diff --git a/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/clustering.py b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/clustering.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3924f32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/clustering.py
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+# helper functions to streamline the use and comparison of clustering algs
+# basic imports
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import logging
+# import clustering algorithms
+import sklearn.metrics.pairwise as smp
+import sklearn.cluster as sc
+from sklearn import metrics
+from sklearn import svm
+from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
+from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
+# our imports
+# NOTE: this requires changing the branch of e-mission-server to
+# eval-private-data-compatibility
+import emission.storage.decorations.trip_queries as esdtq
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.greedy_similarity_binning as eamtg
+EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000
+    'DBSCAN',
+    'naive',
+    'OPTICS',
+    # 'fuzzy',
+    'mean_shift'
+def cleanEntryTypeData(loc_df,trip_entry):
+    """
+    Helps weed out entries from the list of entries which were removed from the df using
+    esdtq.filter_labeled_trips() and esdtq.expand_userinputs()
+    loc_df : dataframe amde from entry type data
+    trip_entry : the entry type equivalent of loc_df ,
+                which was passed alongside the dataframe while loading the data
+    """
+    ids_in_df=loc_df['_id']
+    filtered_trip_entry = list(filter(lambda entry: entry['_id'] in ids_in_df.values, trip_entry))
+    return filtered_trip_entry
+def add_loc_clusters(
+        loc_df,
+        trip_entry,
+        clustering_way,
+        radii,
+        loc_type,
+        alg,
+        SVM=False,
+        #  cluster_unlabeled=False,
+        min_samples=1,
+        optics_min_samples=None,
+        optics_xi=0.05,
+        optics_cluster_method='xi',
+        svm_min_size=6,
+        svm_purity_thresh=0.7,
+        svm_gamma=0.05,
+        svm_C=1):
+    """ Given a dataframe of trips, cluster the locations (either start or end 
+        locations) using the desired algorithm & parameters.
+        Returns: 
+            Same dataframe, with appended columns that contain the resulting cluster indices. 
+        Args:
+            loc_df (dataframe): must have columns 'start_lat' and 'start_lon' 
+                or 'end_lat' and 'end_lon'
+            trip_entry ( list of Entry/confirmedTrip): list consisting all entries from the
+                time data was loaded. loc_df was obtained from this by converting to df and 
+                then filtering out labeled trips and expanding user_inputs   
+            radii (int list): list of radii to run the clustering algs with
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end'
+            alg (str): 'DBSCAN', 'naive', 'OPTICS', 'SVM', 'fuzzy', or
+                'mean_shift'
+            SVM (bool): whether or not to sub-divide clusters with SVM
+            # cluster_unlabeled (bool): whether or not unlabeled points are used 
+            #     to generate clusters.
+            min_samples (int): min samples per cluster. used in DBSCAN (and 
+                therefore also SVM and fuzzy, for now)
+            optics_min_samples (int): min samples per cluster, if using OPTICS.
+            optics_xi (float): xi value if using the xi method of OPTICS.
+            optics_cluster_method (str): method to use for the OPTICS 
+                algorithm. either 'xi' or 'dbscan'
+            svm_min_size (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have to 
+                be considered for sub-division, if using SVM
+            svm_purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have to be 
+                sub-divided, if using SVM
+            svm_gamma (float): if using SVM, the gamma hyperparameter
+            svm_C (float): if using SVM, the C hyperparameter
+    """
+    assert loc_type == 'start' or loc_type == 'end'
+    assert alg in ALG_OPTIONS
+    # if using SVM, we get the initial clusters with DBSCAN, then sub-divide
+    if alg == 'DBSCAN':
+        dist_matrix_meters = get_distance_matrix(loc_df, loc_type)
+        for r in radii:
+            model = sc.DBSCAN(r, metric="precomputed",
+                              min_samples=min_samples).fit(dist_matrix_meters)
+            labels = model.labels_
+            # print(model.n_features_in_)
+            # print(model.components_.shape)
+            # print(model.components_)
+            # pd.Categorical converts the type from int to category (so
+            # numerical operations aren't possible)
+            # loc_df.loc[:,
+            #            f"{loc_type}_DBSCAN_clusters_{r}_m"] = pd.Categorical(
+            #                labels)
+            # TODO: fix this and make it Categorical again (right now labels are
+            # ints)
+            loc_df.loc[:, f"{loc_type}_DBSCAN_clusters_{r}_m"] = labels
+    elif alg == 'naive':
+        cleaned_trip_entry= cleanEntryTypeData(loc_df,trip_entry)
+        for r in radii:
+            # this is using a modified Similarity class that bins start/end
+            # points separately before creating trip-level bins
+            model_config = {
+                "metric": "od_similarity",
+                "similarity_threshold_meters": r,  # meters,
+                "apply_cutoff": False,
+                "clustering_way": clustering_way,
+                "shouldFilter":False,
+                "incremental_evaluation": False
+            }    
+            sim_model = eamtg.GreedySimilarityBinning(model_config)       
+            sim_model.fit(cleaned_trip_entry)
+            labels = [int(l) for l in sim_model.tripLabels]
+            # # pd.Categorical converts the type from int to category (so
+            # # numerical operations aren't possible)
+            # loc_df.loc[:, f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] = pd.Categorical(
+            #     labels)
+            loc_df.loc[:, f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] = labels
+    elif alg == 'OPTICS':
+        if optics_min_samples == None:
+            optics_min_samples = 2
+        dist_matrix_meters = get_distance_matrix(loc_df, loc_type)
+        for r in radii:
+            labels = sc.OPTICS(
+                min_samples=optics_min_samples,
+                max_eps=r,
+                xi=optics_xi,
+                cluster_method=optics_cluster_method,
+                metric="precomputed").fit(dist_matrix_meters).labels_
+            # # pd.Categorical converts the type from int to category (so
+            # # numerical operations aren't possible)
+            # loc_df.loc[:, f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] = pd.Categorical(
+            #     labels)
+            loc_df.loc[:, f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] = labels
+    elif alg == 'fuzzy':
+        # create clusters with completely homogeneous purpose labels
+        # I'm calling this 'fuzzy' for now since the clusters overlap, but I
+        # need to think of a better name
+        logging.warning(
+            'This alg is not properly implemented and will not generate clusters for unlabeled trips!'
+        )
+        purpose_list = loc_df.purpose_confirm.dropna().unique()
+        for p in purpose_list:
+            p_loc_df = loc_df.loc[loc_df['purpose_confirm'] == p]
+            dist_matrix_meters = get_distance_matrix(p_loc_df, loc_type)
+            for r in radii:
+                labels = sc.DBSCAN(
+                    r, metric="precomputed",
+                    min_samples=min_samples).fit(dist_matrix_meters).labels_
+                # pd.Categorical converts the type from int to category (so
+                # numerical operations aren't possible)
+                # loc_df.loc[:,
+                #            f"{loc_type}_DBSCAN_clusters_{r}_m"] = pd.Categorical(
+                #                labels)
+                loc_df.loc[loc_df['purpose_confirm'] == p,
+                           f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] = labels
+                # move "noisy" trips to their own single-trip clusters
+                noisy_trips = loc_df.loc[(loc_df['purpose_confirm'] == p) & (
+                    loc_df[f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] == -1)]
+                for idx in noisy_trips.index.values:
+                    max_idx_inside_p = loc_df.loc[
+                        (loc_df['purpose_confirm'] == p),
+                        f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"].max()
+                    loc_df.loc[
+                        idx,
+                        f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] = 1 + max_idx_inside_p
+                # we offset all cluster indices for purpose p by the max
+                # existing index excluding purpose p
+                # so that we don't run into any duplicate trouble
+                max_idx_outside_p = loc_df.loc[
+                    (loc_df['purpose_confirm'] != p),
+                    f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"].max(skipna=True)
+                if np.isnan(max_idx_outside_p):
+                    # can happen if column is empty, e.g. if this is the first
+                    # purpose in the list that we are iterating over
+                    max_idx_outside_p = -1
+                logging.debug('max_idx_outside_p', max_idx_outside_p,
+                              "at radius", r)
+                loc_df.loc[
+                    loc_df['purpose_confirm'] == p,
+                    f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] += 1 + max_idx_outside_p
+    elif alg == 'mean_shift':
+        for r in radii:
+            # seems like the bandwidth is based on the raw lat/lon data (we
+            # never pass in a distance matrix), so we want a conversion factor
+            # from meters to degrees. Since 100-500m corresponds to such a
+            # small degree change, we can rely on the small angle approximation
+            # and just use a linear multiplier. This conversion factor doesn't
+            # have to be *super* accurate, its just so we can get a sense of
+            # what the bandwidth roughly corresponds to in the real world/make
+            # the value a little more interpretable.
+            LATLON_TO_M = 1 / 111139
+            labels = sc.MeanShift(
+                bandwidth=LATLON_TO_M * r,
+                min_bin_freq=min_samples,
+                cluster_all=False,
+            ).fit(loc_df[[f"{loc_type}_lon", f"{loc_type}_lat"]]).labels_
+            # pd.Categorical converts the type from int to category (so
+            # numerical operations aren't possible)
+            # loc_df.loc[:,
+            #            f"{loc_type}_DBSCAN_clusters_{r}_m"] = pd.Categorical(
+            #                labels)
+            # TODO: fix this and make it Categorical again (right now labels are
+            # ints)
+            loc_df.loc[:, f"{loc_type}_mean_shift_clusters_{r}_m"] = labels
+            # move "noisy" trips to their own single-trip clusters
+            for idx in loc_df.loc[
+                    loc_df[f"{loc_type}_mean_shift_clusters_{r}_m"] ==
+                    -1].index.values:
+                loc_df.loc[
+                    idx, f"{loc_type}_mean_shift_clusters_{r}_m"] = 1 + loc_df[
+                        f"{loc_type}_mean_shift_clusters_{r}_m"].max()
+    if SVM:
+        loc_df = add_loc_SVM(loc_df, radii, alg, loc_type, svm_min_size,
+                             svm_purity_thresh, svm_gamma, svm_C)
+    return loc_df
+def add_loc_SVM(loc_df,
+                radii,
+                alg,
+                loc_type,
+                svm_min_size=6,
+                svm_purity_thresh=0.7,
+                svm_gamma=0.05,
+                svm_C=1,
+                cluster_cols=None):
+    """ Sub-divide base clusters using SVM.
+        Args:
+            loc_df (dataframe): must have columns 'start_lat' and 'start_lon' 
+                or 'end_lat' and 'end_lon', as well as 
+                '{loc_type}_{base_alg}_SVM_clusters_{r}_m', containing cluster indices generated by the base clustering alg
+            radii (int list): list of radii to run the clustering algs with
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end'
+            svm_min_size (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have to 
+                be considered for sub-division
+            svm_purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have to be 
+                sub-divided
+            svm_gamma (float): the gamma hyperparameter
+            svm_C(float): the C hyperparameter
+            cluster_col (str list): names of column containing cluster indices 
+                of interest
+    """
+    assert loc_type == 'start' or loc_type == 'end'
+    assert f'{loc_type}_lat' in loc_df.columns
+    assert f'{loc_type}_lon' in loc_df.columns
+    for i in range(len(radii)):
+        r = radii[i]
+        if cluster_cols == None:
+            cluster_col = f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"
+        else:
+            cluster_col = cluster_cols[i]
+        assert cluster_col in loc_df.columns
+        # c is the count of how many clusters we have iterated over
+        c = 0
+        # iterate over all clusters and subdivide them with SVM. The while loop
+        # is so we can do multiple iterations of subdividing if needed
+        while c < loc_df[cluster_col].max():
+            points_in_cluster = loc_df.loc[loc_df[cluster_col] == c]
+            labeled_points_in_cluster = points_in_cluster.dropna(
+                subset=['purpose_confirm'])
+            # only do SVM if we have at least labeled 6 points in the cluster
+            # (or custom min_size)
+            if len(labeled_points_in_cluster) < svm_min_size:
+                c += 1
+                continue
+            # only do SVM if purity is below threshold
+            purity = single_cluster_purity(labeled_points_in_cluster)
+            if purity < svm_purity_thresh:
+                X_train = labeled_points_in_cluster[[
+                    f"{loc_type}_lon", f"{loc_type}_lat"
+                ]]
+                X_all = points_in_cluster[[
+                    f"{loc_type}_lon", f"{loc_type}_lat"
+                ]]
+                y_train = labeled_points_in_cluster.purpose_confirm.to_list()
+                labels = make_pipeline(
+                    StandardScaler(),
+                    svm.SVC(
+                        kernel='rbf',
+                        gamma=svm_gamma,
+                        C=svm_C,
+                    )).fit(X_train, y_train).predict(X_all)
+                unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
+                # map from purpose labels to new cluster indices
+                # we offset indices by the max existing index so that
+                # we don't run into any duplicate trouble
+                max_existing_idx = loc_df[cluster_col].max()
+                # # if the indices are Categorical, need to convert to
+                # # ordered values
+                # max_existing_idx = np.amax(
+                #     existing_cluster_indices.as_ordered())
+                # labels = np.array(svc.predict(X))
+                label_to_cluster = {
+                    unique_labels[i]: i + max_existing_idx + 1
+                    for i in range(len(unique_labels))
+                }
+                # if the SVM predicts everything with the same label, just
+                # ignore it and don't reindex.
