diff --git a/www/js/controllers.js b/www/js/controllers.js
index 1f3e64312..17835f3f4 100644
--- a/www/js/controllers.js
+++ b/www/js/controllers.js
@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ angular
       console.log('SplashCtrl invoke finished');
-  )
+  );
diff --git a/www/js/diary/LabelTab.tsx b/www/js/diary/LabelTab.tsx
index f58277bea..bbd86d64a 100644
--- a/www/js/diary/LabelTab.tsx
+++ b/www/js/diary/LabelTab.tsx
@@ -241,11 +241,7 @@ const LabelTab = () => {
           .find((trip) => trip.origin_key.includes('confirmed_trip'));
-      readUnprocessedPromise = readUnprocessedTrips(
-        pipelineRange.end_ts,
-        nowTs,
-        lastProcessedTrip,
-      );
+      readUnprocessedPromise = readUnprocessedTrips(pipelineRange.end_ts, nowTs, lastProcessedTrip);
       readUnprocessedPromise = readUnprocessedTrips(pipelineRange.end_ts, nowTs, lastProcessedTrip);
     } else {
       readUnprocessedPromise = Promise.resolve([]);
@@ -262,8 +258,7 @@ const LabelTab = () => {
   const timelineMapRef = useRef(timelineMap);
   async function repopulateTimelineEntry(oid: string) {
-    if (!timelineMap.has(oid))
-      return console.error(`Item with oid: ${oid} not found in timeline`);
+    if (!timelineMap.has(oid)) return console.error(`Item with oid: ${oid} not found in timeline`);
     const [newLabels, newNotes] = await getLocalUnprocessedInputs(
diff --git a/www/js/services.js b/www/js/services.js
index 891b47eae..aa2958d47 100644
--- a/www/js/services.js
+++ b/www/js/services.js
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 import angular from 'angular';
 import { getRawEntries } from './commHelper';
-angular.module('emission.services', ['emission.plugin.logger'])
-.service('ControlHelper', function($window,
-                                   $ionicPopup,
-                                   Logger) {
-    this.writeFile = function(fileEntry, resultList) {
+  .module('emission.services', ['emission.plugin.logger'])
+  .service('ControlHelper', function ($window, $ionicPopup, Logger) {
+    this.writeFile = function (fileEntry, resultList) {
       // Create a FileWriter object for our FileEntry (log.txt).
@@ -126,5 +124,4 @@ angular.module('emission.services', ['emission.plugin.logger'])
     this.getSettings = function () {
       return window.cordova.plugins.BEMConnectionSettings.getSettings();
\ No newline at end of file
+  });
diff --git a/www/js/types/diaryTypes.ts b/www/js/types/diaryTypes.ts
index b51725977..14d8acc07 100644
--- a/www/js/types/diaryTypes.ts
+++ b/www/js/types/diaryTypes.ts
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-import { LocalDt, ServerData } from './serverData'
+import { LocalDt, ServerData } from './serverData';
-export type UserInput =  ServerData<UserInputData>
+export type UserInput = ServerData<UserInputData>;
 export type UserInputData = {
-  end_ts: number,
-  start_ts: number
-  label: string,
-  start_local_dt?: LocalDt
-  end_local_dt?: LocalDt
-  status?: string,
-  match_id?: string,
+  end_ts: number;
+  start_ts: number;
+  label: string;
+  start_local_dt?: LocalDt;
+  end_local_dt?: LocalDt;
+  status?: string;
+  match_id?: string;
 type ConfirmedPlace = any; // TODO
 export type CompositeTrip = {
-  _id: {$oid: string},
-  additions: any[], // TODO
-  cleaned_section_summary: any, // TODO
-  cleaned_trip: {$oid: string},
-  confidence_threshold: number,
-  confirmed_trip: {$oid: string},
-  distance: number,
-  duration: number,
-  end_confirmed_place: ConfirmedPlace,
-  end_fmt_time: string,
-  end_loc: {type: string, coordinates: number[]},
-  end_local_dt: LocalDt, 
-  end_place: {$oid: string},
-  end_ts: number,
-  expectation: any, // TODO "{to_label: boolean}"
-  expected_trip: {$oid: string},
-  inferred_labels: any[], // TODO
-  inferred_section_summary: any, // TODO
-  inferred_trip: {$oid: string},
-  key: string,
-  locations: any[], // TODO
-  origin_key: string,
-  raw_trip: {$oid: string},
