From 3df6e7cdacfc199031c0f43a3bed2e981b62bc08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wangWking <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:28:14 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8Dpython=E8=BF=90=E5=8A=A8?=
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 .../10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/    |  10 +-
 .../                              | 112 +++++++++++++++-
 .../                              | 120 +++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/ b/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/
index 22b12cb..5bf964a 100644
--- a/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/
+++ b/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/
@@ -170,23 +170,23 @@ mc.send_angle(1, 40, 20)
     <td style="text-align: center;">1</td>
-    <td>-170 ~ 170</td>
+    <td>-168 ~ 168</td>
     <td style="text-align: center;">2</td>
-    <td>-137 ~ 137</td>
+    <td>-135 ~ 135</td>
     <td style="text-align: center;">3</td>
-    <td>-151 ~ 142</td>
+    <td>-145 ~ 145</td>
     <td style="text-align: center;">4</td>
-    <td>-148 ~ 184</td>
+    <td>-148 ~ 148</td>
     <td style="text-align: center;">5</td>
-    <td>-169 ~ 169</td>
+    <td>-168 ~ 168</td>
     <td style="text-align: center;">6</td>
diff --git a/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/ b/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/
index 654a05d..1177355 100644
--- a/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/
+++ b/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.1_320_PI-ApplicationPython/
@@ -200,7 +200,117 @@ mc.send_coord(1, 100, 70)
-## 6 Controlling Gripper
+## 6 Control the robot arm to swing left and right
+from pymycobot.mycobot320 import MyCobot320
+import time
+# Initialize a MyCobot320 object
+mc = MyCobot320("/dev/ttyAMA0", 115200)
+# Get the coordinates of the current position
+angle_datas = mc.get_angles()
+# Use a sequence to pass the coordinate parameters and let the robot move to the specified position
+mc.send_angles([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 50)
+# Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+# while not mc.is_paused():
+# Move joint 1 to the position of 90
+mc.send_angle(1, 90, 50)
+# Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+# Set the number of loops
+num = 5
+# Let the robot swing left and right
+while num > 0:
+    # Move joint 2 to position 50
+    mc.send_angle(2, 50, 50)
+    # Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+    time.sleep(1.5)
+    # Move joint 2 to position -50
+    mc.send_angle(2, -50, 50)
+    # Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+    time.sleep(1.5)
+    num -= 1
+# Retract the robot. You can manually swing the robot, and then use the get_angles() function to get the coordinate sequence,
+# Use this function to make the robot reach the position you want.
+mc.send_angles([88.68, -135, 145, -128.05, -9.93, -15.29], 50)
+# Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot arm has reached the specified position
+# Let the robot arm relax and you can swing it manually
+<video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="100%"
+poster="" data-setup='{"aspectRatio":"16:9"}'>
+  <source src="../../resources/10-ApplicationBasePython/myArm/2.5python控制机械臂左右摆动01.mp4"></video>
+## 7 Controlling the robotic arm to dance
+from pymycobot.mycobot320 import MyCobot320
+import time
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # MyCobot320 class initialization requires two parameters:
+    #   The first is the serial port string:"/dev/ttyAMA0"
+    #   The second is the baud rate: 115200
+    #
+    #    Example:
+    #           mc = MyCobot320("/dev/ttyAMA0", 115200)
+    # Initialize a MyCobot320 object
+    mc = MyCobot320("/dev/ttyAMA0",115200)
+    # Set the start time
+    start = time.time()
+    # Let the robot reach the specified position
+    mc.send_angles([-1.49, 115, -145, 30, -33.42, 137.9], 80)
+    # Determine whether it has reached the specified position
+    while not mc.is_in_position([-1.49, 115, -145, 30, -33.42, 137.9], 0):
+        # Let the robot resume movement
+        mc.resume()
+        # Let the robot move for 0.5s
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        # Pause the movement of the robot
+        mc.pause()
+        # Determine whether the movement has timed out
+        if time.time() - start > 3:
+            break
+    # Set the start time
+    start = time.time()
+    # Let the exercise last for 30 seconds
+    while time.time() - start < 30:
+        # Let the robot quickly reach this position
+        mc.send_angles([-1.49, 115, -145, 30, -33.42, 137.9], 80)
+        # Set the color of the light to [0,0,50]
+        mc.set_color(0, 0, 50)
+        time.sleep(0.7)
+        # Let the robot quickly reach this position
+        mc.send_angles([-1.49, 55, -145, 80, 33.42, 137.9], 80)
+        # Set the color of the light to [0,50,0]
+        mc.set_color(0, 50, 0)
+        time.sleep(0.7)
+<video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="100%"
+poster="" data-setup='{"aspectRatio":"16:9"}'>
+  <source src="../../resources/10-ApplicationBasePython/myArm/2.6控制机械臂跳舞01.mp4"></video>
+## 8 Controlling Gripper
 from pymycobot.mycobot320 import MyCobot320
diff --git a/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.2_320_M5-ApplicationPython/ b/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.2_320_M5-ApplicationPython/
index 1167487..3ea3b9b 100644
--- a/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.2_320_M5-ApplicationPython/
+++ b/10-ApplicationBasePython/10.2_320_M5-ApplicationPython/
@@ -214,7 +214,125 @@ mc.send_coord(Coord.X.value, 100, 70)
-## 6 Controlling Gripper
+## 6 Control the robot arm to swing left and right
+from pymycobot.mycobot320 import MyCobot320
+import time
+# Initialize a MyCobot320 object
+# M5 version
+mc = MyCobot320("COM3", 115200)
+# Get the coordinates of the current position
+angle_datas = mc.get_angles()
+# Use a sequence to pass the coordinate parameters and let the robot move to the specified position
+mc.send_angles([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 50)
+# Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+# while not mc.is_paused():
+# Move joint 1 to the position of 90
+mc.send_angle(1, 90, 50)
+# Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+# Set the number of loops
+num = 5
+# Let the robot swing left and right
+while num > 0:
+    # Move joint 2 to position 50
+    mc.send_angle(2, 50, 50)
+    # Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+    time.sleep(1.5)
+    # Move joint 2 to position -50
+    mc.send_angle(2, -50, 50)
+    # Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot has reached the specified position
+    time.sleep(1.5)
+    num -= 1
+# Retract the robot. You can manually swing the robot, and then use the get_angles() function to get the coordinate sequence,
+# Use this function to make the robot reach the position you want.
+mc.send_angles([88.68, -135, 145, -128.05, -9.93, -15.29], 50)
+# Set the waiting time to ensure that the robot arm has reached the specified position
+# Let the robot arm relax and you can swing it manually
+<video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="100%"
+poster="" data-setup='{"aspectRatio":"16:9"}'>
+  <source src="../../resources/10-ApplicationBasePython/myArm/2.5python控制机械臂左右摆动01.mp4"></video>
+## 7 Controlling the robotic arm to dance
+from pymycobot.mycobot320 import MyCobot320
+import time
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # MyCobot320 class initialization requires two parameters:
+    # The first is the serial port string, such as:
+        # Linux: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
+        # Windows: "COM3"
+    # The second is the baud rate:
+        # M5 version: 115200
+    # Example:
+        # mycobot-M5:
+            # Linux:
+              # mc = MyCobot320("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200)
+            # Windows:
+              # mc = MyCobot320("COM3", 115200)
+    # Initialize a MyCobot320 object
+    # M5 version
+    mc = MyCobot320("COM3",115200)
+    # Set the start time
+    start = time.time()
+    # Let the robot reach the specified position
+    mc.send_angles([-1.49, 115, -145, 30, -33.42, 137.9], 80)
+    # Determine whether it has reached the specified position
+    while not mc.is_in_position([-1.49, 115, -145, 30, -33.42, 137.9], 0):
+        # Let the robot resume movement
+        mc.resume()
+        # Let the robot move for 0.5s
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        # Pause the movement of the robot
+        mc.pause()
+        # Determine whether the movement has timed out
+        if time.time() - start > 3:
+            break
+    # Set the start time
+    start = time.time()
+    # Let the exercise last for 30 seconds
+    while time.time() - start < 30:
+        # Let the robot quickly reach this position
+        mc.send_angles([-1.49, 115, -145, 30, -33.42, 137.9], 80)
+        # Set the color of the light to [0,0,50]
+        mc.set_color(0, 0, 50)
+        time.sleep(0.7)
+        # Let the robot quickly reach this position
+        mc.send_angles([-1.49, 55, -145, 80, 33.42, 137.9], 80)
+        # Set the color of the light to [0,50,0]
+        mc.set_color(0, 50, 0)
+        time.sleep(0.7)
+<video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="100%"
+poster="" data-setup='{"aspectRatio":"16:9"}'>
+  <source src="../../resources/10-ApplicationBasePython/myArm/2.6控制机械臂跳舞01.mp4"></video>
+## 8 Controlling Gripper
 from pymycobot.mycobot320 import MyCobot320