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Understanding our multi instance and versioning behaviour

Santiago Julian edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 6 revisions

Like mentioned in the important to know! section, In this wiki page we want to talk a bit about the structure, documentation instances, versioning and conditional rendering (non official) solution for the versions dropdown menu.

Our multi-instance structure

We have structured our documentation i a way that it's divided in 3 instances/folders:

  • ./docs -> dedicated to the Developer Hub content (not versioned)
  • ./docs-kits -> dedicated to the KITs content (versioned)
  • ./docs-products -> dedicated to the products content (not in use yet)

With this structure we are able to have a better control and organisation of the code, and also allow us to have separated versions for each instance if needed.

Each instance/folder's sidebar is also defined in a separate file, like follows:

  • ./docs -> sidebars.js
  • ./docs-kits -> sidebarsDocskits.js
  • ./docs-products -> sidebarsDocsProducts.js

To understand and know more about the multi-instance setup check the official documentation.

Creating new versions

The creation/tagging of a new version will follow a scheduled period of time, through the CLI is very easy to do it as it's indicated in here, it is only needed to run the following command to tag a new version of the docs-kits instance:

npm run docusaurus docs:version:docs-kits 1.0.0

This command will freeze (create a copy) all the documentation included in the ./docs-kits folder at the moment of the creation and storage said copy in the ./docs-kits-versioned_docs folder. At the same time, it will create a copy of the sidebarsDocsKits.js file and it will storage it in the ./docs-kits_versioned_sidebars folder.

That way docusaurus handles the different versions and is the reason why the ./docs-kits folder is pointing always to the Next version.

IMPORTANT do not tag a new version unless is explicitly requested by the eclipse-tractusx repository's committers.

Versions dropdown menu

Following the Navbar docs version dropdown documentation, our versions dropdown menu is defined here:

    /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */
      // ...
      navbar: {
        title: 'Eclipse Tractus-X',
        logo: {
          alt: 'Eclipse Tractus-X logo',
          src: 'img/logo_tractus-x.svg',
        items: [
          // ...
            type: 'docsVersionDropdown',
            docsPluginId: 'docs-kits',
            position: 'right'
          // ...
      // ...