-  sections: any[], // TODO
-  source: string,
-  start_confirmed_place: ConfirmedPlace,
-  start_fmt_time: string,
-  start_loc: {type: string, coordinates: number[]},
-  start_local_dt: LocalDt, 
-  start_place: {$oid: string},
-  start_ts: number,
-  user_input: UserInput, 
+  _id: { $oid: string };
+  additions: any[]; // TODO
+  cleaned_section_summary: any; // TODO
+  cleaned_trip: { $oid: string };
+  confidence_threshold: number;
+  confirmed_trip: { $oid: string };
+  distance: number;
+  duration: number;
+  end_confirmed_place: ConfirmedPlace;
+  end_fmt_time: string;
+  end_loc: { type: string; coordinates: number[] };
+  end_local_dt: LocalDt;
+  end_place: { $oid: string };
+  end_ts: number;
+  expectation: any; // TODO "{to_label: boolean}"
+  expected_trip: { $oid: string };
+  inferred_labels: any[]; // TODO
+  inferred_section_summary: any; // TODO
+  inferred_trip: { $oid: string };
+  key: string;
+  locations: any[]; // TODO
+  origin_key: string;
+  raw_trip: { $oid: string };
+  sections: any[]; // TODO
+  source: string;
+  start_confirmed_place: ConfirmedPlace;
+  start_fmt_time: string;
+  start_loc: { type: string; coordinates: number[] };
+  start_local_dt: LocalDt;
+  start_place: { $oid: string };
+  start_ts: number;
+  user_input: UserInput;
 export type PopulatedTrip = CompositeTrip & {
-  additionsList?: any[], // TODO
-  finalInference?: any, // TODO
-  geojson?: any, // TODO
-  getNextEntry?: () => PopulatedTrip | ConfirmedPlace,
-  userInput?: UserInput, 
-  verifiability?: string,
+  additionsList?: any[]; // TODO
+  finalInference?: any; // TODO
+  geojson?: any; // TODO
+  getNextEntry?: () => PopulatedTrip | ConfirmedPlace;
+  userInput?: UserInput;
+  verifiability?: string;
 export type Trip = {
-  end_ts: number,
-  start_ts: number,
+  end_ts: number;
+  start_ts: number;
 export type TlEntry = {
-  key: string,
-  origin_key: string,
-  start_ts: number,
-  end_ts: number,
-  enter_ts: number,
-  exit_ts: number,
-  duration: number,
-getNextEntry?: () => PopulatedTrip | ConfirmedPlace,
\ No newline at end of file
+  key: string;
+  origin_key: string;
+  start_ts: number;
+  end_ts: number;
+  enter_ts: number;
+  exit_ts: number;
+  duration: number;
+  getNextEntry?: () => PopulatedTrip | ConfirmedPlace;
diff --git a/www/js/types/fileShareTypes.ts b/www/js/types/fileShareTypes.ts
index 89481624d..03b41a161 100644
--- a/www/js/types/fileShareTypes.ts
+++ b/www/js/types/fileShareTypes.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import { ServerData } from './serverData'; 
+import { ServerData } from './serverData';
 export type TimeStampData = ServerData<RawTimelineData>;
 export type RawTimelineData = {
-    name: string, 
-    ts: number,
-    reading: number,
+  name: string;
+  ts: number;
+  reading: number;
 export interface FsWindow extends Window {
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ export interface FsWindow extends Window {
     type: number,
     size: number,
     successCallback: (fs: any) => void,
-    errorCallback?: (error: any) => void
+    errorCallback?: (error: any) => void,
   ) => void;
   LocalFileSystem: {
     TEMPORARY: number;
     PERSISTENT: number;
diff --git a/www/js/types/serverData.ts b/www/js/types/serverData.ts
index 8b14b79df..9a15ff996 100644
--- a/www/js/types/serverData.ts
+++ b/www/js/types/serverData.ts
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
 export type ServerResponse<Type> = {
-  phone_data: Array<ServerData<Type>>,
+  phone_data: Array<ServerData<Type>>;
 export type ServerData<Type> = {
-  data: Type,
-  metadata: MetaData,
-  key?: string,
-  user_id?: { $uuid: string, },
-  _id?: { $oid: string, },
+  data: Type;
+  metadata: MetaData;
+  key?: string;
+  user_id?: { $uuid: string };
+  _id?: { $oid: string };
 export type MetaData = {
-  key: string,
-  platform: string, 
-  write_ts: number,
-  time_zone: string, 
-  write_fmt_time: string,
-  write_local_dt: LocalDt,