+                # this also helps us to handle the possibility that a cluster
+                # may be impure but inherently inseparable, e.g. an end cluster
+                # containing 50% 'home' trips and 50% round trips to pick up/
+                # drop off. we don't want to reindex otherwise the low purity
+                # will trigger SVM again, and we will attempt & fail to split
+                # the cluster ad infinitum
+                if len(unique_labels) > 1:
+                    indices = np.array([label_to_cluster[l] for l in labels])
+                    loc_df.loc[loc_df[cluster_col] == c, cluster_col] = indices
+            c += 1
+    return loc_df
+def get_distance_matrix(loc_df, loc_type):
+    """ Args:
+            loc_df (dataframe): must have columns 'start_lat' and 'start_lon' 
+                or 'end_lat' and 'end_lon'
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end'
+    """
+    assert loc_type == 'start' or loc_type == 'end'
+    radians_lat_lon = np.radians(loc_df[[loc_type + "_lat", loc_type + "_lon"]])
+    dist_matrix_meters = pd.DataFrame(
+        smp.haversine_distances(radians_lat_lon, radians_lat_lon) *
+        EARTH_RADIUS)
+    return dist_matrix_meters
+def single_cluster_purity(points_in_cluster, label_col='purpose_confirm'):
+    """ Calculates purity of a cluster (i.e. % of trips that have the most 
+        common label)
+        Args:
+            points_in_cluster (df): dataframe containing points in the same 
+                cluster
+            label_col (str): column in the dataframe containing labels
+    """
+    assert label_col in points_in_cluster.columns
+    most_freq_label = points_in_cluster[label_col].mode()[0]
+    purity = len(points_in_cluster[points_in_cluster[label_col] ==
+                                   most_freq_label]) / len(points_in_cluster)
+    return purity
+def purity_score(y_true, y_pred):
+    contingency_matrix = metrics.cluster.contingency_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
+    purity = np.sum(np.amax(contingency_matrix,
+                            axis=0)) / np.sum(contingency_matrix)
+    return purity
diff --git a/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/data_wrangling.py b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/data_wrangling.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..137886190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/data_wrangling.py
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import logging
+def expand_df_dict(df, column_name):
+    """
+        df: a dataframe that contains a column whose values are dictionaries
+        column_name: name of the df's column containing dictionary entries
+        Returns a dataframe with the desired column expanded into the main dataframe
+        This is a generalized version of the expand_userinputs() function from
+        e-mission-server/emission/storage/decorations/trip_queries.py 
+    """
+    if len(df) == 0:
+        return df
+    expanded_col = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[:, column_name].to_list(),
+                                index=df.index)
+    logging.debug(expanded_col.head())
+    df = df.drop(columns=[column_name])
+    expanded_df = pd.concat([df, expanded_col], axis=1)
+    assert len(expanded_df) == len(df), \
+        ("Mismatch after expanding labels, expanded_df.rows = %s != df.columns %s" %
+            (len(expanded_df), len(df)))
+    logging.debug("After expanding, columns went from %s -> %s" %
+                  (len(df.columns), len(expanded_df.columns)))
+    logging.debug(expanded_df.head())
+    return expanded_df
+# oops, this is actually just the same as pd's explode()
+def expand_df_list_vert(df, column_name):
+    """
+        df: a dataframe that contains a column whose values are lists
+        column_name: name of the df's column containing list entries. (the 
+            length of the list entry can vary from row to row.)
+        Returns a dataframe with the desired column expanded vertically into 
+        the main dataframe, i.e. for each row in the original dataframe, there 
+        will be n rows in the expanded dataframe where n is the length of its 
+        list entry under 'column_name'
+    """
+    if len(df) == 0:
+        return df
+    expanded_df_list = []
+    for i in range(len(df)):
+        col_list = df.loc[i, column_name]
+        for e in col_list:
+            # add new row to new_df
+            new_row = df.loc[i].to_dict()
+            new_row[column_name] = e
+            expanded_df_list += [new_row]
+    if len(expanded_df_list) == 0:
+        logging.debug(
+            '{} only has empty lists; expansion failed.'.format(column_name))
+        raise Exception('expansion failed; empty lists')
+    expanded_df = pd.DataFrame(expanded_df_list)
+    assert len(expanded_df.columns) == len(df.columns), \
+        ("Mismatch after expanding labels, expanded_df.columns = %s != df.columns %s" %
+            (len(expanded_df.columns), len(df.columns)))
+    logging.debug("After expanding, rows went from %s -> %s" %
+                  (len(df), len(expanded_df)))
+    return expanded_df
+def expand_df_list_horiz(df, column_name):
+    """
+        df: a dataframe that contains a column whose values are lists
+        column_name: name of the df's column containing list entries. (the 
+            length of the list entry must be consistent for all rows.)
+        Returns a dataframe with the desired column expanded horizontally into 
+        the main dataframe, i.e. 'column_name' will be replaced by n columns 
+        where n is the length of each list entry
+    """
+    if len(df) == 0:
+        return df
+    expanded_col = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[:, column_name].to_list(),
+                                index=df.index)
+    logging.debug(expanded_col.head())
+    df = df.drop(columns=[column_name])
+    expanded_df = pd.concat([df, expanded_col], axis=1)
+    assert len(expanded_df) == len(df), \
+        ("Mismatch after expanding labels, expanded_df.rows = %s != df.columns %s" %
+            (len(expanded_df), len(df)))
+    logging.debug("After expanding, columns went from %s -> %s" %
+                  (len(df.columns), len(expanded_df.columns)))
+    logging.debug(expanded_df.head())
+    return expanded_df
+def add_top_pred(df, trip_id_column='trip_id', pred_conf_column='pred_conf'):
+    """ df: dataframe containing trip ids, predicted labels and confidence level
+        trip_id_column: string, the name of the column containing trip ids
+        pred_conf_column: string, the name of the column containing prediction confidence
+    """
+    df['top_pred'] = False
+    for trip_id in df[trip_id_column].unique():
+        id_max = df[df[trip_id_column] == trip_id][pred_conf_column].idxmax(
+            skipna=True)
+        if not np.isnan(id_max):
+            df.loc[id_max, 'top_pred'] = True
+    return df
+def trips_to_df(trips, user_id, os_df=None):
+    datas = []
+    for i in range(len(trips)):
+        t = trips[i]
+        if 'inferred_labels' not in t['data'] or t['data'][
+                'inferred_labels'] == []:
+            data = {'trip_id': t['_id']}
+            data = update_labels(data, t['data']['user_input'], 'true')
+            datas.append(data)
+        else:
+            for label in t['data']['inferred_labels']:
+                data = {'trip_id': t['_id']}
+                data['pred_conf'] = label['p']
+                data = update_labels(data, label['labels'], 'pred')
+                data = update_labels(data, t['data']['user_input'], 'true')
+                datas.append(data)
+    df = pd.DataFrame(datas,
+                      columns=[
+                          'user_id', 'trip_id', 'mode_pred', 'replaced_pred',
+                          'purpose_pred', 'tuple_pred', 'pred_conf',
+                          'mode_true', 'replaced_true', 'purpose_true',
+                          'tuple_true'
+                      ])
+    df['user_id'] = user_id
+    if os_df:
+        df['os'] = os_df[os_df.user_id == user_id]['curr_platform'].item()
+    df['tuple_pred'] = df.mode_pred.astype(
+        str) + ', ' + df.purpose_pred.astype(
+            str) + ', ' + df.replaced_pred.astype(str)
+    df['tuple_true'] = df.mode_true.astype(
+        str) + ', ' + df.purpose_true.astype(
+            str) + ', ' + df.replaced_true.astype(str)
+    #     df['tuple_pred'] = list(zip(df.mode_pred, df.purpose_pred, df.replaced_pred))
+    #     df['tuple_true'] = list(zip(df.mode_true, df.purpose_true, df.replaced_true))
+    # indicates if the predicted label was the top choice (i.e. the first suggestion to the user)
+    df = add_top_pred(df)
+    return df
+def update_labels(data, user_input, label_type):
+    """ helper function to populate a dictionary with trip labels.
+        Args:
+            data (dict): dictionary that we want to populate
+            user_input (dict): the dictionary containing mode_confirm, 
+                purpose_confirm, and replaced_mode information (e.g.
+                t['data']['user_input'] or t['data']['inferred_labels'][i] )
+            label_type (str): 'true' or 'pred'
+    """
+    if user_input != {}:
+        if 'mode_confirm' in user_input.keys():
+            data['mode_' + label_type] = user_input['mode_confirm']
+            if data['mode_' + label_type] == 'not_a_trip':
+                data['replaced_' + label_type] = 'not_a_trip'
+                data['purpose_' + label_type] = 'not_a_trip'
+            else:
+                if 'replaced_mode' in user_input.keys():
+                    data['replaced_' +
+                         label_type] = user_input['replaced_mode']
+                if 'purpose_confirm' in user_input.keys():
+                    data['purpose_' +
+                         label_type] = user_input['purpose_confirm']
+    return data
+def get_labels(trips):
+    """ helper function to get lists of trip labels from a list of trip dicts."""
+    mode_true = []
+    purpose_true = []
+    replaced_true = []
+    for t in trips:
+        if 'mode_confirm' in t['data']['user_input']:
+            mode_true.append(t['data']['user_input']['mode_confirm'])
+        else:
+            mode_true.append(None)
+        if 'purpose_confirm' in t['data']['user_input']:
+            purpose_true.append(t['data']['user_input']['purpose_confirm'])
+        else:
+            purpose_true.append(None)
+        if 'replaced_mode' in t['data']['user_input']:
+            replaced_true.append(t['data']['user_input']['replaced_mode'])
+        else:
+            replaced_true.append(None)
+    return mode_true, purpose_true, replaced_true
+def get_trip_index(trips):
+    """ helper function to get list of trip indices from a list of trip dicts."""
+    trip_indices = []
+    for t in trips:
+        trip_indices.append(t['_id'])
+    return trip_indices
+def expand_coords(exp_df, purpose=None):
+    """
+        copied and modifed from get_loc_df_for_purpose() in the 'Radius
+        selection' notebook
+    """
+    purpose_trips = exp_df
+    if purpose is not None:
+        purpose_trips = exp_df[exp_df.purpose_confirm == purpose]
+    dfs = [purpose_trips]
+    for loc_type in ['start', 'end']:
+        df = pd.DataFrame(
+            purpose_trips[loc_type +
+                          "_loc"].apply(lambda p: p["coordinates"]).to_list(),
+            columns=[loc_type + "_lon", loc_type + "_lat"])
+        df = df.set_index(purpose_trips.index)
+        dfs.append(df)
+    # display.display(end_loc_df.head())
+    return pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/mapping.py b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/mapping.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06f0614ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/mapping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# This file contains helper functions for plotting maps.
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import folium
+import branca.element as bre
+from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.data_wrangling as eamtd
+from emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.clustering import add_loc_clusters, ALG_OPTIONS
+DENVER_COORD = [39.7392, -104.9903]
+MTV_COORD = [37.3861, -122.0839]
+CLM_COORD = [34.0967, -117.7198]
+# list of valid default colors in folium
+    'darkred',
+    'orange',
+    'gray',
+    # 'green', # reserved for correct labels
+    'darkblue',
+    # 'lightblue',  # too hard to see on map
+    'purple',
+    # 'pink', # too hard to see on map
+    'darkgreen',
+    'lightgreen',
+    # 'darkpurple', # this color does not exist?
+    'cadetblue',
+    # 'lightgray', # too hard to see point on map
+    # 'black', # reserved for no_pred
+    'blue',
+    # 'red', # reserved for noise/unlabeled data/incorrect labels
+    # 'lightred', # this color does not exist in folium?
+    # 'beige', # too hard to see point on map
+def find_plot_clusters(user_df,
+                       user_entry,
+                       loc_type,
+                       alg,
+                       clustering_way,
+                       SVM=False,
+                       radii=[50, 100, 150, 200],
+                       cluster_unlabeled=False,
+                       plot_unlabeled=False,
+                       optics_min_samples=None,
+                       optics_xi=0.05,
+                       optics_cluster_method='xi',
+                       svm_min_size=6,
+                       svm_purity_thresh=0.7,
+                       svm_gamma=0.05,
+                       svm_C=1,
+                       map_loc=MTV_COORD):
+    """ Plot points and clusters on a folium map. 
+        Points with the same purpose will have the same color (unless there are more purposes than available colors in folium, in which case some colors may be duplicated). Hovering over a point will also reveal the purpose in the tooltip. 
+        The clusters are visualized as convex hulls; their color doesn't mean anything for now, it's simply so we can distinguish between distinct clusters (which will be helpful when clusters overlap). 
+        Args: 
+            user_df (dataframe): must contain the following columns: 
+                'start_loc', 'end_loc', 'user_input'
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end', the type of points to cluster
+            alg (str): the clustering algorithm to be used. must be one of the 
+                following: 'DBSCAN', 'naive', 'OPTICS', 'SVM', 'fuzzy' or
+                'mean_shift'
+            clustering_way(str): 'origin'or 'destination' or 'origin-destination'.
+                Decides the way we can cluster trips geospatially. 
+            SVM (bool): whether or not to sub-divide clusters with SVM
+            radii (int list): list of radii to pass to the clustering alg
+            cluster_unlabeled (bool): whether or not unlabeled points are used 
+                to generate clusters.
+            plot_unlabeled (bool): whether or not to plot unlabeled points. If 
+                True, they will be plotted as red points. 
+            optics_min_samples (int): number of min samples if using the OPTICS 
+                algorithm.
+            optics_xi (float): xi value if using the xi method of the OPTICS algorithm.
+            optics_cluster_method (str): method to use for the OPTICS 
+                algorithm. either 'xi' or 'dbscan'
+            svm_min_size (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have to 
+                be considered for sub-division, if using SVM
+            svm_purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have to be 
+                sub-divided, if using SVM
+            svm_gamma (float): if using SVM, the gamma hyperparameter
+            svm_C (float): if using SVM, the C hyperparameter
+            map_loc (array-like): lat and lon coordinate for the default folium 
+                map position. 
