A new column has been added to the table ecchronos.on_demand_repair_status
, this must be added before upgrading.
The command to add the column is shown below:
ALTER TABLE ecchronos.on_demand_repair_status ADD completed_time timestamp;
Note: Make sure that you create the column with the cql_type timestamp since its not possible to change cql_type on an existing column.
A new table has been introduced and must be present before upgrading.
The required table is shown below:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ecchronos.on_demand_repair_status (
host_id uuid,
job_id uuid,
table_reference frozen<table_reference>,
token_map_hash int,
repaired_tokens frozen<set<frozen<token_range>>>,
status text,
completed_time timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY(host_id, job_id))
WITH default_time_to_live = 2592000
AND gc_grace_seconds = 0;
An optional configuration parameter for remote routing has been introduced, the default value is true.
This can be configured in conf/ecc.yml
remoteRouting: false