This repository contains chocolatey automatic packages.
- Android Log Viewer
- AuthPass
- Bazelisk
- Biome
- Currently not being built for Windows
- bit
- Listed as bit-git as there is another package by the name of bit
- Bonobo Git Server
- Buffalo CLI
- Buildifier
- Buildozer
- Deno
- Docker Image Patrol (DIP)
- DocTo
- Desktop
- Website changed to
- Adopted from previous maintainer to automate updates
- Em-n-En
- Ferdium
- forked from Ferdi
- File Converter
- gitb
- Jenkins CLI (jcli)
- Alternative CLI for Jenkins that can be used to manage multiple servers
- Informado
- Kind
- KubeCTX
- KubeNS
- LiteDB.Studio
- Milkman
- milkman plugins (15 plugins and a metpackage)
- Multipass
- MyPaint
- Nethermind
- Nexus 3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR)
- Download all artifacts at once or migrate automatically from Nexus to Nexus
- NuGetDefense
- A dotnet global tool variant of the build task to Scan for known Vulnerabilities in dependencies
- Oh-My-Posh
- Sampler
- SideQuest
- SMMDB-Client
- Sourcetrail
- syncplay
- usbpid-win
- Winpinator
- Yori
You can sponsor this project on Github and Patreon. The funds will be used to pay for software licenses and cloud/hardware costs that keep my projects running.