+    """
+    # TODO: refactor to take in kwargs so we can remove the mess of optics_*
+    # variables that I was using when manually tuning that algorithm
+    assert loc_type == 'start' or loc_type == 'end'
+    assert 'start_loc' in user_df.columns
+    assert 'end_loc' in user_df.columns
+    assert 'user_input' in user_df.columns
+    assert clustering_way in ['origin','destination','origin-destination']
+    assert alg in ALG_OPTIONS
+    fig = bre.Figure(figsize=(20, 20))
+    fig_index = 0
+    # clean up the dataframe by dropping entries with NaN locations and
+    # reset index (because naive needs the position of each trip to match
+    # its nominal index)
+    all_trips_df = user_df.dropna(subset=['start_loc', 'end_loc']).reset_index(
+        drop=True)
+    # expand the 'start_loc' and 'end_loc' column into 'start_lat',
+    # 'start_lon', 'end_lat', and 'end_lon' columns
+    all_trips_df = eamtd.expand_coords(all_trips_df)
+    labeled_trips_df = all_trips_df.loc[all_trips_df.user_input != {}].dropna(
+        subset=['purpose_confirm'])
+    if cluster_unlabeled:
+        df_for_cluster = all_trips_df
+    else:
+        df_for_cluster = labeled_trips_df
+    df_for_cluster = add_loc_clusters(
+        df_for_cluster,
+        user_entry,
+        clustering_way,
+        radii=radii,
+        alg=alg,
+        SVM=SVM,
+        # cluster_unlabeled=cluster_unlabeled,
+        loc_type=loc_type,
+        min_samples=1,
+        optics_min_samples=optics_min_samples,
+        optics_xi=optics_xi,
+        optics_cluster_method=optics_cluster_method,
+        svm_min_size=svm_min_size,
+        svm_purity_thresh=svm_purity_thresh,
+        svm_gamma=svm_gamma,
+        svm_C=svm_C)
+    for r in radii:
+        fig_index = fig_index + 1
+        m = folium.Map(
+            location=map_loc,
+            zoom_start=12,
+            tiles=
+            'https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager_nolabels/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png',
+            attr=
+            '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors &copy; <a href="https://carto.com/attributions">CARTO</a>'
+        )
+        folium.TileLayer(
+            tiles=
+            'https://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner-lines/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png',
+            attr=
+            'Map tiles by <a href="http://stamen.com">Stamen Design</a>, <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0">CC BY 3.0</a> &mdash; Map data &copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
+        ).add_to(m)
+        # folium.TileLayer('Stamen Toner').add_to(m)
+        cluster_ids = df_for_cluster[
+            f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"].unique()
+        # draw the convex hull of the clusters
+        for i in range(len(cluster_ids)):
+            c = cluster_ids[i]
+            if c == -1:
+                print(
+                    'we should never get here because we want to convert the -1 cluster into single-trip clusters'
+                )
+                continue
+            points_in_cluster = df_for_cluster[
+                df_for_cluster[f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"] == c]
+            if np.isnan(c):
+                # if False:
+                if len(points_in_cluster) == 0:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    print(points_in_cluster)
+                    print(df_for_cluster[df_for_cluster[
+                        f"{loc_type}_{alg}_clusters_{r}_m"].isnull()])
+                    raise Exception(
+                        'nan cluster detected; all trips should have a proper cluster index'
+                    )
+            m = plot_cluster_border(
+                points_in_cluster,
+                loc_type=loc_type,
+                m=m,
+                color='gray',
+                # color=COLORS[i % (len(COLORS) - 1)],
+                cluster_idx=c)
+        # plot all the destinations, color-coordinated by purpose
+        # we want to plot these on *top* of the cluster circles so that we can
+        # hover over the points and see the purpose on the tooltip
+        m = plot_user_trips(user_df,
+                            loc_type,
+                            plot_100=False,
+                            plot_unlabeled=plot_unlabeled,
+                            m=m)
+        # add plot to the figure
+        fig.add_subplot(len(radii) / 2 + len(radii) % 2, 2,
+                        fig_index).add_child(m)
+    return fig
+def plot_model_clusters(
+        model,
+        category,
+        # purpose_col='purpose_confirm',
+        m=None,
+        map_loc=CLM_COORD):
+    """ category (str): 'test' or 'train' """
+    loc_type = 'end'
+    if m == None:
+        m = folium.Map(location=map_loc, zoom_start=12)
+    if category == 'test':
+        df = model.test_df
+    elif category == 'train':
+        df = model.train_df
+    cluster_ids = df['final_cluster_idx'].unique()
+    # draw the convex hull of the clusters
+    for i in range(len(cluster_ids)):
+        c = cluster_ids[i]
+        if c == -1:
+            print(
+                'we should never get here because we want to convert the -1 cluster into single-trip clusters'
+            )
+            continue
+        points_in_cluster = df[df['final_cluster_idx'] == c]
+        if np.isnan(c):
+            print(points_in_cluster)
+            print(df[df['final_cluster_idx'].isnull()])
+            raise Exception(
+                'nan cluster detected; all trips should have a proper cluster index'
+            )
+        m = plot_cluster_border(points_in_cluster,
+                                loc_type=loc_type,
+                                m=m,
+                                color=COLORS[i % (len(COLORS) - 1)],
+                                cluster_idx=c)
+    # plot all the destinations, color-coordinated by purpose
+    # we want to plot these on *top* of the cluster circles so that we can
+    # hover over the points and see the purpose on the tooltip
+    # m = plot_user_trips(df, loc_type, plot_100=False, plot_unlabeled=True, m=m)
+    return m
+def plot_user_trips(user_df,
+                    loc_type,
+                    plot_100=True,
+                    plot_500=False,
+                    plot_unlabeled=False,
+                    purpose_col='purpose_confirm',
+                    color=None,
+                    m=None):
+    """ Args:
+            user_df (dataframe): must contain the columns 'start/end_lat/lon'
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end'
+            plot_100 (bool): whether or not to plot 100m radius circles around 
+                each location point
+            plot_500 (bool): whether or not to plot 500m radius circles around 
+                each location point
+            plot_unlabeled (bool): whether or not to plot unlabeled points (if 
+                so, they will be red)
+            m (folium.Map): optional, an existing map onto which this function 
+                will plot markers
+    """
+    assert loc_type == 'start' or loc_type == 'end'
+    if m is None:
+        m = folium.Map(location=MTV_COORD, zoom_start=13)
+    purpose_list = user_df[purpose_col].dropna().unique()
+    # plot circles with a 500m radius around each point
+    if plot_500:
+        for i, purpose in enumerate(purpose_list):
+            if color is None and i < len(COLORS):
+                color = COLORS[i]
+            elif color is None:
+                color = COLORS[len(COLORS) - 1]
+            purpose_trips = user_df[user_df[purpose_col] == purpose]
+            for j in range(len(purpose_trips)):
+                coords = purpose_trips[loc_type +
+                                       '_loc'].iloc[j]['coordinates']
+                folium.Circle([coords[1], coords[0]],
+                              radius=500,
+                              color=color,
+                              opacity=0.2,
+                              fill=True,
+                              fill_opacity=0.1,
+                              weight=1).add_to(m)
+        if plot_unlabeled:
+            unlabeled_trips = user_df[user_df[purpose_col].isna()]
+            for j in range(len(unlabeled_trips)):
+                coords = unlabeled_trips[loc_type +
+                                         '_loc'].iloc[j]['coordinates']
+                folium.Circle([coords[1], coords[0]],
+                              radius=500,
+                              color='red',
+                              opacity=0.2,
+                              fill=True,
+                              fill_opacity=0.1,
+                              weight=1).add_to(m)
+# plot circles with a 100m radius around each point
+    if plot_100:
+        for i, purpose in enumerate(purpose_list):
+            if i < len(COLORS):
+                color = COLORS[i]
+            else:
+                color = COLORS[len(COLORS) - 1]
+            purpose_trips = user_df[user_df[purpose_col] == purpose]
+            for j in range(len(purpose_trips)):
+                coords = purpose_trips[loc_type +
+                                       '_loc'].iloc[j]['coordinates']
+                folium.Circle([coords[1], coords[0]],
+                              radius=100,
+                              color=color,
+                              opacity=0.2,
+                              fill=True,
+                              fill_opacity=0.1,
+                              weight=1).add_to(m)
+        if plot_unlabeled:
+            unlabeled_trips = user_df[user_df[purpose_col].isna()]
+            for j in range(len(unlabeled_trips)):
+                coords = unlabeled_trips[loc_type +
+                                         '_loc'].iloc[j]['coordinates']
+                folium.Circle([coords[1], coords[0]],
+                              radius=100,
+                              color='red',
+                              opacity=0.2,
+                              fill=True,
+                              fill_opacity=0.1,
+                              weight=1).add_to(m)
+    # plot small circle marker on the very top so it doesn't get obscured by
+    # the layers of 100m/500m circles
+    for i, purpose in enumerate(purpose_list):
+        if i < len(COLORS):
+            color = COLORS[i]
+        else:
+            color = COLORS[len(COLORS) - 1]
+        # print('{:<15} {:<15}'.format(color, purpose))
+        purpose_trips = user_df[user_df[purpose_col] == purpose]
+        # print(purpose_trips)
+        for j in range(len(purpose_trips)):
+            coords = purpose_trips[loc_type + '_loc'].iloc[j]['coordinates']
+            # print(purpose_trips.iloc[j])
+            # print(purpose_trips.iloc[j].index)
+            trip_idx = purpose_trips.iloc[j].name
+            folium.CircleMarker([coords[1], coords[0]],
+                                radius=2.5,
+                                color=color,
+                                tooltip=purpose + ' ' +
+                                str(trip_idx)).add_to(m)
+    if plot_unlabeled:
+        unlabeled_trips = user_df[user_df[purpose_col].isna()]
+        for j in range(len(unlabeled_trips)):
+            coords = unlabeled_trips[loc_type + '_loc'].iloc[j]['coordinates']
+            trip_idx = unlabeled_trips.iloc[j].name
+            folium.CircleMarker([coords[1], coords[0]],
+                                radius=2.5,
+                                color='red',
+                                tooltip='UNLABELED' + ' ' +
+                                str(trip_idx)).add_to(m)
+    return m
+def plot_cluster_border(points_df,
+                        loc_type,
+                        m=None,
+                        color='green',
+                        cluster_idx=None):
+    """ plots a convex hull around the given points. 
+        Args:
+            points_df: dataframe with columns 'xxx_lat' and 'xxx_lon'
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end', the type of points to cluster
+            m (folium.Map): optional, an existing map onto which this function 
+                will plot markers
+            color (str): cluster color. must be valid in folium. 
+            cluster_idx (int): cluster index, to be added to tooltip
+    """
+    assert loc_type == 'start' or loc_type == 'end'
+    if m is None:
+        m = folium.Map(location=MTV_COORD, zoom_start=12)
+    lats = points_df[loc_type + '_lat'].tolist()
+    lons = points_df[loc_type + '_lon'].tolist()
+    points = np.array([lats, lons]).T
+    if len(points) > 2:
+        hull = ConvexHull(points)
+        border_points = points[hull.vertices]
+    else:
+        border_points = points
+    if cluster_idx is not None:
+        folium.Polygon(
+            border_points,  # list of points (latitude, longitude)
+            color=color,
+            weight=15,
+            opacity=0.6,
+            fill=True,
+            fill_opacity=0.5,
+            tooltip=f'cluster {cluster_idx}').add_to(m)
+    else:
+        folium.Polygon(
+            border_points,  # list of points (latitude, longitude)
+            color=color,
+            weight=20,
+            opacity=0.6,
+            fill=True,
+            fill_opacity=0.5).add_to(m)
+    return m
diff --git a/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/models.py b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5fc08b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emission/analysis/modelling/trip_model/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2092 @@
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod  # to define abstract class "blueprints"
+import logging
+import copy
+# sklearn imports
+from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
+from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
+from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
+from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import haversine_distances
+from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
+from sklearn import svm
+from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier
+from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
+from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
+# our imports
+from emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.clustering import get_distance_matrix, single_cluster_purity
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.data_wrangling as eamtd
+import emission.storage.decorations.trip_queries as esdtq
+from emission.analysis.classification.inference.labels.inferrers import predict_cluster_confidence_discounting
+import emission.core.wrapper.entry as ecwe
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.greedy_similarity_binning as eamtg
+import emission.core.common as ecc
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.model_storage as eamums
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.model_type as eamumt
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.run_model as eamur
+import emission.analysis.modelling.trip_model.clustering as eamtc
+# NOTE: tour_model_extended.similarity is on the
+# eval-private-data-compatibility branch in e-mission-server
+# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000
+## define abstract classes ##
+class SetupMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    """ class containing code to be reused when setting up estimators. """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        """ Set the parameters of the estimator.  
+            Args: 
+                params (dict): dictionary where the keys are the param names 
+                    (strings) and the values are the parameter inputs
+            Returns:
+                self
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _clean_data(self, df):
+        """ Clean a dataframe of trips. 
+            (Drop trips with missing start/end locations, expand the user input 
+            columns, ensure all essential columns are present)
+            Args:
+                df: a dataframe of trips. must contain the columns 'start_loc', 
+                'end_loc', and should also contain the user input columns 
+                ('mode_confirm', 'purpose_confirm', 'replaced_mode') if 
+                available
+        """
+        assert 'start_loc' in df.columns and 'end_loc' in df.columns
+        # clean up the dataframe by dropping entries with NaN locations and
+        # reset index
+        num_nan = 0
+        if df.start_loc.isna().any():
+            num_nan += df.start_loc.value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            df = df.dropna(subset=['start_loc'])
+        if df.end_loc.isna().any():
+            num_nan += df.end_loc.value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            df = df.dropna(subset=['end_loc'])
+        # expand the 'start_loc' and 'end_loc' column into 'start_lat',
+        # 'start_lon', 'end_lat', and 'end_lon' columns
+        df = eamtd.expand_coords(df)
+        # drop trips with missing coordinates
+        if df.start_lat.isna().any():
+            num_nan += df.start_lat.value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            df = df.dropna(subset=['start_lat'])
+        if df.start_lon.isna().any():
+            num_nan += df.start_lon.value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            df = df.dropna(subset=['start_lon'])
+        if df.end_lat.isna().any():
+            num_nan += df.end_lat.value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            df = df.dropna(subset=['end_lat'])
+        if df.end_lon.isna().any():
+            num_nan = df.end_lon.value_counts(dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            df += df.dropna(subset=['end_lon'])
+        if num_nan > 0:
+            logging.info(
+                f'dropped {num_nan} trips that are missing location coordinates'
+            )
+        df = df.rename(
+            columns={
+                'mode_confirm': 'mode_true',
+                'purpose_confirm': 'purpose_true',
+                'replaced_mode': 'replaced_true'
+            })
+        for category in ['mode_true', 'purpose_true', 'replaced_true']:
+            if category not in df.columns:
+                # for example, if a user labels all their trip modes but none of their trip purposes
+                df.loc[:, category] = np.nan
+        return df.reset_index(drop=True)
+class Cluster(SetupMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    """ blueprint for clustering models. """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fit(self, train_df,train_entry_list):
+        """ Fit the clustering algorithm.  
+            Args: 
+                train_df (DataFrame): dataframe of labeled trips
+                train_entry_list (List) : A list of trips where each element is of Entry type
+            Returns:
+                self
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @abstractmethod
+    def predict(self, test_df):
+        """ Predict cluster indices for trips, if possible. Trips that could 
+            not be clustered will have the index -1. 
+            Args: 
+                test_df (DataFrame): dataframe of test trips
+            Returns:
+                pd DataFrame containing one column, 'start_cluster_idx' or 
+                'end_cluster_idx'
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def fit_predict(self, train_df):
+        """ Fit the clustering algorithm and predict cluster indices for trips, 
+            if possible. Trips that could not be clustered will have the index -1. 
