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508 lines (464 loc) · 20.7 KB

File metadata and controls

508 lines (464 loc) · 20.7 KB

Keyboard typing

Case video

Case code

import json
import threading

from uvc_camera import UVCCamera
import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
from transformation import *
from pymycobot import Mercury
import typing as T
import cv2.aruco as aruco
from marker_utils import *
import stag
from matplotlib.path import Path

# Convert the rotation matrix to Euler angles
def CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(pdtRotationMatrix):
    pdtEulerAngle = np.zeros(3)
    pdtEulerAngle[2] = np.arctan2(pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0], pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0])
    fCosRoll = np.cos(pdtEulerAngle[2])
    fSinRoll = np.sin(pdtEulerAngle[2])
    pdtEulerAngle[1] = np.arctan2(-pdtRotationMatrix[2, 0],
                                  (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0]) + (fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0]))
    pdtEulerAngle[0] = np.arctan2((fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 2]) - (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 2]),
                                  (-fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 1]) + (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 1]))
    return pdtEulerAngle

# Obtain object coordinates (camera system)
def calc_markers_base_position(corners: NDArray, ids: T.List, marker_size: int, mtx: NDArray, dist: NDArray) -> T.List:
    if len(corners) == 0:
        return []
    rvecs, tvecs = solve_marker_pnp(corners, marker_size, mtx, dist)
    res = []
    for i, tvec, rvec in zip(ids, tvecs, rvecs):
        tvec = tvec.squeeze().tolist()
        rvec = rvec.squeeze().tolist()
        rotvector = np.array([[rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]]])
        Rotation = cv2.Rodrigues(rotvector)[0]
        Euler = CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(Rotation)
        cam_coords = tvec + rvec
        target_coords = cam_coords
    return target_coords

# Convert Euler angles into rotation matrices
def CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(ptrEulerAngle):
    ptrSinAngle = np.sin(ptrEulerAngle)
    ptrCosAngle = np.cos(ptrEulerAngle)
    ptrRotationMatrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 0] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 1] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] - ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[0, 2] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] + ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 0] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 1] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] + ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[1, 2] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] - ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 0] = -ptrSinAngle[1]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 1] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0]
    ptrRotationMatrix[2, 2] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0]
    return ptrRotationMatrix

# Coordinate conversion to homogeneous transformation matrix, (x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) units rad
def Transformation_matrix(coord):
    position_robot = coord[:3]
    pose_robot = coord[3:]
    RBT = CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(pose_robot)
    PBT = np.array([[position_robot[0]],
    temp = np.concatenate((RBT, PBT), axis=1)
    array_1x4 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # Concatenate two arrays by row
    matrix = np.concatenate((temp, array_1x4), axis=0)
    return matrix

def Eyes_in_hand(coord, camera, arm):
    # Camera coordinates
    Position_Camera = np.transpose(camera[:3])
    # Robot arm coordinate matrix
    Matrix_BT = Transformation_matrix(coord)
    # Hand eye matrix
    if arm == "left":
        Matrix_TC = np.array([[0, -1, 0, Camera_LEN],
                              [1, 0, 0, -3],
                              [0, 0, 1, -Tool_LEN],
                              [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        Matrix_TC = np.array([[0, 1, 0, Camera_LEN],
                              [-1, 0, 0, 28],
                              [0, 0, 1, -Tool_LEN],
                              [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # Object coordinates (camera system)
    Position_Camera = np.append(Position_Camera, 1)
    Position_B = Matrix_BT @ Matrix_TC @ Position_Camera
    return Position_B

