CATEGORY_OPTION_GROUP_SET_DELETE | +
Delete Chart | +F_CHART_DELETE | +
Delete Concept | +F_CONCEPT_DELETE | +
Delete Constant | +F_CONSTANT_DELETE | +
Delete Data Element | +F_DATAELEMENT_DELETE | +
Delete Data Element Category | +F_CATEGORY_DELETE | +
Delete Data Element Category Combo | +F_CATEGORY_COMBO_DELETE | +
Delete Data Element Groups | +F_DATAELEMENTGROUP_DELETE | +
Delete Data Element Group Sets | +F_DATAELEMENTGROUPSET_DELETE | +
Delete Data Set | +F_DATASET_DELETE | +
Delete Data Value | +F_DATAVALUE_DELETE | +
Delete Document | +F_DOCUMENT_DELETE | +
Delete Facility | +F_FRED_DELETE | +
Delete Indicator | +F_INDICATOR_DELETE | +
Delete Indicator Group | +F_INDICATORGROUP_DELETE | +
Delete Indicator Group Sets | +F_INDICATORGROUPSET_DELETE | +
Delete Indicator Type | +F_INDICATORTYPE_DELETE | +
Delete Locale | +F_LOCALE_DELETE | +
Delete Min/max rule | +F_DATAELEMENT_MINMAX_DELETE | +
Delete Option Set | +F_OPTIONSET_DELETE | +
Delete Organisation Unit | +F_ORGANISATIONUNIT_DELETE | +
Delete Organisation Unit Group | +F_ORGUNITGROUP_DELETE | +
Delete Organisation Unit Group Set | +F_ORGUNITGROUPSET_DELETE | +
Delete Program | +F_PROGRAM_DELETE | +
Delete Program Attribute | +F_PROGRAM_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE | +
Delete Program Enrollment | +F_PROGRAM_INSTANCE_DELETE | +
Delete Program Stage | +F_PROGRAMSTAGE_DELETE | +
Delete Program Stage Section | +F_PROGRAMSTAGE_SECTION_DELETE | +
Delete Relationship Type | +F_RELATIONSHIPTYPE_DELETE | +
Delete Report | +F_REPORT_DELETE | +
Delete Report Table | +F_REPORTTABLE_DELETE | +
Delete Section | +F_SECTION_DELETE | +
Delete SQL View | +F_SQLVIEW_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Attribute | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Attribute Value | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Data Value | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_DATAVALUE_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Form | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_FORM_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Instance | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Instance Comment | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_COMMENT_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Instance Visit | +F_PROGRAM_STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE | +
Delete Tracked Entity Relationship | +F_RELATIONSHIP_DELETE | +
Delete User | +F_USER_DELETE | +
Delete User Group | +F_USERGROUP_DELETE | +
Delete User Role | +F_USERROLE_DELETE | +
Delete User Within Managed Group | +F_USER_DELETE_WITHIN_MANAGED_GROUP | +
Delete Validation Criteria | +F_VALIDATIONCRITERIA_DELETE | +
Delete Validation Rule | +F_VALIDATIONRULE_DELETE | +
Delete Validation Rule Group | +F_VALIDATIONRULEGROUP_DELETE | +
Eliminate duplicate data elements | +F_ELIMINATE_DUPLICATE_DATA_ELEMENTS | +
Excel Reporting Administration | +F_EXCEL_REPORT_ADMINISTRATION | +
Execute SQL View | +F_SQLVIEW_EXECUTE | +
Export Activity Plan to XLS file | +F_ACTIVITY_PLAN_EXPORT | +
Export data | +F_EXPORT_DATA | +
Export events | +F_EXPORT_EVENTS | +
Export meta-Data | +F_METADATA_EXPORT | +
Generate Activity Plans | +F_GENERATE_ACTIVITY_PLANS | +
Generate min-max values | +F_GENERATE_MIN_MAX_VALUES | +
Generate Program Statistics Report | +F_GENERATE_STATISTICAL_PROGRAM_REPORT | +
Generate Program Summary Report | +F_GENERATE_PROGRAM_SUMMARY_REPORT | +
Generate Tracked Entity Tabular report | +F_GENERATE_BENEFICIARY_TABULAR_REPORT | +
Import data | +F_IMPORT_DATA | +
Import events | +F_IMPORT_EVENTS | +
Import from other systems | +F_IMPORT_OTHER_SYSTEMS | +