+            Args: 
+                train_df (DataFrame): dataframe of labeled trips
+            Returns:
+                pd DataFrame containing one column, 'start_cluster_idx' or 
+                'end_cluster_idx'
+        """
+        self.fit(train_df)
+        return self.predict(train_df)
+class TripClassifier(SetupMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fit(self, train_df,unused=None):
+        """ Fit a classification model.  
+            Args: 
+                train_df (DataFrame): dataframe of labeled trips
+                unused (List) : A list of Entry type of labeled and unlabeled trips which is not used in current function. 
+                                Passed to keep fit function generic.            
+            Returns:
+                self
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def predict(self, test_df):
+        """ Predict trip labels.  
+            Args: 
+                test_df (DataFrame): dataframe of trips
+            Returns:
+                DataFrame containing the following columns: 
+                    'purpose_pred', 'mode_pred', 'replaced_pred', 
+                    'purpose_proba', 'mode_proba', 'replaced_proba'
+                the *_pred columns contain the most-likely label prediction 
+                (string for a label or float for np.nan). 
+                the *_proba columns contain the probability of the most-likely 
+                prediction. 
+        """
+        proba_df = self.predict_proba(test_df)
+        prediction_df = proba_df.loc[:, [('purpose', 'top_pred'),
+                                         ('purpose', 'top_proba'),
+                                         ('mode', 'top_pred'),
+                                         ('mode', 'top_proba'),
+                                         ('replaced', 'top_pred'),
+                                         ('replaced', 'top_proba')]]
+        prediction_df.columns = prediction_df.columns.to_flat_index()
+        prediction_df = prediction_df.rename(
+            columns={
+                ('purpose', 'top_pred'): 'purpose_pred',
+                ('purpose', 'top_proba'): 'purpose_proba',
+                ('mode', 'top_pred'): 'mode_pred',
+                ('mode', 'top_proba'): 'mode_proba',
+                ('replaced', 'top_pred'): 'replaced_pred',
+                ('replaced', 'top_proba'): 'replaced_proba',
+            })
+        return prediction_df
+    def fit_predict(self, train_df):
+        """ Fit a classification model and predict trip labels.  
+            Args: 
+                train_df (DataFrame): dataframe of labeled trips
+            Returns:
+                DataFrame containing the following columns: 
+                    'purpose_pred', 'mode_pred', 'replaced_pred', 
+                    'purpose_proba', 'mode_proba', 'replaced_proba'
+                the *_pred columns contain the most-likely label prediction 
+                (string for a label or float for np.nan). 
+                the *_proba columns contain the probability of the most-likely 
+                prediction. 
+        """
+        self.fit(train_df)
+        return self.predict(train_df)
+    @abstractmethod
+    def predict_proba(self, test_df):
+        """ Predict class probabilities for each trip.  
+            NOTE: check the specific model to see if the class probabilities 
+            have confidence-discounting or not.
+            Args: 
+                test_df (DataFrame): dataframe of trips
+            Returns:
+                DataFrame with multiindexing. Each row represents a trip. There 
+                are 3 columns at level 1, one for each label category 
+                ('purpose', 'mode', 'replaced'). Within each category, there is 
+                a column for each label, with the row's entry being the 
+                probability that the trip has the label. There are three 
+                additional columns within each category, one indicating the 
+                most-likely label, one indicating the probability of the 
+                most-likely label, and one indicating whether or not the trip 
+                can be clustered. 
+                TODO: add a fourth optional column for the number of trips in 
+                the cluster (if clusterable)
+                Level 1 columns are: purpose, mode, replaced
+                Lebel 2 columns are: 
+                    <purpose1>, <purpose2>, ... top_pred, top_proba, clusterable
+                    <mode1>, <mode2>, ... top_pred, top_proba, clusterable
+                    <replaced1>, <replaced2>, ... top_pred, top_proba, clusterable
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+## clustering classes ##
+class RefactoredNaiveCluster(Cluster):
+    """ Naive fixed-width clustering algorithm. 
+        Refactored from the existing Similarity class to take in dataframes for 
+        consistency, and allows for separate clustering of start and end 
+        clusters. 
+        WARNING: this algorithm is *extremely* slow. 
+        Args:
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end', the type of point to cluster
+            radius (int): max distance between all pairs of points in a 
+                cluster, i.e. strict maximum cluster width. 
+        Attributes: 
+            loc_type (str)
+            radius (int)
+            train_df (DataFrame)
+            test_df (DataFrame)
+            sim_model (Similarity object)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, loc_type='end', radius=100):
+        logging.info("PERF: Initializing RefactoredNaiveCluster")
+        self.loc_type = loc_type
+        self.radius = radius
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        if 'loc_type' in params.keys(): self.loc_type = params['loc_type']
+        if 'radius' in params.keys(): self.radius = params['radius']
+        return self
+    def fit(self, unused,train_entry_list=None):
+        # clean data
+        logging.info("PERF: Fitting RefactoredNaiveCluster with size %s" % len(unused))
+        self.train_df = self._clean_data(unused)
+        # we can use all trips as long as they have purpose labels. it's ok if
+        # they're missing mode/replaced-mode labels, because they aren't as
+        # strongly correlated with location compared to purpose
+        # TODO: actually, we may want to rethink this. for example, it will
+        # probably be helpful to include trips that are missing purpose labels
+        # but still have mode labels.
+        if self.train_df.purpose_true.isna().any():
+            num_nan = self.train_df.purpose_true.value_counts(
+                dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            logging.info(
+                f'dropping {num_nan}/{len(self.train_df)} trips that are missing purpose labels'
+            )
+            self.train_df = self.train_df.dropna(
+                subset=['purpose_true']).reset_index(drop=True)
+        if len(self.train_df) == 0:
+            # i.e. no valid trips after removing all nans
+            raise Exception('no valid trips; nothing to fit')
+        model_config = {
+                "metric": "od_similarity",
+                "similarity_threshold_meters": self.radius,  # meters,
+                "apply_cutoff": False,
+                "clustering_way":'origin' if self.loc_type=='start' 
+                                        else 'destination' if self.loc_type =='end' 
+                                        else 'origin-destination',
+                "incremental_evaluation": False
+            }   
+        # fit the bins
+        self.sim_model= eamtg.GreedySimilarityBinning(model_config)
+        cleaned_trip_entry= eamtc.cleanEntryTypeData(self.train_df,train_entry_list)
+        self.sim_model.fit(cleaned_trip_entry)
+        labels = [int(l) for l in self.sim_model.tripLabels]
+        self.train_df.loc[:, f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] = labels
+        return self
+    def predict(self, test_df):
+        logging.info("PERF: Predicting RefactoredNaiveCluster for %s" % len(test_df))
+        self.test_df = self._clean_data(test_df)
+        if self.loc_type == 'start':
+            bins = self.sim_model.bins
+        elif self.loc_type == 'end':
+            bins = self.sim_model.bins
+        # This looks weird but works
+        # >>> x = [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]
+        # >>> {int(key):value for key,value in x}
+        # {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
+        #
+        # bins = { '1': [ 'key1': [] , 'key2' :[],.. ....], 
+        #          '2': ['key1': [] , 'key2' :[],...], 
+        #          '3': ['key1': [] , 'key2' :[],.....] ...}
+        #
+        # the code below converts above to 
+        #
+        # bins = { 1: [ 'key1': [] , 'key2' :[],.. ....], 
+        #          2: ['key1': [] , 'key2' :[],...], 
+        #          3: ['key1': [] , 'key2' :[],.....] ....}
+        #
+        # This is why it works :
+        # 1. Iterate over (key,value) pairs in 'bins.items()'
+        # 2. for each pair, 'key' is a string . so  use int(key) to convert it into an integer.
+        # 3. Create a new dictionary(using {} within the dictionary comprehension) 
+        #     where the keys are now integers and the values are same
+        bins = {int(key):value for key,value in bins.items()}        
+        labels = []
+        # for each trip in the test list:
+        for idx, row in self.test_df.iterrows():
+            if idx % 100 == 0:
+                logging.info("PERF: RefactoredNaiveCluster Working on trip %s/%s" % (idx, len(self.test_df)))
+            # iterate over all bins
+            trip_binned = False
+            for i in bins:
+                # check if the trip can fit in the bin
+                # if so, get the bin index.
+                #
+                # 'feature_rows' is the key that contains the list of list where 
+                #  each of the inner list takes the form  :
+                #
+                #            [ start_lon,start_lat,end_lon,end_lat]
+                if self._match(row, bins[i]['feature_rows'], self.loc_type):
+                    labels += [i]
+                    trip_binned = True
+                    break
+                # if not, return -1
+            if not trip_binned:
+                labels += [-1]
+        self.test_df.loc[:, f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] = labels
+        return self.test_df[[f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx']]
+    def _match(self, trip, bin, loc_type):
+        """ Check if a trip can fit into an existing bin. 
+            copied from the Similarity class on the e-mission-server. 
+        """
+        for trip_in_bin in bin:            
+            if not self._distance_helper(trip, trip_in_bin, loc_type):
+                return False
+        return True
+    def _distance_helper(self, tripa, tripb, loc_type):
+        """ Check if two trips have start/end points within the distance 
+            threshold. 
+        """
+        #tripa is taken from the test datframe. 
+        #tripb is taken from the stored bin list.
+        pta_lat = tripa[[loc_type + '_lat']]
+        pta_lon = tripa[[loc_type + '_lon']]
+        if loc_type == 'start':
+            ptb_lat = tripb[1]
+            ptb_lon = tripb[0]
+        elif loc_type == 'end':
+            ptb_lat = tripb[3]
+            ptb_lon = tripb[2]
+        dist= ecc.calDistance([pta_lon,pta_lat],[ptb_lon,ptb_lat])                                   
+        return dist <= self.radius
+class DBSCANSVMCluster(Cluster):
+    """ DBSCAN-based clustering algorithm that optionally implements SVM 
+        sub-clustering. 
+        Args:
+            loc_type (str): 'start' or 'end', the type of point to cluster
+            radius (int): max distance between two points in each other's 
+                neighborhood, i.e. DBSCAN's eps value. does not strictly 
+                dictate final cluster size
+            size_thresh (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have 
+                to be considered for SVM sub-division
+            purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have 
+                to be sub-divided using SVM
+            gamma (float): coefficient for the rbf kernel in SVM
+            C (float): regularization hyperparameter for SVM
+        Attributes: 
+            loc_type (str)
+            radius (int)
+            size_thresh (int)
+            purity_thresh (float)
+            gamma (float)
+            C (float)
+            train_df (DataFrame)
+            test_df (DataFrame)
+            base_model (sklearn Estimator)
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 loc_type='end',
+                 radius=100,
+                 svm=True,
+                 size_thresh=1,
+                 purity_thresh=1.0,
+                 gamma=0.05,
+                 C=1):
+        logging.info("PERF: Initializing DBSCANSVMCluster")
+        self.loc_type = loc_type
+        self.radius = radius
+        self.svm = svm
+        self.size_thresh = size_thresh
+        self.purity_thresh = purity_thresh
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.C = C
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        if 'loc_type' in params.keys(): self.loc_type = params['loc_type']
+        if 'radius' in params.keys(): self.radius = params['radius']
+        if 'svm' in params.keys(): self.svm = params['svm']
+        if 'size_thresh' in params.keys():
+            self.size_thresh = params['size_thresh']
+        if 'purity_thresh' in params.keys():
+            self.purity_thresh = params['purity_thresh']
+        if 'gamma' in params.keys(): self.gamma = params['gamma']
+        return self
+    def fit(self, train_df,unused=None):
+        """ Creates clusters of trip points. 
+            self.train_df will be updated with columns containing base and 
+            final clusters. 
+            TODO: perhaps move the loc_type argument to fit() so we can use a 
+            single class instance to cluster both start and end points. This 
+            will also help us reduce duplicate data. 
+            Args:
+                train_df (dataframe): dataframe of labeled trips
+                unused (List) : A list of Entry type of labeled and unlabeled trips which is not used in current function. 
+                                Passed to keep fit function generic.        """
+        ##################
+        ### clean data ###
+        ##################
+        logging.info("PERF: Fitting DBSCANSVMCluster")
+        self.train_df = self._clean_data(train_df)
+        # we can use all trips as long as they have purpose labels. it's ok if
+        # they're missing mode/replaced-mode labels, because they aren't as
+        # strongly correlated with location compared to purpose
+        # TODO: actually, we may want to rethink this. for example, it will
+        # probably be helpful to include trips that are missing purpose labels
+        # but still have mode labels.
+        if self.train_df.purpose_true.isna().any():
+            num_nan = self.train_df.purpose_true.value_counts(
+                dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+            logging.info(
+                f'dropping {num_nan}/{len(self.train_df)} trips that are missing purpose labels'
+            )
+            self.train_df = self.train_df.dropna(
+                subset=['purpose_true']).reset_index(drop=True)
+        if len(self.train_df) == 0:
+            # i.e. no valid trips after removing all nans
+            raise Exception('no valid trips; nothing to fit')
+        #########################
+        ### get base clusters ###
+        #########################
+        dist_matrix_meters = get_distance_matrix(self.train_df, self.loc_type)
+        self.base_model = DBSCAN(self.radius,
+                                 metric="precomputed",
+                                 min_samples=1).fit(dist_matrix_meters)
+        base_clusters = self.base_model.labels_
+        self.train_df.loc[:,
+                          f'{self.loc_type}_base_cluster_idx'] = base_clusters
+        ########################
+        ### get sub-clusters ###
+        ########################
+        # copy base cluster column into final cluster column
+        self.train_df.loc[:, f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] = self.train_df[
+            f'{self.loc_type}_base_cluster_idx']
+        if self.svm:
+            c = 0  # count of how many clusters we have iterated over
+            # iterate over all clusters and subdivide them with SVM. the while
+            # loop is so we can do multiple iterations of subdividing if needed
+            while c < self.train_df[f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'].max():
+                points_in_cluster = self.train_df[
+                    self.train_df[f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] == c]
+                # only do SVM if we have the minimum num of trips in the cluster
+                if len(points_in_cluster) < self.size_thresh:
+                    c += 1
+                    continue
+                # only do SVM if purity is below threshold
+                purity = single_cluster_purity(points_in_cluster,
+                                               label_col='purpose_true')
+                if purity < self.purity_thresh:
+                    X = points_in_cluster[[
+                        f"{self.loc_type}_lon", f"{self.loc_type}_lat"
+                    ]]
+                    y = points_in_cluster.purpose_true.to_list()
+                    svm_model = make_pipeline(
+                        StandardScaler(),
+                        svm.SVC(
+                            kernel='rbf',
+                            gamma=self.gamma,
+                            C=self.C,
+                        )).fit(X, y)
+                    labels = svm_model.predict(X)
+                    unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
+                    # if the SVM predicts that all points in the cluster have
+                    # the same label, just ignore it and don't reindex.
