Releases: eclipse-tractusx/digital-product-pass
A Helm chart for Tractus-X Digital Product Pass Kubernetes
[v2.2.0] - 26-03-2024
- Refactored dpp-script by adding AppId as a script parameter
- [BREAKING CHANGE]: Updated the encoding scheme to base64 to the lookup/shells?assetIds... in dpp-backend
- Updated the digital twin registry version to v0.3.31
- Updated postman collection to adjust the APIs from EDC
- Updated IRS collection to change authentication process from OAuth2 to the API-Key
- [BREAKING CHANGE]: Updated models to support the new EDC 0.6.0 semantics (alias for retro-compatibility enabled)
- Updated edc-consumer and edc-provider helm charts version to
- Updated the catalog request semantics
- Optimized/refactored the contract negotiation and transfer flow.
- Updated Data Plane Service data parsing
- Updated the following readme files:
- Postman readme
- dpp-script readme
- Updated translations
- Updated battery graph
- Added timeout in negotiation and transfer requests for avoiding infinite loops. When status from transfer does not changes from STARTED.
- Added missing static units
- Added missing data fields
[ 1° ] - Release/v2.2.0 units and translations update + separate collection icon #254
[ 2° ] - Release/v2.2.0 battery composition graph #255
[ 3° ] - Release/v2.2.0: updated chart and app versions to v2.2.0 #256
Release/v2.2.0 update edcs version v0.6.0: update edc helm version and make backend compatibility #246
Release/v2.2.0-added vue-chartjs library to frontend packege and run ip checks #240
BREAKING CHANGE: update registry version: Updated the encoding scheme to base64 to the lookup/shells?assetIds... in dpp-backend #239
Release/v2.2.0/refactor dpp script: Refactored the dpp-script and updated readme #237
Full Changelog: digital-product-pass-2.2.0...v2.2.0
A Helm chart for Tractus-X Digital Product Pass Kubernetes
A Helm chart for Tractus-X Digital Product Pass Kubernetes
[v2.1.3] - 19-02-2024
- Renamed "Catena-X" to "Tractus-X" in header license prefix
Milestone PRs:
- Hotfix/Header Licenses: Renamed catena-x to tractus-x by @matbmoser in #232
- chore: fixed header mistake by @matbmoser in #233
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3
A Helm chart for Tractus-X Digital Product Pass Kubernetes
[v2.1.2] - 16-02-2024
- Updated the following changes in the frontend:
- Updated visualization and selection of policy
- Changed styles of buttons and radio button in the policy dialog box to the standard styles guidelines
- Updated "Help" link to point the end user manual
- Updated end user manual readme
- Increased timeouts to API calls in the backend
- Added the mechanism to parse the
policy structure in the frontend
Milestone PRs:
- chore: update code of conduct to latest version by @hzierer in #226
- [ 1° ] - Hotfix/odrl-information: Added policy description to the policy selection popup by @matbmoser in #228
- [ 2° ] - Release/v2.1.2 policy styles by @davidzynda in #230
- [ 3° ] - Hotfix/user manual readme: updated user manual md file and Help button link by @saudkhan116 in #227
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2
A Helm chart for Tractus-X Digital Product Pass Kubernetes
What's Changed
[v2.1.1] - 05-02-2024
- Added missing german translations to the transmission pass
- Added missing german translations to the policy selection feature
- Integrated dependabot to automate the dependencies updates
- Updated the license headers in all the files to the latest "license and copyright header" of 2024
- Updated the to match configuration
Issues Fixed
- Fixed tabs bugs related to translations
- Fixed translations of battery pass and digital product pass
- Fixed missing additional data visualization
- Fixed missing total sources visualization
- Re-added missing QR code scanner import
Security Issues Fixed
- Updated axios library from
to fix vulnerability
Milestone PRs:
- [ 1° ] - Hotfix/trg-2-06-integrate-dependabot: implement dependabot workflow by @saudkhan116 in #209
- [ 2º ] - Hotfix/trg-7-02: license and copyright header by @dsrparracho in #210
- [ 3° ] - Hotfix/ Update the installation guide by @saudkhan116 in #211
- [ 4º ] - Hotfix/v2.1.1: Solved vulnerabilities and frontend bugs by @matbmoser in #212
- fix(qr-code): re-added missing import by @matbmoser in #225
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1
A Helm chart for Tractus-X Digital Product Pass Kubernetes