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Consul and Vault AMI

AMI with Vault and Consul binaries installed. DNSmasq is also configured to use the local Consul agent as its DNS server.

This is based on this example.


All the following commands to run are assumed to run in this vault/ directory.

In addition to Ansible (2.7) and Packer, you will need to install the following on your machine:

Generate certificates

You will need to have a TLS certificate generated for vault. This usually requires you to have generated an existing CA. Refer to ca for instructions on how to setup a CA with the associated keys.

For example, we will generate the certificate to the vault/cert directory:

# Generate key pair and CSR
cfssl genkey -config "../../ca/config.json" \
    -profile peer ../../ca/vault-cert/csr.json \
    | cfssljson -bare cert/cert

At this point, you must have decrypted the AWS-KMS encrypted CA private key (i.e. ca.key to ca-key.pem) so that the CA private key can be used to sign the CSR.

Ensure that the files below:

  • ca.key
  • ca.pem
  • cli.json
  • csr.json

are of correct values and placed in ../../ca/root/. Then perform the decryption step as shown in the guide, whose adapted command is shown below to get back the original CA private key:

aws kms decrypt \
    --ciphertext-blob fileb://../../ca/root/ca.key \
    --output text \
    --query Plaintext \
    --cli-input-json file://../../ca/root/cli.json \
| base64 --decode \
> ../../ca/root/ca-key.pem

With the original CA private key in place, sign the CSR with the following:

# Sign the CSR
cfssl sign -ca "../../ca/root/ca.pem" \
    -ca-key "../../ca/root/ca-key.pem" \
    -config "../../ca/config.json" \
    -profile peer \
    cert/cert.csr \
    | cfssljson -bare cert/cert

After you have generated the certificate, you will need to encrypt the private key of the certificate before we copy it over to the AMI.

Encrypting the private key

We will use the kms-aes Ansible playbooks and roles to handle the encryption and decryption.

Checkout the repository to a directory and follow the instructions according to the Vault playbook.

For example, with the provided example cli.json and our terraform KMS key, we can do the following to generate a data encryption key and to encrypt our certificate:

ansible-playbook \
    -i "localhost," \
    -c "local" \
    -t "generate_key,encrypt" \
    -e "key_id=alias/terraform" \
    -e "cli_json=$(pwd)/cert/cli.json" \
    -e "key_output=$(pwd)/cert/aes.key" \
    -e "vault_file=$(pwd)/cert/cert-key.pem" \
    -e "encrypted_vault_file=$(pwd)/cert/cert.key" \

This will output the encrypted keys and other files to their default location. Otherwise, you can configure the path to the keys based on the options listed in the next section.

Configuration Options

See this page for more information.

  • ami_base_name: Base name for the AMI image. The timestamp will be appended
  • aws_region: AWS Region
  • subnet_id: ID of subnet to run the builder instance in
  • temporary_security_group_source_cidr: Temporary CIDR to allow SSH access from
  • associate_public_ip_address: Associate to true if the machine provisioned is to be connected via the internet
  • ssh_interface: One of public_ip, private_ip, public_dns or private_dns. If set, either the public IP address, private IP address, public DNS name or private DNS name will used as the host for SSH. The default behaviour if inside a VPC is to use the public IP address if available, otherwise the private IP address will be used. If not in a VPC the public DNS name will be used.
  • vault_version: Version of Vault to install
  • consul_module_version: Version of the Terraform Consul repository to use
  • vault_module_version: Version of the Vault Module to use.
  • vault_ui_enable: Enable UI for Vault or not. Defaults to true.
  • consul_version: Version of Consul to install
  • tls_cert_file_src: Path to the certificate file for Vault to use. This defaults to cert/cert.pem if you used the instructions above.
  • encrypted_tls_key_file_src: Encrypted private key for the certificate. This defaults to cert/cert.key if you used the instructions above.
  • encrypted_aes_key_src: AES data key used to encrypt the private key, which is in turned encrypted by AWS KMS. Defaults to cert/aes.key if you used the instructions above.
  • cli_json_src: The AWS CLI JSON file used to encrypt the AES key. This defaults to cert/cli.json if you used the instructions above.
  • td_agent_config_file: Path to td-agent config file to template copy from. Install td-agent if path is non-empty.
  • td_agent_config_vars_file: Path to variables file to include for value interpolation for td-agent config file. Only included if the value is not empty. include_vars includes the variables into config_vars variable, i.e. if xxx value is defined in the variables file, you will need to do {{ }} to get the interpolation working.
  • ca_certificate: Path to the CA certificate you have generated to install on the machine. Set to empty to not install anything.

Post Bootstrap Configuration

After the initial bootstrap, if you have applied one of the following post bootstrap modules, you should set the following options to install whatever pre-requisite is required in the AMI:

  • Vault PKI

The following options are common to all of the integrations:

  • consul_host: The host for which Consul is accessible. Defaults to empty. If set to empty, all post bootstrap integration will be disabled.
  • consul_port: Port where Consul is accessible. Defaults to 443
  • consul_scheme: Scheme to access Consul. Defaults to "https"
  • consul_token: ACL token to access Consul
  • consul_integration_prefix: Prefix to look for Consul integration values. Do not change this unless you have also modified the values in the appropriate modules. Defaults to "terraform/"

Building Image

If you have a vars.json variables file containing changes to the above variables, you may run:

packer build \
    -var-file=vars.json \

Otherwise if you wish to use the default variable values, simply run:

packer build packer.json

If you have enabled the post-bootstrap integration, you can use terraform output to get the URL of your Consul servers. In this way, you can use the same command for pre and post bootstrap builds of your AMI.

packer build \
    -var-file=vars.json \
    -var consul_host="$(terraform output consul_api_address || echo -n '')" \

Components Installed

This Packer image will the following:

  • Consul: /opt/consul
  • Vault: /opt/vault
  • td-agent: As a Debian package
  • telegraf As a Debian package
  • consul-template: /opt/consul-template

You can use consul-template to template files using data from Consul and Vault. Simply define the template using a new configuration file (in HCL, with the template stanza) and write the configuration file to /opt/consul-template/config. You can send the SIGHUP signal using systemctl kill -s signal SIGHUP consul-template to ask consul-template to reload its configuration.