+                    # this also helps us to handle the possibility that a
+                    # cluster may be impure but inherently inseparable, e.g. an
+                    # end cluster at a user's home, containing 50% trips from
+                    # work to home and 50% round trips that start and end at
+                    # home. we don't want to reindex otherwise the low purity
+                    # will trigger SVM again, and we will attempt & fail to
+                    # split the cluster ad infinitum
+                    if len(unique_labels) > 1:
+                        # map purpose labels to new cluster indices
+                        # we offset indices by the max existing index so that we
+                        # don't run into any duplicate indices
+                        max_existing_idx = self.train_df[
+                            f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'].max()
+                        label_to_cluster = {
+                            unique_labels[i]: i + max_existing_idx + 1
+                            for i in range(len(unique_labels))
+                        }
+                        # update trips with their new cluster indices
+                        indices = np.array(
+                            [label_to_cluster[l] for l in labels])
+                        self.train_df.loc[
+                            self.train_df[f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] == c,
+                            f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] = indices
+                c += 1
+        # TODO: make things categorical at the end? or maybe at the start of the decision tree pipeline
+        return self
+    def fit_predict(self, train_df):
+        """ Override to avoid unnecessarily computation of distance matrices. 
+        """
+        self.fit(train_df)
+        return self.train_df[[f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx']]
+    def predict(self, test_df):
+        logging.info("PERF: Predicting DBSCANSVMCluster")
+        # TODO: store clusters as polygons so the prediction is faster
+        # TODO: we probably don't want to store test_df in self to be more memory-efficient
+        self.test_df = self._clean_data(test_df)
+        pred_clusters = self._NN_predict(self.test_df)
+        self.test_df.loc[:, f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx'] = pred_clusters
+        return self.test_df[[f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx']]
+    def _NN_predict(self, test_df):
+        """ Generate base-cluster predictions for the test data using a 
+            nearest-neighbor approach. 
+            sklearn doesn't implement predict() for DBSCAN, which is why we 
+            need a custom method.
+        """
+        logging.info("PERF: NN_predicting DBSCANSVMCluster")
+        n_samples = test_df.shape[0]
+        labels = np.ones(shape=n_samples, dtype=int) * -1
+        # get coordinates of core points (we can't use model.components_
+        # because our input feature was a distance matrix and doesn't contain
+        # info about the raw coordinates)
+        # NOTE: technically, every single point in a cluster is a core point
+        # because it has at least minPts (2) points, including itself, in its
+        # radius
+        train_coordinates = self.train_df[[
+            f'{self.loc_type}_lat', f'{self.loc_type}_lon'
+        ]]
+        train_radians = np.radians(train_coordinates)
+        for idx, row in test_df.reset_index(drop=True).iterrows():
+            # calculate the distances between the ith test data and all points,
+            # then find the index of the closest point. if the ith test data is
+            # within epsilon of the point, then assign its cluster to the ith
+            # test data (otherwise, leave it as -1, indicating noise).
+            # unfortunately, pairwise_distances_argmin() does not support
+            # haversine distance, so we have to reimplement it ourselves
+            new_loc_radians = np.radians(
+                row[[self.loc_type + "_lat", self.loc_type + "_lon"]].to_list())
+            new_loc_radians = np.reshape(new_loc_radians, (1, 2))
+            dist_matrix_meters = haversine_distances(
+                new_loc_radians, train_radians) * EARTH_RADIUS
+            shortest_dist_idx = np.argmin(dist_matrix_meters)
+            if dist_matrix_meters[0, shortest_dist_idx] < self.radius:
+                labels[idx] = self.train_df.reset_index(
+                    drop=True).loc[shortest_dist_idx,
+                                   f'{self.loc_type}_cluster_idx']
+        return labels
+## trip classifiers ##
+class NaiveBinningClassifier(TripClassifier):
+    """ Trip classifier using the existing Similarity class and associated 
+        functions without refactoring them. Essentially a wrapper for the 
+        existing code on e-mission-server.
+        Args: 
+            radius (int): maximum distance between any two points in the same 
+                cluster
+    """
+    def __init__(self, radius=500):
+        logging.info("PERF: Initializing NaiveBinningClassifier")
+        self.radius = radius
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        if 'radius' in params.keys(): self.radius = params['radius']
+        return self
+    def fit(self, train_df,unused=None):
+        logging.info("PERF: Fitting NaiveBinningClassifier")
+        # (copied from bsm.build_user_model())
+        # convert train_df to a list because the existing binning algorithm
+        # only accepts lists of Entry objects
+        train_trips = self._trip_df_to_list(train_df)
+        model_config = {
+            "metric": "od_similarity",
+            "similarity_threshold_meters": self.radius,  # meters,
+            "apply_cutoff": False,
+            "clustering_way": "origin-destination", #cause thats what is set in performance_eval.py for this model
+            "incremental_evaluation": False
+        }    
+        sim_model = eamtg.GreedySimilarityBinning(model_config)
+        sim_model.fit(train_trips)
+        # set instance variables so we can access results later as well
+        self.sim = sim_model
+        self.bins = sim_model.bins
+        # save all user labels
+        user_id = train_df.user_id.iloc[0]
+        model_type=eamumt.ModelType.GREEDY_SIMILARITY_BINNING
+        model_storage=eamums.ModelStorage.DOCUMENT_DATABASE
+        model_data_next=sim_model.to_dict()
+        last_done_ts = eamur._latest_timestamp(train_trips)
+        eamums.save_model(user_id, model_type, model_data_next, last_done_ts, model_storage)
+        return self
+    def predict_proba(self, test_df):
+        """ NOTE: these class probabilities have the confidence-discounting 
+            heuristic applied. 
+        """
+        # convert test_df to a list because the existing binning algorithm
+        # only accepts lists of Entry objects
+        logging.info("PERF: Predicting NaiveBinningClassifier")
+        test_trips = self._trip_df_to_list(test_df)
+        purpose_distribs = []
+        mode_distribs = []
+        replaced_distribs = []
+        for trip in test_trips:
+            trip_prediction = predict_cluster_confidence_discounting(trip)
+            if len(trip_prediction) == 0:
+                # model could not find cluster for the trip
+                purpose_distribs += [{}]
+                mode_distribs += [{}]
+                replaced_distribs += [{}]
+            else:
+                trip_prediction_df = pd.DataFrame(trip_prediction).rename(
+                    columns={'labels': 'user_input'})
+                # renaming is simply so we can use the expand_userinputs
+                # function
+                expand_prediction = esdtq.expand_userinputs(trip_prediction_df)
+                # converts the 'labels' dictionaries into individual columns
+                # sum up probability for each label
+                for label_type, label_distribs in zip(
+                    ['purpose_confirm', 'mode_confirm', 'replaced_mode'],
+                    [purpose_distribs, mode_distribs, replaced_distribs]):
+                    label_distrib = {}
+                    if label_type in expand_prediction.columns:
+                        for label in expand_prediction[label_type].unique():
+                            label_distrib[label] = expand_prediction.loc[
+                                expand_prediction[label_type] == label,
+                                'p'].sum()
+                    label_distribs += [label_distrib]
+        proba_dfs = []
+        for label_type, label_distribs in zip(
+            ['purpose', 'mode', 'replaced'],
+            [purpose_distribs, mode_distribs, replaced_distribs]):
+            proba = pd.DataFrame(label_distribs)
+            proba['clusterable'] = proba.sum(axis=1) > 0
+            proba['top_pred'] = proba.drop(columns=['clusterable']).idxmax(
+                axis=1)
+            proba['top_proba'] = proba.drop(
+                columns=['clusterable', 'top_pred']).max(axis=1, skipna=True)
+            classes = proba.columns[:-3]
+            proba.loc[:, classes] = proba.loc[:, classes].fillna(0)
+            proba = pd.concat([proba], keys=[label_type], axis=1)
+            proba_dfs += [proba]
+        self.proba_df = pd.concat(proba_dfs, axis=1)
+        return self.proba_df
+    def _trip_df_to_list(self, trip_df):
+        """ Converts a dataframe of trips into a list of trip Entry objects. 
+            Allows this class to accept DataFrames (which are used by the new 
+            clustering algorithms) without having to refactor the old 
+            clustering algorithm. 
+            Args:
+                trip_df: DataFrame containing trips. See code below for the 
+                    expected columns. 
+        """
+        trips_list = []
+        for idx, row in trip_df.iterrows():
+            data = {
+                'source': row['source'],
+                'end_ts': row['end_ts'],
+                # 'end_local_dt':row['end_local_dt'], # this attribute doesn't seem to appear in the dataframes I've tested with
+                'end_fmt_time': row['end_fmt_time'],
+                'end_loc': row['end_loc'],
+                'raw_trip': row['raw_trip'],
+                'start_ts': row['start_ts'],
+                # 'start_local_dt':row['start_local_dt'], # this attribute doesn't seem to appear in the dataframes I've tested with
+                'start_fmt_time': row['start_fmt_time'],
+                'start_loc': row['start_loc'],
+                'duration': row['duration'],
+                'distance': row['distance'],
+                'start_place': row['start_place'],
+                'end_place': row['end_place'],
+                'cleaned_trip': row['cleaned_trip'],
+                'inferred_labels': row['inferred_labels'],
+                'inferred_trip': row['inferred_trip'],
+                'expectation': row['expectation'],
+                'confidence_threshold': row['confidence_threshold'],
+                'expected_trip': row['expected_trip'],
+                'user_input': row['user_input']
+            }
+            trip = ecwe.Entry.create_entry(user_id=row['user_id'],
+                                           key='analysis/confirmed_trip',
+                                           data=data)
+            trips_list += [trip]
+        return trips_list
+class ClusterExtrapolationClassifier(TripClassifier):
+    """ Classifier that extrapolates labels from a trip's cluster. 
+        Args: 
+            alg (str): clustering algorithm to use; either 'DBSCAN' or 'naive'
+            radius (int): radius for the clustering algorithm
+            svm (bool): whether or not to use SVM sub-clustering. (only when 
+                alg=='DBSCAN')
+            size_thresh (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have 
+                to be considered for SVM sub-division
+            purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have 
+                to be sub-divided using SVM
+            gamma (float): coefficient for the rbf kernel in SVM
+            C (float): regularization hyperparameter for SVM
+            cluster_method (str): 'end', 'trip', 'combination'. whether to 
+                extrapolate labels from only end clusters, only trip clusters, 
+                or both end and trip clusters when available.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            alg='DBSCAN',
+            radius=100,  # TODO: add diff start and end radii
+            svm=True,
+            size_thresh=1,
+            purity_thresh=1.0,
+            gamma=0.05,
+            C=1,
+            cluster_method='end'):
+        assert cluster_method in ['end', 'trip', 'combination']
+        assert alg in ['DBSCAN', 'naive']
+        self.alg = alg
+        self.radius = radius
+        self.svm = svm
+        self.size_thresh = size_thresh
+        self.purity_thresh = purity_thresh
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.C = C
+        self.cluster_method = cluster_method
+        if self.alg == 'DBSCAN':
+            self.end_cluster_model = DBSCANSVMCluster(
+                loc_type='end',
+                radius=self.radius,
+                svm=self.svm,
+                size_thresh=self.size_thresh,
+                purity_thresh=self.purity_thresh,
+                gamma=self.gamma,
+                C=self.C)
+        elif self.alg == 'naive':
+            self.end_cluster_model = RefactoredNaiveCluster(loc_type='end',
+                                                            radius=self.radius)
+        if self.cluster_method in ['trip', 'combination']:
+            if self.alg == 'DBSCAN':
+                self.start_cluster_model = DBSCANSVMCluster(
+                    loc_type='start',
+                    radius=self.radius,
+                    svm=self.svm,
+                    size_thresh=self.size_thresh,
+                    purity_thresh=self.purity_thresh,
+                    gamma=self.gamma,
+                    C=self.C)
+            elif self.alg == 'naive':
+                self.start_cluster_model = RefactoredNaiveCluster(
+                    loc_type='start', radius=self.radius)
+            self.trip_grouper = TripGrouper(
+                start_cluster_col='start_cluster_idx',
+                end_cluster_col='end_cluster_idx')
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        """ hacky code that mimics the set_params of an sklearn Estimator class 
+            so that we can pass params during randomizedsearchCV 
+            Args:
+                params (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the parameter 
+                names and the values are the parameter values
+        """
+        alg = params['alg'] if 'alg' in params.keys() else self.alg
+        radius = params['radius'] if 'radius' in params.keys() else self.radius
+        svm = params['svm'] if 'svm' in params.keys() else self.svm
+        size_thresh = params['size_thresh'] if 'size_thresh' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.size_thresh
+        purity_thresh = params[
+            'purity_thresh'] if 'purity_thresh' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.purity_thresh
+        gamma = params['gamma'] if 'gamma' in params.keys() else self.gamma
+        C = params['C'] if 'C' in params.keys() else self.C
+        cluster_method = params[
+            'cluster_method'] if 'cluster_method' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.cluster_method
+        # calling __init__ again is not good practice, I know...
+        self.__init__(alg, radius, svm, size_thresh, purity_thresh, gamma, C,
+                      cluster_method)
+        return self
+    def fit(self, train_df,train_entry_list=None):
+        # fit clustering model
+        self.end_cluster_model.fit(train_df,train_entry_list)
+        self.train_df = self.end_cluster_model.train_df
+        if self.cluster_method in ['trip', 'combination']:
+            self.start_cluster_model.fit(train_df,train_entry_list)
+            self.train_df.loc[:, ['start_cluster_idx'
+                                  ]] = self.start_cluster_model.train_df[[
+                                      'start_cluster_idx'
+                                  ]]
+            # create trip-level clusters
+            trip_cluster_idx = self.trip_grouper.fit_transform(self.train_df)
+            self.train_df.loc[:, 'trip_cluster_idx'] = trip_cluster_idx
+        return self
+    def predict_proba(self, test_df):
+        """ NOTE: these class probabilities do NOT have a 
+            confidence-discounting heuristic applied. 
