go build
./schedsim [OPTION...]
- --topo: single queue (0), multi queue (1), bounded queue (2)
- --mu: service rate per core [reqs/us]
- --lambda: arrival rate [reqs/us]
- --genType: MM (0), MD (1), MB[90-10] (2), MB[99.9-0.1] (3)
- --procType: FIFO processing - number of cores from common.go (0), Processor sharing (1)
./schedsim --topo=0 --mu=0.1 --lambda=0.005 --genType=2 --procType=0
- A denotes the time between arrivals to the queue
- M: Poisson
- D: fixed inter-arrival time
- S the service time distribution
- M: Exponential
- D: Fixed
- L: Lognormal
- B: Bimodal
- c the number of service channels open at the node
Add schedsim to path:
export PATH="$PATH:${PWD}"
(from where schedsim is)
./scripts/run_new.py "single_queue"
python3 ./scripts/run_many.py run --topo=0 --mu=0.1 --gen_type=1 --proc_type=0 --num_cores=10
python3 ./scripts/run_many.py csv