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113 lines (103 loc) · 6.48 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
113 lines (103 loc) · 6.48 KB


See also - cloudfield modeling.

Processing of microwave radiometric measurements of atmospheric radio emission (18-27 GHz)

! run firstly
$ python3 build_ext --inplace
for building cython-extensions (c++ modules)

$ python -Y 2019 -M 08 -D 23 --hh 18 --mm 30 --range --sameday --H1 20 --m1 00 --saveplots --sfreport --wreport --erase

usage: [-h] [--meteo METEO [METEO ...]] [--update_meteo]
               [--update_calibr] [-Y YEAR] [-M MONTH] [-D DAY] [-H HH] [-m MM]
               [-s SS] [--range] [--sameday] [--Y1 Y1] [--M1 M1] [--D1 D1]
               [--H1 H1] [--m1 M1] [--s1 S1] [--erase] [--eraserar]
               [--erasedat] [--erasetxt] [--nosf] [--noweather] [--noqw]
               [--closeplots] [--noplots] [--saveplots] [--plotroot PLOTROOT]
               [--savereports] [--tbreport] [--sfreport] [--wreport]
               [--qwreport] [--qwsfreport] [--reportroot REPORTROOT]
               [--txtparsermode TXTPARSERMODE] [--rangespec RANGESPEC]
               [--recycle RECYCLE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --meteo METEO [METEO ...]
                        Choose CSV-files of weather data. Using: [--meteo
                        filepath_1 filepath_2 ... filepath_N ]. Obtain
  --update_meteo        Update weather data with --meteo csv-files. If --meteo
                        is missing (by default), following files are used:
                        './meteo_1.csv', './meteo_2.csv'
  --update_calibr       Download files used for primary calibration of
  -Y YEAR, --year YEAR  Year in YYYY format (2017 by default).
  -M MONTH, --month MONTH
                        Month in MM format (08 by default).
  -D DAY, --day DAY     Day in DD format (01 by default).
  -H HH, --hh HH        Hour in hh format (05 by default).
  -m MM, --mm MM        Minute in mm format (09 by default).
  -s SS, --ss SS        Second in ss format (34 by default).
  --range               Set interval of measurements. If necessary, several
                        consecutive measurement sessions are combined into
                        one. For specifying the interval beginning, the values
                        under keys -Y, -M, -D, -H, -m, -s are used. For
                        specifying the end, please, use keys --Y1, --M1, --D1,
                        --H1, --m1, --s1 (listed below).
  --sameday             The keys --Y1, --M1, --D1 will be set equal to -Y, -M,
  --Y1 Y1               Year in YYYY format (2017 by default). Use with
  --M1 M1               Month in MM format (08 by default). Use with --range
  --D1 D1               Day in DD format (01 by default). Use with --range
  --H1 H1               Hour in hh format(07 by default). Use with --range
  --m1 M1               Minute in mm format (00 by default). Use with --range
  --s1 S1               Second in ss format (00 by default). Use with --range
  --erase               Add keys --eraserar, --erasedat and --erasetxt.
  --eraserar            Delete RAR-files.
  --erasedat            Delete DAT-files.
  --erasetxt            Delete TXT-files.
  --nosf                Do not calculate structural functions.
  --noweather           Do not load weather data.
  --noqw                No moisture content analysis.
  --closeplots          Show and close plots immediately.
  --noplots             Do not process plots.
  --saveplots           Save plots to --plotroot directory.
  --plotroot PLOTROOT   Where to store images? By default: ./pic/
  --savereports         Save all reports to --reportroot directory.
  --tbreport            Save report on brightness temperatures.
  --sfreport            Save report on structural functions.
  --wreport             Save weather report.
  --qwreport            Save report on moisture content parameters.
  --qwsfreport          Save report on structural functions of moisture
                        content parameters.
  --reportroot REPORTROOT
                        Where to store reports? By default: ./reports/
  --txtparsermode TXTPARSERMODE
                        Set TXT-parser special mode.
  --rangespec RANGESPEC
                        Specify interval of measurements with string of 'YYYY-
                        MM-DD : hh:mm - hh:mm' format.
  --recycle RECYCLE     Specify how many times brightness temperature series
                        are repeated.

"P22M" dataset preparation:

  1. Prepare local meteo data - meteo_1.csv & meteo_2.csv. Use prepare_local_meteo.ipynb
  2. Update meteo-. Run
    python --update_meteo
  3. Collect, calibrate and preprocess all existing files from server. Run
    Wait! If script finishes before all the files are processed, just restart it. (Note, you'll need more than 250Gb of free disk space)
  4. Delete all files in ./bf and ./tf subfolders to save disk space (optional).
  5. Parse radiosonde data stored in HTML-format at ./Dolgoprudnyj subfolder. Run
  6. Bring all the altitude profiles measured via radiosonde to a single altitude grid. Run
  7. Generate dumps. Run
  8. Clone atmrad repo
    .../meteo-$ cd ..
    .../$ git clone 
  9. Compute true TWV values from radiosonde profiles and update dumps. Use prepare_q_real.ipynb (optional)
  10. Select the time intervals you are interested in (seasons, individual days, time of day e t.c.). Specify path_to_dump_dir. Use select.ipynb
  11. Solve the inverse problem to retrieve TWV and LWC values from the selected microwave radiometry data. Run
    python -P '%path_to_dump_dir%'
    python -R 17.25 --lm --ms --path_to_dump_dir '%path_to_dump_dir%'
    For more information type
    python --help
    Also consider setting environment variable
    .../meteo-$ export TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR=cuda_malloc_async