- `
+- `x-put`: Defines a PUT request.
+- `x-delete`: Defines a DELETE request.
+### Targeting:
+Specify where the response content should be injected.
+- `x-target`: Specifies the CSS selector of the element where the response content will be injected.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Trigger Events
+Define the event that triggers the action.
+- `x-trigger`: Specifies the event that triggers the action (e.g., `click`, `submit`, `input`).
+ - Defaults to `click` for most elements and `submit` for forms.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Serialization
+Control how form data is serialized in the request.
+- `x-serialize`: When set to `json`, `nested-json` or `xml`, form data will be serialized to the selected format.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Custom Request Data
+Provide custom data to include in the request.
+- `x-json`: Provides a JSON string to be sent as the request body.
+ - Usage: ``
+- `x-params`: Provides JSON parameters to be included in the request.
+ - Usage:
+ - With GET requests: Parameters are appended to the URL.
+ - With other methods: Parameters are merged into the request body.
+ - Example:
+ ```html
+ ```
+### Out-of-Band Swapping
+Update elements outside the main content area.
+- `x-swap-oob`: Indicates elements that should be swapped out-of-band.
+ - When included in a response, elements with x-swap-oob will replace elements with the same id in the current document.
+ - Usage: In the server response: `
New Notification
+### Browser History Management
+Control how the browser history is updated.
+- `x-push-state`: When set to 'false', disables updating the browser history. Defaults to updating history.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Focus Management
+Control focus behavior after content updates.
+- `x-focus`: When set to 'true', enables auto-focus on the target element after content update.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Debouncing
+Limit how frequently an event handler can fire.
+- `x-debounce`: Specifies the debounce time in milliseconds for the event handler.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Before and After Hooks
+Trigger custom events before and after the request.
+- `x-before`: Specifies one or more events (comma-separated) to be dispatched before the request is sent.
+ - Usage: ``
+- `x-after`: Specifies one or more events (comma-separated) to be dispatched after the response is received.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Server-Sent Events (SSE)
+Establish a connection to receive real-time updates from the server.
+- `x-sse`: Specifies a URL to establish a Server-Sent Events (SSE) connection.
+ - The element will handle incoming SSE messages from the specified URL.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Loading Indicators
+Display an indicator during the request.
+- `x-indicator`: Specifies a selector for an element to show before the request is sent and hide after the response is received.
+ - Useful for displaying a loading spinner or message.
+ - Usage:
+ ```html
+ ```
+### Confirmation Prompt
+Prompt the user for confirmation before proceeding.
+- `x-confirm`: Specifies a confirmation message to display before proceeding with the action.
+ - If the user cancels, the action is aborted.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Request Timeout
+Set a maximum time to wait for a response.
+- `x-timeout`: Specifies a timeout in milliseconds for the request.
+ - If the request does not complete within this time, it will be aborted.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Request Retries
+Automatically retry failed requests.
+- `x-retry`: Specifies the number of times to retry the request if it fails.
+ - Usage: ``
+### Custom Error Handling
+Define custom behavior when an error occurs.
+- `x-on-error`: Specifies the name of a global function to call if an error occurs during the request.
+ - Usage:
+ ```javascript
+ ```
+### Loading Classes
+Apply CSS classes to elements during the request.
+- `x-loading-class`: Specifies a CSS class to add to the target element during the request. The class is removed after the request completes.
+ - Useful for adding styles like opacity changes or loading animations.
+ - Usage:
+ ```html
+ ```
## Configuration Options
When instantiating partial.js, you can provide a configuration object to customize its behavior:
diff --git a/js/partial.js b/js/partial.js
index d36a5bf..7dab576 100644
--- a/js/partial.js
+++ b/js/partial.js
@@ -12,7 +12,16 @@
- * Class representing Partial.
+ * @typedef {Object} SseMessage
+ * @property {string} content - The HTML content to insert.
+ * @property {string} [xTarget] - The CSS selector for the target element.
+ * @property {string} [xFocus] - Whether to focus the target element ('true' or 'false').
+ * @property {string} [xSwap] - The swap method ('outerHTML' or 'innerHTML').
+ * @property {string} [xEvent] - Custom events to dispatch.
