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File metadata and controls

128 lines (78 loc) · 4.48 KB


The projectmvc-cloud project is a sample end-to-end application using modern and lightweight MVC patterns.


  1. Install Java 8

  2. Install maven

  3. Postgres 9.3+ in localhost port 5432 (default dev configuration in the /WEB-INF/

  4. Install node.js/npm (node.js install/download)

    • On mac, you can intall node with brew
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure you do not have a folder ~/node_modules/ otherwise local packages will be installed there which is not what we want. If you have such folder, delete it (then, local modules will be install per project folder).
  5. Upgrade npm with:

    npm -v
    sudo npm install npm -g
  6. Upgrade node with (this way might not work on windows, google the correct way to update node to the latest):

    # Clear NPM's cache:
    sudo npm cache clean -f 
    # Install a little helper called 'n'
    sudo npm install -g n   
    # Update node to the latest stable
    sudo n stable
  7. Install gulp.

    npm install gulp -g
    • Make sure to install gulp globally first (with -g) to have access to the "gulp" command.

    • We are using maven to build, but we also call node.js from maven for all of the web files processing and other scripting needed (e.g., recreateDb from .sql file name conventions)

  8. Check node and npm version

    npm -v

    Should be above 2.14.1

    node -v

    Should be above v0.12.7

Being deprecated
- /apps/jcruncherEx.jar (from We used to use jcruncher to compile handlebars and less, but now that we are embracing node.js into our maven build process for more power and flexibility.

- old note: Make sure to download the 0.9.4 or above. This is to compile the handlebars (3.0.1) and lesscss (1.7.5) as part of the maven built or interactivly during development with ```java -jar /apps/jcruncherEx.jar -i```. (in later versions, the goal is to make jcruncher a maven plugin so that we do not have this extra harcoded step).

Dev Setup

Once java 8, postgresql, maven, git, npm/node, and gulp are installed do the following steps:

  1. Create a folder "projectmvc/" in your projects directory.

  2. Clone maven source

    git clone [email protected]:BriteSnow/projectmvc.git projectmvc_mvnsrc
    • BEST PRACTICE: The "_mvnsrc" suffix means it is a maven src directory (typically checked in as it in git), and the parent folder is the project folder for other files such as design, data, output, other project related files that does not need to be checked in)
  3. Then, from the the projectmvc_mvnsrc install the node_modules for this project.

    npm install
    • Note: This will install all of the modules in the "package.json" in the projectmvc_mvnsrc/node_modules directory, enabling gulp to be called.

    • Important: Important when adding modules to the gulpfile.js make sure to do it with the npm install .... --save to make sure it gets added to the package.json (such as the next developer can just do a "node install" to install missing modules)

  4. Create the database

Now that node, gulp, and the node_modules are installed, we can run gulp to create the database following the convention.

$ gulp recreateDb
  • Note: As we can see in the gulpfile.js file, the "recreateDb" task run a psql on postgres/postgres for the "00...sql" file (which will create the "pmvc_user" and "pmvc_db"), and then, run all of the subsequent sql files with the "pmvc_user" on "pmvc_db". This scheme will enable a simple way to do a incremental database update and keep production and development as close as possible.
  1. Initial build

Now that the dev database is created, we can build the application

$ mvn clean package
  1. From same command line, run maven jetty

    mvn jetty:run
  2. When in development, automatically reprocess the web files when edit with

    gulp watch

Usually, you have one terminal running mvn jetty:run and another one (typically another terminal tab on mac) with hulp watch

  1. Go to http://localhost:8080/


Currently, the functionalities are very limited, but it shows how the whole server and client stack fit together, with some BriteSnow best practices. settings are still under development.