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E-graph rewrite rules for common algebraic identities over a common DSL schema, for use with hegg:

  • Right and left identity elements.
  • Right and left absorbing elements.
  • Idempotency.
  • Commutativity.
  • Distributivity.
  • Involution.
  • Fixpoints.

See that package's documentation for an introduction to e-graphs and to hegg's interface.


Given the type below modeling a free Boolean lattice over a, the associated base functor, and some functions lifting each base functor constructor into a Pattern...

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module MyDslDemo where

import Data.Equality.Matching.Pattern 
  ( Pattern
  , pat
import Data.Equality.Saturation 
  ( Rewrite ( (:=)
-- A sample of the rewrites provided by this package:
import Data.Equality.Matching.Pattern.Extras
  ( unit
  , comm
  , dist
  , unDist
data Lattice a where
  Val  :: a -> Lattice a
  Bot  :: Lattice a
  Top  :: Lattice a
  Meet :: Lattice a -> Lattice a -> Lattice a
  Join :: Lattice a -> Lattice a -> Lattice a
  Comp :: Lattice a -> Lattice a
  deriving Functor

data LatticeF a b where
  ValF  :: a -> LatticeF a b
  BotF  :: LatticeF a b
  TopF  :: LatticeF a b
  MeetF :: b -> b -> LatticeF a b
  JoinF :: b -> b -> LatticeF a b
  CompF :: b -> LatticeF a b
  deriving Functor

valP :: forall a. a -> Pattern (LatticeF a)
valP = pat . ValF

botP, topP :: forall a. Pattern (LatticeF a)
botP = pat BotF
topP = pat TopF

compP :: forall a. Pattern (LatticeF a) -> Pattern (LatticeF a)
compP = pat . CompF

meetP, joinP :: forall a. Pattern (LatticeF a) -> Pattern (LatticeF a) -> Pattern (LatticeF a)
meetP x y = pat (MeetF x y)
joinP x y = pat (JoinF x y)

...then the following functions use a few functions from this package to construct rewrite rules corresponding to some of the common algebraic identities that hold of Boolean lattices:

meetUnit, meetComm, joinComm, meetJoinDist, unMeetJoinDist :: forall analysis a. Rewrite analysis (LatticeF a)
{- | The top element of a bounded lattice is the identity of meet:  /∀ x, ⊤ ∧ x = x/.

'meetUnit' is equivalent to the rewrite rule

> meetP topP "x" := "x"

...reflecting one of the directions of the underlying identity — the "simplifying" one that reduces the
number of nodes in the expression tree.
meetUnit = unit meetP topP "x"

-- | This is the analgous rewrite rule for the identity of `join`.
joinUnit = unit joinP botP "x"

{- | Meet is commutative. Equivalent to

> meetP "x" y := meetP "y" "x" 

meetComm = comm meetP "x" "y"

-- | Join is also commutative...
joinComm = comm joinP "x" "y"

{- | This rule creates one of the two directions of the identity reflecting that /meet distributes over join/.

> "x" `meetP` ("y" `joinP` "z") := ("x" `meetP` "y") `joinP` ("x" `meetP` "z")
meetJoinDist = dist meetP joinP "x" "y" "z"

-- | This rule generates the other direction of the /meet-distributes-over-join/ identity.
unMeetJoinDist = unDist meetP joinP "x" "y" "z"

-- ...

None of the rules here are presently terribly complicated, and rules for essentially only one DSL schema are currently present. Pull requests are welcome.