Choose a new version for the release. It is best to set this to an environment variable as we will be referring to it often
export newVersion=1.0.0
Set the version of the poms to the release artifact version
./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=${newVersion} -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
Build and test the release to ensure everything is correct
./mvnw clean install -Prelease
Update the tests to point to release and test:
./mvnw -f tests/pom.xml clean install
Verify the correct signature was used to sign the artifacts
gpg --verify target/maven-parent-${newVersion}.pom.asc
Deploy the release as a stagged release to Sonatype
./mvnw clean deploy -Prelease
If everything goes well, we’ll see, among the console outputs, the staging repository id created for the project like this:
* Created staging repository with ID "io.github.efenglu-1001".
Inspect the artifacts on Sonatype ensure they are correct
Let’s log in to to inspect the artifacts we’ve deployed to staging. After login, we’ll click on Staging Repositories on the left side menu under the Build Promotion sub-menu and using the search bar at the top right of the page, we’ll search for the staging repository ID created e.g. io.github.efenglu-1001 in this case.
We should be able to see and inspect the artifacts that were uploaded by the nexus staging Maven plugin.
If everything looks right select the stagged repository and click the close button.
Git and tag the release to Github
git add .
git commit -m "Release ${newVersion}"
git tag ${newVersion}
git push --tags
# Roll back all the changes so they don't get added to the main codebase
git reset HEAD~1
git checkout .
git clean -fd
Everything is good to go. Mark the release to be deployed to central.
./mvnw nexus-staging:release -Prelease -DstagingRepositoryId=iogithubefenglu-1000