All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
is now available as(String, String)
or(@StringRes int, @PluralsRes int)
- Marked
MultiChoiceToolbar.Builder#setTitles(String, @PluralsRes int)
as deprecated in favor of(@StringRes int, @PluralsRes int)
- Added possibility to let the library handle the savedInstanceState in order to keep the selection in place when orientation and other configuration change
- Added
deselect(int position)
method to the MultiChoiceAdapter
- Possibility to use QuantityStrings for the toolbar while selecting items
- Moved logic related to the MultiChoiceRecyclerView class into the MultiChoiceAdapter
- Internal improvements getting rid of holding views states
- Aggregated some of the method of the MultiChoiceToolbar Builder like titles, defaultColors, selectedColors and change "setIcon" to "setDefaultIcon"
- MultiChoiceRecyclerView class
- Possibility to disable some items from the selection mode with the method isSelectableInMultiChoiceMode(int position)
- Clean and polish
- Kept order of selected items when retrieved back with "getSelectedItems"
- Performance improvements
- Application tag from library manifest
- Removed unnecessary methods like setColumnNumber ad setRowNumber
- Changelog file
- Class MultiChoiceToolbar for wrapping all the multi choice toolbar related fields
- Toolbar icon support for MultiChoiceToolbar (Builder)
- Method setMultiChoiceToolbar() now accept a MultiChoiceToolbar class with its builder for a simpler construction
- Internal file structure in order to allow package-protected classes/methods
- Updated sample with new toolbar implementation
- Circle CI build failing because of upgrade needed to JDK8
- Wrong callback on deselectAll