+ */
+ * Class representing Partial.js.
class Partial {
@@ -21,26 +30,61 @@ class Partial {
constructor(options = {}) {
// Define the custom action attributes
- this.actionAttributes = ['x-get', 'x-post', 'x-put', 'x-delete'];
+ this.ATTRIBUTES = {
+ GET: 'x-get',
+ POST: 'x-post',
+ PUT: 'x-put',
+ DELETE: 'x-delete',
+ },
+ TARGET: 'x-target',
+ TRIGGER: 'x-trigger',
+ SERIALIZE: 'x-serialize',
+ JSON: 'x-json',
+ PARAMS: 'x-params',
+ SWAP_OOB: 'x-swap-oob',
+ PUSH_STATE: 'x-push-state',
+ FOCUS: 'x-focus',
+ DEBOUNCE: 'x-debounce',
+ BEFORE: 'x-before',
+ AFTER: 'x-after',
+ SSE: 'x-sse',
+ INDICATOR: 'x-indicator',
+ CONFIRM: 'x-confirm',
+ TIMEOUT: 'x-timeout',
+ RETRY: 'x-retry',
+ ON_ERROR: 'x-on-error',
+ LOADING_CLASS: 'x-loading-class',
+ };
+ JSON: 'json',
+ NESTED_JSON: 'nested-json',
+ XML: 'xml',
+ };
// Store options with default values
- this.onError = options.onError || null;
- this.csrfToken = options.csrfToken || null;
+ this.onError = options.onError || null;
+ this.csrfToken = options.csrfToken || null;
this.defaultSwapOption = options.defaultSwapOption || 'outerHTML';
- this.beforeRequest = options.beforeRequest || null;
- this.afterResponse = options.afterResponse || null;
- this.autoFocus = options.autoFocus !== undefined ? options.autoFocus : false;
- this.debounceTime = options.debounceTime || 0;
+ this.beforeRequest = options.beforeRequest || null;
+ this.afterResponse = options.afterResponse || null;
+ this.autoFocus = options.autoFocus !== undefined ? options.autoFocus : false;
+ this.debounceTime = options.debounceTime || 0;
- this.eventTarget = new EventTarget();
+ this.eventTarget = new EventTarget();
this.eventListeners = {};
+ // Map to store SSE connections per element
+ this.sseConnections = new Map();
// Bind methods to ensure correct 'this' context
- this.scanForElements = this.scanForElements.bind(this);
- this.setupElement = this.setupElement.bind(this);
- this.handleAction = this.handleAction.bind(this);
+ this.scanForElements = this.scanForElements.bind(this);
+ this.setupElement = this.setupElement.bind(this);
+ this.setupSSEElement = this.setupSSEElement.bind(this);
+ this.handleAction = this.handleAction.bind(this);
this.handleOobSwapping = this.handleOobSwapping.bind(this);
- this.handlePopState = this.handlePopState.bind(this);
+ this.handlePopState = this.handlePopState.bind(this);
// Initialize the handler on DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => this.scanForElements());
@@ -54,9 +98,113 @@ class Partial {
* @param {HTMLElement | Document} [container=document]
scanForElements(container = document) {
- const selector = this.actionAttributes.map(attr => `[${attr}]`).join(',');
- const elements = container.querySelectorAll(selector);
- elements.forEach(this.setupElement);
+ const actionSelector = Object.values(this.ATTRIBUTES.ACTIONS).map(attr => `[${attr}]`).join(',');
+ const sseSelector = `[${this.ATTRIBUTES.SSE}]`;
+ const combinedSelector = `${actionSelector}, ${sseSelector}`;
+ const elements = container.querySelectorAll(combinedSelector);
+ elements.forEach(element => {
+ if (element.hasAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.SSE)) {
+ this.setupSSEElement(element);
+ } else {
+ this.setupElement(element);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up an element with x-sse attribute to handle SSE connections.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ setupSSEElement(element) {
+ // Avoid attaching multiple listeners
+ if (element.__xSSEInitialized) return;
+ const sseUrl = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.SSE);
+ if (!sseUrl) {
+ console.error('No URL specified in x-sse attribute on element:', element);
+ return;
+ }
+ const eventSource = new EventSource(sseUrl);
+ eventSource.onmessage = (event) => {
+ this.handleSSEMessage(event, element);
+ };
+ eventSource.onerror = (error) => {
+ console.error('SSE connection error on element:', element, error);
+ if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
+ this.onError(error, element);
+ }
+ };
+ // Store the connection to manage it later if needed
+ this.sseConnections.set(element, eventSource);
+ // Mark the element as initialized
+ element.__xSSEInitialized = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles incoming SSE messages for a specific element.
