From 6d2844615686a8091d0e9692870ad8831da5c118 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ChetanT-System Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:30:27 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/7] - Documents updated for dependencies, code of conduct, and file --- | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------- DEPENDENCIES | 49 +-------------- => | 0 | 4 +- 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-) rename => (100%) diff --git a/ b/ index b7aae33f8..faa735b35 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,46 +1,93 @@ # Community Code of Conduct -**Version 1.2 -August 19, 2020** +**Version 2.0 +January 1, 2023** ## Our Pledge -In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as community members, contributors, committers, and project leaders pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as community members, contributors, Committers[^1], and Project Leads (collectively "Contributors") pledge to make participation in our projects and our community a harassment-free and inclusive experience for everyone. + +This Community Code of Conduct ("Code") outlines our behavior expectations as members of our community in all Eclipse Foundation activities, both offline and online. It is not intended to govern scenarios or behaviors outside of the scope of Eclipse Foundation activities. Nor is it intended to replace or supersede the protections offered to all our community members under the law. Please follow both the spirit and letter of this Code and encourage other Contributors to follow these principles into our work. Failure to read or acknowledge this Code does not excuse a Contributor from compliance with the Code. ## Our Standards -Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: +Examples of behavior that contribute to creating a positive and professional environment include: + +- Using welcoming and inclusive language; +- Actively encouraging all voices; +- Helping others bring their perspectives and listening actively. If you find yourself dominating a discussion, it is especially important to encourage other voices to join in; +- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences; +- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism; +- Focusing on what is best for the community; +- Showing empathy towards other community members; +- Being direct but professional; and +- Leading by example by holding yourself and others accountable + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by Contributors include: + +- The use of sexualized language or imagery; +- Unwelcome sexual attention or advances; +- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks; +- Public or private harassment, repeated harassment; +- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission; +- Violent threats or language directed against another person; +- Sexist, racist, or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language; +- Posting sexually explicit or violent material; +- Sharing private content, such as emails sent privately or non-publicly, or unlogged forums such as IRC channel history; +- Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms; +- Excessive or unnecessary profanity; +- Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior; and +- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting -* Using welcoming and inclusive language -* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences -* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism -* Focusing on what is best for the community -* Showing empathy towards other community members +## Our Responsibilities -Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: +With the support of the Eclipse Foundation employees, consultants, officers, and directors (collectively, the "Staff"), Committers, and Project Leads, the Eclipse Foundation Conduct Committee (the "Conduct Committee") is responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior. The Conduct Committee takes appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. -* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances -* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks -* Public or private harassment -* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission -* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting +## Scope -## Our Responsibilities +This Code applies within all Project, Working Group, and Interest Group spaces and communication channels of the Eclipse Foundation (collectively, "Eclipse spaces"), within any Eclipse-organized event or meeting, and in public spaces when an individual is representing an Eclipse Foundation Project, Working Group, Interest Group, or their communities. Examples of representing a Project or community include posting via an official social media account, personal accounts, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of Projects, Working Groups, and Interest Groups may be further defined and clarified by Committers, Project Leads, or the Staff. + +## Enforcement -With the support of the Eclipse Foundation staff (the “Staff”), project committers and leaders are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the Conduct Committee via All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Without the explicit consent of the reporter, the Conduct Committee is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. The Conduct Committee is further obligated to ensure that the respondent is provided with sufficient information about the complaint to reply. If such details cannot be provided while maintaining confidentiality, the Conduct Committee will take the respondent‘s inability to provide a defense into account in its deliberations and decisions. Further details of enforcement guidelines may be posted separately. -Project committers and leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. +Staff, Committers and Project Leads have the right to report, remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code, or to block temporarily or permanently any Contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. Any such actions will be reported to the Conduct Committee for transparency and record keeping. -## Scope +Any Staff (including officers and directors of the Eclipse Foundation), Committers, Project Leads, or Conduct Committee members who are the subject of a complaint to the Conduct Committee will be recused from the process of resolving any such complaint. -This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also applies when an individual is representing the Eclipse Foundation project or its community in public spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include posting via an official social media account, or acting as a project representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project committers, leaders, or the EMO. +## Responsibility -## Enforcement +The responsibility for administering this Code rests