First of all: Thanks for your interest in this project and taking the time to contribute.
If you have found a bug, please check the project's issue page first and feel free to create a new issue, if no one else has reported it yet.
When reporting a bug, it is helpful to include additional information about the problem you have encountered:
- A traceback and/or screenshots of the issue
- The versions of the involved packages
- Ideally a code example which can be used to consistently reproduce the bug
Create a fork of this repository and follow the steps in the :ref:`dev_docs/setup:Development Setup` guide included in order to get a running system. It is also advisable to at least skim through the :ref:`dev_docs/index:Developer Documentation` to get an idea of the structure of this project.
We have created an EditorConfig file for this project that should be usable for most IDEs. Otherwise please make sure to adhere to the specifications from the config file.
The code follows the PEP8 style guide with the exception that the maximum
line length is 120 characters. You can use flake8
with the configuration from the tox.ini
file to check if your
changes conform with the rest of this project's code.
Follow Google's JS style guide for the JavaScript code and Vue's style guide for the Vue specific code. The maximum line length was also extended to 120 characters. There is currently no linting set up for these style guides.
Follow Google's CSS style guide for any styling changes you want to make.
Before creating a pull request make sure to check whether:
- Docstrings
- Existing docstrings have to be updated
- New code has valid and descriptive docstrings
- Tests
- Existing tests have to be fixed
- New code is covered by tests
- All tests pass
The documentation (in particular the Sphinx documentation) has to be modified
You updated the translations if you added or changed translated strings
$ cd planning_poker $ python ../ makemessages
or mentioned in the pull request that there are missing translations
Any user-facing changes are documented in the changelog
You added yourself to the list of authors
New features should be merged into the development
branch, whereas smaller bugs can be directly merged into the