is process and configuration manager tailored for Docker with Kubernetes
It supports:
- Template generation from environ and secrets
- Managing multiple processes from single declaration file
- PID1 handling of system events
- Cron jobs
Format is based of Golang default template parser see:
Extra functions:
> gets value from environmentk8s
> load value from secret Kubernetes volume mount
Based of https://godoc.org/github.com/robfig/cron:
Predefined schedules:
Entry | Description | Equivalent To
----- | ----------- | -------------
@yearly (or @annually) | Run once a year, midnight, Jan. 1st | 0 0 0 1 1 *
@monthly | Run once a month, midnight, first of month | 0 0 0 1 * *
@weekly | Run once a week, midnight between Sat/Sun | 0 0 0 * * 0
@daily (or @midnight) | Run once a day, midnight | 0 0 0 * * *
@hourly | Run once an hour, beginning of hour | 0 0 * * * *
ENV var example {{env "CUSTOM"}}
Secret var example {{k8s "secret"}}
{{if {{env "DEFINED_ENV_VARIABLE"}}}}
{{k8s "special_secret"}}
cmd = "/bin/bash /pre_start"
user = "dz0ny"
cmd = "/bin/bash /post_start"
user = "dz0ny"
cmd = "nginx -V -E"
user = "www-data"
src = "source.tmpl"
out = "target.tmpl"
domain = "test.tld"
cmd = "php -v"
user = "www-data"
src = "source.tmpl"
out = "target.tmpl"
# EnvEqual > env variable matches value
# EnvNotEqual > env variable does not match value
# EnvNotEndsWith > env variable does not end with value
# EnvEndsWith > env variable ends with value
# EnvNotStartsWith > env variable does not start with value
# EnvStartsWith > env variable starts with value
key= "KIND"
cmd = "true -v"
schedule = "@every 5s"
cmd = "echo tick"
user = "www-data"
$ ./wrap2-Linux-x86_64 -help 05/09/18 - 1:24 PM
Usage of ./wrap2-Linux-x86_64:
-config string
Location of the init file (default "/provision/init.toml")