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Minecraft AI

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In this project, we used reinforcement learning to train a PPO agent to solve maze missions in Minecraft using the Malmo library. The agent was tested using different action spaces rewards, and compression techniques. Our results showed that it was able to successfully navigate the mazes and complete the missions. This project demonstrates the potential of reinforcement learning for solving complex problems in gaming environments and has potential applications in a wide range of fields. It represents an important step towards realizing the full potential of reinforcement learning for solving complex problems in virtual environments.

The Model structure:
Model Structure

To get started, follow their respective instructions.


This project has only been tested on Ubuntu 22.04. In theory any non arm based OS should work, but it has not been tested.

OS Requirements

First, you need to install the follwioing libraries:

  1. GCC and CMake

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install -y gcc
    sudo apt-get install -y make
  2. CUDA 11.0

    sudo sh
  3. Anaconda

  4. Java 8

    sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
    echo -e "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

Python Requirements

  1. Now you need to create a conda environment and install the required python packages:

    conda create -n minerl python=3.6
    conda activate minerl
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Finally, you need to bootstrap the Malmo library and set the MALMO_XSD_PATH environment variable as follows:

    python3 -c "import malmo.minecraftbootstrap;;"
    echo -e "export MALMO_XSD_PATH=$PWD/MalmoPlatform/Schemas" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    cd MalmoPlatform/Minecraft
    (echo -n "malmomod.version=" && cat ../VERSION) > ./src/main/resources/
    cd ../..

Domain Problem

The problem we are working on is using reinforcement learning to train an agent to solve maze missions in Minecraft using the Malmo library. In this problem, the agent is placed in a maze within the Minecraft game world and must navigate the maze to reach the goal. The rules of the game are defined by the Minecraft environment and the specific maze mission that the agent is attempting to solve. To frame this problem as an MDP (Markov Decision Process), we need to define the state space, action space, and reward structure. The state space in this problem is the set of all possible configurations of the Minecraft game world that the agent can encounter while navigating the maze. This includes the location of the agent, the layout of the maze, and any other relevant information that the agent can observe.

The action space in this problem is the set of all possible actions that the agent can take at any given time. In the context of Minecraft, these actions might include moving in different directions, turning left and right, interacting with objects in the game world, or using items in the agent’s inventory. The reward structure in this problem is the set of rewards that the agent receives for taking different actions and achieving different goals within the maze. These rewards might include positive rewards for reaching the goal, negative rewards for encountering obstacles or hazards, and other rewards for achieving intermediate goals or completing certain tasks.

We examined different options for the state space, action space, and reward structure in this problem. For the state space, we used the raw pixel data from the Minecraft game screen as input to the agent, as well as using pre-processed representations of the game state that extracted relevant features and abstracted away irrelevant details. An example of what the agent sees can be found in Figure 1. For the action space, we considered using a discrete set of actions that the agent could take. For the reward structure, we considered using a variety of different rewards for different actions and goals, including both intrinsic rewards that were defined by the game environment and extrinsic rewards that were defined by the objective of the maze mission.

The environment that we designed was a maze variant that forced the agent to rely on the visual input. The agent’s goal was to touch the tower of emerald blocks in the shortest time possible and without dying. There were two obstacles to this goal; First there were small walls that were scattered around the environment. These walls would stop the agent from being able to move in a direction while still allowing the agent to have a sight line on the target. The second set of obstacles was fires that were generated throughout the environment. These fires would spread as the episode ran, creating a dynamic environment. The reward system was set up so if the agent successfully made it to the tower, it would receive a large positive reward while if the episode timed out, or the agent walked into fire it would receive a large negative reward. In addition, the agent would get a small negative reward at every step to incentivize finding the target faster.

Running the code

In order to run the code, first, make sure you are in the correct virtual environment:

$ conda activate minerl

$ which python


Run the following command to start the Minecraft client:

cd MalmoPlatform/Minecraft
./ -port 9000

RL Agent

The missions are places in the missions folder and the configuration files in the configs folder. To train the agent run the following command:

python -c configs/mazes.yml

The results are going to be saved in the checkpoints and logs folders.

An example of what the agent sees:
What the agent sees

The maze outline:
Maze outline


The PPO model showed promising levels of learning when implemented in the correct conditions. Each model was run for 50 epoch which took approximately 5 hours of run time. Our initial agent interface allowed the agent to take six different actions: move forward, move backward, move left, move right, turn left, and turn right. Early tests of this action space mainly proved successful, however, the model rarely turned to observe its surroundings. Instead, the model used the image to avoid obvious obstacles in front of itself while moving in semi-random directions until it reached the pillar. This behavior would likely be fixed given extensive training times, however turning only provided potential delayed rewards, inhibiting its regular use. To force the model to rely on the image further we restricted the action space to four actions: move forward, backward, turn right, and turn left. Therefore, the model is now required to turn to move in a specific direction. This quickened the model learning and led to the rewards shown in the figure below:
AVG Reward - No PCA

Training with the modified action space shows clear improvement over time. However, there is a brief but significant dip that appears during epochs 30 to 32. While it is unclear what caused this dip, it recovered quickly and continued the improvement trend. After 50 training epochs the average reward is consistently close to the maximum allowed by the environment. This shows that the agent has not only learned to move around the walls in an efficient manner, but learned to avoid walking into areas where fire is spreading.

Using the PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the image proved to interfere with models’ ability to train. Figure 6 shows that the model makes no improvement over the 50 training epochs. It is likely that while PCA is able to retain a significant amount of the information, the reduction method removes trends that the agent uses to learn. It is possible applying PCA in a different manner or introducing a different dimensionality reduction technique could lead to an improved result. Figure 6:
AVG Reward - With PCA


The PPO model showed a promising ability to complete tasks in a simple dynamic environment using a convolutional network as its only input. When the data is directly fed the model learns at a mostly consistent rate until it has found the optimal behavior. This model could be further tested by complicating the environment. The map could be expanded, or the site lines could be restricted, requiring a more complex and comprehensive decision-making process.

In addition, other dynamic variables could be introduced, including hostile non player characters. The attempt to use dimensionality reduction to reduce training time proved to be a failure with the current method. PCA appeared promising as it is a faster method than other reduction techniques and allows for tuning of the data reduction amount. However, it appears that the method fails to capture the patterns the model requires in order to learn. Future work could try different techniques for dimensionality reduction or improve the application of PCA through tuning.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.