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Releases: dotJEM/angular-routing


13 Aug 09:30
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Minor bug fixes and adding of providers as properties to state provider.


15 Jul 06:48
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Correction in module compilation that didn't include all modules.


14 Jul 14:09
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  • Fixed a rather critical issue with release v0.6.4 that caused errors in evaluating state references (sref).


14 Jul 13:25
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Filters for checking states.

New: #107 - isActiveState filter
New: #108 - isCurrentState filter
New: #109 - Allow is and isActive to check against parameters as well
New: #110 - Directive aliases


30 Jun 12:32
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Major changes to how the state transition is handled to prepare for v0.7, this exposes a new $pipelineProvider which can be used to alter the behavior around state transitions.

  • New: #102 - $transition pipeline
  • New: #81 - Allow transitions to wait for a promise.
  • Fixed: #104 - In v0.6.2 $state.goto() params only reflected in location if a query string is already present
  • Fixed: #105 - reloadOnSearch: false state not loading in Firefox


23 Jun 21:38
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v0.6.3-beta.1 Pre-release

Major changes to how the state transition is handled to prepare for v0.7, this exposes a temporary provider called $pipelineProvider, the provider will remain but be renamed ones all transitioning goes into the transition service instead.

  • Fixed: #104 - In v0.6.2 $state.goto() params only reflected in location if a query string is already present

Breaking Changes:

- None that are known.


24 Apr 15:32
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Added the ability to register "state factories", basically allowing for using services as $http etc. to load state configurations e.g. from a server endpoint.

These will be initialized right before creation of the state service it self, and with $state.reinitialize it is possible to rerun the entire initialization again.

It is advised to limit such initialization to just as single factory.

  • Fixed: #19 - Provide ability to bind state configuration to server side and refresh at runtime.
  • Fixed: #93 - $resolve errors should provide the original error message.
  • Fixed: #79 - $template as function enhancement
  • Fixed: #75 - Evaluate TSLint
  • Fixed: #95 - Upgrade Typescript task

Breaking Changes:

- Refactoring of the `$template` service now means that `get` no longer exists, instead just use `$template(args)`.

For mocking purposes, mock out $template.fn which is called internally when calling $template(args).


02 Apr 13:17
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v0.6.2-beta.1 Pre-release

Upgraded TypeScript

  • Fixed: #93 - $resolve errors should provide the original error message.
  • Fixed: #79 - $template as function enhancement
  • Fixed: #75 - Evaluate TSLint
  • Fixed: #95 - Upgrade Typescript task

Breaking Changes:

- Refactoring of the `$template` service now means that `get` no longer exists, instead just use `$template(args)`.

For mocking purposes, mock out $template.fn which is called internally when calling $template(args).


18 Dec 07:29
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A number of fixes to the sref directive as well as a refactoring of the $view service. It also upgrades to Angular 1.2.5.

  • Fixed: #84 - Refactoring of $view to always take args objects.
  • Fixed: #86 - Fix 'sref' directive link for non 'a' nor 'form' elements
  • Fixed: #87 - Make sure activeClass is added in element from start
  • Fixed: #89 - Fix click binding as it didn't work in a minimized js, remove event list...
  • Fixed: #91 - Added an option to $state.url for optionally not prefixing base path.
  • Fixed: #92 - Changed to use watch for sref params

Breaking Changes:

- Refactoring of the `$view` service now means that the overloads for `update` and `create` that takes template, controller etc. as arguments no longer exists, instead an object defining those as properties must always be defined instead.


11 Nov 08:51
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This release is mainly a migration to Angular 1.2.

  • Fixed: #78 scollTo: null does now work as intented
  • New: #82, #82 pending view changes is now available during a view transaction.

Breaking Changes:

- Migration to Angular 1.2 means we no longer supports Angular 1.1.x