\LoadClass[10pt, letterpaper]{article}
\RequirePackage[letterpaper, margin=0.5in]{geometry}
colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
citecolor = blue,
anchorcolor = blue
The first 5 lines define formatting for special links. These lines are used by
the header
command to display these special links.
- name
- location
- website
- GitHub username
- LinkedIn profile path (without the
\NewDocumentCommand{\header}{m m m m m m}{
\multirow{5}*{\centering{\textbf{\Huge{\uppercase{#1}}}}} & \faMapMarker* & \location{#2} \\
& \faDesktop{} & \website{#3} \\
& \faAt{} & \email{#4} \\
& \faGithub{} & \github{#5} \\
& \faLinkedin{} & \linkedin{#6} \\
Each of the following commands will create a new subtitle under a section. After this command, add items underneath to create bullet points.
Run this command before adding an education, job experience, or project section. If adding multiple of one section, only add this once, before the first sub-section.
- section name
- university
- degree
- graduation date
- GPA (optional)
\NewDocumentCommand{\educationInfo}{m m m O{}}{
\textbf{#1} & {#3} \\
{#2} & {#4}
- company
- position
- location
- employment dates
\NewDocumentCommand{\jobInfo}{m m m m}{
\textbf{#1} & {#3} \faMapMarker* \\
\textit{#2} & \textit{#4}
This section is very similar to the Job Experience section from above, but does not list the company name and location.
- position
- employment dates
\NewDocumentCommand{\jobInfoSameCompany}{m m}{
% \vspace*{.5em}
\textit{#1} & \textit{#2}
- project name
- project dates
\NewDocumentCommand{\projectInfo}{m m}{
\textbf{#1} & {#2}