The ginit
service is the service manager for the Gecholog container. ginit
monitors configuration files for changes, manages the start and restart of services and consolidates the Gecholog system log.
Option | Description |
-a | alias, set the name of the service |
-o | specify filepath to configuration file |
--validate | print config validation info (accepts stdin) |
--version | print version |
This is how to validate a new config file in the docker context
docker exec gecholog ./ginit -o app/conf/new_ginit_config.json --validate
Example of the configuration file for the ginit
service can be found here.
Field | Description |
log_level | one of DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR |
max_starts | max consecutive attempts to start child service (0 inf) |
services | array with order child services are started |
version | the config file conforms to this specification |
For each service
Field | Description |
additional_arguments | optional arguments |
file | child service executable filepath |
healthy_output | text string in system log to match when healthy |
config_command | flag for configuration file |
configuration_file | filepath to configuration file |
die_promise | kills ginit (and thus container) if unable to start |
disable_config_file_monitoring | toggle of configuration file monitoring |
name | child service name in system log |
validate_command | command to check config file |