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Configuring events in Dynawo and Astre

File metadata and controls

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HOWTO Configure events in Dynawo and Astre

(c) 2020 Grupo AIA

[email protected]


To understand the context, it is important to know that Dynawo allows buses to be modeled either with a "node-breaker" topology (full topology with all switches & breakers), or a "bus-breaker" topology (a reduced topology in which there are no switches & breakers--at least, within the voltage level that hosts that reduced bus). Moreover, these two can be used at the same time in a given case.

Initially RTE provided 3 sample base cases (Lille, Lyon, Marseille) in which most of the buses (though not all) where NODE-BREAKER. Then we were provided newer files (of the same cases) in which the majority (but not all) of the buses were modeled as BUS-BREAKER. This has to be taken into account when configuring a contingency event that should be the same in Dynawo and Astre.

Additionally, the new set of files not only has node-breaker busbars fused into single bus-breaker buses; it also has many loads that have been merged.

Here's the analysis of how many buses are present of each kind in the old vs. the new cases:

Lille case
Node-breaker 448 42
Bus-breaker 590 750
Total 1038 792
(Astre) (1114) (1114)
Lyon case
Node-breaker 589 24
Bus-breaker 1080 1345
Total 1669 1369
(Astre) (2056) (2056)
Marseille case
Node-breaker 464 29
Bus-breaker 644 834
Total 1108 863
(Astre) (1353) (1353)


Astre is much simpler than Dynawo. Here's a summary of the information we got so far from RTE.

The general way to simulate a disconnection (or any other event) is to add an "evtouvrtopo" element to the "scenario" element, which appears typically near the end of the input xml file (donneesModelesEntree.xml). Example:

 <scenario nom="scenario" duree="1200">
       <evtouvrtopo instant="300" ouvrage="54" type="2" typeevt="1" cote="0"/>

The "ouvrage" attribute points to the affected element ID (but beware that Astre XML files use "nom" instead of "id"). The "type" is the type of equipment that is being disconnected. Here is a summary of the syntax:

<scenario nom="scenario" duree="{SimulationLengthInSeconds}">
   <evtouvrtopo instant="{DisconnectionTimeInSeconds}"
                ouvrage="{'num' attribute of the network component to be disconnected}"
                type="{2 if generator (tag 'groupe' in the xml)
                       3 if load (tag 'conso' in the xml)
                       4 if shunt (tag 'shunt' in the xml)
                       5 if switch/breaker (tag 'couplage' in the xml???)
					   7 if bus (tag 'noeud' in the xml)
                       9 if line (tag 'quadripole' in the xml)
				      11 if K-level of RST control (tag 'zonerst' in the xml)}"
                typeevt="{1 for disconnection}"
                cote="{0 if generator, load, or shunt, or to disconnect a line on both sides
                       1 to disconnect a line's origin
                       2 to disconnect a line's end}"

A note about the entreesAstre element and its atbus attribute: The evtouvrtopo element is wrapped in a entreesAstreelement, having an atbusattribute. That bus is not related to the event; it is an indication of the slack bus used in the powerflow calculation (i.e. the bus with a zero phase angle). As Astre doesn't have a proper frequency modelling (in contrast to Dynawo), the active power is adjusted instantaneously and it is necessary to set a certain angle phase to zero even during the dynamic simulation. For convenience purposes and for easing the convergence at initialization time, atbus provides Astre with the powerflow slack node.

Configuring Astre output variables ("courbes")

The variables are selected to appear in the output by configuring courbe elements in the input XML file. These are children of element entreesAstre and siblings to scenario.

We have already configured (by hand) the base case file with some curves; these correspond to the variables that monitor the behavior of the area SVC: pilot point voltage, K level, and P,Q of participating generators. One would then add at least the voltage of the bus on which the element (load, shunt, gen, whatever) has been disconnected; and perhaps all first-neighbor buses as well.

To do this, get the id of the bus that the element was attached to (attribute noeud), and add an XML element as in the example:

  <courbe nom="BUSLABEL_Upu_value" typecourbe="63" ouvrage="2" type="7"/>

The name of the variable is free. In order to have names that match those in Dynawo, it is useful to construct the name as "BUSLABEL" + "_Upu_value", where BUSLABEL is the name of the corresponding bus in Dynawo. In the example above, bus ".ANDU771" (Lille case).

Here typecourbe="63" means bus (noeud) voltage in per-unit, while ouvrage="2" refers to the id (attribute "num") of the bus. Here is the enum that links the different variables with their typecourbe attriibute number, which is to be used when configuring the output curves:

enum TypeCourbe {
  // noeuds
  N_TENSION                   = 0,
  N_PHASE                     = 1,
  N_CONSO_ACT                 = 2,
  N_CONSO_REA                 = 3,
  N_DEMANDE_ACT               = 4,
  N_DEMANDE_REA               = 5,
  N_PUISS_ACT_MCS             = 6,
  N_PUISS_REA_MCS             = 7,
  N_REGLEUR_PRISE             = 8,
  N_REGLEUR_TENS_SURV         = 9,
  N_SENSIVITY_DQG_DQL         = 62,
  N_V_MAGNITUDE_PU            = 63,
  N_MOST_DECREASED_V          = 64,

  // quadripoles
  Q_PUISS_ACT_OR              = 12,
  Q_PUISS_ACT_EX              = 13,
  Q_PUISS_REA_OR              = 14,
  Q_PUISS_REA_EX              = 15,
  Q_INTENS_OR                 = 16,
  Q_INTENS_EX                 = 17,
  Q_REGLEUR_PRISE             = 18,
  Q_REGLEUR_TENS_SURV         = 19,
  Q_TD_DEPHASAGE              = 22,
  Q_IMPEDANCE_OR              = 23,
  Q_IMPEDANCE_EX              = 24,
  Q_TD_POSITION               = 65,

  // groupes
  G_TENSION_STATOR            = 25,
  G_CONSIGNE_TENSION          = 26,
  G_PUISS_ACT                 = 27,
  G_PUISS_REA                 = 28,
  G_RESERVE_PUISS_REA         = 29,
  G_COURANT_ROTOR             = 30,
  G_PUISS_ACT_STAT            = 46,
  G_PUISS_REA_STAT            = 47,
  G_U_STAT_KV                 = 48,
  G_INTERNAL_ANGLE            = 49,
  G_FIELD_CURRENT             = 50,
  G_STATOR_CURRENT            = 51,
  G_SATURATED_EMFV            = 52,
  G_MECHANICAL_POWER          = 53,
  G_Q_MAX                     = 54,

  // csprs
  CSPR_PUISS_REA              = 32,
  CSPR_SUSCEPTANCE            = 55,
  CSPR_CONTROLLED_V           = 56,
  // groupes rst

  // regroupements
  REGR_CONSO_ACT              = 38,
  REGR_CONSO_REA              = 39,
  REGR_DEMANDE_ACT            = 40,
  REGR_DEMANDE_REA            = 41,
  REGR_PROD_ACT               = 42,
  REGR_PROD_REA               = 43,
  REGR_RESERVE_REA            = 44,
  REGR_RESERVE_ACT            = 57,
  ZONERST_NIVEAU              = 45,

  // lccs
  LCC_PUISS_ACT_OR            = 66,
  LCC_PUISS_ACT_EX            = 67,
  LCC_PUISS_REA_OR            = 68,
  LCC_PUISS_REA_EX            = 69,
  LCC_COURANT_DC              = 70,
  LCC_TENSION_DC_OR           = 71,
  LCC_TENSION_DC_EX           = 72,
  LCC_ANGLE_ALLUMAGE          = 73,
  LCC_PRISE_REGLEUR_OR        = 75,
  LCC_PRISE_REGLEUR_EX        = 76,

