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Lab 02 - Parser

In this second lab, you will implement the parser for the Alpine compiler.

Obtaining the lab files

To get the lab files, you have 2 options:

  • pull this repository if you already cloned it last week. Otherwise, you can clone it by running the following command:

    $ git pull


    $ git clone
  • Download the zip file on Moodle

Then take your current alpine project, i.e., where you implemented the interpreter, and:

  • copy the parsing/ directory from this week (either from zip or repo) into your alpine project at this place: src/main/scala/alpine/parsing
  • copy the util/ directory from this week (either from zip or repo) into your alpine project at this place: src/main/scala/alpine/util
  • copy the Main.scala file from this week (either from zip or repo) into your alpine project at this place: src/main/scala/Main.scala
  • copy the driver/ directory from this week (either from zip or repo) into your alpine project at this place: src/main/scala/alpine/driver
  • copy the new test files by copying the test/parsing directory from this week (either from zip or repo) into your alpine project at this place: src/test/scala/alpine/parsing
  • copy the test/util/ directory from this week (either from zip or repo) into your alpine project at this place: src/test/scala/alpine/util
  • remove the lib/ directory from your alpine project
  • move the interpreter tests from src/test/scala/alpine/evaluation to archive/test/evaluation. This is because these tests rely on the typechecking phase of the compiler, that we will implement later in the semester. So we keep them here to add them back later.

Your project directory structure should look like something like this:

├── archive/
│   ├── test/
│   │   ├── evaluation/                     <----- MOVE THE INTERPRETER TESTS HERE  
│   │   │   ├── InterpreterTest.scala
├── lib/                                     <----- DELETE THIS DIRECTORY
├── src/
│   ├── main/
│   │   ├── scala/
│   │   │   ├── alpine/
│   │   │   │   ├── driver/                  <----- COPY FROM THIS WEEK FILES
│   │   │   │   ├── evaluation/
│   │   │   │   │   ├── Interpreter.scala
│   │   │   │   ├── parsing/                 <----- COPY FROM THIS WEEK FILES
│   │   │   │   │   ├── Parser.scala
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   │   ├── util/                    <----- COPY FROM THIS WEEK FILES 
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── Main.scala                   <----- COPY FROM THIS WEEK FILES (replace the current one)
├── test/
│   ├── scala/
│   │   ├── alpine/
│   │   │   ├── evaluation/                  <----- MOVED TO ARCHIVE
│   │   │   ├── parsing/                     <----- COPY FROM THIS WEEK FILES
│   │   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   ├── util/                        <----- COPY FROM THIS WEEK FILES

Submit your work

To submit your work, go to this week assignment on Moodle and upload the following file:

  • src/main/scala/alpine/parser/Parser.scala

General idea of the project

Let's recall the global idea of a simple compiler's pipeline:

Source code -> Lexer -> Parser -> Type checking -> Assembly generation

The lexer generates a sequence of tokens from the source code. The parser generates an AST from the sequence of tokens.

For example, consider the following program:

let main = exit(1)

The lexer generates the following sequence of tokens:

  Let(0: 3), // let
  Identifier(4: 8), // main
  Eq(9: 10), // = 
  Identifier(11: 15), // exit
  LParen(15: 16), // (
  Integer(16: 17), // 1
  RParen(17: 18) // )

Let, Identifier, Eq, LParen, Integer, RParen are tokens. The number in parentheses denote the positions in the source text from which the token has been parsed, as 0-based indices in an array of code points.

Given this token stream, the parser generates the following AST:

    main, // identifier
    None, // type
    Some( // initializer
      Application( // function call
        Identifier(exit, 1: 12 - 1: 16),
        List( // arguments
            IntegerLiteral(1, 1: 17 - 1: 18),
   1: 17 - 1: 18
        ), 1: 12 - 1: 19
    ), 1: 1 - 1: 19

The AST is more expressive than the sequence of tokens as it represents the structure of the source code.

General structure of the parser and the codebase

Parsing is decomposed into multiple functions, each of them responsible for parsing a specific part of the grammar. For example, the method binding is responsible for parsing binding trees, like the one shown in the previous section. All of these parsing functions use the following core API:

  • peek: looks at the next token without consuming it.
    • it returns either Some(token) or None if the stream is empty (i.e. we reach an EOF).
  • take(): consumes the next token
    • it returns either Some(token) or None if the stream is empty (i.e. we reach an EOF), and consumes a token from the stream.
  • takeIf(pred: Token => Boolean): takes a predicate, and consumes and returns the next token if it satisfies the predicate
  • take(k: Token.Kind): shorthand for takeIf(_.kind == k)
  • expect(k: Token.Kind): shorthand for take(k)).getOrElse(throw FatalError(…))
    • i.e. it takes the next token and throws an error if it is not the expected kind of token.
  • expect(construct: String, pred: Token => Boolean): same as expect but takes a construct to include in the error message.
  • report: reports an error while parsing.
  • snapshot: returns the current state of the parser
  • restore : restores the state of the parser from a backup returned by snapshot

Observer how these methods are used in the parts of the code that have been provided to get a sense of how they can be used. In particular, pay attention to the way peek and take (and its variants) are used.

