By Pavel Salazar-Fernandez ([email protected])
Human Population and Evolutionary Genomics Lab | LANGEBIO
Documentation: BEAGLE 3, VCF [1000 Genomes]
This document explains how to convert a PHASED file (Beagle3) to VCF (Variant Call Format).
WARNING: The conversion will de-phase the input file.
- fcGENE (v1.0.7 or upper)
- PHASED file for each chromosome
fcgene --bgl [FILE].phased --oformat vcf --out [OUTPUT]
- [FILE].vcf
WARNING: This conversion has some bugs, the resulting VCF file must be fixed before using it.
The output VCF may have some errors in its header that will not be allowed for some software. Use the following commands to correct them.
Missing: contig line
awk '/##source=fcGENE/ { print; print "##contig=<ID=[chr]",assembly=b37>"; next }1' [FILE].vcf > [FILE].fix.vcf
Switched FORMAT and FILTER tags:
sed -i 's/##FILTER=<ID/##FORMAT=<ID/1' [FILE].fix.vcf
sed -i 's/##FORMAT=<ID=PASS/##FILTER=<ID=PASS/1' [FILE].fix.vcf
- [FILE].fix.vcf
Since PHASED does not save any position info, the chromosome and position must be re-supplied to the generated VCF file. This requires a SNP list.
Source: dbSNP FTP readme
A table containing a list of SNPs for each chromosome with their position. This information can be downloaded from dbSNP:
dbSNP: human, build 147, GRCh37
The downloaded files can be reduced to simpler table like this one:
1 1000 rs123
1 2000 rs456
1 3000 rs789
awk '{if($8 ~ /^NT_/ && $12 > 0)print$7,$12,"rs"$1 | "sort -n -k2"}' OFS="\t" [chr].txt > [chr].cprs.txt
- awk
- Converted VCF file
- SNP list per chromosome (see above)
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$3]=$2;next}($1 ~ /^#/){print;next}($3 in a){$1=[chr];$2=a[$3];print | "sort -n -k2"}' FS="\t" OFS="\t" [chr].cprs.txt [FILE].fix.vcf > [FILE].cprs.vcf
: Generates index from first file.($1 ~ /^#/){print;next}
: Prints headers without any modification.($3 in a){$1=[chr];$2=a[$3];print | "sort -n -k2"}
: If the rsID was found in the index, modifies the CHROM and POS columns, and then sorts SNPs by position in increasing order.
Warning: this command will erase any SNP left with no position info.
- [FILE].cprs.vcf
This script loops through all the autosomic chromosome files and fixes the beagle outputs. Customize it for your needs:
for i in {1..22}; do
printf "\nConverting chr$i ...\n"
./fcgene --bgl [file].chr$i.phased --oformat vcf --out [file].chr$i.raw
gunzip [file].chr$i.raw_vcf.gz
mv [file].chr$i.raw_vcf [file].chr$i.raw.vcf
rm [file].chr$i.raw_*
printf "\nFixing chr$i ...\n"
awk -v chr=$i '/##source=fcGENE/ { print; print "##contig=<ID="chr",assembly=b37>"; next }1' "[file].chr$i.raw.vcf" > temp.vcf
sed -i 's/##FILTER=<ID/##FORMAT=<ID/1' temp.vcf
sed -i 's/##FORMAT=<ID=PASS/##FILTER=<ID=PASS/1' temp.vcf
awk -v chr=$i 'NR==FNR{a[$3]=$2;next}($1 ~ /^#/){print;next}($3 in a){$1=chr;$2=a[$3];print | "sort -n -k2"}' FS="\t" OFS="\t" "chr_$i.cprs.txt" temp.vcf > "[file].chr$i.fix.vcf"
rm temp.vcf
printf "\nFinished chr$i ...\n"
After converting from Beagle3 to VCF and , software designed for
- VCF file
- List of sample IDs
bcftools view [FILE].vcf -S samples.ids -o [FILE].sub.vcf -M2 -c 2:minor -O v
: bcftools mode used for extracting data.-S [file]
: reads a list of IDs (one ID per line) and keepsonly those individuals.-M2
: Only outputs biallelic SNPs.-c 2:minor
Discards monomorphic SNPs (minor allele count = 0) and singletons (minor allele count = 1)-O
: Outputs to VCF
Output: [FILE].sub.vcf
The basic mode of SHAPEIT
, fast and requires little input, but more prone to errors.
- Converted VCF file (fixed and with SNP positions)
- Genetic map
shapeit -V [FILE].cprs.vcf -M genetic_map.[chr].txt -O [FILE].ph.vcf
: VCF file to be phased-M
: Genetic map file for that chromosome-O
: Output name
- [FILE].phs.haps
- [FILE].phs.sample
To output SHAPEIT
results to a VCF (again), use:
shapeit -convert --input-haps [FILE] --output-vcf [FILE].vcf
Source: SHAPEIT: Reference
Since the output VCF lost all phasing information during the conversion, it is necessary to re-phase the data using a reference panel.
- Genetic map
- Reference genotypes (VCF)
- Reference legend & sample
- Converted VCF file with positions
NOTE: check all the data is in the same reference genome build (NCBI b37)
It is recommended to test the files before attempting the phasing.
shapeit -check --input-vcf [FILE].cprs.vcf -M genetic_map.txt --input-ref reference.haplotypes.gz reference.legend.gz reference.sample --output-log [FILE].aligments
will produce an error warning when:
- The input file and the reference have incompatible alleles (strand issues).
- The input file has SNPs not present in the reference.
Two log files will be created:
: describes in detail all the problems found.myLogFile.snp.strand.exclude
: a list of the physical positions of all problems
If this problem occurs, add to the command above the following flag:
--exclude-snp myLogFile.snp.strand.exclude
echo 'XYZ' > grp.list
If the files pass the previous tests, start the phasing process.
shapeit --input-vcf [FILE].cprs.vcf -M genetic_map.txt --input-ref reference.haplotypes.gz reference.legend.gz reference.sample -O [FILE].refphs
Optional flags:
--exclude-snp myLogFile.snp.strand.exclude
--include-grp grp.list
or--include-grp grp.list
- [FILE].refphs.haps
- [FILE].refphs.sample
To output SHAPEIT
results to a VCF (again), use:
shapeit -convert --input-haps [FILE] --output-vcf [FILE].vcf
Documentation: bcftools concat
If the dataset is split in two or more VCF files (e.g. in chromosomes), it is necessary to concatenate them to create a single fused file. This procedure will create a compressed VCF file (.vcf.gz).
- bcftools
- All source files must have the same sample columns appearing in the same order.
- Input files must be sorted by chromosome and positions.
- Files must be given in the correct order.
- (Optional) A file containing a ordered list of the input files
bcftools concat -f [VCF files list] -o [Output file name] -O z
- [FILE].vcf.gz