with the Conduct Committee, with oversight by the Executive Director and the Board of Directors. For additional information on the Conduct Committee and its process, please write to . + +## Investigation of Potential Code Violations + +All conflict is not bad as a healthy debate may sometimes be necessary to push us to do our best. It is, however, unacceptable to be disrespectful or offensive, or violate this Code. If you see someone engaging in objectionable behavior violating this Code, we encourage you to address the behavior directly with those involved. If for some reason, you are unable to resolve the matter or feel uncomfortable doing so, or if the behavior is threatening or harassing, please report it following the procedure laid out below. + +Reports should be directed to . It is the Conduct Committee’s role to receive and address reported violations of this Code and to ensure a fair and speedy resolution. + +The Eclipse Foundation takes all reports of potential Code violations seriously and is committed to confidentiality and a full investigation of all allegations. The identity of the reporter will be omitted from the details of the report supplied to the accused. Contributors who are being investigated for a potential Code violation will have an opportunity to be heard prior to any final determination. Those found to have violated the Code can seek reconsideration of the violation and disciplinary action decisions. Every effort will be made to have all matters disposed of within 60 days of the receipt of the complaint. + +## Actions +Contributors who do not follow this Code in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by the Conduct Committee. + +This Code does not address all conduct. It works in conjunction with our [Communication Channel Guidelines](, [Social Media Guidelines](, [Bylaws](, and [Internal Rules]( which set out additional protections for, and obligations of, all contributors. The Foundation has additional policies that provide further guidance on other matters. + +It’s impossible to spell out every possible scenario that might be deemed a violation of this Code. Instead, we rely on one another’s good judgment to uphold a high standard of integrity within all Eclipse Spaces. Sometimes, identifying the right thing to do isn’t an easy call. In such a scenario, raise the issue as early as possible. + +## No Retaliation + +The Eclipse community relies upon and values the help of Contributors who identify potential problems that may need to be addressed within an Eclipse Space. Any retaliation against a Contributor who raises an issue honestly is a violation of this Code. That a Contributor has raised a concern honestly or participated in an investigation, cannot be the basis for any adverse action, including threats, harassment, or discrimination. If you work with someone who has raised a concern or provided information in an investigation, you should continue to treat the person with courtesy and respect. If you believe someone has retaliated against you, report the matter as described by this Code. Honest reporting does not mean that you have to be right when you raise a concern; you just have to believe that the information you are providing is accurate. + +False reporting, especially when intended to retaliate or exclude, is itself a violation of this Code and will not be accepted or tolerated. + +Everyone is encouraged to ask questions about this Code. Your feedback is welcome, and you will get a response within three business days. Write to . + +## Amendments -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the Staff at All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The Staff is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. +The Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors may amend this Code from time to time and may vary the procedures it sets out where appropriate in a particular case. -Project committers or leaders who do not follow the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by the Staff. +### Attribution -## Attribution +This Code was inspired by the [Contributor Covenant](, version 1.4, available [here]( -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant]( , version 1.4, available at []( +[^1]: Capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Bylaws. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DEPENDENCIES b/DEPENDENCIES index b0dc6336f..d16024b26 100644 --- a/DEPENDENCIES +++ b/DEPENDENCIES @@ -1,29 +1,16 @@ maven/mavencentral/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic/1.4.7, EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only, approved, #3435 maven/mavencentral/ch.qos.logback/logback-core/1.4.7, EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only, approved, #3373 -maven/mavencentral/com.ethlo.time/itu/1.7.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #7947 maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core/2.15.0, MIT AND Apache-2.0, approved, #7932 maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #7934 -maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat/jackson-dataformat-toml/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9160 -maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat/jackson-dataformat-yaml/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #8802 maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-jdk8/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #8808 maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-jsr310/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #7930 maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml.jackson.module/jackson-module-parameter-names/2.15.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #8803 maven/mavencentral/com.fasterxml/classmate/1.5.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/com.github.ben-manes.caffeine/caffeine/3.1.6, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/com.github.stephenc.jcip/jcip-annotations/1.0-1, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ21949 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #6159 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #6159 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/com.jayway.jsonpath/json-path/2.8.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/com.networknt/json-schema-validator/1.0.72, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ22638 -maven/mavencentral/com.nimbusds/nimbus-jose-jwt/9.31, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/com.sun.istack/istack-commons-runtime/4.1.1, BSD-3-Clause, approved, #2590 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ21310 maven/mavencentral/com.zaxxer/HikariCP/5.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.15, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ22641 -maven/mavencentral/commons-io/commons-io/2.7, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/io.github.classgraph/classgraph/4.8.149, MIT, approved, CQ22530 maven/mavencentral/io.github.openfeign.form/feign-form-spring/3.8.