+        """
+        self.end_cluster_model.predict(test_df)
+        # store a copy of test_df for now (TODO: make this more efficient since
+        # the data is duplicated)
+        self.test_df = self.end_cluster_model.test_df
+        if self.cluster_method in ['trip', 'combination']:
+            self.start_cluster_model.predict(test_df)
+            # append the start cluster indices
+            self.test_df.loc[:, [
+                'start_cluster_idx'
+            ]] = self.start_cluster_model.test_df.loc[:, ['start_cluster_idx']]
+            # create trip-level clusters
+            trip_cluster_idx = self.trip_grouper.transform(self.test_df)
+            self.test_df.loc[:, 'trip_cluster_idx'] = trip_cluster_idx
+        # extrapolate label distributions from cluster information
+        self.test_df.loc[:, [
+            'mode_distrib', 'purpose_distrib', 'replaced_distrib'
+        ]] = np.nan
+        if self.cluster_method in ['end', 'trip']:
+            cluster_col = f'{self.cluster_method}_cluster_idx'
+            self.test_df = self._add_label_distributions(
+                self.test_df, cluster_col)
+        else:  # self.cluster_method == 'combination'
+            # try to get label distributions from trip-level clusters first,
+            # because trip-level clusters tend to be more homogenous and will
+            # yield more accurate predictions
+            self.test_df = self._add_label_distributions(
+                self.test_df, 'trip_cluster_idx')
+            # for trips that have an empty label-distribution after the first
+            # pass using trip clusters, try to get a distribution from the
+            # destination cluster (this includes both trips that *don't* fall
+            # into a trip cluster, as well as trips that *do* fall into a trip
+            # cluster but are missing some/all categories of labels due to
+            # missing user inputs.)
+            # fill in missing label-distributions by the label_type
+            # (we want to iterate by label_type rather than check cluster idx
+            # because it's possible that some trips in a trip-cluster have
+            # predictions for one label_type but not another)
+            for label_type in ['mode', 'purpose', 'replaced']:
+                self.test_df.loc[self.test_df[f'{label_type}_distrib'] ==
+                                 {}] = self._add_label_distributions(
+                                     self.test_df.loc[
+                                         self.test_df[f'{label_type}_distrib']
+                                         == {}],
+                                     'end_cluster_idx',
+                                     label_types=[label_type])
+        # create the dataframe of probabilities
+        proba_dfs = []
+        for label_type in ['purpose', 'mode', 'replaced']:
+            classes = self.train_df[f'{label_type}_true'].dropna().unique()
+            proba = pd.DataFrame(
+                self.test_df[f'{label_type}_distrib'].to_list(),
+                columns=classes)
+            proba['top_pred'] = proba.idxmax(axis=1)
+            proba['top_proba'] = proba.max(axis=1, skipna=True)
+            proba['clusterable'] = self.test_df.end_cluster_idx >= 0
+            proba.loc[:, classes] = proba.loc[:, classes].fillna(0)
+            proba = pd.concat([proba], keys=[label_type], axis=1)
+            proba_dfs += [proba]
+        self.proba_df = pd.concat(proba_dfs, axis=1)
+        return self.proba_df
+    def _add_label_distributions(self,
+                                 df,
+                                 cluster_col,
+                                 label_types=['mode', 'purpose', 'replaced']):
+        """ Add label distributions to a DataFrame. 
+            Args: 
+                df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing a column of clusters
+                cluster_col (str): name of column in df containing clusters
+                label_types (str list): the categories of labels to retrieve 
+                    distributions for. 
+            Returns:
+                a DataFrame with additional columns in which the entries are 
+                dictionaries containing label distributions. 
+        """
+        df = df.copy()  # to avoid SettingWithCopyWarning
+        for c in df.loc[:, cluster_col].unique():
+            labeled_trips_in_cluster = self.train_df.loc[
+                self.train_df[cluster_col] == c]
+            unlabeled_trips_in_cluster = df.loc[df[cluster_col] == c]
+            cluster_size = len(unlabeled_trips_in_cluster)
+            for label_type in label_types:
+                assert label_type in ['mode', 'purpose', 'replaced']
+                # get distribution of label_type labels in this cluster
+                distrib = labeled_trips_in_cluster[
+                    f'{label_type}_true'].value_counts(normalize=True,
+                                                       dropna=True).to_dict()
+                # TODO: add confidence discounting
+                # update predictions
+                # convert the dict into a list of dicts to work around pandas
+                # thinking we're trying to insert information according to a
+                # key-value map
+                # TODO: this is the line throwing the set on slice warning
+                df.loc[df[cluster_col] == c,
+                       f'{label_type}_distrib'] = [distrib] * cluster_size
+        return df
+class EnsembleClassifier(TripClassifier, metaclass=ABCMeta):
+    """ Template class for trip classifiers using ensemble algorithms. 
+        Required args:
+            loc_feature (str): 'coordinates' or 'cluster'
+    """
+    base_features = [
+        'duration',
+        'distance',
+        'start_local_dt_year',
+        'start_local_dt_month',
+        'start_local_dt_day',
+        'start_local_dt_hour',
+        # 'start_local_dt_minute',
+        'start_local_dt_weekday',
+        'end_local_dt_year',  # most likely the same as the start year
+        'end_local_dt_month',  # most likely the same as the start month
+        'end_local_dt_day',
+        'end_local_dt_hour',
+        # 'end_local_dt_minute',
+        'end_local_dt_weekday',
+    ]
+    targets = ['mode_true', 'purpose_true', 'replaced_true']
+    # required instance attributes
+    loc_feature = NotImplemented
+    purpose_enc = NotImplemented
+    mode_enc = NotImplemented
+    purpose_predictor = NotImplemented
+    mode_predictor = NotImplemented
+    replaced_predictor = NotImplemented
+    # required methods
+    def fit(self, train_df,unused=None):
+        # get location features
+        if self.loc_feature == 'cluster':
+            # fit clustering model(s) and one-hot encode their indices
+            # TODO: consolidate start/end_cluster_model in a single instance
+            # that has a location_type parameter in the fit() method
+            self.end_cluster_model.fit(train_df)
+            clusters_to_encode = self.end_cluster_model.train_df[[
+                'end_cluster_idx'
+            ]].copy()  # copy is to avoid SettingWithCopyWarning
+            if self.use_start_clusters or self.use_trip_clusters:
+                self.start_cluster_model.fit(train_df)
+                if self.use_start_clusters:
+                    clusters_to_encode = pd.concat([
+                        clusters_to_encode,
+                        self.start_cluster_model.train_df[['start_cluster_idx']]
+                    ],
+                                                   axis=1)
+                if self.use_trip_clusters:
+                    start_end_clusters = pd.concat([
+                        self.end_cluster_model.train_df[['end_cluster_idx']],
+                        self.start_cluster_model.train_df[['start_cluster_idx']]
+                    ],
+                                                   axis=1)
+                    trip_cluster_idx = self.trip_grouper.fit_transform(
+                        start_end_clusters)
+                    clusters_to_encode.loc[:,
+                                           'trip_cluster_idx'] = trip_cluster_idx
+            loc_features_df = self.cluster_enc.fit_transform(
+                clusters_to_encode.astype(int))
+            # clean the df again because we need it in the next step
+            # TODO: remove redundancy
+            self.train_df = self._clean_data(train_df)
+            # TODO: move below code into a reusable function
+            if self.train_df.purpose_true.isna().any():
+                num_nan = self.train_df.purpose_true.value_counts(
+                    dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+                logging.info(
+                    f'dropping {num_nan}/{len(self.train_df)} trips that are missing purpose labels'
+                )
+                self.train_df = self.train_df.dropna(
+                    subset=['purpose_true']).reset_index(drop=True)
+            if len(self.train_df) == 0:
+                # i.e. no valid trips after removing all nans
+                raise Exception('no valid trips; nothing to fit')
+        else:  # self.loc_feature == 'coordinates'
+            self.train_df = self._clean_data(train_df)
+            # TODO: move below code into a reusable function
+            if self.train_df.purpose_true.isna().any():
+                num_nan = self.train_df.purpose_true.value_counts(
+                    dropna=False).loc[np.nan]
+                logging.info(
+                    f'dropping {num_nan}/{len(self.train_df)} trips that are missing purpose labels'
+                )
+                self.train_df = self.train_df.dropna(
+                    subset=['purpose_true']).reset_index(drop=True)
+            if len(self.train_df) == 0:
+                # i.e. no valid trips after removing all nans
+                raise Exception('no valid trips; nothing to fit')
+            loc_features_df = self.train_df[[
+                'start_lon', 'start_lat', 'end_lon', 'end_lat'
+            ]]
+        # prepare data for the ensemble classifiers
+        # note that we want to use purpose data to aid our mode predictions,
+        # and use both purpose and mode data to aid our replaced-mode
+        # predictions
+        # thus, we want to one-hot encode the purpose and mode as data
+        # features, but also preserve an unencoded copy for the target columns
+        # dataframe holding all features and targets
+        self.Xy_train = pd.concat(
+            [self.train_df[self.base_features + self.targets], loc_features_df],
+            axis=1)
+        # encode purposes and modes
+        onehot_purpose_df = self.purpose_enc.fit_transform(
+            self.Xy_train[['purpose_true']], output_col_prefix='purpose')
+        onehot_mode_df = self.mode_enc.fit_transform(
+            self.Xy_train[['mode_true']], output_col_prefix='mode')
+        self.Xy_train = pd.concat(
+            [self.Xy_train, onehot_purpose_df, onehot_mode_df], axis=1)
+        # for predicting purpose, drop encoded purpose and mode features, as
+        # well as all target labels
+        self.X_purpose = self.Xy_train.dropna(subset=['purpose_true']).drop(
+            labels=self.targets + self.purpose_enc.onehot_encoding_cols +
+            self.mode_enc.onehot_encoding_cols,
+            axis=1)
+        # for predicting mode, we want to keep purpose data
+        self.X_mode = self.Xy_train.dropna(subset=['mode_true']).drop(
+            labels=self.targets + self.mode_enc.onehot_encoding_cols, axis=1)
+        # for predicting replaced-mode, we want to keep purpose and mode data
+        self.X_replaced = self.Xy_train.dropna(subset=['replaced_true']).drop(
+            labels=self.targets, axis=1)
+        self.y_purpose = self.Xy_train['purpose_true'].dropna()
+        self.y_mode = self.Xy_train['mode_true'].dropna()
+        self.y_replaced = self.Xy_train['replaced_true'].dropna()
+        # fit classifiers
+        if len(self.X_purpose) > 0:
+            self.purpose_predictor.fit(self.X_purpose, self.y_purpose)
+        if len(self.X_mode) > 0:
+            self.mode_predictor.fit(self.X_mode, self.y_mode)
+        if len(self.X_replaced) > 0:
+            self.replaced_predictor.fit(self.X_replaced, self.y_replaced)
+        return self
+    def predict_proba(self, test_df):
+        """ NOTE: these class probabilities do NOT have a 
+            confidence-discounting heuristic applied. 
+        """
+        ################
+        ### get data ###
+        ################
+        self.X_test_for_purpose = self._get_X_test_for_purpose(test_df)
+        ########################
+        ### make predictions ###
+        ########################
+        # note that we want to use purpose data to aid our mode predictions,
+        # and use both purpose and mode data to aid our replaced-mode
+        # predictions
+        # TODO: some of the code across the try and except blocks can be
+        # consolidated by considering one-hot encoding fully np.nan arrays
+        try:
+            purpose_proba_raw = self.purpose_predictor.predict_proba(
+                self.X_test_for_purpose)
+            purpose_proba = pd.DataFrame(
+                purpose_proba_raw, columns=self.purpose_predictor.classes_)
+            purpose_pred = purpose_proba.idxmax(axis=1)
+            # update X_test with one-hot-encoded purpose predictions to aid
+            # mode predictor
+            # TODO: converting purpose_pred to a DataFrame feels super
+            # unnecessary, make this more efficient
+            onehot_purpose_df = self.purpose_enc.transform(
+                pd.DataFrame(purpose_pred).set_index(
+                    self.X_test_for_purpose.index))
+            self.X_test_for_mode = pd.concat(
+                [self.X_test_for_purpose, onehot_purpose_df], axis=1)
+            mode_proba, replaced_proba = self._try_predict_proba_mode_replaced()
+        except NotFittedError as e:
+            # if we can't predict purpose, we can still try to predict mode and
+            # replaced-mode without one-hot encoding the purpose
+            purpose_pred = np.full((len(self.X_test_for_purpose), ), np.nan)
+            purpose_proba_raw = np.full((len(self.X_test_for_purpose), 1), 0)
+            purpose_proba = pd.DataFrame(purpose_proba_raw, columns=[np.nan])
+            self.X_test_for_mode = self.X_test_for_purpose
+            mode_proba, replaced_proba = self._try_predict_proba_mode_replaced()
+        mode_pred = mode_proba.idxmax(axis=1)
+        replaced_pred = replaced_proba.idxmax(axis=1)
+        if (purpose_pred.dtype == np.float64 and mode_pred.dtype == np.float64
+                and replaced_pred.dtype == np.float64):
+            # this indicates that all the predictions are np.nan so none of the
+            # random forest classifiers were fitted
+            raise NotFittedError
+        # TODO: move this to a Mixin for cluster-based predictors and use the
+        # 'cluster' column of the proba_df outputs
+        # if self.drop_unclustered:
+        #     # TODO: actually, we should only drop purpose predictions. we can
+        #     # then impute the missing entries in the purpose feature and still
+        #     # try to predict mode and replaced-mode without it
+        #     self.predictions.loc[
+        #         self.end_cluster_model.test_df['end_cluster_idx'] == -1,
+        #         ['purpose_pred', 'mode_pred', 'replaced_pred']] = np.nan
+        proba_dfs = []
+        for label_type, proba in zip(
+            ['purpose', 'mode', 'replaced'],
+            [purpose_proba, mode_proba, replaced_proba]):
+            proba['top_pred'] = proba.idxmax(axis=1)
+            proba['top_proba'] = proba.max(axis=1, skipna=True)
+            proba['clusterable'] = self._clusterable(
+                self.X_test_for_purpose).astype(bool)
+            proba = pd.concat([proba], keys=[label_type], axis=1)
+            proba_dfs += [proba]
+        self.proba_df = pd.concat(proba_dfs, axis=1)
+        return self.proba_df
+    def _get_X_test_for_purpose(self, test_df):
+        """ Do the pre-processing to get data that we can then pass into the 
+            ensemble classifiers. 