# Waiting for the end of the dual arm operation
def wait():
    while (ml.is_moving() or mr.is_moving()):

# Waiting for the left arm to finish running
def waitL():
    while (ml.is_moving()):

# Waiting for the right arm to finish running
def waitR():
    while (mr.is_moving()):

# Draw a keyboard frame and read the coordinates of each letter
def draw(frame, arm):
    global per_right_corners, per_left_corners
    # Grayscale the image
    imGray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # Obtain the corner points of the QR code in the image
    (corners, ids, rejected_corners) = stag.detectMarkers(imGray, 11)
    # Obtain the displacement and rotation vectors of the QR code relative to the camera through corner points
    marker_pos_pack = calc_markers_base_position(corners, ids, marker_size, mtx, dist)
    if arm == "left":
        # Obtain the current end coordinates of the robotic arm
        stag_cur_coords = np.array(ml.get_base_coords())
        stag_cur_bcl = stag_cur_coords.copy()
        stag_cur_bcl[-3:] *= (np.pi / 180)
        # Obtain the coordinates of the QR code relative to the base of the robotic arm through the hand eye matrix
        stag_fact_bcl = Eyes_in_hand(stag_cur_bcl, marker_pos_pack, "left")
        stag_coord = stag_cur_coords.copy()
        stag_coord[0] = stag_fact_bcl[0]
        stag_coord[1] = stag_fact_bcl[1]
        stag_coord[2] = stag_fact_bcl[2]
        # Store the three-dimensional coordinates of the QR code
        keyboard_coords[","] = stag_coord
        # Obtain the current end coordinates of the robotic arm
        stag_cur_coords = np.array(mr.get_base_coords())
        stag_cur_bcl = stag_cur_coords.copy()
        stag_cur_bcl[-3:] *= (np.pi / 180)
        # Obtain the coordinates of the QR code relative to the base of the robotic arm through the hand eye matrix
        stag_fact_bcl = Eyes_in_hand(stag_cur_bcl, marker_pos_pack, "right")
        stag_coord = stag_cur_coords.copy()
        stag_coord[0] = stag_fact_bcl[0]
        stag_coord[1] = stag_fact_bcl[1]
        stag_coord[2] = stag_fact_bcl[2]
        # Store the three-dimensional coordinates of the QR code
        keyboard_coords["."] = stag_coord
    # Obtain the displacement and rotation vectors of the QR code relative to the camera through corner points
    rvecs, tvecs = solve_marker_pnp(corners, marker_size, mtx, dist)
    # Draw the coordinate system
    cv2.drawFrameAxes(frame, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs, 50)
    draw_img = frame

    x1 = corners[0][0][0][0]
    y1 = corners[0][0][0][1]
    x2 = corners[0][0][1][0]
    y2 = corners[0][0][1][1]

    x = x1 - x2
    y = y1 - y2
    # Obtain the deflection angle based on the angle of the line connecting two intersection points
    r = np.arctan(y / x)
    r = abs(r)
    # Obtain the distance between two corner points
    size = abs(x / np.cos(r))
    # The distance between the x-axis of the two buttons on the left arm camera
    left_x_dis = size * 1.3
    # The distance between the y-axis of the two buttons on the left arm camera
    left_y_dis = size * 1.35
    # The distance between the x-axis of the two buttons on the right arm camera
    right_x_dis = size * 1.3
    # The distance between the y-axis of the two buttons on the right arm camera
    right_y_dis = size * 1.35
    # Radius of key box
    rad = int(size / 2)
    # The offset distance between the x-axis of the left arm camera and the first letter
    left_add_x = [size * 1.25]
    # The offset distance between the y-axis rows of the left arm camera and the first letter
    left_add_y = [-size * 2, -size * 2.3, -size * 3]
    # The offset distance between the x-axis of the right arm camera and the first letter
    right_add_x = [size * 1.3]
    # The offset distance between the y-axis rows of the right arm camera and the first letter
    right_add_y = [size * 4.1,  size * 2.1, size * 1]
    # Get the center point of the keyframe
    tray_frame = Path(corners[0][0])
    tray_frame_center_plot = tray_frame.vertices.mean(axis=0)

    # Draw the button box
    def draw_keyboard(arm):
        if arm == "left":
            # The offset distance between the camera x-axis and the first letter
            add_x = left_add_x
            # The offset distance between the y-axis rows of the left arm camera and the first letter
            add_y = left_add_y
            # Left arm button layout
            keyboard_txt = left_keyboard_txt
            # The distance between the x-axis of the two buttons on the left arm camera
            x_dis = left_x_dis
            # The distance between the y-axis of the two buttons on the left arm camera
            y_dis = left_y_dis
            # The offset distance between the camera x-axis and the first letter
            add_x = right_add_x
            # The offset distance between each row of the camera y-axis and the first letter
            add_y = right_add_y
            # Right arm button layout
            keyboard_txt = right_keyboard_txt
            # The distance between the x-axis of the two buttons on the right arm camera
            x_dis = right_x_dis
            # The distance between the y-axis of the two buttons on the right arm camera
            y_dis = right_y_dis

