We welcome and encourage contributions from the community. Keep in mind that this spec describes the current production API so changes must reflect actual behavior of the API.
The following tools are required
: Interact with the source codeMake
: Used to maintain common commands for use in the development environment or build systemNode.js
: For managing dependencies and running toolsDocker
: For running tools in isolation
Once the prerequisites are installed, the source can be downloaded and the dependencies can be installed:
git clone [email protected]:digitalocean/openapi.git
cd openapi
make preview
The make preview
command starts a local web server with the rendered API docs
and watches the source files for changes. The rendered docs can be viewed in
the browser at the address listed in the startup output (http://localhost:8080).
The tooling chosen supports either authoring, validation, testing, or publishing. Respective Make target
- Spectral: JSON/YAML linter with support for OpenAPI v3, custom rules, built-in functions, and custom functions
- Prism: Set of packages to API mocking. Also provides a live validation proxy.
- OpenAPI CLI: OpenAPI CLI toolbox with rich validation and bundling features.
In addition, the following tools are leveraged to facilitate authoring the spec.
These are useful extensions when choosing to author OpenAPI spec using Visual Studio Code.
- Spectral: View linting violations inline
- OpenAPI Preview: Preview the API spec in SwaggerUI within the editor
- YAML: Base YAML syntax validation
- Docker: View/Manage containers within the editor sidebar
These files and directories contain the API specification broken down to
├── specification
│ ├── DigitalOcean-public.v2.yaml: Root YAML spec file
│ ├── resources/: Contains directories for each top-level resource (referenced from the `paths` section in the root file)
│ │ ├── <resource_name>/: Resource specific content
│ │ │ ├── models/: Request and response models
│ │ │ ├── responses/: Response definition to reference from respective request definition file
│ │ │ ├── <request_definition>.yml: Request definition to be referenced from respective path section in root file
│ ├── shared/: Generalized definitions referenced across the API spec
│ │ ├── headers.yml: Header definition (separated by named keys)
│ │ ├── attributes/: Collection of common attributes
│ │ │ ├── <attribute_name>.yml: Individual attribute definition
│ │ ├── models/: Collection of common models
│ │ │ ├── <model_name>.yml: Individual model definition
│ │ ├── parameters.yml: Parameter definition (separated by named keys)
│ │ └── responses/: Response definitions
│ │ │ ├── <response_name>.yml: Individual response definition
│ └── tests/: Placeholder directory for test generation and output