First start by installing ionic framework by following the instruction on their website
Download and install Git from here
Note: Once downloaded, a couple of commands will need to be executed -
open your Command line (terminal for mac users) as Admin and type the following command: go into the directory you want to save the project. git clone https://github.com/roncodingenthusiast/codebenders-applets-amc.git cd codebenders-applets-amc
run the project: still in the command line cd organator ionic serve -l automatically opens your default browser and runs the app.
ABC of github git status: to see what file has changed since your last commit
git checkout insertbranchname : to switch to a branch
git pull: get all new commits and files from the branch online to your computer
git push: send all new commits and files from your computer to the branch you are on
git commit -m "insert what you did here": this is the ctrl+s of github you insert a message. after this, the git push sends it online
git branch: shows you what branch you are on.