For debugging install react-native-debugger or use the IntelliJ debugging tool.
On Android, you have 2 options:
- Setup a reverse tunnel though adb:
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
. - Open the development options of the react-native app (shake device or Ctrl+M) and set a development host
On iOS the port 8081 is tunneled by default. You cannot change this. If the emulator is running on another host you can proxy the port with yarn run proxy <host>
- Start react-native-debugger
- Start the metro bundler
- Connect a real device or run an emulator though adb (e.g.
$ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator -avd <avd>
) - Setup network connectivity from the emulator/device to the host where the bundler is running (see here)
- Enter the development menu and enable "Remote JS Debugging"
- The app should reload now, and the debugger should connect to the device
Shake the device or press Ctrl+M to enter the menu. If you are connected through adb to your android device you can also
run: adb shell input keyevent 82
You can enter the development menu and click "Reload" or use adb: adb shell input text "RR"