haurog, danceratopz
disCarbon Devcon 6 attendee pooling contract
This contract exchanges the coins/tokens of the users for carbon tokens (NCT) and sends them to the pooling address. This contract never owns any coins or tokens as all transactions happen instantly and are forwarded in the same transaction.
function calculateNeededAmount(address fromToken, uint256 carbonAmount) external view returns (uint256)
returns the needed amount of coins/tokens. the swapped tokens. Only takes as many tokens as needed.
Name | Type | Description |
fromToken | address | Address of the token that should be used to participate. To estimate Matic tokens, use WMATIC address. |
carbonAmount | uint256 | Carbon Amount that needs to be purchased. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | tokenAmountNeeded How many tokens/coins needed for buying the needed carbon tokens. |
function contributions(address) external view returns (uint256)
Stores all contributions (summed up) for each address
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | address | undefined |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | undefined |
function contributorsAddresses(uint256) external view returns (address)
An array of addresses which have contributed
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | undefined |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | address | undefined |
function getContributorsAddresses() external view returns (address[])
A getter function for the array with all the contributors addresses.
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | address[] | contributorsAddresses An array (can be empty) with all addresses which contributed. |
function getContributorsCount() external view returns (uint256)
A function to get the number of contributors.
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | uint256 A number which is the length of the contributorsAddresses array. |
function participateWithMatic(uint256 carbonAmount) external payable
Receives Matic, swaps to carbon token and forwards the swapped tokens. Returns any excess Matic.
Name | Type | Description |
carbonAmount | uint256 | The number of carbon tokens that need to be forwarded. |
function participateWithToken(address fromToken, uint256 carbonAmount) external nonpayable
Takes user approved token, swaps to carbon token and forwards the swapped tokens. Only takes as many tokens as needed.
Name | Type | Description |
fromToken | address | Address of the token that should be used to participate. |
carbonAmount | uint256 | The number of carbon tokens that need to be forwarded. |
function poolingAddress() external view returns (address)
Address to where all the contributions are sent to (to be offset manually later)
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | address | undefined |
function totalCarbonPooled() external view returns (uint256)
Sum of all contributions
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | undefined |
event ContributionSent(string tokenOrCoin, uint256 carbonTokenContributed)
Emitted after carbon tokens have been sent to pooling address.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenOrCoin | string | undefined |
carbonTokenContributed | uint256 | undefined |