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/io.github.openfeign.form/feign-form/3.8.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/io.github.openfeign/feign-core/12.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined @@ -31,9 +18,6 @@ maven/mavencentral/io.github.openfeign/feign-slf4j/12.3, Apache-2.0, approved, c maven/mavencentral/io.micrometer/micrometer-commons/1.11.0, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND MIT), approved, #9243 maven/mavencentral/io.micrometer/micrometer-observation/1.11.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9242 maven/mavencentral/io.smallrye/jandex/3.0.5, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-annotations-jakarta/2.2.7, Apache-2.0, approved, #5947 -maven/mavencentral/io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-core-jakarta/2.2.7, Apache-2.0, approved, #5929 -maven/mavencentral/io.swagger.core.v3/swagger-models-jakarta/2.2.7, Apache-2.0, approved, #5919 maven/mavencentral/jakarta.activation/jakarta.activation-api/2.1.2, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.jaf maven/mavencentral/jakarta.annotation/jakarta.annotation-api/2.1.1, EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, maven/mavencentral/jakarta.inject/jakarta.inject-api/2.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined @@ -46,9 +30,6 @@ maven/mavencentral/net.bytebuddy/byte-buddy/1.14.4, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause, maven/mavencentral/net.minidev/accessors-smart/2.4.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #7515 maven/mavencentral/net.minidev/json-smart/2.4.10, Apache-2.0, approved, #3288 maven/mavencentral/org.antlr/antlr4-runtime/4.10.1, BSD-3-Clause AND LicenseRef-Public-domain AND MIT AND LicenseRef-Unicode-TOU, approved, #7065 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/1.8, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-text/1.10.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-api/2.17.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-to-slf4j/2.17.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #2163 maven/mavencentral/org.apache.tomcat.embed/tomcat-embed-core/10.1.8, Apache-2.0 AND (EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0) AND (CDDL-1.0 OR GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0) AND W3C AND CC0-1.0, approved, #5949 @@ -60,22 +41,7 @@ maven/mavencentral/org.assertj/assertj-core/3.24.2, Apache-2.0, approved, #6161 maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk15on/1.69, MIT, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.69, MIT, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcutil-jdk15on/1.69, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.checkerframework/checker-qual/3.33.0, MIT, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.angus/angus-activation/2.0.0, EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.angus -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.persistence/eclipselink/3.0.3, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.eclipselink -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/assembly-part-relationship/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/batch/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/bpn-discovery/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/digital-twins/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/edc/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/part-as-planned/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/part-site-information-as-planned/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/portal/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/sde-common/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/serial-part-typization/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/single-level-bom-as-planned/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.tractusx/single-level-usage-as-built/0.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, automotive.tractusx -maven/mavencentral/org.flywaydb/flyway-core/9.16.3, Apache-2.0, approved, #7935 maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/jaxb-core/4.0.2, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/jaxb-runtime/4.0.2, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/txw2/4.0.2, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb @@ -96,23 +62,17 @@ maven/mavencentral/org.mockito/mockito-junit-jupiter/4.8.1, MIT, approved, clear maven/mavencentral/org.objenesis/objenesis/3.2, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.opentest4j/opentest4j/1.2.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.ow2.asm/asm/9.3, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.postgresql/postgresql/42.6.0, BSD-2-Clause AND Apache-2.0, approved, #9159 maven/mavencentral/org.projectlombok/lombok/1.18.26, MIT AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ23907 maven/mavencentral/org.skyscreamer/jsonassert/1.5.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/jul-to-slf4j/2.0.7, MIT, approved, #7698 maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.7, MIT, approved, #5915 -maven/mavencentral/org.springdoc/springdoc-openapi-starter-common/2.0.2, Apache-2.0, approved, #5920 -maven/mavencentral/org.springdoc/springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-api/2.0.2, Apache-2.0, approved, #5950 -maven/mavencentral/org.springdoc/springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui/2.0.2, Apache-2.0, approved, #5923 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-autoconfigure/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9341 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-devtools/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-aop/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9338 -maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-cache/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9653 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9733 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-jdbc/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9737 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-json/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9336 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-logging/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9343 -maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #8804 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-security/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9337 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-test/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9353 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-tomcat/3.