New elements of the language

Throughout the lab, we will see new elements of the language.


In Alpine, you can create type declarations:

type Vector2 =
  #vector2(x: Float, y: Float)
type Circle =
  #circle(origin: Vector2, radius: Float)
type Rectangle =
  #rectangle(origin: Vector2, dimension: Vector2)

There is also closed union types (also known as a sum type):

type OptionInt = #none | #some(Int)

In this case, a value of type OptionInt can be either a #none or a #some(Int).

You can also define recursive types:

type List = #empty | #list(head: Any, tail: List)

For reference, the grammar is provided inside the file.


Some hints

The parser is written in composing functions, that each parses a part of the grammar.

For example, let's have a look at the primaryExpression() function. This function peek at the next token, and depending on its nature, calls the appropriate function to parse the corresponding producing rule of the grammar.

private[parsing] def primaryExpression(): Expression =
  peek match
    case Some(Token(K.Identifier, s)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.True, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.False, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.Integer, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.Float, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.String, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.Label, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.If, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.Match, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.Let, _)) =>
    case Some(Token(K.LParen, _)) =>
    case Some(t) if t.kind.isOperatorPart =>
    case _ =>
      recover(ExpectedTree("expression", emptySiteAtLastBoundary), ErrorTree.apply)


In general, each function parses a producing rule of the grammar (see

An important thing to understand and be careful with is when a token is peeked and when it is taken. This is an important aspect of the parser, so think about it before starting to implement.

Some of the functions in the parser are high order parsers: this means that they take another parser as argument. For example, commaSeparatedList takes a parser as argument and returns a parser that parses a list of elements separated by commas.

One last interesting aspect about our pipeline is that some operators are not tokenized by the tokenizer. For example, >= is tokenized as two tokens > and =. This is because the > can be used in other contexts (s.t. List<Int>). Therefore, the parser is responsible from handling this case and create the operator or not depending on the context. This is an important technique in the world of compilers.

Your Task: Implement the Parser

We suggest to start implementing by conditional().

Some hints about how to parse the grammar

This section contains a non-exhaustive list of hints to help you parse and understand the grammar.

Compound expressions compoundExpression()

Look at the grammar and we can see that a compound expression is primary expression followed by a '.', a '(', or nothing. Here are some examples and the corresponding type of the node produced by the parser when the primary expression is followed by '.':

  • #record(a: 1).1: Selection(Record(…), IntegerLiteral(1, …))
  • #record(a: 1).a: Selection(Record(…), Identifier("a", …))
  • #record(a: 1).+: Selection(Record(…), Identifier("+", …))
  • a.b: Selection(Identifier("a", …), Identifier("b", …)
Prefix expressions prefixExpression()
PrefixExpression -> InfixOp | InfixOp CompoundExpression | CompoundExpression

A prefix expression checks if the next token is an operator. If there is no space between the operator and the next token (see noWhitespaceBeforeNextToken), parse the prefix operator and the compound expression that follows. It returns a PrefixApplication AST node. The fact we have to check for white space presence shows us that this gammar is not a context-free grammar.

If there is a whitespace, then it returns directly the operator (recall: it's an Identifier.)

In the case where it is not an operator, it will parse the compound expression (so call the compoundExpression() function.)


An ascribed expression is a prefix expression followed by an optional type cast. It returns a AscribedExpression AST node if there is a type cast, otherwise just a prefix expression. You can use the typecast function.


  • a @ Int: AscribedExpression(Identifier("a", …), Typecast.Widen, TypeIdentifier("Int", _), _)
  • 1 @ Int: AscribedExpression(IntegerLiteral(1, …), Typecast.Widen, TypeIdentifier("Int", _), _)
  • 1: IntegerLiteral(1, …) (returned by the prefixExpression function)
infixExpression and expression()

As we saw in the lecture, parsing expressions requires care because of the ambiguity introduced by precedence.

Notice that infixEpression takes a precendence as input: you may use it this parameter to factor out the parsing of all possible infix expressions with different precedence levels.

You may take inspiration from the precedence climbing algorithm to parse infix expressions. See the Wikipedia article for more information.


To get the text a token contain, you can use the .site.text method.


A Labeled[T] is a value of type T (as in Scala) with an optional String denoting its label.

In Alpine, a Labeled[T] can be:

  • <value>
  • <label>: <value>

Hint: you may find the snapshot and restore methods useful.

Note: as stated in the grammar, a <label> can be an <identifier> or a <keyword>.


  • label: 1Labeled(Some("label"), IntegerLiteral(1, …))
  • match: 1Labeled(Some("match"), IntegerLiteral(1, …))
  • 1Labeled(None, IntegerLiteral(1, …))
inParentheses, inBraces, inAngles

Complete the three different functions that parses an element delimited by parentheses ((<element>)), braces ({<element>}) and angles (<>)

parenthesizedLabeledList(value: () => T): List[Labeled[T]]

This function parses a list of labeled values delimited by parentheses. The list can be empty.