  // vscs
  VSC_PUISS_ACT_OR            = 77,
  VSC_PUISS_ACT_EX            = 78,
  VSC_PUISS_REA_OR            = 79,
  VSC_PUISS_REA_EX            = 80,
  VSC_COURANT_DC              = 81,
  VSC_TENSION_DC_OR           = 82,
  VSC_TENSION_DC_EX           = 83,
  VSC_TENSION_REF_OR          = 90,
  VSC_TENSION_REF_EX          = 91,

  // valeurs globales
  ALL_TOTAL_LOST_LOAD         = 60,
  ALL_TOTAL_SHED_LOAD         = 61,
  ALL_LOST_GEN_TRIP           = 92
  // max = 92

Available example cases:

  • 2020-07-08/donneesEntreeIEEE14.xml (disconnection of group "GEN2")

  • 2020-07-09/donneesModelesEntreeLille20190410_1200.xml (disconnection of group "GRAV57GRAV5T6")

  • 2020-07-09/ (disconnection of busbar "ALBERP7_1B")

  • 2020-07-09/ (a topology change, disconnecting line "TAVELL74TRI.P" and its associated breakers)

  • 2020-07-10/donneesEntree_ExampleLineDisconnection.xml (disconnection of line ".CAM5L61.CAMP" at its origin side)


Configuring events in Dynawo is more complex than in Astre, because there are more files involved. Moreover, the current documentation does not contain neither a practical tutorial nor a detailed specification on how to perform events on network equipment.

For now, it is best to start from some already-configured example and use it as a "base-case" from which to configure other similar events and disconnections.

But the key idea to understand first is that Dynawo's actions are also implemented via models. For instance, to disconnect a given piece of equipment in the network, one instantiates a model that represents a disconnection; and then wires up that model with the equipment that is to be affected.

In general, for disconnections, RTE uses mainly the following three models:

  • EventSetPointBoolean: disconnects devices that are given a modelica dynamic model in the DYD file (loads, generators, etc.)

  • EventConnectedStatus: disconnects devices that are given a default cpp model (and are therefore part of the NETWORK model), such as shunts. There is one exception: lines (see next model).

  • EventQuadripoleDisconnection: lines are also given a default cpp model, but require EventQuadripoleDisconnection in order to specify which side(s) will be disconnected.

[Note: there's many other event models under the ddb directory. Here's the list of all currently available:]


Every component that has a dynamic Modelica representation in the DYD should be disconnected via that dynamic model, not the static one in the IIDM. For example, loads may be represented both in the IIDM and in the DYD file, but trying to disconnect them using their IIDM model (as you would do with shunts) will not work.

Typically only shunts and lines are given default cpp models and therefore have to be disconnected by means of EventConnectedStatus or EventQuadripoleDisconnection acting on the identifyers found in the IIDM file.

To get started, it is instructive to inspect a given example case in which a disconnection has already been configured. Proceed as follows:

  • Look first in the DYD file. Search for any of the three event models shown above being instantiated as a <blackBoxModel> element. Take their id's and you will find the way they are wired up via <connect> elements. This will give you the blackBoxModel id of the network device that is being affected.

  • The <blackBoxModel> of the disconnecting action also contains the parFile and parId. With those you can look in the PAR file and see how the disconnection is configured (i.e. things such as the time of the event, which side of a line is opened, etc.)

For example, a load disconnection would read like:

  <blackBoxModel id="LoadDisconnection" lib="EventSetPointBoolean" parFile="tFin/fic_PAR.xml" parId="99999"/>
  <connect id1="LoadDisconnection" var1="event_state1_value" id2="DM_SOISS3Y311" var2="load_switchOffSignal2_value"/>

  <set id="99999">
      <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="4200"/>
      <par type="BOOL" name="event_stateEvent1" value="true"/>

Whereas a shunt disconnection would read like:

  <blackBoxModel id="Disconnect_BIANC1REAC.1_TFin" lib="EventConnectedStatus" parFile="fic_PAR.xml" parId="982"/>
  <connect id1="Disconnect_BIANC1REAC.1_TFin" var1="event_state1_value" id2="NETWORK" var2="BIANC1REAC.1_state_value"/>