-  origin_key?: string,
-  read_ts?: number,
+  key: string;
+  platform: string;
+  write_ts: number;
+  time_zone: string;
+  write_fmt_time: string;
+  write_local_dt: LocalDt;
+  origin_key?: string;
+  read_ts?: number;
 export type LocalDt = {
-  minute: number,
-  hour: number,
-  second: number,
-  day: number,
-  weekday: number,
-  month: number,
-  year: number,
-  timezone: string,
+  minute: number;
+  hour: number;
+  second: number;
+  day: number;
+  weekday: number;
+  month: number;
+  year: number;
+  timezone: string;
 export type TimeQuery = {
   key: string;
   startTs: number;
   endTs: number;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/js/unifiedDataLoader.ts b/www/js/unifiedDataLoader.ts
index 15bcd341d..dc0866be3 100644
--- a/www/js/unifiedDataLoader.ts
+++ b/www/js/unifiedDataLoader.ts
@@ -1,103 +1,124 @@
-import { logDebug } from './plugin/logger'
+import { logDebug } from './plugin/logger';
 import { getRawEntries } from './commHelper';
 import { ServerResponse, ServerData, TimeQuery } from './types/serverData';
- * combineWithDedup is a helper function for combinedPromises 
+ * combineWithDedup is a helper function for combinedPromises
  * @param list1 values evaluated from a BEMUserCache promise
- * @param list2 same as list1 
+ * @param list2 same as list1
  * @returns a dedup array generated from the input lists
-export const combineWithDedup = function(list1: Array<ServerData<any>>, list2: Array<any>) {
-    const combinedList = list1.concat(list2);
-    return combinedList.filter(function(value, i, array) {
-      const firstIndexOfValue = array.findIndex(function(element) {
-        return element.metadata.write_ts == value.metadata.write_ts;
-      });
-      return firstIndexOfValue == i;
+export const combineWithDedup = function (list1: Array<ServerData<any>>, list2: Array<any>) {
+  const combinedList = list1.concat(list2);
+  return combinedList.filter(function (value, i, array) {
+    const firstIndexOfValue = array.findIndex(function (element) {
+      return element.metadata.write_ts == value.metadata.write_ts;
+    return firstIndexOfValue == i;
+  });
- * combinedPromises is a recursive function that joins multiple promises 
- * @param promiseList 1 or more promises 
+ * combinedPromises is a recursive function that joins multiple promises
+ * @param promiseList 1 or more promises
  * @param combiner a function that takes two arrays and joins them
  * @returns A promise which evaluates to a combined list of values or errors
-export const combinedPromises = function(promiseList: Array<Promise<any>>, 
-  combiner: (list1: Array<any>, list2: Array<any>) => Array<any> ) {
-    if (promiseList.length === 0) {
-      throw new RangeError('combinedPromises needs input array.length >= 1');
-    }
-    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
-      var firstResult = [];
-      var firstError = null;
+export const combinedPromises = function (
+  promiseList: Array<Promise<any>>,
+  combiner: (list1: Array<any>, list2: Array<any>) => Array<any>,
+) {
+  if (promiseList.length === 0) {
+    throw new RangeError('combinedPromises needs input array.length >= 1');
+  }
+  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+    var firstResult = [];
+    var firstError = null;
-      var nextResult = [];
-      var nextError = null;
+    var nextResult = [];
+    var nextError = null;
-      var firstPromiseDone = false;
-      var nextPromiseDone = false;
+    var firstPromiseDone = false;
+    var nextPromiseDone = false;
-      const checkAndResolve = function() {
-        if (firstPromiseDone && nextPromiseDone) {
-          if (firstError && nextError) {
-            reject([firstError, nextError]);
-          } else {
-            logDebug(`About to dedup firstResult = ${firstResult.length}` +
-              ` nextResult = ${nextResult.length}`);
-            const dedupedList = combiner(firstResult, nextResult);
