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128 lines (97 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (97 loc) · 5.17 KB



Note: If possible, import the component from the main UI (@dhis2/ui) package.

import { Button } from '@dhis2-ui/button'


Name Type Default Required Description
children node Component to render inside the button
className string A className that will be passed to the <button> element
dataTest string 'dhis2-uicore-button' A string that will be applied as a data-test attribute on the button element
for identification during testing
destructive boolean Applies 'destructive' button appearance, implying a dangerous action.
disabled boolean Applies a greyed-out appearance and makes the button non-interactive
icon element An icon element to display inside the button
initialFocus boolean Use this variant to capture the initial focus on the page.
large custom Makes the button large. Mutually exclusive with small
loading boolean Sets the button into a loading state
name string Sets name attribute on button element.
Gets passed as part of the first argument to callbacks (see onClick).
primary boolean Applies 'primary' button appearance, implying the most important action.
secondary boolean Applies 'secondary' button appearance.
small custom Makes the button small. Mutually exclusive with large prop
tabIndex string Tab index for focusing the button with a keyboard
toggled boolean Changes appearance of button to an on/off state
type 'submit' │ 'reset' │ 'button' 'button' Sets type attribute on <button> element
value string Value associated with the button.
Gets passed as part of the first argument to callbacks (see onClick).
onBlur function Callback to trigger on de-focus (blur).
Called with same args as onClick
onClick function Callback to trigger on click.
Called with args ({ value, name }, event)
onFocus function Callback to trigger on focus. Called with same args as onClick
onKeyDown function Callback to trigger on key-down. Called with same args as onClick



Note: If possible, import the component from the main UI (@dhis2/ui) package.

import { ButtonStrip } from '@dhis2-ui/button'


Name Type Default Required Description
children node
className string
dataTest string 'dhis2-uicore-buttonstrip'
end custom Horizontal alignment for buttons. Mutually exclusive with middle prop
middle custom Horizontal alignment. Mutually exclusive with end prop



Note: If possible, import the component from the main UI (@dhis2/ui) package.

import { DropdownButton } from '@dhis2-ui/button'


Name Type Default Required Description
children node Children to render inside the buton
className string
component element Component to show/hide when button is clicked
dataTest string 'dhis2-uicore-dropdownbutton'
destructive boolean Applies 'destructive' button appearance, implying a dangerous action.
disabled boolean Make the button non-interactive
icon element
initialFocus boolean Grants button initial focus on the page
large custom Button size. Mutually exclusive with small prop
name string
open boolean Controls popper visibility. When implementing this prop the component becomes a controlled component
primary boolean Applies 'primary' button appearance, implying the most important action.
secondary boolean Applies 'secondary' button appearance.
small custom Button size. Mutually exclusive with large prop
tabIndex string
type 'submit' │ 'reset' │ 'button' Type of button. Can take advantage of different default behavior
value string
onClick custom(function) Callback triggered on click.
Called with signature ({ name: string, value: string, open: bool }, event)
Is required when using the open prop to override the internal



Note: If possible, import the component from the main UI (@dhis2/ui) package.

import { SplitButton } from '@dhis2-ui/button'


Name Type Default Required Description
children string
className string
component element Component to render when the dropdown is opened
dataTest string 'dhis2-uicore-splitbutton'
destructive boolean Applies 'destructive' button appearance, implying a dangerous action.
disabled boolean Disables the button and makes it uninteractive
icon element An icon to add inside the button
initialFocus boolean Grants the button the initial focus
large custom Changes button size. Mutually exclusive with small prop
name string
primary boolean Applies 'primary' button appearance, implying the most important action.
secondary boolean Applies 'secondary' button appearance.
small custom Changes button size. Mutually exclusive with large prop
tabIndex string
type 'submit' │ 'reset' │ 'button' Type of button. Applied to html button element
value string Value associated with the button. Passed in object to onClick handler
onClick function