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<title>Left Auxiliary Console</title>
<!-- Alternate gear -->
<area shape="circ" coords="69,458,9" title="Alternative Gear Reset Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>Allows normal landing gear retraction after an alternate extension if hydraulic pressure is available.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="poly" coords="86,420,98,429,84,460,87,468,82,476,73,476,57,497,44,489,60,451" title="Alternative Gear Handle" impl="yes"><ul><li>Provides pneumatic pressure to forcefully extend landing gear.</li><li>This is an emergency option if the normal landing gear system is inoperative.</li></ul></area>
<!-- Auxiliary Threat Warning Panel -->
<area shape="rect" coords="112,383,140,411" title="Search Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>IN/ON - Search-mode radars are displayed on the RWR ('S' is steady on the button).</li><li>OUT/OFF - Search-mode radars are not displayed on the RWR ('S' flashes on the button when search-mode radar activity is detected).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="144,383,173,411" title="Activity/Power Light" impl="yes"><ul><li>ACTIVITY - Illuminates when radar activity has been detected.</li><li>POWER - Illuminates when POWER has been applied.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="112,414,140,442" title="Low Altitude Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>IN/ON - Prioritizes low altitude threats on the RWR; LOW ALT is illuminated.</li><li>OUT/OFF - Prioritizes high altitude threats on the RWR.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="144,414,173,442" title="System Power Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>Applies Power to the EWS suite when pushed and is illuminated.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="160,457,9" title="DIM Control" impl="no"><ul><li>Dimmer control for brightness of the TWA status lights.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="102,353,182,501" title="Auxiliary Threat Warning Panel" />
<!-- Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) Panel -->
<area shape="circ" coords="305,471,13" title="HMCS Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>Controls the power and intensity of the HMCS symbology.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="186,438,426,501" title="Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) Panel" />
<!-- Countermeasures Dispenser System (CMDS) Panel -->
<area shape="circ" coords="371,410,13" title="CMDS Mode Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>OFF - CMDS is not powered and countermeasure cannot be released.</li><li>STBY - Release parameters and programming can be manually changed through the UFC.</li><li>MAN - Countermeasures are dispensed via CMS-fwd according to the currently selected program (1-4 on the PRGM knob).</li><li>SEMI - Release is not automatic but the EWS will prompt the pilot through the VMS ('Counter') whenever the system feels countermeasures should be employed. The pilot can then give consent to release via CMS-aft. The selected program (1-4) will be released once. If the threat persists, the EWS will prompt for consent again. Consent must be given each time.</li><li>AUTO - The EWS determines when and how often to dispense expendables (PRGM 1-4) and operate the jammer. Consent must be given once with CMS-aft and is assumed until cancelled with CMS-right.</li><li>BYP - Bypass is a manual release mode that allows the pilot to release one chaff and one flare only at each CMS-fwd command.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="249,306,317,320" title="CMDS Fault" impl="yes"><ul><li>AUTO DEGR is displayed in the 01 & 02 Quantity Indicator windows when the CMDS is in a degraded state.</li><li>Caused by a failure of, absence of, or unpowered JMR pod.</li><li>Countermeasure release and JMR control in the AUTO mode are affected.</li><li>Manual (MAN) and Bypass (BYP) modes will still release countermeasures properly.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="319,410,13" title="Program (PRGM) Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>1-4 - Selects 1 of 4 pre-programmed EWS programs to be executed according to the CMDS MODE setting (these programs are customizable by the pilot).</li><li>BIT - Runs a BIT and shows faults on the quantity windows (not implemented).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="259,393,280,422" title="Jettison (JETT) Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>Jettisons all remaining flares.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="249,328,386,367" title="Expendable Category Switches" impl="For chaff (CH) and flares (FL) only"><ul><li>There are four CMDS dispensers which can be loaded with a variety of expendable countermeasures.</li><li>Each Expendable Category Switch must be set ON for that expendable category to be dispensed.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="318,306,387,320" title="Quantity Indicators" impl="For chaff (CH) and flares (FL) only"><ul><li>Displays the quantity of each category of expendable counter-measures.</li><li>When the countermeasure quantity is bingo, 'LO' is displayed.</li><li>When the countermeasure quantity is empty, '0' is displayed.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="323,286,390,298" title="Right Status Indicator" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays DISPENSE RDY when the CMDS is ready to dispense countermeasures and manual consent is required.