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File metadata and controls

269 lines (213 loc) · 8.97 KB

Method 1

F-bounded polymorphism, path-dependent types.

In this method, we have Auditors and MorphableAuditors. Auditors are inputs to models and are responsible for producing the audit trail that is returned as the output of a model's prediction function. Morphable auditors are auditors that can produce new auditors with the same structure but with different type parameters.

trait Auditor[K, A, +B] {
  type AuditOutput[_]                    // B = AuditOutput[A]
  private[aloha] def failure[S](...): B  // model fails to predict
  private[aloha] def success[S](...): B  // model successfully predicts

// Notice Impl is a self type describing the implementation.
trait MorphableAuditor[K, A, +B, Impl <: MorphableAuditor[K, A, B, Impl]]
  extends Auditor[K, A, B] {
  def auditor[S: RefInfo]: Option[Auditor[K, S, Impl#AuditOutput[S]]]

Models are just functions. All Model instances also must also extends a more decorated interface called AuditedModel, which contains an Auditor. Notice audited models have a "natural output type" N and an actual output B where the relationship between the two types is B = auditor.AuditOutput[N].

trait Model[-A, +B] extends (A => B) { self: AuditedModel[A, _, B] => }

trait AuditedModel[-A, N, +B] extends Model[A, B] {
  def auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, N, B]

So a constant model will have three type parameters: A, N, and B, with the normal relationship between N, and B`. This works fine but we have an extra type parameter.

case class ConstantModel[-A, N, +B](
  modelId: ModelIdentity,
  constant: N,
  auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, N, B])
extends AuditedModel[A, N, B] {
  def apply(a: A): B = auditor.success(modelId, constant)

Pro: Works well from Java

This method works much better when instantiating model factories and directly instantiating models in Java. For instance:

Prerequisite code

import deaktator.reflect.runtime.manifest.ManifestParser;

private static <A> Manifest<A> manifest(final String strRep) {
    return (Manifest<A>) ManifestParser.parse(strRep).right().get();

Auditor Creation

Manifest<Integer> refInfoInt =
OptionAuditor<ModelIdentity, Integer> aud =
    new OptionAuditor<>(refInfoInt);

ConstantModel Creation

// Using the diamond operator and extracting to a local variable
// in an IDE would produce the type on the LHS automatically.
ConstantModel<Object, Integer, Option<Integer>> constModel =
    new ConstantModel<>(ModelId.empty(), 1, aud);

Seamless Downcasting

// Downcasting works without issue because of the type signatures.
Model<Object, Option<Integer>> model = constModel;

Creation from factory works without type coercion

private static Model<Object, Option<Float>> getModel(
    final Float constant
) throws JavaModelFactoryException {
    Manifest<Float> refInfo = manifest("java.lang.Float");
    Manifest<Object> refInfoObj = manifest("java.lang.Object");
    OptionAuditor<ModelIdentity, Float> aud =
        new OptionAuditor<ModelIdentity, Float>(refInfo);
    JavaModelFactory factory =
        new JavaModelFactory(new StdModelFactory());
    Semantics<Object> semantics =
        new Semantics<Object>(refInfoObj);
    ModelId modelId = new ModelId(1, "test");
    return factory.createConstantModel(semantics, aud, modelId, constant);

Con: Extraneous type parameters

As demonstrated, this works nicely from Java but you'll notice that the since there is a direct relationship between the N and B type parameters, the B parameter is redundant (at least in Scala).

Con: path-dependent types are required

The constant model instantiation works just fine, but when trying to create a model that takes submodels as parameters, things become much more hairy. That's because the exact same type constructor is required in the model and the submodels inside the model. This makes path-dependent types a natural fit but that makes model creation from Scala more difficult. This means that a models necessarily look like:

trait ModelWithSubmodel[-A, SN, N, +B] {
  val auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, N, B]
  def sub: Model[A, auditor.AuditOutput[SN]]

where SN is the submodel's "natural output type". Notice that the submodel's output type depends on the auditor value. The downside of this is that we can't just pass a submodel to case class constructor. We have to have a factory method with two parameter lists that uses type refinements to construct its instances. This is required because auditor needs to have a singleton type in the refined type. That's all just so that we can ensure the submodel has the same type constructor as the auditor.

Concretely, this looks like (which is pretty ugly and unwieldy):

abstract class HierarchicalConstantModel[-A, SN, N, +B](
    override val modelId: ModelIdentity,
    constant: N
) extends AuditedModel[A, N, B] {
  val auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, N, B]
  def sub: Model[A, auditor.AuditOutput[SN]]
  def apply(a: A): B = auditor.success(modelId, constant, subValues = Seq(sub(a)))

object HierarchicalConstantModel {
  def apply[A, SN, N, B](
      mId: ModelIdentity,
      v: N,
      aud: Auditor[ModelIdentity, N, B])(
      s: Model[A, aud.AuditOutput[SN]] // to refer to aud, must be in list #2
  ): HierarchicalConstantModel[A, SN, N, B] = {
    new HierarchicalConstantModel[A, SN, N, B](mId, v) {
      val auditor: aud.type = aud
      val sub: Model[A, auditor.AuditOutput[SN]] = s

Method 2

Wrapped type constructors, models w/ type constructors in output type.

In this method, the type constructor AuditOutput is removed from Auditor and is in its own type: TypeCtor. TypeCtor has a self type of Singleton which means that only objects can extend TypeCtor. In this method Auditor, Model implementations, and factories take a type parameter T that is a subtype of TypeCtor. TypeCtor also implements the Aux pattern from Shapeless. This looks like:

trait TypeCtor { self: Singleton =>
  type TC[+A]
  def refInfo[A: RefInfo]: RefInfo[TC[A]]

object TypeCtor {
  type Aux[C[+_]] = TypeCtor { type TC[A] = C[A] }

An example of a type constructor for Options looks like:

object OptionTC extends TypeCtor {
  type TC[+A] = Option[A]
  def refInfo[A: RefInfo] = RefInfo[Option[A]]
  def instance: this.type = this // added for easy of use in Java

A constant model looks like:

case class ConstantModel[T <: TypeCtor, -A, N](
    modelId: ModelIdentity,
    constant: N,
    tc: T,
    auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, T, N]) extends Model[A, T#TC[N]] {
  def apply(a: A): T#TC[N] = auditor.success(tc, modelId, constant)

Notice that there's no B type parameter and that the output type of the model is T#TC[N]. Here we're using type projection rather than path dependent types as in Method 1. This doesn't seem like a big gain but when write model implementations with submodels, it bears fruit, for instance:

case class HierarchicalConstantModel[T <: TypeCtor, -A, +SN, N](
    modelId: ModelIdentity,
    constant: N,
    sub: Model[A, T#TC[SN]],
    tc: T,
    auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, T, N]
) extends Model[A, T#TC[N]] {
  def apply(a: A): T#TC[N] =
    auditor.success(tc, modelId, constant, subValues = Seq(sa))

object HierarchicalConstantModel {
  def apply[T <: TypeCtor, A, SN, N](
      modelId: ModelIdentity,
      constant: N,
      tc: T,
      auditor: Auditor[ModelIdentity, T, N])(
      sub: Model[A, T#TC[SN]]
  ): HierarchicalConstantModel[T, A, SN, N] = {
    new HierarchicalConstantModel[T, A, SN, N](modelId, constant, sub, tc, auditor)

Pro: No path-dependent types

Pro: Writing Model Impls is easier and instantiating is easy

val cm = ConstantModel(ModelId(), 2f, OptionTC, OptionAuditor[Float])
val hcm = HierarchicalConstantModel(ModelId(), 1, OptionTC, OptionAuditor[Int])(cm)
require(Option(1) == hcm(None))

Con: Directly instantiating models Java is sub-par

See com.eharmony.aloha.score.audit.take2.JavaFactoryTest.test() for details.

Pro: Model instantiation from factories works well

Unfortunately, it requires reflection via RefInfo to coerce the model output types.

Method 3 (not yet done)

A hybrid of Method 1 and 2: Use extraneous type parameters and TypeCtor and parameterize models, auditors, and factory by TypeCtor type.