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workflow-manager is the publisher portion of the Prio pub/sub architecture. It is responsible for:

  • scanning the contents of ingestion, own validation and peer validation buckets and translating the objects it finds into intake and aggregation tasks
  • writing markers to avoid scheduling duplicate tasks

Task queues

workflow-manager schedules work by sending messages into a queue, which are later consumed by facilitator worker instances. We currently support the following message queues:

Implemented in GCPPubSubEnqueuer in task/task.go. The model is that each workflow-manager instance uses distinct topics for intake and aggregation tasks, so at a higher level, there are distinct PubSub topics for each (locality, ingestor, task) tuple. There is one subscription for each topic, shared among pools of intake-batch-worker and aggregate-worker instances of facilitator. workflow-manager assumes that PubSub topics with appropriate names, permissions and subscriptions already exist.

Google provides a PubSub emulator useful for local testing. See the emulator documentation for information getting it set up, then simply set the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to the emulator's address when running workflow-manager.

workflow-manager expects the topics to which it writes messages to already have been created in Terraform, and gcloud cannot be used to interact with the emulator, so workflow-manager takes the --create-pubsub-topics flag. When set, workflow-manager will create topics with the names provided to the --intake-tasks-topic and --aggregate-tasks-topic parameters before doing any work.

Implemented in AWSSNSEnqueuer in task/task.go. The model here is that each workflow-manager instance uses distinct SNS topics for intake and aggregation tasks, so at a higher level, there are distinct SNS topics for each (locality, ingestor, task) tuple. It is assumed that there is one SQS queue for each topic, shared among pools of intake-batch-worker and aggregate-worker instances of facilitator. workflow-manager assumes that SNS topics and SQS queues with appropriate names, permissions and configurations already exist. facilitator does not expect messages wrapped in SQS metadata, and so raw message delivery should be enabled on SQS queues.

To use it, invoke workflow-manager with --task-queue-kind=aws-sns, and provide other --aws-sns- parameters as appropriate for your deployment.

Implementing new task queues

To support new task queues, simply add an implementation of the task.Enqueuer interface in task/task.go. Then, add the necessary argument handling and initialization logic to main.go as directed by the comments there.

Developing and debugging

workflow-manager is intended to run as a Kubernetes cronjob, but it can also be run locally from the command line. It uses cloud platform APIs to access storage buckets and Kubernetes APIs to list and manipulate jobs. If no special arguments are provided, it will use ambient cloud platform credentials (i.e., whatever is in ~/.aws or ~/.config/gcloud) for the former.

Dry run mode

If you want to see what workflow-manager would do and avoid any side-effects, pass --dry-run. No tasks will be scheduled and no objects will be written to cloud storage. Instead, the operations that would have been performed will be logged.

Note that dry run mode does not guarantee that the logged operations would have succeeded.