1. Ensure you are able connect to Kubernetes cluster
Execute the following command to get the list of pods
kubectl get pods
You should see the message No resources found.
2. Deploy the microservice in kubernetes cluster
The deployment configuration is in kubernetes/ms-deployment.yaml
. Replace ${docker-id}
with your docker hub id.
Excute the following command to apply the deployment configuration (ie., to deploy the microservice)
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ms-deployment.yaml
To check the status of deployment: sudo kubectl get deployment
To check the status of pods: sudo kubectl get pods
3. Expose the microservice deployment using a service
The service configuration is in kuberentes/ms-svc.yaml
Excute the following command to apply the service configuration.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ms-svc.yaml
To see the list of service: sudo kubectl get svc
4. Expose the microservice outside the cluster
Expose to the microservice outside the cluster via an ingress. Execute the following command to create the ingress rule.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ingress.yaml
5. Access the microservice
Now point your browser at
curl -kL
You should see the message Hello World! - version 1