For example, the above function is responsible to parse the following code:

(1, 2, label: 3)

Hint: inParentheses, labeled and commaSeparatedList are useful to implement this function.


In this part, we will break down the record parsing. You should implement recordExpression(), recordExpressionFields() and record(fields: () => List[Field], make: (String, List[Field], …) => T)

  • The record function is responsible for parsing a record. It returns a T AST node. In the case of parsing record expressions, T is ast.Record. It is general and will be used as well for recordTypes

  • recordExpression() is a function used to parse a record expression. It returns a Record AST node.

  • The recordExpressionFields() function is responsible for parsing the fields of a record expression. It returns a List[Labeled[Expression]] AST node.

Do forget that you can reuse parser functions you already implemented so far.

It should parse the following sub grammar:

Record -> '#' Identifier  ['(' LabeledExpressionList ')']

An identifier with a # prefix is a special token called Label.

Note as well that Field in record(…) is a generic type! It should be of subtype Labeled[Tree] and Labeled is covariant. It will come handy when we will parse record types.

Conditionals conditional()

if <expression> then <expression> else <expression>

which correspond to:

IfExpression -> 'if' Expression 'then' Expression 'else' Expression in the grammar.

The if function has necessarily to have an else branch. The else branch is mandatory in Alpine.


The tpe function is responsible for parsing a type. It returns a Type AST node. For the fact, tpe is called tpe because type is a reserved keyword in Scala.

tpe should parse the Type given the grammar above. You can call the primaryType function to parse a PrimaryType.

recordType() and recordTypeFields()

Now, implement the recordType and recordTypeFields functions. They are responsible for parsing a record type and its fields. They should return a RecordType and a List[Labeled[Type]] respectively.

In the same manner as recordExpression and recordExpressionFields, recordType should call the record function.


When encountering a ( token, it can be either a function's type or a parenthesized type (a parenthesized type is a type between parentheses). This function should parse the two cases and return the corresponding AST node.

It should parse both cases:

  • Parenthesized type (ParenthesizedType):


  • Arrow/Lambda type:
(<type1>, <type2>, …, <typeN>) -> <type>
Bindings & let

A binding is a top-level declaration that binds an identifier to a value. It has the following form:

Binding -> 'let' Identifier [':' Type] ['=' Expression]

where [':' Type] and ['=' Expression] is not always optional: the argument initializerIsExpected is true if the initializer is expected (i.e. not optional) and false otherwise (i.e. optional): it may come handy for later! Implement the binding() function that parses a binding.

Functions: function(), valueParameterList(), parameter()

A parameter is of the form:

<identifier> <identifier> [: <type>] // labeled
'_' <identifier> [: <type>] // unlabeled
<keyword> <identifier> [: <type>] // labeled by keyword

In the first case, the first element is the label of the parameter (can be an identifier, _ or a keyword) and the second element is the name of the argument. When labeled by a keyword, the keyword is the label. When labeled, the parameter's name (i.e. its identifier inside the function) is the second identifier. When unlabeled (i.e. _ is the label), the parameter's name is the first and only identifier.

Implement the parameter function that parses a parameter. It returns a Parameter AST node.

Note: here the label is before the identifier without any separator token. It is not the case for labeled where the label is separated by a colon with the identifier.

  • Examples:
    • _ x: Int: Parameter(None, "x", Some(TypeIdentifier("Int", _)), _)
    • label x: Int: Parameter(Some("label"), "x", Some(TypeIdentifier("Int", _)), _)
    • label x: Parameter(Some("label"), "x", None, _)

A value parameter list is a list of parameters. It has the following form:

( <parameter1>, … )

Implement the valueParameterList function that parses a value parameter list. It returns a List[Parameter] AST node.

Hint: you may find the commaSeparatedList function and parameter() useful.


A function is of the form:

fun <identifier> (<type parameters>) [-> <type>] { <expression> }

where [-> <type>] is optional. Implement the function function that parses a function. It returns a Function AST node.


When encountering a ( token, it can be either a lambda or a parenthesized expression. This function should parse the two cases and return the corresponding AST node.

It should parse both cases:



(<value parameter list>) [-> type] { <expression> }

where [-> type] is optional.

Hint: snapshot and restore may come handy.

Match expressions

A match expression is a conditional expression that matches a value against a set of patterns. It has the following form:

match <expression> {
  case <pattern> then <expression>

Let's decompose this pattern into smaller parts as we did for the other elements of the language.


The mtch function is responsible for parsing a match expression. It returns a Match AST node. It expects a match token, an expression and then calls matchBody to parse the body of the match expression.

pattern() with wildcard(), recordPattern(), bindingPattern() and valuePattern()

The four functions are responsible for parsing a pattern. They return a Pattern AST node.

  • wildcard should parse the _ token.
  • valuePattern should parse an expression and return a ValuePattern AST node.
  • bindingPattern should parse a binding() without an initializer!
  • recordPattern should call the record function and return a RecordPattern AST node. Don't forget that you've made a function to parse records! However, it is required to fill the recordPatternFields() function.