- changelog: New changelog
- readme: New Readme.md
- init-database-script: Init Database scripts
- docker-compose: Adjustments for docker-compose.yml
- interfaces: Implemented interfaces of Application Business level
- unit tests: 92% test coverage
- interfaces: Implementing interfaces in application business level
- interfaces: Implementing interfaces of injected objects
- adjustments for clean code: Adjustments to test and force Clean Code
- unit tests: Add unit tests to login_required
- login_required: Allow access control using login_required decorator
- healthcheck: Add Healthcheck to services like postgres and redis
- unit tests: separate unit tests to functional tests
- unit tests: Testing use cases
- adjustments: Apply some S.O.L.I.D concepts to database models
- flake8: Adjustments to pass flake8
- validators: Adjust validators for logout process
- validators: Concluded validators, using marshmallow
- validators: Concluded validators, using marshmallow
- clean_architecture: Services and use cases completed
- clean_architecture: Apllying Clean Architecture principles
- authentication: Hot swagger.json
- authentication: Authentication endpoints completed. /auth/register, auth/login, auth/status, auth/logout
- start_point: Starting project architecture, init some components like DB, cache, swagger, minimal setup good for start point of any flask project