Collections of metadata files of use by the GOC.
In general we follow the pattern:
- metadata source in YAML
- schema for each file also specified in YAML
- metadata can be edited via github web interface, followed by Pull Request
- Travis-CI checks file against schema - see the ../.travis.yml, if passes can be merged
- Jenkins jobs publish metadata files on go-public S3 bucket (TODO: permanent URL)
- users.yaml - metadata on GOC members and contributors
- users.schema.yaml - schema
When adding users to users.yaml, you need to generate an md5sum of their email address (as the lookup for our end of Persona). To generate this hash, you should use:
echo -n "" | md5sum
- groups.yaml - metadata on GOC groups
- groups.schema.yaml - schema
At this point, mostly used to help tracking of contributions in the Noctua system.
- db-xrefs.yaml - prefix registry
- db-xrefs.schema.yaml - schema
See the datasets/ directory for more details
- datasets.schema.yaml - schema