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118 lines (106 loc) · 21.6 KB
Package Test Name Test Description Applies To
dbt-core unique Checks if the values in a specific column or a combination of columns are unique. Column
dbt-core not_null Ensures that the specified column does not contain any null values. Column
dbt-core relationships Verifies the referential integrity between a child and a parent table, typically ensuring foreign key constraints. Column
dbt-core accepted_values Ensures that a column's values are within a predefined set of acceptable values. Column
dbt-utils equal_rowcount Asserts that two relations have the same number of rows. Model
dbt-utils fewer_rows_than Asserts that the respective model has fewer rows than the model being compared. Model
dbt-utils equality Asserts the equality of two relations. Optionally specify a subset of columns to compare. Model
dbt-utils expression_is_true Asserts that a valid SQL expression is true for all records. Useful for checking integrity across columns, verifying outcomes based on algebraic operations, verifying column length, or the truth value of a column. Model, Column
dbt-utils recency Asserts that a timestamp column in the reference model contains data that is at least as recent as the defined date interval. Model
dbt-utils at_least_one Asserts that a column has at least one value. Model, Column
dbt-utils not_constant Asserts that a column does not have the same value in all rows. Model, Column
dbt-utils not_empty_string Asserts that a column does not have any values equal to ''. An optional argument trim_whitespace controls whether whitespace should be trimmed from the column when evaluating. Model, Column
dbt-utils cardinality_equality Asserts that values in a given column have exactly the same cardinality as values from a different column in a different model. Model, Column
dbt-utils not_null_proportion Asserts that the proportion of non-null values present in a column is between a specified range [at_least, at_most] where at_most is an optional argument (default: 1.0). Model, Column
dbt-utils not_accepted_values Asserts that there are no rows that match the given values. Model, Column
dbt-utils relationships_where Asserts the referential integrity between two relations with an added predicate to filter out some rows from the test. Useful to exclude records such as test entities or rows created in the last X minutes/hours. Model, Column
dbt-utils mutually_exclusive_ranges Asserts that for a given lower_bound_column and upper_bound_column, the ranges between the lower and upper bounds do not overlap with the ranges of another row. Model
dbt-utils sequential_values Confirms that a column contains sequential values. It can be used for both numeric values, and datetime values. Model, Column
dbt-utils unique_combination_of_columns Asserts that the combination of columns is unique. For example, the combination of month and product is unique, however neither column is unique in isolation. Model
dbt-utils accepted_range Asserts that a column's values fall inside an expected range. Any combination of min_value and max_value is allowed, and the range can be inclusive or exclusive. Model, Column
elementary-data volume_anomalies Monitors the row count of your table over time per time bucket, comparing the row count of each bucket within the detection period to the row count of previous time buckets. Model
elementary-data freshness_anomalies Monitors the freshness of your table over time, comparing the freshness of each bucket within the detection period to the freshness of previous time buckets. Model
elementary-data event_freshness_anomalies Monitors the freshness of event data over time, focusing on the expected time it takes each event to load by measuring the difference between the event timestamp and when it is loaded to the database. Model
elementary-data dimension_anomalies Monitors the frequency of values in configured dimensions over time, alerting on unexpected changes in distribution. Best configured on low-cardinality fields. Model
elementary-data all_columns_anomalies Executes column-level monitors and anomaly detection on all columns of the table, checking data type of each column and executing relevant monitors. Excludes columns based on exclude_prefix/exclude_regexp. Model
elementary-data column_anomalies Executes column-level monitors and anomaly detection on a specific column, checking the data type of the column and executing relevant monitors. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_to_exist Expect the specified column to exist. Column
dbt-expectations expect_row_values_to_have_recent_data Expect the model to have rows that are at least as recent as the defined interval prior to the current timestamp. Optionally gives the possibility to apply filters on the results. Column
dbt-expectations expect_grouped_row_values_to_have_recent_data Expect the model to have grouped rows that are at least as recent as the defined interval prior to the current timestamp. Use this to test whether there is recent data for each grouped row defined by group_by and a timestamp_column. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_aggregation_to_equal_other_table Except an (optionally grouped) expression to match the same (or optionally other) expression in a different table. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_column_count_to_be_between Expect the number of columns in a model to be between two values. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_column_count_to_equal_other_table Expect the number of columns in a model to match another model. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_columns_to_not_contain_set Expect the columns in a model not to contain a given list. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_columns_to_contain_set Expect the columns in a model to contain a given list. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_column_count_to_equal Expect the number of columns in a model to be equal to expected_number_of_columns. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_columns_to_match_ordered_list Expect the columns to exactly match a specified list. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_columns_to_match_set Expect the columns in a model to match a given list. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_row_count_to_be_between Expect the number of rows in a model to be between two values. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_row_count_to_equal_other_table Expect the number of rows in a model match another model. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_row_count_to_equal_other_table_times_factor Expect the number of rows in a model to match another model times a preconfigured factor. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_table_row_count_to_equal Expect the number of rows in a model to be equal to expected_number_of_rows. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_unique Expect each column value to be unique. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_not_be_null Expect column values to not be null. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_null Expect column values to be null. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_of_type Expect a column to be of a specified data type. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_in_type_list Expect a column to be one of a specified type list. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_have_consistent_casing Expect a column to have consistent casing. By setting display_inconsistent_columns to true, the number of inconsistent values in the column will be displayed in the terminal. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_in_set Expect each column value to be in a given set. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_between Expect each column value to be between two values. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_not_be_in_set Expect each column value not to be in a given set. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_increasing Expect column values to be increasing. If strictly: True, then this expectation is only satisfied if each consecutive value is strictly increasing. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_decreasing Expect column values to be decreasing. If strictly=True, then this expectation is only satisfied if each consecutive value is strictly decreasing. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_value_lengths_to_be_between Expect column entries to be strings with length between a min_value value and a max_value value (inclusive). Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_value_lengths_to_equal Expect column entries to be strings with length equal to the provided value. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_match_regex Expect column entries to be strings that match a given regular expression. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_not_match_regex Expect column entries to be strings that do NOT match a given regular expression. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_match_regex_list Expect the column entries to be strings that can be matched to either any of or all of a list of regular expressions. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_not_match_regex_list Expect the column entries to be strings that do not match any of a list of regular expressions. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_match_like_pattern Expect column entries to be strings that match a given SQL like pattern. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_not_match_like_pattern Expect column entries to be strings that do not match a given SQL like pattern. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_match_like_pattern_list Expect the column entries to be strings that match any of a list of SQL like patterns. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_not_match_like_pattern_list Expect the column entries to be strings that do not match any of a list of SQL like patterns. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_count_to_equal Expect the number of distinct column values to be equal to a given value. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_count_to_be_greater_than Expect the number of distinct column values to be greater than a given value. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_count_to_be_less_than Expect the number of distinct column values to be less than a given value. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_values_to_be_in_set Expect the set of distinct column values to be contained by a given set. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_values_to_contain_set Expect the set of distinct column values to contain a given set. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_values_to_equal_set Expect the set of distinct column values to equal a given set. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_distinct_count_to_equal_other_table Expect the number of distinct column values to be equal to number of distinct values in another model. Model, Column, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_column_mean_to_be_between Expect the column mean to be between a min_value value and a max_value value (inclusive). Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_median_to_be_between Expect the column median to be between a min_value value and a max_value value (inclusive). Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_quantile_values_to_be_between Expect specific provided column quantiles to be between provided min_value and max_value values. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_stdev_to_be_between Expect the column standard deviation to be between a min_value value and a max_value value. Uses sample standard deviation (normalized by N-1). Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_unique_value_count_to_be_between Expect the number of unique values to be between a min_value value and a max_value value. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_proportion_of_unique_values_to_be_between Expect the proportion of unique values to be between a min_value value and a max_value value. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_most_common_value_to_be_in_set Expect the most common value to be within the designated value set Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_max_to_be_between Expect the column max to be between a min and max value Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_min_to_be_between Expect the column min to be between a min and max value Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_sum_to_be_between Expect the column to sum to be between a min and max value Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_pair_values_A_to_be_greater_than_B Expect values in column A to be greater than column B. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_column_pair_values_to_be_equal Expect the values in column A to be the same as column B. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_column_pair_values_to_be_in_set Expect paired values from columns A and B to belong to a set of valid pairs. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_select_column_values_to_be_unique_within_record Expect the values for each record to be unique across the columns listed. Note that records can be duplicated. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_multicolumn_sum_to_equal Expects that sum of all rows for a set of columns is equal to a specific value Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique Expect that the columns are unique together, e.g. a multi-column primary key. Model, Seed, Source
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_within_n_moving_stdevs A simple anomaly test based on the assumption that differences between periods in a given time series follow a log-normal distribution. Column
dbt-expectations expect_column_values_to_be_within_n_stdevs Expects (optionally grouped & summed) metric values to be within Z sigma away from the column average Column
dbt-expectations expect_row_values_to_have_data_for_every_n_datepart Expects model to have values for every grouped date_part. Model, Seed, Source

📝 How to Contribute

Contributions are what make the "Awesome dbt Tests" repository thrive. Whether you're contributing a new test, a real-world example, or simply fixing a typo, your input is highly valued.

To contribute:

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your contribution.
  4. Add Your Contribution: Whether it's a new test definition, a real-world example, or any other valuable content, add it to the relevant section.
  5. Submit a Pull Request: Once you're satisfied with your contribution, submit a pull request for review.

Please refer to the file for detailed contribution guidelines.

📄 License

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. By contributing to the "Awesome dbt Tests" repository, you agree to abide by its terms.

🙏 Acknowledgments

  • dbt Labs for creating and maintaining dbt, a transformational tool in the data world.
  • The creators and maintainers of the dbt packages featured in this repository.
  • The data community for continuously contributing to and advancing the dbt ecosystem.

Join us in building the most comprehensive resource for dbt testing. Let's work together to enhance data reliability and quality across the board!