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9351 @@ -129,18 +89,15 @@ maven/mavencentral/ maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #7299 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #8805 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9120 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9736 +maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9736 +maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9801 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9801 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0 AND ISC, approved, #9735 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9741 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9345 -maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #8798 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ20647 maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, #9800 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-aop/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5940 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-aspects/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5930 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-beans/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5937 -maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-context-support/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #6960 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-context/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5936 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-core/6.0.9, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause, approved, #5948 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-expression/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #3284 @@ -151,7 +108,5 @@ maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-test/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-tx/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5926 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-web/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5942 maven/mavencentral/org.springframework/spring-webmvc/6.0.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #5944 -maven/mavencentral/org.webjars/swagger-ui/4.15.5, Apache-2.0 AND MIT, approved, #5921 -maven/mavencentral/org.webjars/webjars-locator-core/0.52, MIT, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.xmlunit/xmlunit-core/2.9.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #6272 maven/mavencentral/org.yaml/snakeyaml/2.0, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause OR EPL-1.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later OR LGPL-2.1-or-later), approved, #7275 diff --git a/ b/ similarity index 100% rename from rename to diff --git a/ b/ index 55ad02327..2586b3135 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ The SDE project has three dependencies: Digital Twins, Portal and EDC. ## How to run +For SDE installation, please refer the [INSTALL]( file + SDE is a SpringBoot Java Maven software project. When running, the project requires a postgresql database to be available to connect. @@ -290,4 +292,4 @@ Authentication for the backend is handled via an API Key. This can be set in the GitHub repository with correct version of the Eclipse DataSpace Connector Project: [repository]( ### Licenses -Apache 2.0 ( \ No newline at end of file +Apache 2.0 ( From 0b0af7e082213e9e917bda19042f0c971ce98e73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: adityagajbhiye9 <> Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:58:40 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 2/7] Docs update. --- .github/workflows/release.yml | 53 ----------------------------------- | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/release.yml diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f3a56cb48..000000000 --- a/.github/workflows/release.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -################################################################################# -# Copyright (c) 2023 T-Systems International GmbH -# Copyright (c) 2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation -# -# See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional -# information regarding copyright ownership. -# -# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the -# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the -# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations -# under the License. -# -# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -################################################################################ -on: - push: - branches: - - 'main' - tags: - - 'v*.*.*' # Push events to matching v*, i.e. v1.0, v20.15.10 -name: Create Release - -jobs: - build: - name: Create Release - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - steps: - - name: Checkout code - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - name: Set output - id: vars - run: echo "tag=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - - name: Check output - env: - RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} - run: | - echo $RELEASE_VERSION - echo ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} - - name: Create Release - id: create_release - uses: actions/create-release@v1 - env: - GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # This token is provided by Actions, you do not need to create your own token - with: - tag_name: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} - release_name: Release ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag}} - draft: false - prerelease: false diff --git a/ b/ index 2586b3135..a4df24652 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -152,6 +152,24 @@ connector.discovery.clientId=default connector.discovery.clientSecret=default portal.backend.hostname=default springdoc.api-docs.path=/api-docs +bpndiscovery.hostname=default +discovery.authentication.url=default +discovery.clientId=default +discovery.clientSecret=default +discovery.grantType=default +edc.consumer.protocol.path=default +edc.consumer.managementpath=default +edc.managementpath=default +partner.pool.hostname=default +partner.pool.authentication.url=default +partner.pool.clientId=default +partner.pool.clientSecret=default +partner.pool.grantType=default +portal.backend.hostname=default +portal.backend.authentication.url=default +portal.backend.clientId=default +portal.backend.clientSecret=default +portal.backend.grantType=default ``` The above configuration we can use as for different deployment as specified here []( @@ -293,3 +311,30 @@ GitHub repository with correct version of the Eclipse DataSpace Connector Projec ### Licenses Apache 2.0 ( +<<<<<<< Updated upstream +======= + +## Notice for Docker image + +This application provides container images for demonstration purposes. + +DockerHub: + +Eclipse Tractus-X product(s) installed within the image: + +- GitHub: +- Project home: +- Dockerfile: +- Project license: [Apache License, Version 2.0] + +**Used base image** +- [eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-jammy]( +- Official Eclipse Temurin DockerHub page: +- Eclipse Temurin Project: +- Additional information about the