Import GML | +F_IMPORT_GML | +
Import meta-Data | +F_METADATA_IMPORT | +
Insert custom Java script and CSS | +F_INSERT_CUSTOM_JS_CSS | +
List Tracked Entity Instance | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_LIST | +
List User Groups | +F_USERGROUP_LIST | +
List User Roles | +F_USERROLE_LIST | +
Load event reminder messages | +F_PROGRAM_STAGE_INSTANCE_REMINDER | +
Load Tracked Entity Instance History | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_HISTORY | +
Lock Data Set | +F_DATASET_LOCK | +
Manage integration routes | +F_MANAGE_INTEGRATION_ROUTES | +
Manage Program Indicators | +F_PROGRAM_INDICATOR_MANAGEMENT | +
Manage Program Rule | +F_PROGRAM_RULE_MANAGEMENT | +
Manage Tracked Entities | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_MANAGEMENT | +
Manage Tracked Entity Instance Reminders | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_REMINDER_MANAGEMENT | +
Map External Access | +F_MAP_EXTERNAL | +
Merge organisation units | +F_MERGE_ORGANISATION_UNITS | +
Move Organisation Unit | +F_ORGANISATIONUNIT_MOVE | +
Multiple Individual Data Entry | +F_NAME_BASED_DATA_ENTRY | +
Option Set Management | +F_OPTIONSET_MANAGEMENT | +
Organisation Unit Registration | +F_ORGANISATION_REGISTRATION | +
Perform maintenance tasks | +F_PERFORM_MAINTENANCE | +
Program Enrollment | +F_PROGRAM_ENROLLMENT | +
Program Event Management | +F_PROGRAM_INSTANCE_MANAGEMENT | +
Program Stage Section Management | +F_PROGRAMSTAGE_SECTION_MANAGEMENT | +
Program Tracking Management | +F_PROGRAM_TRACKING_MANAGEMENT | +
Program Un-enrollment | +F_PROGRAM_UNENROLLMENT | +
Prune organisation units | +F_PRUNE_ORGANISATION_UNITS | +
Remove Empty Tracked Entity Events | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_REMOVE_EMPTY_EVENTS | +
Rename Excel Template file | +F_EXCEL_TEMPLATE_MANAGEMENT_RENAME | +
Report Table External Access | +F_REPORTTABLE_EXTERNAL | +
Run validation | +F_RUN_VALIDATION | +
Scheduling Administration | +F_SCHEDULING_ADMIN | +
Scheduling case aggregate query builder | +F_SCHEDULING_CASE_AGGREGATE_QUERY_BUILDER | +
Scheduling send messages | +F_SCHEDULING_SEND_MESSAGE | +
Search Activity Plan | +F_ACTIVITY_PLAN | +
Search events without registration | +F_PROGRAM_STAGE_INSTANCE_SEARCH | +
Search events with registration | +F_PROGRAM_TRACKING_SEARCH | +
Search Tracked Entity Instance | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_SEARCH | +
Search Tracked Entity Instance in All Org Units | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_SEARCH_IN_ALL_ORGUNITS | +
See API Module | +M_dhis-web-api | +
See Apps Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-appmanager | +
See Browser Cache Cleaner module | +M_dhis-web-cache-cleaner | +
See Dashboard integration module | +M_dhis-web-dashboard-integration | +
See Dashboard module | +M_dhis-web-dashboard | +
See Data Administration module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-dataadmin | +
See Data Elements and Indicators Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary | +
See Data Entry module | +M_dhis-web-dataentry | +
See Data Mart module | +M_dhis-web-datamart | +
See Data Set Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-dataset | +
See Data Visualizer module | +M_dhis-web-visualizer | +
See Event Capture module | +M_dhis-web-event-capture | +
See Event Reports module | +M_dhis-web-event-reports | +
See Event Visualizer module | +M_dhis-web-event-visualizer | +
See Excel Report module | +M_dhis-web-excel-reporting | +
See Export Data Mart Module | +M_dhis-web-exportdatamart | +
See FRED API Module | +M_dhis-web-api-fred | +