+ * @param {MessageEvent} event
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ async handleSSEMessage(event, element) {
+ try {
+ /** @type {SseMessage} */
+ const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
+ const targetSelector = data.xTarget;
+ const targetElement = document.querySelector(targetSelector);
+ if (!targetElement) {
+ console.error(`No element found with selector '${targetSelector}' for SSE message.`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Decide swap method
+ const swapOption = data.xSwap || this.defaultSwapOption;
+ if (swapOption === 'outerHTML') {
+ targetElement.outerHTML = data.content;
+ } else if (swapOption === 'innerHTML') {
+ targetElement.innerHTML = data.content;
+ } else {
+ console.error(`Invalid x-swap option '${swapOption}' in SSE message. Use 'outerHTML' or 'innerHTML'.`);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Optionally focus the target element
+ const focusEnabled = data.xFocus !== 'false';
+ if (this.autoFocus && focusEnabled) {
+ const newTargetElement = document.querySelector(targetSelector);
+ if (newTargetElement) {
+ if (newTargetElement.getAttribute('tabindex') === null) {
+ newTargetElement.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
+ }
+ newTargetElement.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ // Re-scan the updated content for Partial elements
+ this.scanForElements();
+ // Dispatch custom events if specified
+ if (data.xEvent) {
+ await this.dispatchCustomEvents(data.xEvent, { element, event, data });
+ }
+ // Dispatch an event after the content is replaced
+ this.dispatchEvent('sseContentReplaced', { targetElement, data, element });
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error processing SSE message:', error);
+ if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
+ this.onError(error, element);
+ }
+ }
@@ -70,14 +218,14 @@ class Partial {
// Set a default trigger based on the element type
let trigger;
if (element.tagName === 'FORM') {
- trigger = element.getAttribute('x-trigger') || 'submit';
+ trigger = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.TRIGGER) || 'submit';
} else {
- trigger = element.getAttribute('x-trigger') || 'click';
+ trigger = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.TRIGGER) || 'click';
// Get custom debounce time from x-debounce attribute
let elementDebounceTime = this.debounceTime; // Default to global debounce time
- const xDebounce = element.getAttribute('x-debounce');
+ const xDebounce = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.DEBOUNCE);
if (xDebounce !== null) {
const parsedDebounce = parseInt(xDebounce, 10);
if (!isNaN(parsedDebounce) && parsedDebounce >= 0) {
@@ -110,11 +258,20 @@ class Partial {
* @param {HTMLElement} element
async handleAction(event, element) {
- const method = this.getMethod(element);
- let url = element.getAttribute(`x-${method.toLowerCase()}`);
+ // Get confirmation message from x-confirm
+ const confirmMessage = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.CONFIRM);
+ if (confirmMessage) {
+ const confirmed = window.confirm(confirmMessage);
+ if (!confirmed) {
+ return; // Abort the action
+ }
+ }
+ const requestParams = this.extractRequestParams(element);
+ requestParams.element = element;
- if (!url) {
- const error = new Error(`No URL specified for method ${method} on element.`);
+ if (!requestParams.url) {
+ const error = new Error(`No URL specified for method ${requestParams.method} on element.`);
console.error(error.message, element);
if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
this.onError(error, element);
@@ -122,15 +279,9 @@ class Partial {
- const headers = this.getHeaders(element);
- let partialSelector = element.getAttribute('x-target');
- if (!partialSelector) {
- partialSelector = window.body;
- }
- const targetElement = document.querySelector(partialSelector);
+ const targetElement = document.querySelector(requestParams.targetSelector);
if (!targetElement) {
- const error = new Error(`No element found with selector '${partialSelector}' for 'x-target' targeting.`);
+ const error = new Error(`No element found with selector '${requestParams.targetSelector}' for 'x-target' targeting.`);
if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
this.onError(error, element);
@@ -138,8 +289,7 @@ class Partial {
- const partialId = targetElement.getAttribute('id');
- if (!partialId) {
+ if (!requestParams.partialId) {
