The first steps are always the same:
- Clone the project
- Make sure the PURIS backend and the tractusx-edc is running with all its components
Depending on your needs of deployment, follow the following steps
Change the
or the respective environment variables to configure the port, the URL of the EDC control plane, backend application etc. -
Run the application: mvn spring-boot:run"./src/main/resources/"
It is highly suggested to install, configure and run the PURIS frontend afterward
- First build a docker image:
cd backend
docker build -t puris-backend:dev .
- Optionally (one can set properties via environment variables to docker): Change the
or the respective environment variables to configure the port, the URL of the EDC control plane, backend application etc. - Run the application:
cd backend
docker build -t puris-backend:dev .
# A use docker
docker run -d --rm -p 8081:8081 --name backend -e server.port=8082 puris-backend:dev CONTAINERID
# B use docker-compose
cd ..
cd local
docker-compose up
- Done! The Swagger UI should be available at
- (Java & Docker)
- (Java & Docker)
- It is highly suggested to install and run the PURIS frontend afterward (unless you're using local/docker-compose.yaml)
- Run the application:
cd charts/puris/charts/backend
helm install backend --namespace puris --create-namespace . --set ingress.enabled=true
- Done! The Swagger UI should be available at
- (Java & Docker)
- (Kubernetes)
- (Java & Docker)
- It is highly suggested to install and run the PURIS frontend afterward
This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
- Source URL: