From 040253cedd1292023990dab312ab4272e4c3a31f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: iwillwen <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:02:36 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E5=A2=9E=E8=8B=B1=E6=96=87=E7=89=88RE?=
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 # minggeJS
+English version is [here](
 我开发插件一直都是用原生JS,大家可以看下我前面的作品shearphoto就是用原生JS写的。  虽说我反感JQUERY,但是JQUERY却在前端界占有大量的用户份额,之后我有个想法,不如重新开发一个属于自己思想,自己架构的JQUERY。有了想法就要实现我山寨JQUERY之路
@@ -41,8 +44,7 @@ minggeJS具有以下优点
 5: minggeJS后期的发展,更多是想往手机端发展,即管战不胜JQUERY,能战胜zepto也是赏心悦目的事。再者就是动画方面,打算采用两种模式供用户选择,1种是CSS3,另一种CSS2定时器方式,定时器方式,估计以插件方式发布!
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+# minggeJS
+Since the awesome screenshot plugin **shearkhoto**, I started an new copy of JQUERY which is made by Chinese. Why I started this? Frankly speaking, I had never use jQUERY before because I hate JQUERY badly. What is the reason of that? Because I am absolutely able to build such a damn library and fully realize the technical detail in jQUERY. But JQUERY is a giant of Front-End and has a huge number of believers, which inspired me and brought an idea — How about start an new one JQUERY that using my mind. After the idea came out, I started this project.
+I gave it a fucking cool name: **MingGeJs**.
+What is MingGeJs? It is a project took me a week to done and a JS library which has the same syntax, same methods and same usage with JQUERY. But MingGeJs is better than jQ in Animations, Selector and method performance. BTW, MingGeJs works with IE 6, 7 and 8 very well. Of course, you can use MingGeJs and jQUERY together.
+Its name is MingGeJs while MingGe is my name. This library will remind you of me when you see its name and remind you of the fact that this library is made by **Chinese**. We have to show our skill to the world and let them know our project also good, even better than theirs.
+I have not a Bachelor degree even never enter a high school. I have no any idea about English. But, it will not stop me on the road to succeed. MingGeJS has a huge and distant goal that means taking over half of users of JQUERY in the whole world. MingGeJs is an open source project that hosted in GIT, I welcome all of you to have a try!
+I am MingGe. I initiative, let's give a support to Chinese-made minggeJS library as Chineses.
+## minggeJS Release v1.7