const error = new Error(`Target element does not have an 'id' attribute.`);
console.error(error.message, targetElement);
if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
@@ -149,72 +299,88 @@ class Partial {
// Set the X-Target header to the request
- headers["X-Target"] = partialId;
+ requestParams.headers["X-Target"] = requestParams.partialId;
- // Handle x-params for GET requests
- if (method === 'GET') {
- const xParams = element.getAttribute('x-params');
- if (xParams) {
- try {
- const paramsObject = JSON.parse(xParams);
- const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsObject).toString();
- url += (url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + urlParams;
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Invalid JSON in x-params attribute:', e);
- const error = new Error('Invalid JSON in x-params attribute');
- if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
- this.onError(error, element);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
+ // Get the indicator selector from x-indicator
+ const indicatorSelector = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.INDICATOR);
+ let indicatorElement = null;
+ if (indicatorSelector) {
+ indicatorElement = document.querySelector(indicatorSelector);
+ // Get loading class from x-loading-class
+ const loadingClass = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.LOADING_CLASS);
+ // Handle x-focus
+ const focusEnabled = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.FOCUS) !== 'false';
+ // Handle x-push-state
+ const shouldPushState = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.PUSH_STATE) !== 'false';
+ // Handle x-timeout
+ const timeoutValue = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.TIMEOUT);
+ const timeout = parseInt(timeoutValue, 10);
+ // Handle x-retry
+ const retryValue = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.RETRY);
+ const maxRetries = parseInt(retryValue, 10) || 0;
try {
+ // Show the indicator before the request
+ if (indicatorElement) {
+ indicatorElement.style.display = ''; // Or apply a CSS class to show
+ }
+ // Add loading class to target element
+ if (loadingClass && targetElement) {
+ targetElement.classList.add(loadingClass);
+ }
// Dispatch x-before event(s) if specified
- const beforeEvents = element.getAttribute('x-before');
+ const beforeEvents = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.BEFORE);
if (beforeEvents) {
await this.dispatchCustomEvents(beforeEvents, { element, event });
// Before request hook
if (typeof this.beforeRequest === 'function') {
- await this.beforeRequest({ method, url, headers, element });
+ await this.beforeRequest({ ...requestParams, element });
- const responseText = await this.performRequest(method, url, headers, element);
+ // Dispatch beforeSend event
+ this.dispatchEvent('beforeSend', { ...requestParams, element });
+ // Call performRequest with the correct parameters
+ const responseText = await this.performRequest({
+ ...requestParams,
+ timeout,
+ maxRetries,
+ });
// After response hook
if (typeof this.afterResponse === 'function') {
await this.afterResponse({ response: this.lastResponse, element });
- // Parse the response HTML
- const parser = new DOMParser();
- const doc = parser.parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html');
- // Extract OOB elements
- const oobElements = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('[x-swap-oob]'));
- oobElements.forEach(el => el.parentNode.removeChild(el));
- // Dispatch an event before the content is replaced
- this.dispatchEvent('xBeforeContentReplace', { targetElement, doc });
+ // Dispatch afterReceive event
+ this.dispatchEvent('afterReceive', { response: this.lastResponse, element });
- // Replace the target's innerHTML with the main content
- targetElement.innerHTML = doc.body.innerHTML;
- // Dispatch an event after the content is replaced
- this.dispatchEvent('xAfterContentReplace', { targetElement, doc });
+ // Process and update the DOM with the response
+ await this.processResponse(responseText, targetElement, element);
// After successfully updating content
- const shouldPushState = element.getAttribute('x-push-state') !== 'false';
if (shouldPushState) {
- const newUrl = new URL(url, window.location.origin);
+ const newUrl = new URL(requestParams.url, window.location.origin);
history.pushState({ xPartial: true }, '', newUrl);
+ // Dispatch x-after event(s) if specified
+ const afterEvents = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.AFTER);
+ if (afterEvents) {
+ await this.dispatchCustomEvents(afterEvents, { element, event });
+ }
// Auto-focus if enabled
- const focusEnabled = element.getAttribute('x-focus') !== 'false';
if (this.autoFocus && focusEnabled) {
if (targetElement.getAttribute('tabindex') === null) {
targetElement.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
@@ -222,96 +388,65 @@ class Partial {
- // Re-scan the newly added content for Partial elements
- this.scanForElements(targetElement);
- // Handle OOB swapping with the extracted OOB elements
- this.handleOobSwapping(oobElements);
- // Handle any x-event-* headers from the response
- await this.handleResponseEvents();
- // Dispatch x-after event(s) if specified
- const afterEvents = element.getAttribute('x-after');
- if (afterEvents) {
- await this.dispatchCustomEvents(afterEvents, { element, event });
- }
} catch (error) {
- console.error('Request failed:', error);
- if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
+ const onErrorAttr = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.ON_ERROR);
+ if (onErrorAttr && typeof window[onErrorAttr] === 'function') {
+ window[onErrorAttr](error, element);
+ } else if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
this.onError(error, element);
} else {
- // Optionally, handle error display in the UI
+ // Default error handling
+ console.error('Request failed:', error);
targetElement.innerHTML = `
An error occurred: ${error.message}
- }
- }
+ } finally {
+ // Hide the indicator after the request completes or fails
+ if (indicatorElement) {
+ indicatorElement.style.display = 'none'; // Or remove the CSS class
+ }
- /**
- * Dispatches custom events specified in a comma-separated string.
- * @param {string} events - Comma-separated event names.
- * @param {Object} detail - Detail object to pass with the event.
- */
- async dispatchCustomEvents(events, detail) {
- const eventNames = events.split(',').map(e => e.trim());
- for (const eventName of eventNames) {
- const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail });
- this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(event);
+ // Remove loading class from target element
+ if (loadingClass && targetElement) {
+ targetElement.classList.remove(loadingClass);
+ }
- * Handles the popstate event for browser navigation.
- * @param {PopStateEvent} event
+ * Extracts request parameters from the element.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ * @returns {Object} Parameters including method, url, headers, body, etc.
- async handlePopState(event) {
- if (event.state && event.state.xPartial) {
- const url = window.location.href;
- try {
- const responseText = await this.performRequest('GET', url, {}, null);
+ extractRequestParams(element) {
+ const method = this.getMethod(element);
+ let url = element.getAttribute(`x-${method.toLowerCase()}`);
- // Parse the response HTML
- const parser = new DOMParser();
- const doc = parser.parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html');
+ const headers = this.getHeaders(element);
- // Replace the body content
- document.body.innerHTML = doc.body.innerHTML;
+ let targetSelector = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.TARGET);
+ if (!targetSelector) {
+ targetSelector = 'body';
+ }
- // Re-scan the entire document
- this.scanForElements();
+ const targetElement = document.querySelector(targetSelector);
+ const partialId = targetElement ? targetElement.getAttribute('id') : null;
- // Optionally, focus the body
- if (this.autoFocus) {
- document.body.focus();
- }
+ const xParams = element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.PARAMS);
+ let paramsObject = {};
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('PopState request failed:', error);
+ if (xParams) {
+ try {
+ paramsObject = JSON.parse(xParams);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error('Invalid JSON in x-params attribute:', e);
+ const error = new Error('Invalid JSON in x-params attribute');
if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
- this.onError(error, document.body);
+ this.onError(error, element);
- }
- /**
- * Debounce function to limit the rate at which a function can fire.
- * @param {Function} func - The function to debounce.
- * @param {number} wait - The number of milliseconds to wait.
