Date: 2024-10-09
AirTEXT is in part a "single-page application". We are planning to offer users a single view on which they can switch between 3 days (today, tomorrow and the day after). On each day's tab they will be able to:
view predictions and guidance about air quality, pollen, UV and temperature
interact with a map comprising a number of overlays showing various aspects of air quality, e.g. layers for nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter and ozone
This functionality will benefit from a front-end implementation where sections of the page are reloaded as required, e.g. as a user chooses to load forecasts for a different area or switches to a different day.
We're going to use Rails' Hotwire tools and conventions to:
swap out chunks of pages using Turbo (with HTML fragments prepared on the server rather than by building views from JSON in the brower with custom JS)
handle UI sprinkles with Stimulus e.g. for setting classes on UI events
We believe that by adopting the Hotwire conventions we'll produce more maintainable code, with a greatly reduced amount of Javascript.
Developers will need to become familiar with the Hotwire techniques. We've found Pragmatic Bookshelf's "Modern Front-End Development for Rails" by Noel Rappin to be a good complement to the offical online docs.