        # Loop drawing the keyboxes for each row and column
        for j in range(len(keyboard_txt)):
            for i in range(len(keyboard_txt[j])):
                # Obtain the corresponding key letters
                txt = keyboard_txt[j][i]
                # Obtain the two-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding keys
                if arm == "left":
                    x_key = int(tray_frame_center_plot[0] + add_x[0] + x_dis * j)
                    y_key = int(tray_frame_center_plot[1] + add_y[j] - y_dis * i)
                    x_key = int(tray_frame_center_plot[0] - x_dis * j)
                    y_key = int(tray_frame_center_plot[1] + add_y[j] + y_dis * i)
                if y1 < y2:
                    rr = -r
                    rr = r
                row = draw_img.shape[0]

                x_key = x_key
                y_key = row - y_key
                x_center = tray_frame_center_plot[0]
                y_center = row - tray_frame_center_plot[1]
                # Obtain the position of a point in the image after rotating around another point
                x_end = (x_key - x_center) * np.cos(rr) - (y_key - y_center) * np.sin(rr) + x_center
                y_end = (x_key - x_center) * np.sin(rr) + (y_key - y_center) * np.cos(rr) + y_center
                x_end = int(x_end)
                y_end = int(row - y_end)
                # Calculate the corner points of this button
                key_corners = (np.array(
                    [[(x_end - size / 2, y_end - size / 2),
                      (x_end + size / 2, y_end - size / 2),
                      (x_end + size / 2, y_end + size / 2),
                      (x_end - size / 2, y_end + size / 2)]],
                # Obtain the coordinates of the button (camera system)
                marker_pos_pack = calc_markers_base_position(key_corners, ids, marker_size, mtx, dist)
                if arm == "left":
                    # Obtain the current coordinates of the robotic arm
                    left_cur_coords = np.array(ml.get_base_coords())
                    left_cur_bcl = left_cur_coords.copy()
                    left_cur_bcl[-3:] *= (np.pi / 180)
                    # Convert key coordinates (camera system) to (base coordinate system) through matrix transformation
                    left_fact_bcl = Eyes_in_hand(left_cur_bcl, marker_pos_pack, "left")
                    left_end_coord = left_cur_coords.copy()
                    left_end_coord[0] = left_fact_bcl[0]
                    left_end_coord[1] = left_fact_bcl[1]
                    left_end_coord[2] = stag_coord[2]
                    # Save the button positions in the dictionary for easy access to subsequent clicks
                    if txt in left_control:
                        keyboard_coords[txt] = left_end_coord
                    # Obtain the current coordinates of the robotic arm
                    right_cur_coords = np.array(mr.get_base_coords())
                    right_cur_bcl = right_cur_coords.copy()
                    right_cur_bcl[-3:] *= (np.pi / 180)
                    # Convert key coordinates (camera system) to (base coordinate system) through matrix transformation
                    right_fact_bcl = Eyes_in_hand(right_cur_bcl, marker_pos_pack, "right")
                    right_end_coord = right_cur_coords.copy()
                    right_end_coord[0] = right_fact_bcl[0]
                    right_end_coord[1] = right_fact_bcl[1]
                    right_end_coord[2] = stag_coord[2]
                    # Save the button positions in the dictionary for easy access to subsequent clicks
                    if txt in right_control:
                        keyboard_coords[txt] = right_end_coord
                # Draw the frame of the button
      , (x_end, y_end), rad, (0, 0, 255), 2)

    return draw_img

# Fine adjustment of left and right walls
l_x = 3
l_y = 3
r_x = - 5
r_y = -10

def keyboard():
    while True:
        key_code = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        if key_code != 255:
            key_code = chr(key_code)
            if key_code in left_control:
                # Read the three-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding keys
                coords = keyboard_coords[key_code].copy()
                coords[0] = coords[0] + l_x
                coords[1] = coords[1] + l_y
                coords[2] = 315
                # Control point press button
                ml.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
                ml.send_base_coord(3, 305, sp)
                ml.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
                ml.send_angles(ml_pos, sp)
            elif key_code in right_control:
                # Read the three-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding keys
                coords = keyboard_coords[key_code].copy()
                coords[0] = coords[0] + r_x
                coords[1] = coords[1] + r_y
                coords[2] = 330
                # Control point press button
                mr.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
                mr.send_base_coord(3, 320, sp)
                mr.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
                mr.send_angles(mr_pos, sp)

def write_string(txt):
    per_key = None
    # Loop click button
    for key_code in txt:
        if key_code in left_control:
            # Read which arm the previous button was on. If it is the same arm, click continuously. If not, the other arm will return to the initial point
            if per_key not in left_control:
                # Return to the starting point
                mr.send_angles(mr_pos, sp)
            per_key = key_code
            # Read the three-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding keys
            coords = keyboard_coords[key_code].copy()
            coords[0] = coords[0] + l_x
            coords[1] = coords[1] + l_y
            coords[2] = 315
            # Control the mechanical arm by clicking and pressing
            ml.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
            ml.send_base_coord(3, 305, sp)
            ml.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
        elif key_code in right_control:
            # Read which arm the previous button was on. If it is the same arm, click continuously. If not, the other arm will return to the initial point
            if per_key not in right_control:
                # Return to the starting point
                ml.send_angles(ml_pos, sp)
            per_key = key_code
            # Read the three-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding keys
            coords = keyboard_coords[key_code].copy()
            coords[0] = coords[0] + r_x
            coords[1] = coords[1] + r_y
            coords[2] = 330
            # Control the mechanical arm by clicking and pressing
            mr.send_base_coords(coords, sp)
            mr.send_base_coord(3, 320, sp)
            mr.send_base_coords(coords, sp)

# Open the camera to read the image
def camera():
    per_frame_left = None
    per_frame_right = None
    while True:
        left_frame = left_camera.color_frame()
            left_frame = draw(left_frame, "left")
            per_frame_left = left_frame
        except Exception as e:
        right_frame = right_camera.color_frame()
            right_frame = draw(right_frame, "right")
            per_frame_right = right_frame
        except Exception as e:
        # rotate image
        left_turn_img = cv2.rotate(left_frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
        right_turn_img = cv2.rotate(right_frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
        # merge images
        imgs = np.hstack([left_turn_img, right_turn_img])
        # Show pictures
        cv2.imshow("calibed", imgs)
        key_code = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        # When pressing the q key, capture a picture for operation
        if chr(key_code) == "q":
            left_turn_img = cv2.rotate(per_frame_left, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
            right_turn_img = cv2.rotate(per_frame_right, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
            imgs = np.hstack([left_turn_img, right_turn_img])
            cv2.imshow("calibed", imgs)
    # Control both arms and click on the keyboard to hello world

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set left and right wall ports
    mr = Mercury("/dev/ttyACM0")
    ml = Mercury("/dev/ttyTHS0")
    # Store the corner values of the QR code read by the left and right arms
    per_left_corners = []
    per_right_corners = []
    Sp=60 # Robot arm movement speed
    Tool_LEN=175 # Distance between Claw and Flange
    CameraLEN=78 # Distance between camera and flange
    # Set the initial angle of the left and right arms
    ml_pos = [-31.92, -7.36, 0.0, -110.82, 81.75, 59.04, 44.25]
    mr_pos = [27.12, 28.34, 0.0, -108.77, -69.42, 71.92, -9.52]
    # Left arm keyboard layout
    left_keyboard_txt = [
        ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p"],
        ["a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l"],
        ["z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m"]
    # Right arm keyboard layout
    right_keyboard_txt = [
        ["m", "n", "b", "v", "c", "x", "z"],
        ["l", "k", "j", "h", "g", "f", "d", "s", "a"],
        ["p", "o", "i", "u", "y", "t", "r", "e", "w", "q"],
    # Left arm clicks on letters
    left_control = ["q", "w", "e", "r", "t",
                    "a", "s", "d", "f", "g",
                    "z", "x", "c", "v", ","]
    # Right arm clicks on letters
    right_control = ["y", "u", "i", "o", "p",
                     "h", "j", "k", "l",
                     "b", "n", "m", "."]
    # Store the three-dimensional coordinates of all keyboard keys
    keyboard_coords = {}

    np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, formatter={'float_kind': '{:.2f}'.format})
    # Camera configuration file
    camera_params = np.load("src/camera_params.npz")
    mtx, dist = camera_params["mtx"], camera_params["dist"]
    # QR code size
    marker_size = 15
    # Set left and right arm camera IDs
    left_camera = UVCCamera(3, mtx, dist)
    right_camera = UVCCamera(2, mtx, dist)
    # Move the left and right walls to the initial point
    mr.send_angles(mr_pos, sp)
    ml.send_angles(ml_pos, sp)
    # Waiting for the end of the exercise
    # threading.Thread(target=camera).start()
    # while True:
    #     s = input("键盘字母:")
    #     if s in left_control:
    #         coords = keyboard_coords[s]
    #         print(coords)
    #     elif s in right_control:
    #         coords = keyboard_coords[s]
    #         print(coords)

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