Above all, split the app into microservices. Web delivery/core-app, ingress, analytics, and databases should all be separate and independently scalable.
Setup development workflow with some sort of conditional or a separate dockerfile so that we can run it locally without SSL certs
Build for fault tolerance. We will have to decide if this is a simple matter of elastic IP/georeplication, or if we need to start talking SQS.
Move to RDS, providing easy scalability and automated management and replication.
Move to a sharded model -- for geospatial data this will result in MASSIVE improvements in performance. Discord has a great blog post on sharding that you guys should check out: https://blog.discordapp.com/how-discord-indexes-billions-of-messages-e3d5e9be866f
Architect with the potential for Elastic Load Balancing in mind. We will have a lot of runway for the core app (separate from the database) to be scaled vertically, however at some point we will have to start thinking horizontal.
- Establish UX and design guidelines throughout the app.
Add new datasets
- Parcel data (probably a new dataset from each count. not all are available on CIM and we may need to contact individual counties.)
- Oil & Gas leases
- Oil & Gas structures
Ability of user to turn off/on layers if not of interest
- Summarize in downloadable .pdf the data for items found within parcel of interest
- Summarize in same report items found outside parcel in user-defined (distance or polygon) areq of interest
- Include in report analytics performed within area of interest
Consider making the subscription tier a premium service (no change to plan on pay-per-use tier)
- Create property profiles
- Upload additional data on the property (imagery, DEMs, photos, etc.)
- Map imagery shareable with customers
OCR scanned documents
Get to hello-world with PDF generation. Our library takes HTML/CSS input, so we can tightly integrate it with our current templating system.
Discuss key metrics that we want to focus on and figure out how to provide the most value to users.
Build out our tensorflow/ML implementation. Vincent already well versed, david has been reading and watching fanatically for a few weeks.
Potentially implement a messaging/notification/email service for water rights expiry? Is this feasable?
Implement authentication system.
Implement "saved queries/documents/reports" type of interface.
Implement payment/subscription system
- Integrate app with commerce site
- Integrate app with financial system that automatically invoices and charges credit cards for subscriptions
Develop press kit
- Write initial press releases
- Write Drip origin story
- Logos
- Design guide
- Bios
Consider free use to affiliate marketers -- i.e., people in the real estate industry giving their clients pay-per-use promo codes and receiving free use-time in return.
Create Social Media accounts
- Decide on how to best promote product on outlets like facebook and Twitter
Identify and join industry meetups
Identify State of Colorado gov't agency personnel that may utilize Drip
Identify water industry experts in Colorado