This project aims at building a interactive Seismic Map for United States Geological Survey.Their hope is that being able to visualize earthquake data to better educate the public and other government organizations on issues facing our planet.
- The USGS provides earthquake data in a number of different formats, updated every 5 minutes.
- Dataset is based on All Earthquakes for past 7days in JSON format.
_ Techtonic Plates : Data on tectonic plates can be found at
Step 1 - Get API endpoint (dataset) for the past week of earthquake data.
- Create base maps using Leaflet tiles for the lat and lngs provided in the API.
- Create a marker layer for the earthquake data:
- Markers should reflect the magnitude of the earthquake by their size.
- Depth of the earth quake by color.
- Earthquakes with higher magnitudes should appear larger.
- Earthquakes with greater depth should appear darker in color.
- Create a toggle control.
- Plot a second data set on your map to illustrate the relationship between tectonic plates and seismic activity.
- Add the layer to the toggle control.�
- Add a number of base maps to choose from as well as separate out our two different data sets into overlays that can be turned on and off independently.
- Add layer controls to our map.
- Include popups that provide additional information about the earthquake when a marker is clicked.
- Create a legend that will provide context for your map data.
- legend must include depth and their corresponding color.
- Visual Studio Code Editor
- GitBash, GitHub , Git Pages
- chrome DOM
- HTML , CSS, Bootstrap *Mapbox API for basemaps
- JavaScript
- D3.js
- leaflet.js
- Git clone with HTTPS link
- Git bash and run python server to render the page on port 8000
- play with leaflet map and toggle control
- Open Leaflet.js Codein visual studio
Project Complete
- UTSA BootCamp
- Jeff Anderson(Boot Camp Instructor for being the best)
- USGS Website for the Data