See GIS module | +M_dhis-web-gis | +
See GIS module | +M_dhis-web-mapping | +
See Import-Export module | +M_dhis-web-importexport | +
See Individual Records | +M_dhis-web-caseentry | +
See Light module | +M_dhis-web-light | +
See Line-listing DataEntry module | +M_dhis-web-dataentry-national | +
See Mobile Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-mobile | +
See NRHM Reports module | +M_dhis-web-reports | +
See Organisation Unit Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-organisationunit | +
See Pivot Table module | +M_dhis-web-pivot | +
See Report module | +M_dhis-web-reporting | +
See Settings Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-settings | +
See Smartphone module | +M_dhis-web-mobile | +
See SMS module | +M_dhis-web-sms | +
See Tracked Entity And Programs module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-program | +
See Tracker Capture module | +M_dhis-web-tracker-capture | +
See User Maintenance module | +M_dhis-web-maintenance-user | +
See Validation Analysis module | +M_dhis-web-validationrule-local-in | +
See Validation Rule module | +M_dhis-web-validationrule | +
Send message | +F_SEND_MESSAGE | +
Set mobile settings | +F_MOBILE_SETTINGS | +
Single Event Without Registration Data Entry | +F_ANONYMOUS_DATA_ENTRY | +
Single Event With Registration Data Entry | +F_SINGLE_EVENT_DATA_ENTRY | +
Sql View External Access | +F_SQLVIEW_EXTERNAL | +
Sql View Management | +F_SQLVIEW_MANAGEMENT | +
Tracked Entity Aggregation | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_AGGREGATION | +
Tracked Entity Form Management | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_FORM_MANAGEMENT | +
Tracked Entity Instance Dashboard | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_DASHBOARD | +
Tracked Entity Instance Management | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_MANAGEMENT | +
Tracked Entity Relationship Management | +F_RELATIONSHIP_MANAGEMENT | +
Update Facility | +F_FRED_UPDATE | +
Update Organisation Unit Level | +F_ORGANISATIONUNITLEVEL_UPDATE | +
Update Program Rule | +F_PROGRAM_RULE_UPDATE | +
Update Relationship Type | +F_RELATIONSHIPTYPE_UPDATE | +
Update Tracked Entities | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_UPDATE | +
Update Tracked Entity Attribute | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_EDIT | +
View and Search Tracked Entity Attributes and Identifiers | +F_ACCESS_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTES | +
View data browser | +F_VIEW_DATABROWSER | +
View Program Stage Completeness Report | +F_PROGRAM_STAGE_COMPLETENESS | +
View program tracking | +F_PROGRAM_TRACKING_LIST | +
View Report | +F_REPORT_VIEW | +
View Tracked Entity Attribute | +F_TRACKED_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VIEW | +
View unapproved data | +F_VIEW_UNAPPROVED_DATA | +
View User | +F_USER_VIEW | +
View User Group Managing Relationships | +F_USERGROUP_MANAGING_RELATIONSHIPS_VIEW | +
View User Within Managed Group | +F_USER_VIEW_WITHIN_MANAGED_GROUP | +
Delete tracked entity instance and associated enrollments and events | +F_TEI_CASCADE_DELETE | +
Delete enrollment and associated events | +F_ENROLLMENT_CASCADE_DELETE | +
Edit expired data | +F_EDIT_EXPIRED | +
Function |
+Description |
Clear analytics tables |
+Completely empties the analytics tables. These tables are used to generate aggregate data for the pivot tables, GIS and reports. |
Remove zero data values |
+Removes zero data values from the database. Values registered for data elements with aggregation operator average is not removed, as such values will be significant when aggregating the data, contrary to values registered for data elements with aggregation operator sum. +Reducing the number of data values will improve system performance. |
Permanently remove soft deleted data values |
+When a data value is deleted in DHIS2, the system will mark the corresponding database row as deleted, and not actually delete the row. +Running this maintenance function will physically remove these data value rows from the database. |
Prune periods |
+Removes all periods which have no registered data values. Reducing the number of periods will improve system performance. |
Remove expired invitations |
+Will delete users which represent user account invitations that now have gone past their expiry date. |
Drop SQL views |
+DHIS2 lets you set up and manage SQL views as system objects with corresponding database SQL views. +Running this maintenance function will drop underlying SQL views for all system views. Use the Create SQL views function to recreate these SQL views. |
Create SQL views |
+Recreates all SQL views in the database. |
Update category option combinations |
+Rebuilds the category option combinations. This may be required after altering the category options which belong to a given category. |
Update organisation unit paths |
+The organisation unit table in the DHIS2 database has a column "path" which contains a concatenated string of all ancestors in the hierarchy for each organisation unit. +Running this maintenance function will update and ensure that these values are in sync with the current organisation unit hierarchy. This column is managed by DHIS2, but a manual update might be useful when doing data loading directly in the database. |
Clear application cache |
+Clears the system cache. |
Reload apps |
+Manually reloads and detects installed DHIS2 apps. +The installed apps are also detected when the system starts and when installing or uninstall apps. |
Form design element | +DHIS2 Metadata | +Metadata element | +
Form title | +Data set | +Short Name if it exists, otherwise Name | +
Page tile | +Section | +Section name (or form name if no sections) | +
Question | +Data element | +Alternative name if it exists, otherwise Name | +
Question name if combos | +Category option combo | +name | +
Parameter | +Type | +Description | +
Code Value Separator | +String | +To provide custom code value separator. Default is "=" | +
Field Separator | +String | +To provide custom field separator. Default is "|" | +
Reply message if no codes are sent (only the command) | +String | +To provide message if no code is found in SMS text input. Default is "Parameter missing" | +
Wrong format message | +String | +To provide message if command is not formatted correctly. Command should be formatted as per code value separator. This message will also be sent back if any mandatory parameter is missing. | +
No user message | +String | +To provide message if sending phone number is not registered in DHIS2. | +
User belong to more than one OrgUnit message | +String | +Certain SMS command types require user ( retrieved from sending phone number ) to be associated with only one organization unit. This message can be configured to be sent back in case that requirement is not fullfilled. | +
Success Message | +String | +To provide message that will be sent upon successful completion of the process. | +
Parameter | +BulkSMS Gateway | +Clickatell Gateway | +Generic HTTP Gateway | +SMPP Gateway | +Description | +
Gateway Name | +Optional | +Optional | +Optional | +Optional | +Used as gateway identity. Default name will be stored in case this parameter is not configured. Its use is recommended | +
User Name | +Required | +Optional (if token is used) | +Required | +Required | +Used for API authentication | +
Password | +Required | +Optional (if token is used) | +Required | +Required | +Used for API authentication | +
Auth-Token | +N/A | +Optional (if password is used) | +N/A | +N/A | +Used for API authentication | +
URL Template | +N/A | +N/A | +Required | +Required | +Url Tempalte is only required in case of GenericHttpGateway . For example "http://smsgatewa1.com" | +
Headers | +N/A | +N/A | +Optional | +N/A | +Header option can be checked to send selected parameter as http header. For example username/password/token can be sent in http header. | +
useGet | +N/A | +N/A | +Optional | +N/A | +HTTP POST method is used by default for posting data toward gateway. But in certain cases if HTTP GET method is required for doing so then useGet parameter can be set to true. Default value for useGet is false. | +
systemType | +N/A | +N/A | +N/A | +Required | +SystemType parameter is required for SMPP gateway. Default value is 'cp' | +
typeOfNumber | +N/A | +N/A | +N/A | +Required | +TypeOfNumber parameter is required for SMPP gateway. Default value is 'UNKNOWN'. Other possible values are UNKNOWN, INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL, NETWORK_SPECIFIC, SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER, ALPHANUMERIC and ABBREVIATED | +
numberPlanIndicator | +N/A | +N/A | +N/A | +Required | +NumberPlanIndicator parameter is required for SMPP gateway. Default value is UNKNOWN. Other possible values are UNKNOWN, ISDN, DATA, TELEX, LAND_MOBILE, NATIONAL, PRIVATE, ERMES, INTERNET and WAP | +
bindType | +N/A | +N/A | +N/A | +Required | +BindType parameter is required for SMPP gateway. Default value is TX. Other possible values are BIND_TX, BIND_RX and BIND_TRX | +
compressed | +N/A | +N/A | +N/A | +Optional | +Compressed parameter is optional for SMPP gateway. Default value is false | +
sendUrlParameters | +N/A | +N/A | +Optional | +N/A | +Gateway parameters will be appended with url for example https://samplegateway.com/messages?apiKey={apiKey}&to={recipients},content={text},deliveryreport={dp} | +
contentType | +N/A | +N/A | +Optional | +N/A | +The type in which data will be sent to sms gateway. Default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Other supported types are application/json, application/xml and text/plain | +
configurationTemplate | +N/A | +N/A | +Optional | +N/A | +Generic configuration template can be used to provide the data in the form acceptable to external gateway. For example username=${username}&password=${password}&to=${recipients}&countrycode=880&message=${text$}&messageid=0. Json/xml template can also be provided. | +
dataelementid |
+periodid |
+sourceid |
dataelementid |
+periodid |
+sourceid |
+value |
dataelementid |
+periodid |
+sourceid |
+value |
+categoryoptioncomboid |
dataelementid |
+periodid |
+sourceid |
+value |
+categoryoptioncomboid |
+attributeoptioncomboid |
功能 | +说明 | +
优先级 |
+ 您可以标记具有不同优先级的反馈/验证消息:无,低,中或高, +设置优先级可以更轻松地跟踪您首先需要解决的反馈消息以及可以等待的反馈消息。 |
状态 |
+ 所有反馈/验证消息的状态均为创建后打开。 +要跟踪现有的反馈消息,可以将状态更改为待处理无效或已解决。 +您可以使用内部标题栏中的两个下拉菜单,根据反馈/验证消息的状态过滤反馈/验证消息。 |
分配给 |
+ 您可以将反馈消息分配给设置为处理反馈消息的用户组的任何成员。 +您可以将验证消息分配给系统中的任何用户。 +-表示您尚未将用户分配给反馈消息。 |
内部回复 |
+在反馈处理小组中工作时,您可能需要先讨论反馈,然后再将答案发送给发件人。您可以将此讨论与反馈本身保持在同一消息对话中。 +要在反馈处理用户组中发送答复,请单击内部答复。 |
Category option group set | +Category option group | +Category options | +
Partner | +Partner 1 | +Account 1A, Account 1B | +
Partner | +Partner 2 | +Account 2A, Account 2B | +
批准级别 | +组织单位级别 | +类别选项组设置 | +
1 | +国家 | +合作伙伴 | +
2 | +区 | +合作伙伴 | +
3 | +设施 | +合作伙伴 | +
Category option group set | +Category option group | +Category options | +
Partner | +Partner 1 | +Account 1A, Account 1B | +
Partner | +Partner 2 | +Account 2A, Account 2B | +
Agency | +Agency A | +Account 1A, Account 2A | +
Agency | +Agency B | +Account 1B, Account 2B | +
Approval level | +Organisation unit level | +Category option group set | +
1 | +Country | ++ |
2 | +Country | +Agency | +
3 | +Country | +Partner | +
您想做什么? |
+文档链接 |
+相关应用程序 |
输入数据 |
+输入汇总数据 |
++ | 数据输入 |
+ | 输入未注册程序的数据(活动程序) |
++ | 活动捕捉 |
+ | 输入注册程序(跟踪程序)的数据 |
++ | 跟踪捕捉 |
分析和可视化数据 |
+在表格中分析数据 |
++ | 数据透视表 |
+ | 在图表中可视化数据 |
++ | 数据展示台 |
+ | 在更好的地图中可视化数据 |
++ | 地图 |
+ | 在两种报告中分析数据 |
++ | 事件报告 |
+ | 在图表中可视化程序数据 |
++ | 事件展示台 |
+ | 创建仪表盘 |
++ | 仪表盘 |
控制数据质量 |
++ | + | 数据质量 |
管理用户和权限 |
+创建或编辑用户、用户角色或用户组 |
++ | 用户 |
+ | 查询所有用户权限 |
++ | 用户 |
+ | 可视化有关用户如何使用仪表板,透视表,地图,事件展示台,数据展示台 和事件报告 应用程序的统计数据 |
++ | 使用分析 |
自定义用户界面 |
+更改账户首选项 | ++ | - |
配置元数据 |
+创建元数据,例如组织单位和数据元素 |
++ | 维护 |
+ | 创建元数据,以便在事件或跟踪程序中使用 |
++ | 维护 |
配置系统 |
+查询所有系统设置 |
++ | 系统设置 |
+ | 执行数据库维护 |
++ | 数据管理 |
+ | 在中央实例和多个本地实例之间设置元数据同步 |
++ | 系统设置 +数据管理 |
+ | 配置数据审批 |
++ | 系统设置 |
+ | 配置数据和元数据的导入或导出 |
++ | 导入-导出 |
+ | 了解有关共享对象的更多信息 |
++ | - |
+ | 导入坐标并配置地图 应用程序 |
++ + | +维护 |
+ | 设置报告功能 |
++ | - |
了解事件和跟踪程序 |
+创建程序 |
+在维护应用程序中配置程序 + | 维护 +程序 |
+ | 输入注册程序(跟踪程序)的数据 |
++ | 跟踪捕捉 |
+ | 输入未注册程序的数据(活动程序) |
++ | 活动捕捉 |
+ | 在图表中可视化程序中的数据 |
++ | 事件展示台 |
+ | 通过两种类型的报告分析程序中的数据 |
++ | 事件报告 |
进一步了解 DHIS2 |
+什么是 DHIS2? |
++ | - |
+ | 了解 DHIS2 数据维度 |
++ | - |
Organisation Unit | +Data Element | +Period | +Value | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +22 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +18 | +
Organisation Unit | +Data Element | +Place of service | +Age | +Period | +Value | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +Fixed | +<1 y | +Dec-09 | +12 | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +Outreach | +<1 y | +Dec-09 | +4 | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +Fixed | +>1 y | +Dec-09 | +4 | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +Outreach | +>1 y | +Dec-09 | +2 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +Fixed | +<1 y | +Dec-09 | +10 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +Outreach | +<1 y | +Dec-09 | +4 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +Fixed | +>1 y | +Dec-09 | +3 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +Outreach | +>1 y | +Dec-09 | +1 | +
Organisation Unit | +Data Element | +Programme | +Period | +Value | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +EPI | +Dec-09 | +22 | +
Gerehun CHC | +Vitamin A given | +Nutrition | +Dec-09 | +16 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +EPI | +Dec-09 | +18 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Vitamin A given | +Nutrition | +Dec-09 | +12 | +
Gerehun CHC | +Malaria new cases | +Malaria | +Dec-09 | +32 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Malaria new cases | +Malaria | +Dec-09 | +23 | +
District | +OrgUnit Type | +Data Element | +Period | +Value | +
Bo | +CHC | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +121 | +
Bo | +CHP | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +98 | +
Bo | +MCHP | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +87 | +
Bombali | +CHC | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +110 | +
Bombali | +CHP | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +67 | +
Bombali | +MCHP | +Measles doses given | +Dec-09 | +59 | +
Organisation Unit | +Data Element | +Reporting month | +So far this year | +Reporting month name | +
Gerehun CHC | +Measles doses given | +15 | +167 | +Oct-09 | +
Tugbebu CHP | +Measles doses given | +17 | +155 | +Oct-09 | +