  <set id="982">
      <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="1250"/>
      <par type="BOOL" name="event_open" value="true"/>

The <connect> line also shows which variables are used to connect the event model with the equipment model. For dynamic models, you will typically connect the event to the corresponding *_switchOffSignal2_value boolean variable of the component. The different switchOffSignal variables correspond to the different ways in which a component can be disconnected:

  1. as a consequence of the disconnection of the node it is connected to (switchOffSignal1),

  2. following a signal sent by the user (switchOffSignal2, that is thus used to perform an event),

  3. or acting under an order given by an automaton (switchOffSignal3 for generators equipped with an under-voltage protection, for example).

That's why you can see in the DYD that every load_switchOffSignal1 is linked to its corresponding static _switchOff variable. You can find quick descriptions of the switchOff variables' meaning of every device in the modelica switchOff model itself: Dynawo.Electrical.Controls.Basics.SwitchOffLoad.

To get the exact names of the variables that should be used, always check the corresponding "desc" file under the ddb directory.

Configuring Dynawo output variables ("curves")

The variables are selected to appear in the output by configuring curve elements in the CRV file.

We have already configured (by hand) the base case file with some curves; these correspond to the variables that monitor the behavior of the area SVC: pilot point voltage, K level, and P,Q of participating generators. One would then add at least the voltage of the bus at which the element (load, shunt, gen, whatever) has been disconnected; and perhaps all first-neighbor buses as well.

To do this, first find the element in the IIDM. Then, to find the bus it is attached to, you first have to take into account that the substation topology (actually, the "voltageLevel" topology) may be either BUS_BREAKER or NODE_BREAKER, since you'll do things differently in each case. You will find out the topology type by finding the element's parent (voltageLevel) and reading its topologyKind attribute. This is how to proceed in each case:

  • BUS_BREAKER: in this case there might be more than one bus in the busBreakerTopology. Precisely because of this, the element (load, gen, etc.) will contain an attribute "bus", which is the identifyer of the correspondig bus element. Its voltage variable is formed by concatenating the bus id and "_Upu_value". The specified model has to be "NETWORK". Example, for load ".ANDU7TR751":
    <curve model="NETWORK" variable=".ANDU771_Upu_value"/>

  • NODE_BREAKER: in this case the nodeBreakerTopology contains switches and busbarSections. Switches and busBarSections define electrical "nodes", where each switch connects two nodes and each busbarSection is one end-node. The element in question (load, gen, etc.) will have an attribute "node" instead of "bus". Now, it would be a bit contrived to resolve the topology in order to find out which of the busbarSections the element is effectively connected to. This is not worth it, as we just want a monitor voltage point that is "close enough" to the disconnected element. Instead, we will resort to this simple heuristic: we will just take the first busbarSection that happens to have a non-null or non-zero voltage value (attribute "v"), and we will assume that the tripped element was connected to that one. Its voltage variable is formed by concatenating the busbarSection id and "_Upu_value". The specified model has to be "NETWORK". Example, for load "AULNO1LMA1":
    <curve model="NETWORK" variable="AULNOP1_1C_Upu_value"/>

Detailed steps for tripping loads:

Tripping loads in Astre:

A step by step example using load ".ANDU7TR751" (Lille case):

  • Find the corresponding load in Astre: among elements with tag "conso", find nom == ".ANDU7TR751". Keep its "num" attribute, which is the load id.

  • Edit the event using the evtouvrtopo element, wrapped in a scenario element. Refer to the load id using the ouvrage attribute. Use type="3" for loads, and typeevt="1" for disconnection (see table above). Example:

      <scenario nom="scenario" duree="1200">
        <evtouvrtopo instant="300" ouvrage="3" type="3" typeevt="1" cote="0"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("courbes") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Astre output variables".

A note about load models in Astre: the different static loads ("conso") on one node are aggregated on one only dynamic object ("dynanoeud"), for which the behavior is defined by both the load and node elements. Indeed, for example, the dynamic behavior is defined by the "type" element in dynanoeud (0 being a load behind one transformer, 1 being a load between two normal transformers, 2 being a load behind one ideal and one normal transformer, 3 being an alpha-beta load, and 4 being a PQ load). The only information taken from the static load element is the p and q reference/set point/initial values. Nevertheless, the disconnection event should be built using the evtouvrtopo="3" syntax, acting on the corresponding "conso" element. At the time of the event, Astre will modify the p and q reference values accordingly (pref_new = pref_old - p_disconnected).

Tripping loads in Dynawo:

  • Find the id of the load in the DYD file: among elements with tag "BlackBoxModel" and attribute "lib" == "Load*", find the desired load name using the attribute staticId. Then keep the id, which is usually the same but prefixed with "DM_" (and dots "." converted to undersocres "_"). In this example we will use loas ".ANDU7TR751".

  • In the DYD file, declare a model EventSetPointBoolean with the corrresponding section in the PAR file:

      <blackBoxModel id="Disconnect my load" lib="EventSetPointBoolean" parFile="fic_PAR.xml" parId="99991234"/>
  • And (also in the DYD file) connect this with the corresponding id of the load model in the same DYD file. Look in the ddb desc file of the Event model for the variable you need to connect as var1. Look in the ddb desc file of the Load* model for the variable you need to connect as var2.

      <connect id1="Disconnect my load" var1="event_state1_value" id2="DM__ANDU7TR751" var2="load_switchOffSignal2_value"/>
  • In the PAR file, add a section with the parameters for the disconnection (the time and the action itself). You can look in the ddb desc file of the EventSetPointBoolean model if you want to check the exact names of these parameters:

      <set id="99991234">
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="4300"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="event_stateEvent1" value="true"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("curves") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Dynawo output variables".

Detailed steps for tripping shunts:

Tripping shunts in Astre:

A step by step example using shunt ".AUBA6REAC.1" (Lille case):

  • Find the shunt in Astre: among elements with tag "shunt", find nom == ".AUBA6REAC.1". Keep its "num" attribute, which is the shunt id (in this case, 34).

  • Edit the event using the evtouvrtopo element, wrapped in a scenario element. Refer to the shunt id using the ouvrage attribute. Use type="4" for shunts, and typeevt="1" for disconnection (see table above). Example:

      <scenario nom="scenario" duree="1200">
    	<evtouvrtopo instant="300" ouvrage="34" type="4" typeevt="1" cote="0"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("courbes") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Astre output variables".

Tripping shunts in Dynawo:

In contrast with loads, shunts do not have their own dynamic model in the DYD file. To disconnect them, we have to do it through their static description, using an EventConnectedStatus instead of an EventSetPointBoolean (see the Introduction above, about the three differnent types of disconnections).

A step by step example, using shunt ".AUBA6REAC.1" (Lille case):

  • Find the shunt in the IIDM file by seaching the "shunt" elements; the id attribute is the shunt name. Note that if the "bus" attribute does not exist, the shunt is not connected (q=0).

  • Edit the DYD file to add an EventConnectedStatus model as follows:

      <blackBoxModel id="Disconnect my shunt" lib="EventConnectedStatus" parFile="tFin/fic_PAR.xml" parId="99991234"/>
  • And (also in the DYD file) connect this model with the static id2 NETWORK and a var2 that refers to the shunt id in the IIDM file, plus the sufffix _state_value:

      <connect id1="Disconnect my shunt" var1="event_state1_value" id2="NETWORK" var2=".AUBA6REAC.1_state_value"/>
  • In the PAR file, add a section with the parameters for the disconnection (the time and the action itself). You can look in the ddb desc file of the EventConnectedStatus model if you want to check the exact names of these parameters:

      <set id="99991234">
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="4300"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="event_open" value="true"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("curves") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Dynawo output variables".

Detailed steps for tripping generators:

Some quick stats on generators (from Dynawo files):

GEN TYPE Lille Lyon Marseille
HYDRO 4 404 160
NUCLEAR 28 22 10
OTHER 12 14 23
SOLAR 6 77 188
THERMAL 27 6 17
WIND 190 44 18
Total 267 567 416
(inactive) (25) (135) (64)

Tripping generators in Astre:

A step by step example using generator "HAUBO4GR1" (Lille case):

  • Find the gen in Astre: among elements with tag "groupe", find nom == "HAUBO4GR1". Keep its "num" attribute, which is the gen id (in this case, 55).

  • Edit the event using the evtouvrtopo element, wrapped in a scenario element. Refer to the gen id using the ouvrage attribute. Use type="2" for generators, and typeevt="1" for disconnection (see table above). Example:

      <scenario nom="scenario" duree="1200">
    	<evtouvrtopo instant="300" ouvrage="55" type="2" typeevt="1" cote="0"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("courbes") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Astre output variables".

Tripping generators in Dynawo:

Generators may or may not have a dynamic model. To disconnect them, one has to do things differently in one case and the other.

If the generator does not have a dynamic model, the disconnection is performed similar to shunts, using an EventConnectedStatus model. (see the Introduction, about the three differnent types of disconnections). Here is a step by step example, using gen "BLOCAIN1" (Lille case):

  • Find the gen in the IIDM file by seaching the "generator" elements; the id attribute is the gen name. Note that if the gen has attributes p="-0" q="-0" (both with the minus sign), then it is already disconnected.

  • Edit the DYD file to add an EventConnectedStatus model as follows:

      <blackBoxModel id="Disconnect my gen" lib="EventConnectedStatus" parFile="tFin/fic_PAR.xml" parId="99991234"/>
  • And (also in the DYD file) connect this model with the static id2 NETWORK and a var2 that refers to the gen id in the IIDM file, plus the sufffix _state_value:

      <connect id1="Disconnect my gen" var1="event_state1_value" id2="NETWORK" var2="BLOCAIN1_state_value"/>
  • In the PAR file, add a section with the parameters for the disconnection (the time and the action itself). You can look in the ddb desc file of the EventConnectedStatus model if you want to check the exact names of these parameters:

      <set id="99991234">
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="4300"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="event_open" value="true"/>

If the generator does have a dynamic model, the disconnection is performed similar to loads, using an EventSetPointBoolean model. Here's a step by step example, using gen "HAUBO4GR1" (Lille case):

  • Find the id of the gen in the DYD file: among elements with tag "BlackBoxModel" and attribute "lib" == "Gen*", find the desired generator name using the attribute staticId. Then keep the id, which is usually the same but prefixed with "DM_" (and dots converted to underscores).

  • In the DYD file, declare a model EventSetPointBoolean with the corrresponding section in the PAR file:

      <blackBoxModel id="Disconnect my gen" lib="EventSetPointBoolean" parFile="fic_PAR.xml" parId="99991234"/>
  • And (also in the DYD file) connect this with the corresponding id of the gen model in the same DYD file. Look in the ddb desc file of the EventSetPointBoolean model for the variable you need to connect as var1. Look in the ddb desc file of the Generator* model for the variable you need to connect as var2.

      <connect id1="Disconnect my gen" var1="event_state1_value" id2="DM_HAUBO4GR1" var2="generator_switchOffSignal2_value"/>
  • In the PAR file, add a section with the parameters for the disconnection (the time and the action itself). You can look in the ddb desc file of the EventSetPointBoolean model if you want to check the exact names of these parameters:

      <set id="99991234">
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="4300"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="event_stateEvent1" value="true"/>

Finally, add suitable output variables ("curves") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Dynawo output variables".

Detailed steps for tripping lines and transformers:

In Dynawo, lines and transformers are contained in the IIDM file, They are represented by elements with XML tags "line", and "twoWindingsTransformer", respectively. They do not have a corresponding dynamic model in the DYD file. Phase-shifting transformers can be identified because they contain a child element with tag phaseTapChanger (standard transformers have a ratioTapChanger instead).

Note: all transformers in all three Dynawo cases (Lille, Lyon, Marseille) seem to be two-winding. There are no three-winding tranformers (at least, not modeled as such). Also, the high-voltage side is almost always the "TO" side (or bus2); there's only two exceptions in the Lyon case (SIEREY764, SIEREY762) and another two in the Marseille case (G.ILEY761, G.ILEY762).

In Astre, both lines and transformers are described by elements with XML tag "quadripole", and they can be told apart by the value of the type attribute: 0--lines; 1--transformers; 2--phase shifting transformers. The "from" and "to" buses are described in the "nor" (noeud origine) an "nex" (noeud extreme) attributes, respectively.

Some quick stats:

Lille case Astre Dynawo
Lines 969 969
Transformers 257 214
Phase Shifters 4 4
TOTAL 1230 1187
Lyon case Astre Dynawo
Lines 1562 1561
Transformers 521 391
Phase Shifters 5 5
TOTAL 2088 1957
Marseille case Astre Dynawo
Lines 980 979
Transformers 377 269
Phase Shifters 5 5
TOTAL 1362 1253

Tripping lines and transformers in Astre:

A step by step example using line "CHARPL31CIVRI" (Lyon case):

  • Find the line in Astre: among elements with tag "quadripole", find nom == "CHARPL31CIVRI". Keep its "num" attribute, which is the line id (in this case, 711). Apparently [TO BE CONFIRMED], lines that are already disconnected can be detected by the values of P,Q flows:

      <variables por="0" pex="0" qor="0" qex="0"/>
  • Edit the event using the evtouvrtopo element, wrapped in a scenario element. Refer to the line id using the ouvrage attribute. Use type="9" for lines, and typeevt="1" for disconnection (see table above). Choose the end of the connection using the cote attribute (0 = both ends; 1 = "From" end; 2 = "To" end). Example:

      <scenario nom="scenario" duree="1200">
    	<evtouvrtopo instant="300" ouvrage="711" type="9" typeevt="1" cote="0"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("courbes") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Astre output variables".

Tripping lines and transformers in Dynawo:

Lines and transformers in RTE's Dynawo cases usually have a static model only. But in this case the disconnection is not performed using an EventConnectedStatus model, but an EventQuadripoleDisconnection instead, so that one can specify which side(s) will be disconnected (see the Introduction, about the three differnent types of disconnections). Here is a step by step example, using line "CHARPL31CIVRI" (Lyon case):

  • Find the line in the IIDM file by seaching the "line" elements (for transformers, search the "twoWindingsTransformer" elements instead); the id attribute is the line name. Apparently [TO BE CONFIRMED], lines are disconnected if all values are zero, possibly with signed zeros (example: p1="0" q1="-0" p2="0" q2="-0").

  • Edit the DYD file to add an EventQuadripoleDisconnection model as follows:

      <blackBoxModel id="Disconnect my BRANCH" lib="EventQuadripoleDisconnection" parFile="tFin/fic_PAR.xml" parId="99991234"/>
  • And (also in the DYD file) connect this model with the static id2 NETWORK and a var2 that refers to the line id in the IIDM file, plus the sufffix _state_value:

      <connect id1="Disconnect my BRANCH" var1="event_state1_value" id2="NETWORK" var2="CHARPL31CIVRI_state_value"/>
  • In the PAR file, add a section with the parameters for the disconnection (the time and the action itself). You can look in the ddb desc file of the EventQuadripoleDisconnection model if you want to check the exact names of these parameters:

      <set id="99991234">
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="event_tEvent" value="4300"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="event_disconnectOrigin" value="false"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="event_disconnectExtremity" value="true"/>
  • Finally, add suitable output variables ("curves") as described in the Section above, "Configuring Dynawo output variables".