+        """
+        if self.loc_feature == 'cluster':
+            # get clusters
+            self.end_cluster_model.predict(test_df)
+            clusters_to_encode = self.end_cluster_model.test_df[[
+                'end_cluster_idx'
+            ]].copy()  # copy is to avoid SettingWithCopyWarning
+            if self.use_start_clusters or self.use_trip_clusters:
+                self.start_cluster_model.predict(test_df)
+                if self.use_start_clusters:
+                    clusters_to_encode = pd.concat([
+                        clusters_to_encode,
+                        self.start_cluster_model.test_df[['start_cluster_idx']]
+                    ],
+                                                   axis=1)
+                if self.use_trip_clusters:
+                    start_end_clusters = pd.concat([
+                        self.end_cluster_model.test_df[['end_cluster_idx']],
+                        self.start_cluster_model.test_df[['start_cluster_idx']]
+                    ],
+                                                   axis=1)
+                    trip_cluster_idx = self.trip_grouper.transform(
+                        start_end_clusters)
+                    clusters_to_encode.loc[:,
+                                           'trip_cluster_idx'] = trip_cluster_idx
+            # one-hot encode the cluster indices
+            loc_features_df = self.cluster_enc.transform(clusters_to_encode)
+        else:  # self.loc_feature == 'coordinates'
+            test_df = self._clean_data(test_df)
+            loc_features_df = test_df[[
+                'start_lon', 'start_lat', 'end_lon', 'end_lat'
+            ]]
+        # extract the desired data
+        X_test = pd.concat([
+            test_df[self.base_features].reset_index(drop=True),
+            loc_features_df.reset_index(drop=True)
+        ],
+                           axis=1)
+        return X_test
+    def _try_predict_proba_mode_replaced(self):
+        """ Try to predict mode and replaced-mode. Handles error in case the 
+            ensemble algorithms were not fitted. 
+            Requires self.X_test_for_mode to have already been set. (These are 
+            the DataFrames containing the test data to be passed into self.
+            mode_predictor.) 
+            Returns: mode_proba and replaced_proba, two DataFrames containing 
+                class probabilities for mode and replaced-mode respectively
+        """
+        try:
+            # predict mode
+            mode_proba_raw = self.mode_predictor.predict_proba(
+                self.X_test_for_mode)
+            mode_proba = pd.DataFrame(mode_proba_raw,
+                                      columns=self.mode_predictor.classes_)
+            mode_pred = mode_proba.idxmax(axis=1)
+            # update X_test with one-hot-encoded mode predictions to aid
+            # replaced-mode predictor
+            onehot_mode_df = self.mode_enc.transform(
+                pd.DataFrame(mode_pred).set_index(self.X_test_for_mode.index))
+            self.X_test_for_replaced = pd.concat(
+                [self.X_test_for_mode, onehot_mode_df], axis=1)
+            replaced_proba = self._try_predict_proba_replaced()
+        except NotFittedError as e:
+            mode_proba_raw = np.full((len(self.X_test_for_mode), 1), 0)
+            mode_proba = pd.DataFrame(mode_proba_raw, columns=[np.nan])
+            # if we don't have mode predictions, we *could* still try to
+            # predict replaced mode (but if the user didn't input mode labels
+            # then it's unlikely they would input replaced-mode)
+            self.X_test_for_replaced = self.X_test_for_mode
+            replaced_proba = self._try_predict_proba_replaced()
+        return mode_proba, replaced_proba
+    def _try_predict_proba_replaced(self):
+        """ Try to predict replaced mode. Handles error in case the 
+            replaced_predictor was not fitted. 
+            Requires self.X_test_for_replaced to have already been set. (This 
+            is the DataFrame containing the test data to be passed into self.
+            replaced_predictor.) 
+            Returns: replaced_proba, DataFrame containing class probabilities 
+                for replaced-mode
+        """
+        try:
+            replaced_proba_raw = self.replaced_predictor.predict_proba(
+                self.X_test_for_replaced
+            )  # has shape (len_trips, number of replaced_mode classes)
+            replaced_proba = pd.DataFrame(
+                replaced_proba_raw, columns=self.replaced_predictor.classes_)
+        except NotFittedError as e:
+            replaced_proba_raw = np.full((len(self.X_test_for_replaced), 1), 0)
+            replaced_proba = pd.DataFrame(replaced_proba_raw, columns=[np.nan])
+        return replaced_proba
+    def _clusterable(self, test_df):
+        """ Check if the end points can be clustered (i.e. are within <radius> 
+            meters of an end point from the training set) 
+        """
+        if self.loc_feature == 'cluster':
+            return self.end_cluster_model.test_df.end_cluster_idx >= 0
+        n_samples = test_df.shape[0]
+        clustered = np.ones(shape=n_samples, dtype=int) * False
+        train_coordinates = self.train_df[['end_lat', 'end_lon']]
+        train_radians = np.radians(train_coordinates)
+        for idx, row in test_df.reset_index(drop=True).iterrows():
+            # calculate the distances between the ith test data and all points,
+            # then find the minimum distance for each point and check if it's
+            # within the distance threshold.
+            # unfortunately, pairwise_distances_argmin() does not support
+            # haversine distance, so we have to reimplement it ourselves
+            new_loc_radians = np.radians(row[["end_lat", "end_lon"]].to_list())
+            new_loc_radians = np.reshape(new_loc_radians, (1, 2))
+            dist_matrix_meters = haversine_distances(
+                new_loc_radians, train_radians) * EARTH_RADIUS
+            shortest_dist = np.min(dist_matrix_meters)
+            if shortest_dist < self.radius:
+                clustered[idx] = True
+        return clustered
+class ForestClassifier(EnsembleClassifier):
+    """ Random forest-based trip classifier. 
+        Args:
+            loc_feature (str): 'coordinates' or 'cluster'; whether to use lat/
+                lon coordinates or cluster indices for the location feature
+            radius (int): radius for DBSCAN clustering. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            size_thresh (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have to 
+                be considered for sub-division via SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have to be 
+                sub-divided via SVM. only if loc_feature=='cluster'
+            gamma (float): coefficient for the rbf kernel in SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            C (float): regularization hyperparameter for SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            n_estimators (int): number of estimators in the random forest
+            criterion (str): function to measure the quality of a split in the 
+                random forest
+            max_depth (int): max depth of a tree in the random forest. 
+                unlimited if None. 
+            min_samples_split (int): min number of samples required to split an 
+                internal node in a decision tree
+            min_samples_leaf (int): min number of samples required for a leaf 
+                node in a decision tree
+            max_features (str): number of features to consider when looking for 
+                the best split in a decision tree
+            bootstrap (bool): whether bootstrap samples are used when building 
+                decision trees
+            random_state (int): random state for deterministic random forest 
+                construction
+            use_start_clusters (bool): whether or not to use start clusters as 
+                input features to the ensemble classifier. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            use_trip_clusters (bool): whether or not to use trip-level clusters 
+                as input features to the ensemble classifier. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            loc_feature='coordinates',
+            radius=100,  # TODO: add different start and end radii
+            size_thresh=1,
+            purity_thresh=1.0,
+            gamma=0.05,
+            C=1,
+            n_estimators=100,
+            criterion='gini',
+            max_depth=None,
+            min_samples_split=2,
+            min_samples_leaf=1,
+            max_features='sqrt',
+            bootstrap=True,
+            random_state=42,
+            # drop_unclustered=False,
+            use_start_clusters=False,
+            use_trip_clusters=True):
+        assert loc_feature in ['cluster', 'coordinates']
+        self.loc_feature = loc_feature
+        self.radius = radius
+        self.size_thresh = size_thresh
+        self.purity_thresh = purity_thresh
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.C = C
+        self.n_estimators = n_estimators
+        self.criterion = criterion
+        self.max_depth = max_depth
+        self.min_samples_split = min_samples_split
+        self.min_samples_leaf = min_samples_leaf
+        self.max_features = max_features
+        self.bootstrap = bootstrap
+        self.random_state = random_state
+        # self.drop_unclustered = drop_unclustered
+        self.use_start_clusters = use_start_clusters
+        self.use_trip_clusters = use_trip_clusters
+        if self.loc_feature == 'cluster':
+            # clustering algorithm to generate end clusters
+            self.end_cluster_model = DBSCANSVMCluster(
+                loc_type='end',
+                radius=self.radius,
+                size_thresh=self.size_thresh,
+                purity_thresh=self.purity_thresh,
+                gamma=self.gamma,
+                C=self.C)
+            if self.use_start_clusters or self.use_trip_clusters:
+                # clustering algorithm to generate start clusters
+                self.start_cluster_model = DBSCANSVMCluster(
+                    loc_type='start',
+                    radius=self.radius,
+                    size_thresh=self.size_thresh,
+                    purity_thresh=self.purity_thresh,
+                    gamma=self.gamma,
+                    C=self.C)
+                if self.use_trip_clusters:
+                    # helper class to generate trip-level clusters
+                    self.trip_grouper = TripGrouper(
+                        start_cluster_col='start_cluster_idx',
+                        end_cluster_col='end_cluster_idx')
+            # wrapper class to generate one-hot encodings for cluster indices
+            self.cluster_enc = OneHotWrapper(sparse=False,
+                                             handle_unknown='ignore')
+        # wrapper class to generate one-hot encodings for purposes and modes
+        self.purpose_enc = OneHotWrapper(impute_missing=True,
+                                         sparse=False,
+                                         handle_unknown='error')
+        self.mode_enc = OneHotWrapper(impute_missing=True,
+                                      sparse=False,
+                                      handle_unknown='error')
+        # ensemble classifiers for each label category
+        self.purpose_predictor = RandomForestClassifier(
+            n_estimators=self.n_estimators,
+            criterion=self.criterion,
+            max_depth=self.max_depth,
+            min_samples_split=self.min_samples_split,
+            min_samples_leaf=self.min_samples_leaf,
+            max_features=self.max_features,
+            bootstrap=self.bootstrap,
+            random_state=self.random_state)
+        self.mode_predictor = RandomForestClassifier(
+            n_estimators=self.n_estimators,
+            criterion=self.criterion,
+            max_depth=self.max_depth,
+            min_samples_split=self.min_samples_split,
+            min_samples_leaf=self.min_samples_leaf,
+            max_features=self.max_features,
+            bootstrap=self.bootstrap,
+            random_state=self.random_state)
+        self.replaced_predictor = RandomForestClassifier(
+            n_estimators=self.n_estimators,
+            criterion=self.criterion,
+            max_depth=self.max_depth,
+            min_samples_split=self.min_samples_split,
+            min_samples_leaf=self.min_samples_leaf,
+            max_features=self.max_features,
+            bootstrap=self.bootstrap,
+            random_state=self.random_state)
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        """ hacky code that mimics the set_params of an sklearn Estimator class 
+            so that we can pass params during randomizedsearchCV 
+            Args:
+                params (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the parameter 
+                names and the values are the parameter values
+        """
+        loc_feature = params['loc_feature'] if 'loc_feature' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.loc_feature
+        radius = params['radius'] if 'radius' in params.keys() else self.radius
+        size_thresh = params['size_thresh'] if 'size_thresh' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.size_thresh
+        purity_thresh = params[
+            'purity_thresh'] if 'purity_thresh' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.purity_thresh
+        gamma = params['gamma'] if 'gamma' in params.keys() else self.gamma
+        C = params['C'] if 'C' in params.keys() else self.C
+        n_estimators = params['n_estimators'] if 'n_estimators' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.n_estimators
+        criterion = params['criterion'] if 'criterion' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.criterion
+        max_depth = params['max_depth'] if 'max_depth' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.max_depth
+        min_samples_split = params[
+            'min_samples_split'] if 'min_samples_split' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.min_samples_split
+        min_samples_leaf = params[
+            'min_samples_leaf'] if 'min_samples_leaf' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.min_samples_leaf
+        max_features = params['max_features'] if 'max_features' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.max_features
+        bootstrap = params['bootstrap'] if 'bootstrap' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.bootstrap
+        random_state = params['random_state'] if 'random_state' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.random_state
+        use_start_clusters = params[
+            'use_start_clusters'] if 'use_start_clusters' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.use_start_clusters
+        # drop_unclustered = params[
+        #     'drop_unclustered'] if 'drop_unclustered' in params.keys(
+        #     ) else self.drop_unclustered
+        use_trip_clusters = params[
+            'use_trip_clusters'] if 'use_trip_clusters' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.use_trip_clusters
+        # yes, calling __init__ again is not good practice...
+        self.__init__(loc_feature, radius, size_thresh, purity_thresh, gamma, C,
+                      n_estimators, criterion, max_depth, min_samples_split,
+                      min_samples_leaf, max_features, bootstrap, random_state,
+                      use_start_clusters, use_trip_clusters)
+        return self
+class ClusterForestSlimPredictor(ForestClassifier):
+    """ This is the same as ForestClassifier, just with fewer base 
+        features. 
+        Args:
+            loc_feature (str): 'coordinates' or 'cluster'; whether to use lat/
+                lon coordinates or cluster indices for the location feature
+            radius (int): radius for DBSCAN clustering. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            size_thresh (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have to 
+                be considered for sub-division via SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have to be 
+                sub-divided via SVM. only if loc_feature=='cluster'
+            gamma (float): coefficient for the rbf kernel in SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            C (float): regularization hyperparameter for SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            n_estimators (int): number of estimators in the random forest
+            criterion (str): function to measure the quality of a split in the 
+                random forest
+            max_depth (int): max depth of a tree in the random forest. 
+                unlimited if None. 