-            logDebug(`Deduped list = ${dedupedList.length}`);
-            resolve(dedupedList);
-          }
+    const checkAndResolve = function () {
+      if (firstPromiseDone && nextPromiseDone) {
+        if (firstError && nextError) {
+          reject([firstError, nextError]);
+        } else {
+          logDebug(
+            `About to dedup firstResult = ${firstResult.length}` +
+              ` nextResult = ${nextResult.length}`,
+          );
+          const dedupedList = combiner(firstResult, nextResult);
+          logDebug(`Deduped list = ${dedupedList.length}`);
+          resolve(dedupedList);
-      };
-      if (promiseList.length === 1) {
-        return promiseList[0].then(function(result: Array<any>) {
+      }
+    };
+    if (promiseList.length === 1) {
+      return promiseList[0].then(
+        function (result: Array<any>) {
-        }, function (err) {
+        },
+        function (err) {
-        });
-      }
+        },
+      );
+    }
-      const firstPromise = promiseList[0];
-      const nextPromise = combinedPromises(promiseList.slice(1), combiner);
-      firstPromise.then(function(currentFirstResult: Array<any>) {
-        firstResult = currentFirstResult;
-        firstPromiseDone = true;
-      }, function(error) {
-        firstResult = [];
-        firstError = error;
-        nextPromiseDone = true;
-      }).then(checkAndResolve);
+    const firstPromise = promiseList[0];
+    const nextPromise = combinedPromises(promiseList.slice(1), combiner);
-      nextPromise.then(function(currentNextResult: Array<any>) {
-        nextResult = currentNextResult;
-        nextPromiseDone = true;
-      }, function(error) {
-        nextResult = [];
-        nextError = error;
-      }).then(checkAndResolve);
-    });
+    firstPromise
+      .then(
+        function (currentFirstResult: Array<any>) {
+          firstResult = currentFirstResult;
+          firstPromiseDone = true;
+        },
+        function (error) {
+          firstResult = [];
+          firstError = error;
+          nextPromiseDone = true;
+        },
+      )
+      .then(checkAndResolve);
+    nextPromise
+      .then(
+        function (currentNextResult: Array<any>) {
+          nextResult = currentNextResult;
+          nextPromiseDone = true;
+        },
+        function (error) {
+          nextResult = [];
+          nextError = error;
+        },
+      )
+      .then(checkAndResolve);
+  });
- * getUnifiedDataForInterval is a generalized method to fetch data by its timestamps 
+ * getUnifiedDataForInterval is a generalized method to fetch data by its timestamps
  * @param key string corresponding to a data entry
  * @param tq an object that contains interval start and end times
  * @param getMethod a BEMUserCache method that fetches certain data via a promise
  * @returns A promise that evaluates to the all values found within the queried data
-export const getUnifiedDataForInterval = function(key: string, tq: TimeQuery, 
-  getMethod: (key: string, tq: TimeQuery, flag: boolean) => Promise<any>) {
-    const test = true;
-    const getPromise = getMethod(key, tq, test);
-    const remotePromise = getRawEntries([key], tq.startTs, tq.endTs)
-      .then(function(serverResponse: ServerResponse<any>) {
-        return serverResponse.phone_data;
-      });
-    var promiseList = [getPromise, remotePromise]
-    return combinedPromises(promiseList, combineWithDedup);
\ No newline at end of file
+export const getUnifiedDataForInterval = function (
+  key: string,
+  tq: TimeQuery,
+  getMethod: (key: string, tq: TimeQuery, flag: boolean) => Promise<any>,
+) {
+  const test = true;
+  const getPromise = getMethod(key, tq, test);
+  const remotePromise = getRawEntries([key], tq.startTs, tq.endTs).then(function (
+    serverResponse: ServerResponse<any>,
+  ) {
+    return serverResponse.phone_data;
+  });
+  var promiseList = [getPromise, remotePromise];
+  return combinedPromises(promiseList, combineWithDedup);