All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v2.0 - 2024-07-16
- feature/zsh #39 (edheltzel)
- feature/zsh #38 (edheltzel)
- feature/zsh #37 (edheltzel)
- Update fish shell configuration with multiple prompts #36 (edheltzel)
- stow #35 (edheltzel)
- feature/xdg #34 (edheltzel)
- Feature/xdg #33 (edheltzel)
- hotfix/randomUpdates #28 (edheltzel)
- adds fig #27 (edheltzel)
- hotfix/randomUpdates #26 (edheltzel)
- hotfix/randomUpdates #25 (edheltzel)
- hotfix/randomUpdates #24 (edheltzel)
- fish key bindings are good resolves #22 #23 (edheltzel)
- global dictionary update #21 (edheltzel)
- hotfix/randomUpdates #20 (edheltzel)
- hotfix/randomUpdates #19 (edheltzel)
- dictionary update #18 (edheltzel)
- feature/packages #15 (edheltzel)