+            min_samples_split (int): min number of samples required to split an 
+                internal node in a decision tree
+            min_samples_leaf (int): min number of samples required for a leaf 
+                node in a decision tree
+            max_features (str): number of features to consider when looking for 
+                the best split in a decision tree
+            bootstrap (bool): whether bootstrap samples are used when building 
+                decision trees
+            random_state (int): random state for deterministic random forest 
+                construction
+            use_start_clusters (bool): whether or not to use start clusters as 
+                input features to the ensemble classifier. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            use_trip_clusters (bool): whether or not to use trip-level clusters 
+                as input features to the ensemble classifier. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            loc_feature='coordinates',
+            radius=100,  # TODO: add different start and end radii
+            size_thresh=1,
+            purity_thresh=1.0,
+            gamma=0.05,
+            C=1,
+            n_estimators=100,
+            criterion='gini',
+            max_depth=None,
+            min_samples_split=2,
+            min_samples_leaf=1,
+            max_features='sqrt',
+            bootstrap=True,
+            random_state=42,
+            # drop_unclustered=False,
+            use_start_clusters=False,
+            use_trip_clusters=True):
+        super().__init__(loc_feature, radius, size_thresh, purity_thresh, gamma,
+                         C, n_estimators, criterion, max_depth,
+                         min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf, max_features,
+                         bootstrap, random_state, use_start_clusters,
+                         use_trip_clusters)
+        self.base_features = [
+            'duration',
+            'distance',
+        ]
+class AdaBoostClassifier(EnsembleClassifier):
+    """ AdaBoost-based trip classifier. 
+        Args:
+            loc_feature (str): 'coordinates' or 'cluster'; whether to use lat/
+                lon coordinates or cluster indices for the location feature
+            radius (int): radius for DBSCAN clustering. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            size_thresh (int): the min number of trips a cluster must have to 
+                be considered for sub-division via SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            purity_thresh (float): the min purity a cluster must have to be 
+                sub-divided via SVM. only if loc_feature=='cluster'
+            gamma (float): coefficient for the rbf kernel in SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            C (float): regularization hyperparameter for SVM. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            n_estimators (int): number of estimators
+            criterion (str): function to measure the quality of a split in a 
+                decision tree
+            max_depth (int): max depth of a tree in the random forest. 
+                unlimited if None. 
+            min_samples_split (int): min number of samples required to split an 
+                internal node in a decision tree
+            min_samples_leaf (int): min number of samples required for a leaf 
+                node in a decision tree
+            max_features (str): number of features to consider when looking for 
+                the best split in a decision tree
+            random_state (int): random state for deterministic random forest 
+                construction
+            use_start_clusters (bool): whether or not to use start clusters as 
+                input features to the ensemble classifier. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            use_trip_clusters (bool): whether or not to use trip-level clusters 
+                as input features to the ensemble classifier. only if 
+                loc_feature=='cluster'
+            learning_rate (float): weight applied to each decision tree at each 
+                boosting iteration
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            loc_feature='coordinates',
+            radius=100,  # TODO: add different start and end radii
+            size_thresh=1,
+            purity_thresh=1.0,
+            gamma=0.05,
+            C=1,
+            n_estimators=100,
+            criterion='gini',
+            max_depth=None,
+            min_samples_split=2,
+            min_samples_leaf=1,
+            max_features='sqrt',
+            random_state=42,
+            # drop_unclustered=False,
+            use_start_clusters=False,
+            use_trip_clusters=True,
+            use_base_clusters=True,
+            learning_rate=1.0):
+        assert loc_feature in ['cluster', 'coordinates']
+        self.loc_feature = loc_feature
+        self.radius = radius
+        self.size_thresh = size_thresh
+        self.purity_thresh = purity_thresh
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.C = C
+        self.n_estimators = n_estimators
+        self.criterion = criterion
+        self.max_depth = max_depth
+        self.min_samples_split = min_samples_split
+        self.min_samples_leaf = min_samples_leaf
+        self.max_features = max_features
+        self.random_state = random_state
+        # self.drop_unclustered = drop_unclustered
+        self.use_start_clusters = use_start_clusters
+        self.use_trip_clusters = use_trip_clusters
+        self.use_base_clusters = use_base_clusters
+        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
+        if self.loc_feature == 'cluster':
+            # clustering algorithm to generate end clusters
+            self.end_cluster_model = DBSCANSVMCluster(
+                loc_type='end',
+                radius=self.radius,
+                size_thresh=self.size_thresh,
+                purity_thresh=self.purity_thresh,
+                gamma=self.gamma,
+                C=self.C)
+            if self.use_start_clusters or self.use_trip_clusters:
+                # clustering algorithm to generate start clusters
+                self.start_cluster_model = DBSCANSVMCluster(
+                    loc_type='start',
+                    radius=self.radius,
+                    size_thresh=self.size_thresh,
+                    purity_thresh=self.purity_thresh,
+                    gamma=self.gamma,
+                    C=self.C)
+                if self.use_trip_clusters:
+                    # helper class to generate trip-level clusters
+                    self.trip_grouper = TripGrouper(
+                        start_cluster_col='start_cluster_idx',
+                        end_cluster_col='end_cluster_idx')
+            # wrapper class to generate one-hot encodings for cluster indices
+            self.cluster_enc = OneHotWrapper(sparse=False,
+                                             handle_unknown='ignore')
+        # wrapper class to generate one-hot encodings for purposes and modes
+        self.purpose_enc = OneHotWrapper(impute_missing=True,
+                                         sparse=False,
+                                         handle_unknown='error')
+        self.mode_enc = OneHotWrapper(impute_missing=True,
+                                      sparse=False,
+                                      handle_unknown='error')
+        self.purpose_predictor = AdaBoostClassifier(
+            n_estimators=self.n_estimators,
+            learning_rate=self.learning_rate,
+            random_state=self.random_state,
+            base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(
+                criterion=self.criterion,
+                max_depth=self.max_depth,
+                min_samples_split=self.min_samples_split,
+                min_samples_leaf=self.min_samples_leaf,
+                max_features=self.max_features,
+                random_state=self.random_state))
+        self.mode_predictor = AdaBoostClassifier(
+            n_estimators=self.n_estimators,
+            learning_rate=self.learning_rate,
+            random_state=self.random_state,
+            base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(
+                criterion=self.criterion,
+                max_depth=self.max_depth,
+                min_samples_split=self.min_samples_split,
+                min_samples_leaf=self.min_samples_leaf,
+                max_features=self.max_features,
+                random_state=self.random_state))
+        self.replaced_predictor = AdaBoostClassifier(
+            n_estimators=self.n_estimators,
+            learning_rate=self.learning_rate,
+            random_state=self.random_state,
+            base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(
+                criterion=self.criterion,
+                max_depth=self.max_depth,
+                min_samples_split=self.min_samples_split,
+                min_samples_leaf=self.min_samples_leaf,
+                max_features=self.max_features,
+                random_state=self.random_state))
+    def set_params(self, params):
+        """ hacky code that mimics the set_params of an sklearn Estimator class 
+            so that we can pass params during randomizedsearchCV 
+            Args:
+                params (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the parameter 
+                names and the values are the parameter values
+        """
+        radius = params['radius'] if 'radius' in params.keys() else self.radius
+        size_thresh = params['size_thresh'] if 'size_thresh' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.size_thresh
+        purity_thresh = params[
+            'purity_thresh'] if 'purity_thresh' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.purity_thresh
+        gamma = params['gamma'] if 'gamma' in params.keys() else self.gamma
+        C = params['C'] if 'C' in params.keys() else self.C
+        n_estimators = params['n_estimators'] if 'n_estimators' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.n_estimators
+        criterion = params['criterion'] if 'criterion' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.criterion
+        max_depth = params['max_depth'] if 'max_depth' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.max_depth
+        min_samples_split = params[
+            'min_samples_split'] if 'min_samples_split' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.min_samples_split
+        min_samples_leaf = params[
+            'min_samples_leaf'] if 'min_samples_leaf' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.min_samples_leaf
+        max_features = params['max_features'] if 'max_features' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.max_features
+        random_state = params['random_state'] if 'random_state' in params.keys(
+        ) else self.random_state
+        use_start_clusters = params[
+            'use_start_clusters'] if 'use_start_clusters' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.use_start_clusters
+        # drop_unclustered = params[
+        #     'drop_unclustered'] if 'drop_unclustered' in params.keys(
+        #     ) else self.drop_unclustered
+        use_trip_clusters = params[
+            'use_trip_clusters'] if 'use_trip_clusters' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.use_trip_clusters
+        learning_rate = params[
+            'learning_rate'] if 'learning_rate' in params.keys(
+            ) else self.learning_rate
+        # calling __init__ again is not good practice, I know...
+        self.__init__(radius, size_thresh, purity_thresh, gamma, C,
+                      n_estimators, criterion, max_depth, min_samples_split,
+                      min_samples_leaf, max_features, random_state,
+                      use_start_clusters, use_trip_clusters, learning_rate)
+        return self
+class TripGrouper():
+    """ Helper class to get trip clusters from start and end clusters. 
+        Args:
+            start_cluster_col (str): name of the column containing start 
+                cluster indices
+            end_cluster_col (str): name of the column containing end cluster 
+                indices
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 start_cluster_col='start_cluster_idx',
+                 end_cluster_col='end_cluster_idx'):
+        self.start_cluster_col = start_cluster_col
+        self.end_cluster_col = end_cluster_col
+    def fit_transform(self, trip_df):
+        """ Fit and remember possible trip clusters. 
+            Args:
+                trip_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing trips. must have 
+                    columns <start_cluster_col> and <end_cluster_col>
+        """
+        trip_groups = trip_df.groupby(
+            [self.start_cluster_col, self.end_cluster_col])
+        # need dict so we can access the trip indices of all the trips in each
+        # group. the key is the group tuple and the value is the list of trip
+        # indices in the group.
+        self.trip_groups_dict = dict(trip_groups.groups)
+        # we want to convert trip-group tuples to to trip-cluster indices,
+        # hence the pd Series
+        trip_groups_series = pd.Series(list(self.trip_groups_dict.keys()))
+        trip_cluster_idx = np.empty(len(trip_df))
+        for group_idx in range(len(trip_groups_series)):
+            group_tuple = trip_groups_series[group_idx]
+            trip_idxs_in_group = self.trip_groups_dict[group_tuple]
+            trip_cluster_idx[trip_idxs_in_group] = group_idx
+        return trip_cluster_idx
+    def transform(self, new_trip_df):
+        """ Get trip clusters for a new set of trips. 
+            Args:
+                new_trip_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing trips. must have 
+                    columns <start_cluster_col> and <end_cluster_col>
+        """
+        prediction_trip_groups = new_trip_df.groupby(
+            [self.start_cluster_col, self.end_cluster_col])
+        # need dict so we can access the trip indices of all the trips in each
+        # group. the key is the group tuple and the value is the list of trip
+        # indices in the group.
+        prediction_trip_groups_dict = dict(prediction_trip_groups.groups)
+        trip_groups_series = pd.Series(list(self.trip_groups_dict.keys()))
+        trip_cluster_idx = np.empty(len(new_trip_df))
+        for group_tuple in dict(prediction_trip_groups.groups).keys():
+            # check if the trip cluster exists in the training set
+            trip_idxs_in_group = prediction_trip_groups_dict[group_tuple]
+            if group_tuple in self.trip_groups_dict.keys():
+                # look up the group index from the series we created when we
+                # fit the model
+                group_idx = trip_groups_series[trip_groups_series ==
+                                               group_tuple].index[0]
+            else:
+                group_idx = -1
+            trip_cluster_idx[trip_idxs_in_group] = group_idx
+        return trip_cluster_idx
+class OneHotWrapper():
+    """ Helper class to streamline one-hot encoding. 
+        Args: 
+            impute_missing (bool): whether or not to impute np.nan values. 
+            sparse (bool): whether or not to return a sparse matrix. 
+            handle_unknown (str): specifies the way unknown categories are 
+                handled during transform.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        impute_missing=False,
+        sparse=False,
+        handle_unknown='ignore',
+    ):
+        self.impute_missing = impute_missing
+        if self.impute_missing:
+            self.encoder = make_pipeline(
+                SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan,
+                              strategy='constant',
+                              fill_value='missing'),
+                OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, handle_unknown=handle_unknown))
+        else:
+            self.encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=sparse,
+                                         handle_unknown=handle_unknown)
+    def fit_transform(self, train_df, output_col_prefix=None):
+        """ Establish one-hot encoded variables. 
+            Args: 
+                train_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing train trips. 
+                output_col_prefix (str): only if train_df is a single column
+        """
+        # TODO: handle pd series
+        train_df = train_df.copy()  # to avoid SettingWithCopyWarning
+        # if imputing, the dtype of each column must be string/object and not
+        # numerical, otherwise the SimpleImputer will fail
+        if self.impute_missing:
+            for col in train_df.columns:
+                train_df[col] = train_df[col].astype(object)
+        onehot_encoding = self.encoder.fit_transform(train_df)
+        self.onehot_encoding_cols_all = []
+        for col in train_df.columns:
+            if train_df.shape[1] > 1 or output_col_prefix is None:
+                output_col_prefix = col
+            self.onehot_encoding_cols_all += [
+                f'{output_col_prefix}_{val}'
+                for val in np.sort(train_df[col].dropna().unique())
+            ]
+            # we handle np.nan separately because it is of type float, and may
+            # cause issues with np.sort if the rest of the unique values are
+            # strings
+            if any((train_df[col].isna())):
+                self.onehot_encoding_cols_all += [f'{output_col_prefix}_nan']
+        onehot_encoding_df = pd.DataFrame(
+            onehot_encoding,
+            columns=self.onehot_encoding_cols_all).set_index(train_df.index)
+        # ignore the encoded columns for missing entries
+        self.onehot_encoding_cols = copy.deepcopy(self.onehot_encoding_cols_all)
+        for col in self.onehot_encoding_cols_all:
+            if col.endswith('_nan'):
+                onehot_encoding_df = onehot_encoding_df.drop(columns=[col])
+                self.onehot_encoding_cols.remove(col)
+        return onehot_encoding_df.astype(int)
+    def transform(self, test_df):
+        """ One-hot encoded features in accordance with features seen in the 
+            train set. 
+            Args: 
+                test_df (DataFrame): DataFrame of trips. 
+        """
+        # TODO: rename test_df, this one doesn't necessarily need to be a df
+        onehot_encoding = self.encoder.transform(test_df)
+        onehot_encoding_df = pd.DataFrame(
+            onehot_encoding,
+            columns=self.onehot_encoding_cols_all).set_index(test_df.index)
+        # ignore the encoded columns for missing entries
+        for col in self.onehot_encoding_cols_all:
+            if col.endswith('_nan'):
+                onehot_encoding_df = onehot_encoding_df.drop(columns=[col])
+        return onehot_encoding_df.astype(int)