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="221,284,300,299" title="Left Status Indicator" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays NO GO / GO to indicate the status of the CMDS.</li><li>GO - The system is ready.</li><li>NO GO - The system is not ready (the system is not powered, failed or not ready).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="220,315,245,339" title="RWR Source Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>ON - RWR switch must be ON for SEMI and AUTO CMDS modes to function.</li><li>OFF - SEMI and AUTO modes are disabled.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="220,357,245,381" title="Jammer (JMR) Source Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>ON - Allows the JAMMER to work in conjunction with the CMDS (The CMDS Mode switch must be set in the SEMI and AUTO position for this to work).</li><li>OFF - SEMI and AUTO mode coordination is disabled.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="220,399,245,422" title="MWS Switch" impl="no"><ul><li>Enabled/disables the missile warning system.</li><li>Available in some blocks.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="186,280,426,437" title="Countermeasures Dispenser System (CMDS) Panel" />
<!-- Speed Brake Position Indicator -->
<area shape="rect" coords="150,304,175,342" title="Speed Brake Position Indicator" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays the position of the speed brakes.</li></ul></area>
<!-- Landing Gear Panel -->
<area shape="rect" coords="174,226,199,251" title="Stores Configuration Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>Commands AOA/g limits based on stores loadout.</li><li>CAT I.</li><li>Max AOA = 25°.</li><li>AOA and roll rate are limited when AOA is between 15°- 25° and airspeed <250 kts.</li><li>CAT III.</li><li>Max AOA = 16°- 18° depending on GW.</li><li>AOA begins to be limited starting at 7°AOA/100 kts through 15°AOA/420 kts, depending on AOA and airspeed.</li><li>9g is available until 15°AOA; max g decreases as a function of AOA/airspeed.</li><li>Max roll rate is limited to approximately 60% of CAT I roll rate.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="circ" coords="250,239,11" title="Horn Silencer Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>Silences the LG warning horn and the low speed warning tone.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="285,230,325,248" title="Landing and Taxi Lights Switch" impl="Only OFF and LANDING"><ul><li>TAXI - Illuminates the Taxi lights.</li><li>OFF - Both off.</li><li>LANDING - Illuminates the Taxi lights and the Landing lights.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="339,192,386,242" title="Down Lock Release Button" impl="no"><ul><li>Allows the retraction of the LG in case of LG Handle solenoid failure by depressing this button and moving the LG handle.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="389,165,418,228" title="Landing Gear Handle Warning Light" impl="yes"><ul><li>Red light illuminates when the LG and doors are in transit; or have failed to lock in the commanded position.</li><li>Also illuminates when all LGs are not down and locked when the aircraft is:.</li><li><190 kts.</li><li><10,000 feet altitude.</li><li>>250 fpm descent rate.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="404,149,419,156" title="Landing Gear Handle Down Permission Button" impl="no"><ul><li>Unlocks the Landing Gear handle electrically to permit movement to the down position.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="387,125,426,236" title="Landing Gear (LG) Handle" impl="yes"><ul><li>UP - Raises the landing gear electrically.</li><li>DOWN - Lowers the landing gear electrically.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="195,151,218,179" title="Ground Jettison Enable Switch" impl="yes"><ul><li>ENABLE - Enables Emergency Stores Jettison and Selective Jettison with WoW.</li><li>OFF - Disables Emergency Stores Jettison and Selective Jettison with weight-on-wheels (WoW).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="236,148,260,172" title="Brakes Channel Switch" impl="no"><ul><li>Allows switching between toe brake Channel 1 and Channel 2 power sources.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="278,145,300,172" title="Parking Brake/Anti-Skid Switch" impl="Only as an ON/OFF parking brake switch that disconnects >80% RPM"><ul><li>PARKING BRAKE - Full brake pressure is applied until the throttle is advanced more than 1 inch beyond idle (Designed to keep the plane from rolling at idle).</li><li>ANTI-SKID - Anti-skid protection enabled; Parking Brake disabled.</li><li>OFF - Anti-Skid disabled.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="241,64,297,119" title="Emergency Stores Jettison Button" impl="yes"><ul><li>Jettison air-to-ground stores.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="poly" coords="342,32,384,98,365,126,318,126,300,98" title="Wheels Down Lights" impl="yes"><ul><li>When any LG is down, its respective light is on.</li><li>A safe up and locked LG condition is indicated when all three of the lights (and the LG handle warning light) are off.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="385,32,426,84" title="Hook Switch" impl="no"><ul><li>Extends the emergency barrier arresting hook.</li><li>Not implemented - Although the switch is operable.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="poly" coords="225,41,426,15,426,276,109,276,109,269,190,114,225,108" title="Landing Gear Panel" />