Eclipse Temurin images: + +As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained). + +As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within. + +>>>>>>> Stashed changes From 082dbd1f80ed5e703568e6da88edbb5994952ed4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: adityagajbhiye9 <> Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:28:41 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 3/7] Docs update. --- | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++--- | 7 ++----- 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 2133d0c6e..c270284cd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -18,10 +18,13 @@ For more details, please refer configuration section from []( In values.yaml you can find `default` as value for all required configuration. You need to change all those values as per your need. For reference, please refer configuration example section. - ```helm repo add eclipse-tractusx-dft-backend ``` - - ```helm install release-name eclipse-tractusx/dft-backend ``` + ```shell + helm repo add sdebackend + helm search repo sdebackend/sde + + helm install -f your-values.yaml release-name sdebackend/sde-app + ``` ### RUN SDE Backend Locally #### Prerequisites - JDK18 @@ -34,6 +37,20 @@ For more details, please refer configuration section from []( 4. Provide require application configuration in as specified in step 5. Start the SDE spring boot application from your IDE using main class or use spring CLI. +#### Building +SDE-backend use Maven for building process. To build a service from sources one need to go to corresponding directory and trigger building process: + + ``` shell + cd managed-simple-data-exchanger-backend + + ./mvnw clean install + ``` + +Then fat jar file can be found in modules/sde-core/target folder as well as in local Maven repository. it can be run with this command: + + ``` shell + java -jar target/sde-core-0.0.1.jar + ``` ## Upload a file: When a file .csv is uploaded, the program checks whether the file is a SerialPartTypization or an AssemblyPartRelationship and there is a pipeline for each one. diff --git a/ b/ index a4df24652..7ff2ddae9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -310,9 +310,7 @@ Authentication for the backend is handled via an API Key. This can be set in the GitHub repository with correct version of the Eclipse DataSpace Connector Project: [repository]( ### Licenses -Apache 2.0 ( -<<<<<<< Updated upstream -======= +For used licenses, please see the [NOTICE]( ## Notice for Docker image @@ -325,7 +323,7 @@ Eclipse Tractus-X product(s) installed within the image: - GitHub: - Project home: - Dockerfile: -- Project license: [Apache License, Version 2.0] +- Project license: [Apache License, Version 2.0] **Used base image** - [eclipse-temurin:19-jdk-jammy]( @@ -337,4 +335,3 @@ As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within. ->>>>>>> Stashed changes From ee7934684374cad87db29072eb3933e8ebad5f63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: adityagajbhiye9 <> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 10:39:37 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 4/7] updated docs. --- | 2 +- | 4 ++-- readme.txt | 2 -- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 readme.txt diff --git a/ b/ index 1915f50a3..626ba40ef 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The companies involved want to increase the automotive industry's competitiveness, improve efficiency through industry-specific cooperation and accelerate company processes through standardization and access to information and data. A special focus is also on SMEs, whose active participation is of -central importance for the network’s success. That is why Catena-X has been +central importance for the network€™s success. That is why Catena-X has been conceived from the outset as an open network with solutions ready for SMEs, where these companies will be able to participate quickly and with little IT infrastructure investment. Tractus-X is meant to be the PoC project of the diff --git a/ b/ index 7ff2ddae9..16ca74f36 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ --- ## Description -This repository is part of the overarching Catena-X project. It contains the Backend for the SDE/DFT. +This repository is part of the overarching Eclipse Tractus-X project. It contains the Backend for the SDE/DFT. SDE Simple data exchanger(formally known DFT is short for Data Format Transformer) It is a standalone service which can be self-hosted. -It enables companies to provide their data in the Catena-X network via an EDC. +It enables companies to provide their data in the Eclipse Tractus-X network via an EDC. ## Important !!! ### Deployment of SDE backend diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bd0054526..000000000 --- a/readme.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -Version info: -v1.2.0 is for the sprint pip5sp2-gds changes integrated. From 2cd91311f23ffa6f9aa334cdee50760d812abb00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: adityagajbhiye9 <> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 10:48:41 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 5/7] Update --- | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index c9d889fbe..ed9a4a279 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, ## [2.0.10] - 2023-08-23 -### Added -- release workflow added. ### Fixed - Updated openAPI file for kics issue. +- Documentation updated. ## [2.0.9] - 2023-08-08 ### Fixed From ebb66cea2bc8894c89ac14789c512a5a8c62eab4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Amol.Dashwant" Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 12:21:30 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 6/7] License files in target --- modules/sde-core/pom.xml | 14 ++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+) diff --git a/modules/sde-core/pom.xml b/modules/sde-core/pom.xml index 471757466..3d3317896 100644 --- a/modules/sde-core/pom.xml +++ b/modules/sde-core/pom.xml @@ -175,6 +175,20 @@ + + + ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources + + + ${project.basedir}/../.. + + LICENSE + + DEPENDENCIES + + META-INF/ + + org.springframework.boot From 92ce6014cbfb3eca74ee4f90b08552116d465cab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: adityagajbhiye9 <> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 12:30:50 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 7/7] image name changed - too match with frontend image name. --- .github/workflows/dockerbuild.yaml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/dockerbuild.yaml b/.github/workflows/dockerbuild.yaml index d74effd20..d0f6fb39a 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/dockerbuild.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/dockerbuild.yaml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ on: env: IMAGE_NAMESPACE: "tractusx" - IMAGE_NAME: "sdebackend" + IMAGE_NAME: "managed-simple-data-exchanger-backend" jobs: docker: