- refactor bumpVersion to getCommonTasks
- refactor dependent --> dm-meteor buildApp
- refactor dependent --> dm-npm publish
- write dm- common help function (use markdown and lynx)
- new task
- add task that makes it possible to incorporate different modules, other than dm-npm (getCommonTasks)
- remove colors from test or add colors to package.json
- new task
- create and inject getCommondTasks for your own module
- [publish]
- bump versions in init/template/package.json too
- add minification 41.[prompt]
- devide between common tasks and module specific tasks
- new task
- make it possible to remove binaries and use new ones
- [pubFolder]
- give commit Message that will be used by all publishs
- for example: adapted to getCommonTasks
- [init]
- add init task to config
- add dependencies array to init
- i always use shelljs in my project, but on standard only co and dm-npm should be dependencies (+ test libs)
- add date and time to ideas/todos
- autocompletion for tasks
- add task
- manage tests via cli
- check/uncheck tests which should be run
- [task add]
- add test
- [init]
- add git remote from dmn-config.json in which the github user name is stated
- [reinit]
- unlink binaries
- add task
- add module
- should link also in global.js
- should link also in index.js
- change dmn node in that way, that only this dm-npm-modules are linked which exist in package.json dependencies
- the must exist in the given path to
- get default path from .dm-npm
- set default path to ~/code/dm if .dm-npm path is not present
- use current path ?
- change dmn linkLocal in that way, that only this dm-npm-modules are linked which exist in package.json dependencies
- the must exist in the given path to
- get default path from .dm-npm
- set default path to ~/code/dm if .dm-npm path is not present
- use dm-git in publish
- for status
- add task update dm-* dependencies (after publishing)
- add task update dm-* dependencies for all
- npm update??
- dmn config
- link file to directory where all dotfiles are saved
- add functions to own prompt function
- create config from example
- mv to different directory
- edit
- publish
- create a parameter docs that makes it possible to avoid the commit message
- ie: dmn publish docs --> should create the commit message: improved docs
- adapt help to dm-tmux 16.portable node
- task task remove
- remove index.js entry
- remove global.js entry
- remove README task entry
- remove README config entry
- task: addTask
- add entry in config (ask)
- task todo:
- problem when opening over dmn propmt 20 rompt
- add: edit config to prompt
- create config if not existent
- create config.example.json on init
- add task getConf
- usable in all modules
- gets the current conf file as variable
- abstract, so that one can use package.json too
- seperate to own module dm-json? (read file, manipulate json, beautify)
- task new
- move .dm-???.json to dotfiles and link them
- get the target from .dm-npm.json config
- task prompt
- add possibility to publish from prompt
- todo
- write with prompt --> faster, i sometimes forgot the idea before i opened the file
- module
- write aliase gdmn directly in npm module so that zsh aliases wont be needed anymore
- prompt
- open github repository in browser/lync from prompt
- add task
- move config files to directory and link them
45 [init]
- github: state for username if not existent in .dm-npm.json
- change standard task name from test to example
- add test to example
- task init
- ask for description
- dmn init
- remove creation of jobs
- remove creation of docs
- refactor
- main module must be clean
- remove docs
- move jobs to tasks
- task getAlias
- is needed for adding it in the readme when creating a task
- refactor linkConfigFiles
- add task publish all
- open todo document to add todo [2015.08.31]
- task [task add] [2015.08.31]
- add task automatically to global.js
- add task automatically to index.js
- add task with parameter to README.md
- input: task description
- add todo.md on init [2015.08.31]