- * @returns {Function}
- */
- debounce(func, wait) {
- let timeout;
- return (...args) => {
- const later = () => {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- func.apply(this, args);
- };
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
- };
+ return { method, url, headers, targetSelector, partialId, paramsObject };
@@ -320,7 +455,7 @@ class Partial {
* @returns {string} HTTP method
getMethod(element) {
- for (const attr of this.actionAttributes) {
+ for (const attr of Object.values(this.ATTRIBUTES.ACTIONS)) {
if (element.hasAttribute(attr)) {
return attr.replace('x-', '').toUpperCase();
@@ -347,7 +482,7 @@ class Partial {
// Collect all x-* attributes that are not actionAttributes
for (const attr of element.attributes) {
const name = attr.name;
- if (name.startsWith('x-') && !this.actionAttributes.includes(name)) {
+ if (name.startsWith('x-') && !Object.values(this.ATTRIBUTES.ACTIONS).includes(name)) {
const headerName = 'X-' + this.capitalize(name.substring(2)); // Remove 'x-' prefix and capitalize
headers[headerName] = attr.value;
@@ -367,81 +502,294 @@ class Partial {
* Performs the HTTP request using Fetch API.
- * @param {string} method
- * @param {string} url
- * @param {Object} headers
- * @param {HTMLElement|null} element
+ * @param {Object} requestParams - Parameters including method, url, headers, body, etc.
* @returns {Promise} Response text
- performRequest(method, url, headers, element) {
+ async performRequest(requestParams) {
+ const { method, url, headers, element, timeout, maxRetries, paramsObject } = requestParams;
+ let requestUrl = url;
+ const controller = new AbortController();
const options = {
credentials: 'same-origin',
+ signal: controller.signal,
- // Handle request body
- if (['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'].includes(method)) {
- let body = null;
+ // Handle x-serialize attribute
+ const serializeType = element && (
+ element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.SERIALIZE) ||
+ (element.closest('form') && element.closest('form').getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.SERIALIZE))
+ );
- // Check if the element or the closest form has x-serialize="json"
- const serializeAsJson = element && (element.getAttribute('x-serialize') === 'json' ||
- (element.closest('form') && element.closest('form').getAttribute('x-serialize') === 'json'));
+ // Check for x-json attribute
+ const xJson = element && element.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.JSON);
- // Check for x-json attribute
- const xJson = element && element.getAttribute('x-json');
+ // Handle request body
+ if (['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'].includes(method)) {
+ let bodyData = {};
if (xJson) {
// Parse x-json attribute
try {
- body = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(xJson));
- headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
+ bodyData = JSON.parse(xJson);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Invalid JSON in x-json attribute:', e);
throw new Error('Invalid JSON in x-json attribute');
} else if (element && (element.tagName === 'FORM' || element.closest('form'))) {
const form = element.tagName === 'FORM' ? element : element.closest('form');
- if (serializeAsJson) {
- // Serialize form data as JSON
- const formData = new FormData(form);
- const jsonObject = {};
- formData.forEach((value, key) => {
- // Handle multiple values per key (e.g., checkboxes)
- if (jsonObject[key]) {
- if (Array.isArray(jsonObject[key])) {
- jsonObject[key].push(value);
- } else {
- jsonObject[key] = [jsonObject[key], value];
- }
- } else {
- jsonObject[key] = value;
- }
- });
- body = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
- headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
+ if (serializeType === this.SERIALIZE_TYPES.JSON) {
+ // Serialize form data as flat JSON
+ bodyData = JSON.parse(this.serializeFormToJson(form));
+ } else if (serializeType === this.SERIALIZE_TYPES.NESTED_JSON) {
+ // Serialize form data as nested JSON
+ bodyData = JSON.parse(this.serializeFormToNestedJson(form));
+ } else if (serializeType === this.SERIALIZE_TYPES.XML) {
+ // Serialize form data as XML
+ bodyData = this.serializeFormToXml(form);
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml';
} else {
// Use FormData
- body = new FormData(form);
+ bodyData = new FormData(form);
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge paramsObject with bodyData
+ console.log(paramsObject)
+ if (paramsObject && Object.keys(paramsObject).length > 0) {
+ if (bodyData instanceof FormData) {
+ // Append params to FormData
+ for (const key in paramsObject) {
+ bodyData.append(key, paramsObject[key]);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof bodyData === 'string') {
+ // Parse existing bodyData and merge
