Run the duplicati backup tool on a Windows container host.
- 8200 TCP: Web interface for the server
: Directory for the configuration of your duplicati instance
docker run -d -p 8200:8200 -v C:\Docker\Duplicati\Config:C:\config dr1rrb/duplicati-win
Suggested docker compose file
version: '3.4'
container_name: duplicati
image: dr1rrb/duplicati-win
restart: unless-stopped
- C:\Docker\Duplicati\Config:C:\config
- 8200:8200
- "credentialspec=file://duplicati.json" # Network identity, cf. TIPS below
hostname: duplicati
Usually when running a Windows container, we need it to integrates with other servers and network infrastructure. If you have an active directory (AD), it's pretty easy to give a valid network identity to your container. You can find more info here and here.
A crawler is running every day to check if a new release is avaible on the duplicati repository and automatically build a new docker image for it.
Here are the statues of this crawler for each release channel: