We appreciate contributions to improve our translations! If you're new to GitHub and use Windows, here’s how you can submit translation corrections using GitHub Desktop:
- Sign up for a free GitHub account at github.com if you don't have one yet.
- Navigate to our Translations repository.
- Click the "Fork" button in the top right corner to create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
- Download and install GitHub Desktop from desktop.github.com.
- Open GitHub Desktop and sign in with your GitHub account.
- In GitHub Desktop, go to
>Clone Repository
. - Select the “URL” tab and paste the URL of your forked repository.
- Choose a local path where you want to store the repository files and click "Clone".
- Navigate to the local repository folder on your computer using File Explorer.
- Open the translation files you want to edit with a text editor, such as Notepad++.
- Make your translation corrections and save the files.
- Open GitHub Desktop and navigate to the repository.
- You will see your changes listed. Add a summary and description in the bottom left pane:
- Summary: "Corrected translations for [language or section]"
- Description: A brief note on what was changed and why.
- Click "Commit to main".
- Click “Push origin” to upload your changes to GitHub.
- After pushing, GitHub Desktop will offer to create a pull request. Click “Create Pull Request”.
- Alternatively, you can visit your fork on GitHub.com, and you should see an option to "Compare & pull request". Click it.
- Ensure the base repository and branch are correct, add any additional comments, and then click "Create Pull Request".
Your pull request will be reviewed. Once approved, it will be merged into the main repository, and your contributions will be part of the next update.
Thank you for helping us improve our translations!
By contributing to this project, you agree to our Contributor License Agreement.