+ bodyData = { ...JSON.parse(bodyData), ...paramsObject };
+ } else {
+ // Merge objects
+ bodyData = { ...bodyData, ...paramsObject };
- if (body) {
- options.body = body;
+ if (bodyData instanceof FormData) {
+ options.body = bodyData;
+ } else if (typeof bodyData === 'string') {
+ options.body = bodyData;
+ headers['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-Type'] || 'application/json';
+ } else {
+ options.body = JSON.stringify(bodyData);
+ headers['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-Type'] || 'application/json';
+ }
+ } else {
+ // For GET requests, append params to URL
+ if (paramsObject && Object.keys(paramsObject).length > 0) {
+ const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsObject).toString();
+ requestUrl += (requestUrl.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + urlParams;
- return fetch(url, options).then(response => {
- // Store the response for event handling
- this.lastResponse = response;
+ // Start the timeout if specified
+ let timeoutId;
+ if (!isNaN(timeout) && timeout > 0) {
+ timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+ controller.abort();
+ }, timeout);
+ }
+ let attempts = 0;
+ const maxAttempts = maxRetries + 1;
+ while (attempts < maxAttempts) {
+ attempts++;
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(requestUrl, options);
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+ this.lastResponse = response;
- if (!response.ok) {
- return response.text().then(text => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ const text = await response.text();
throw new Error(`HTTP error ${response.status}: ${text}`);
- });
+ }
+ return response.text();
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.name === 'AbortError') {
+ throw new Error('Request timed out');
+ }
+ if (attempts >= maxAttempts) {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ // Optionally, implement a delay before retrying
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Serializes form data to a flat JSON string.
+ * @param {HTMLFormElement} form
+ * @returns {string} JSON string
+ */
+ serializeFormToJson(form) {
+ const formData = new FormData(form);
+ const jsonObject = {};
+ formData.forEach((value, key) => {
+ if (jsonObject[key]) {
+ if (Array.isArray(jsonObject[key])) {
+ jsonObject[key].push(value);
+ } else {
+ jsonObject[key] = [jsonObject[key], value];
+ }
+ } else {
+ jsonObject[key] = value;
- return response.text();
+ return JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Serializes form data to a nested JSON string.
+ * @param {HTMLFormElement} form
+ * @returns {string} Nested JSON string
+ */
+ serializeFormToNestedJson(form) {
+ const formData = new FormData(form);
+ const serializedData = {};
+ for (let [name, value] of formData) {
+ const inputElement = form.querySelector(`[name="${name}"]`);
+ const checkBoxCustom = form.querySelector(`[data-custom="true"]`);
+ const inputType = inputElement ? inputElement.type : null;
+ const inputStep = inputElement ? inputElement.step : null;
+ // Check if the input type is number and convert the value if so
+ if (inputType === 'number') {
+ if (inputStep && inputStep !== "any" && Number(inputStep) % 1 === 0) {
+ value = parseInt(value, 10);
+ } else if (inputStep === "any") {
+ value = value.includes('.') ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value, 10);
+ } else {
+ value = parseFloat(value);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the input type is checkbox and convert the value to boolean
+ if (inputType === 'checkbox' && !checkBoxCustom) {
+ value = inputElement.checked; // value will be true if checked, false otherwise
+ }
+ // Check if the input type is select-one and has data-bool attribute
+ if (inputType === 'select-one' && inputElement.getAttribute('data-bool') === 'true') {
+ value = value === "true"; // Value will be true if selected, false otherwise
+ }
+ // Attempt to parse JSON strings
+ try {
+ value = JSON.parse(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If parsing fails, treat as a simple string
+ }
+ const keys = name.split(/[.[\]]+/).filter(Boolean); // split by dot or bracket notation
+ let obj = serializedData;
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) {
+ if (!obj[keys[i]]) {
+ obj[keys[i]] = /^\d+$/.test(keys[i + 1]) ? [] : {}; // create an array if the next key is an index
+ }
+ obj = obj[keys[i]];
+ }
+ const lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1];
+ if (lastKey in obj && Array.isArray(obj[lastKey])) {
+ obj[lastKey].push(value); // add to array if the key already exists
+ } else if (lastKey in obj) {
+ obj[lastKey] = [obj[lastKey], value];
+ } else {
+ obj[lastKey] = value; // set value for key
+ }
+ }
+ return JSON.stringify(serializedData);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Serializes form data to an XML string.
