Issue 2. "Velocity should be capped using waypoint_loader and not waypoint_updater"Issue 3. "Stopping for Traffic Light not working all that well" (John)Issue 5. "If I restart styx when the car is in the middle of the track (not the starting point) then the car doesn't move at all" (Rainer + x)Issue 6. "I don't see brake command being sent at all (Except for the first Traffic Light)"Resubmit Project
I looked again at some of the videos posted before in our channel and saw that sometimes the traffic light when the car is far is not that well recognized. Idea 1: Use some sort of heatmap (as in the car detection project) to collect detection over several frames and base the decision whether to brake or not on that "averaged" value
- check whether we take the status of dbw_enabled into account
- put waypoints cache on the diagscreen and check whether they are still present after styx relaunch?
- Do we need to reinitialize anything else after dbw_enabled = False?
- Will a relaunch of styx generate a dbw_enabled = False?