+ * @param {HTMLFormElement} form
+ * @returns {string} XML string
+ */
+ serializeFormToXml(form) {
+ const formData = new FormData(form);
+ let xmlString = '';
+ return xmlString;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Escapes XML special characters.
+ * @param {string} unsafe
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ escapeXml(unsafe) {
+ return unsafe.replace(/[<>&'"]/g, function (c) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '<': return '<';
+ case '>': return '>';
+ case '&': return '&';
+ case '\'': return ''';
+ case '"': return '"';
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the response text and updates the DOM accordingly.
+ * @param {string} responseText
+ * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ async processResponse(responseText, targetElement, element) {
+ // Dispatch beforeUpdate event
+ this.dispatchEvent('beforeUpdate', { targetElement, element });
+ // Parse the response HTML
+ const parser = new DOMParser();
+ const doc = parser.parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html');
+ // Extract OOB elements
+ const oobElements = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll(`[${this.ATTRIBUTES.SWAP_OOB}]`));
+ oobElements.forEach(el => el.parentNode.removeChild(el));
+ // Replace the target's content
+ this.updateTargetElement(targetElement, doc);
+ // Dispatch afterUpdate event
+ this.dispatchEvent('afterUpdate', { targetElement, element });
+ // Re-scan the newly added content for Partial elements
+ this.scanForElements(targetElement);
+ // Handle OOB swapping with the extracted OOB elements
+ this.handleOobSwapping(oobElements);
+ // Handle any x-event-* headers from the response
+ await this.handleResponseEvents();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the target element with new content.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement
+ * @param {Document} doc
+ */
+ updateTargetElement(targetElement, doc) {
+ targetElement.innerHTML = doc.body.innerHTML;
@@ -457,7 +805,7 @@ class Partial {
- const swapOption = oobElement.getAttribute('x-swap-oob') || this.defaultSwapOption;
+ const swapOption = oobElement.getAttribute(this.ATTRIBUTES.SWAP_OOB) || this.defaultSwapOption;
const existingElement = document.getElementById(targetId);
if (!existingElement) {
@@ -504,6 +852,71 @@ class Partial {
+ /**
+ * Dispatches custom events specified in a comma-separated string.
+ * @param {string} events - Comma-separated event names.
+ * @param {Object} detail - Detail object to pass with the event.
+ */
+ async dispatchCustomEvents(events, detail) {
+ const eventNames = events.split(',').map(e => e.trim());
+ for (const eventName of eventNames) {
+ const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail });
+ this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles the popstate event for browser navigation.
+ * @param {PopStateEvent} event
+ */
+ async handlePopState(event) {
+ if (event.state && event.state.xPartial) {
+ const url = window.location.href;
+ try {
+ const responseText = await this.performRequest({ method: 'GET', url, headers: {}, element: null });
+ // Parse the response HTML
+ const parser = new DOMParser();
+ const doc = parser.parseFromString(responseText, 'text/html');
+ // Replace the body content
+ document.body.innerHTML = doc.body.innerHTML;
+ // Re-scan the entire document
+ this.scanForElements();
+ // Optionally, focus the body
+ if (this.autoFocus) {
+ document.body.focus();
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('PopState request failed:', error);
+ if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
+ this.onError(error, document.body);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Debounce function to limit the rate at which a function can fire.
+ * @param {Function} func - The function to debounce.
+ * @param {number} wait - The number of milliseconds to wait.
+ * @returns {Function}
+ */
+ debounce(func, wait) {
+ let timeout;
+ return (...args) => {
+ const later = () => {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ func.apply(this, args);
+ };
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
+ };
+ }
* Listens for a custom event and executes the callback when the event is dispatched.
* @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to listen for
@@ -574,4 +987,17 @@ class Partial {
refresh(container = document) {
+ /**
+ * Clean up SSE connections when elements are removed.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ */
+ cleanupSSEElement(element) {
+ if (this.sseConnections.has(element)) {
+ const eventSource = this.sseConnections.get(element);
+ eventSource.close();
+ this.sseConnections.delete(element);
+ element.__xSSEInitialized = false;
+ }
+ }
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